Training like a Kpop Trainee for a week (Results)

How to get a kpop idol body

Hello everyone! I'm back after my 1 week of my "training", and for each day I wrote a mini log to give you a general iea of what I was doing each day, so please enjoy!

Image result for Kpop training

Day 1:

Here's what my schedule looked like for Monday:

10-11 AM: Wake up, light stretches, breakfast, brush teeth, etc.

11 AM - 1 PM: Dance practice

1 PM - 3 PM: I went to watch the solar eclipse

3 - 3:30 PM: Ate a cup of grapes

3:30 - 5:30 PM: Vocal study

5:30 - 6 PM: Study Korean

6 - 6:30 PM: Eat dinner

6:30 - 7:00 PM: Free time

7 - 9 PM: Dance practice

I'm writing this at 9:10 PM, so 10 minutes after dance practice where I learned Ara Cho's choreography to Nights With You. Since it was a beginner's class, I didn't have any trouble learning it, but I definitely felt tired after practicing it. I also tried out a few other choreographers like Lia Kim's Shape of You, AssAll Crew's Runaway Baby and Mina Myoung's Shining. But in the end I chose to learn Lia Kim's La La Latch as my "Evaluation" dance. My body's definitely gonna be sore tomorrow.

For my two hours of vocal study, my dad was home during the time so I couldn't actually sing or anything, but I got to try out some breathing exercises and read and watch some videos on vocal techniques, identifying strain and etc.

Korean study was pretty easy too. The time flew by pretty fast since the app was fun and I learned some Hangul. But of course I'm very far from being able to speak and write Korean properly.

The diet was also easy, although I got a lot of cravings, I was able to suppress them with drinking water. I feel accomplished being able to not give in to my cravings even though I would still really like to eat a cookie right now hahaha.

I'm really tired from dance practice so I'm gonna go to sleep early today.

Day 2:

Guess who got 12 hours of sleep on Tuesday

12 - 1 PM: Wake up, light ab workout, eat breakfast, etc.

1 - 4 PM: Dance practice

4 - 4:30 PM: Korean Study

4:30 - 4:45 PM: Eat cup of grapes

4:45 - 5:45 PM: Vocal Study

5:45 - 6:30 PM: Prepare and eat dinner

6:30 - 7:45 PM: Diaphragm exercises/Vocal study/practice

My body felt so sore the moment I woke up today I had to take 10 mins just to get out of bed. But after I did I felt better and decided to practice some more dance and was able to finish learning the whole choreography I wanted to learn, however I still need to work on actually memorizing and making it look good of course.

Day 3:

Well today my family had some unexpected plans and decided to go out for dinner and I had a dentist appointment so I couldn't practice as much :/.

9 - 10 AM: Usual stuff

10 AM - 2 PM: Dance practice

2 - 5 PM: Went to the dentist which took a long time because it was busy and I had to wait for my dad too.

5 PM - 7 PM: Order and eat food.

7 - 8 PM: Vocal study

Today I didn't eat anything other than my dinner since it was takeout. Because normally I tend to over eat or easily bloat when eating take out food. I'm definitely not suggesting for anyone to do this but that's what I felt would work most since I'm doing a diet part too. Also as for my Korean study, my parents are making me study French right now for school prep, so I have to drop it. :/

Day 4:

9 - 10 AM: Usual

10 AM - 2 PM: Dance practice

2 - 3:30 PM: Eat grapes

3:30 - 5:30 PM: Vocal study

5:30 - 6:30 PM: Prepare and eat dinner

6:30 - 7:30 PM: Dance practice

Vocal study's actually more entertaining than I thought it would be, the vocal exercises and warm ups are fun to do so time ends up going by faster for me. Although I still can't actually try singing because I still live with people who don't want to go dead any time soon, I still can learn about vocal theory.

Day 5:

9 - 10 AM: Usual

10 AM - 2 PM: Dance practice

2 - 2:30 PM: Strength workouts

2:30 - 3 PM: Eat grapes

3 - 5:30 PM: Vocal study

5:30 - 6:30 PM: prepare and eat dinner

I had to do stuff after dinner so I couldn't do my dance practice. But right now I'm so happy I only have 2 days left of this challenge, my body is killing me after so many dance practices and everything so I can't wait to rest after this challenge is done.

Day 6:

9 - 10 AM: Usual

10 AM - 2 PM: Dance practice

2 - 2:30 PM: Free time

2:30 - 3 PM: Eat grapes

3 - 5:30 PM: Vocal study

5:30 - 6:30 PM: Prepare and eat dinner

6:30 - 9 PM: Dance practice

There's only one day left! I think I'm starting to get used to this schedule and even though my body's yelling at me for all these dance practices, I think I'm starting to like dance a lot more now. Although, now I understand all the people who take hours to memorize dances and perfect everything cause it can get frustrating when your body won't do what your mind wants it to. I think I might start taking up dance after this cause it's actually kind of fun!

Day 7:

9 - 11 AM: Got a headache so everything took longer to do this morning

11 AM - 3 PM: Dance practice

3 - 3:30 PM: Eat grapes

3:30 - 5:30 PM: Vocal study

5:30 - 6:30 PM: Prepare and eat dinner

6:30 - 9 PM: Dance practice

Guys I couldn't even tell you how happy I was once it hit 9 PM today. I'm finally done this challenge and I don't need to stick to this schedule so much anymore.

Final evaluation:

Dance: I've definitely improved that's for sure, I ended up doing Lia Kim's choreography to La La Latch for my evaluation. After spending so long with the song I can finally get why idols don't dance or sing their songs off stage, cause you listen and practice to the song so much every time you listen to it you just get flashbacks from practicing. I'm not gonna post a video of my cover of the dance in case someone I know in real life finds this and sees me. But, overall despite the practice it was actually pretty fun. I'm definitely gonna be resting for a while now though.

Vocal: I wasn't able to practice actually singing cause I still live with people who don't wanna go deaf any time soon. However, I can list some proper vocal techniques off the top of my head. I'll make a mini list but you don't have to read it since it's me just testing myself.

  • Properly warm up your vocals before doing any singing to prevent damage
  • Shoulders, tongue or neck should not be tense while singing
  • All your power should come from your diaphragm and you shouldn't be straining from your throat to hit high notes
  • Open up/relax your throat when singing and create lots of space in your mouth in order for the sounds to properly resonate.
  • Have good breath support
  • Your neck or throat shouldn't feel sore or be hurting after singing as it's a sign of vocal strain which leads to damage.
  • Singing is a skill more than a talent, no one can be born and just start hitting beautiful high notes without taking time to developing their voice or range.
  • Singing shouldn't hurt, if it does you aren't demonstrating proper technique and are straining.

Pretty much it.

Korean: Read my log from day 3 to understand.

Diet: I lost 3 pounds apparently which is pretty impressive for only a week, but needless to say, I might actually stick to my diet for a while as it seems to be working. Just as long as I stay healthy I'm good.

Would I do it again?

Definitely not, hours are insane, I don't get any time to myself, and not talking to my friends for a week while being cooped up in a room replaying and dancing to a song for an hour was exhausting. Although I'm happy to say I was able to get through this, I couldn't imagine doing this for years in order to debut. I didn't even have a trainer but it was insane, I couldn't imagine how it's really like being in a company actually having to do this while being scolded by trainers and with other people. Doing this really made me respect idols more for actually being able to get through this. I'm just glad it's over and I can do things, like dancing, on my terms now.

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to subcribe, upvote and feel free to ask any questions in the comment below! Thank you for reading. :)

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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
Chapter 29: Damn they really look like dolls tho :')
Chapter 74: All the best in your recovery! Eating disorders are bastards in every sense of the word and I'm glad to know you fought back. Closing this story/post/whatever is a huge milestone of how far you've come and how you're letting go of the past. I wish you nothing but the best!
singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
Chapter 74: I've always thought that the 'goals' to achieve those skinny af bodies we're bad enough; the kpop girls look unhealthy and clearly need help as well. It's good that you realized. Hope you recover soon.
Chapter 74: I wish you the best in your recovery, Annie and thank you for being honest with us
Chapter 68: as a korean we do value physical beauty a LOT
i have like a 10 step morning routine and a 13 step night time routine to get that korean 'glass skin'
it's a lot of work, but it does actually work wonders
Chapter 1: it's really nice of you to share all of this!!! i really appreciate it ^.^
2078 streak #9
Chapter 6: I just have realized how much calories I burnt in my workout rountine @@
nadibug #10
Chapter 73: Do you have any recommendations for products that will help get rid of acne scars?