Burn 100 calories with Kpop!

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So most of us hate exercising but it's something we gotta do, I personally hate exercising, I hate every minute of my routine and just wished I was one of those people that are just blessed with a perfect body, sadly for many of us this is the problem we all have, fortunately, we can fix this with some DANCERCISE. Today I made a list of kpop choreos to do and when I checked my calorie counter it came out with 100 calories, so I decided to share this with you guys to help you lose weight in a fun way!

Why dancercise? Because it's one of the best choices for exercise, it's so fun and complicated you don't even notice yourself sweating like a pig until you're done, many kpop idols also use dancing as their workout (Secret's Song Ji eun does the choreo to Secret's "Magic" and "Madonna" 20 times each daily for exercise!) and it's clear it works so why not give it a try?

Disclaimer: This workout does not burn exactly 100 calories, if you're a beginner you'll burn more if you're atheletic you'll burn less but for me it burned 100 cals so just try it for yourself and see what happens!



Girl's generation into the new world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN4yxbchHBA All of the links are links to the dances mirrored

Gfriend me gusta tu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huIWmnAT7BI

Red velvet happiness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S878T1tEDsQ

Orange Caramel my copycat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-CuNJJO604

Miss A breathe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2xUCNDsFn8

Wonder girls Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpPv3uUld24

How was that? Tiring, eh? On the bright side you just burned 100 cals! 

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see, feel free to ask me anything, Don't forget to click that upvote and subscribe button on your way out for a new chapter weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: Miss A's Min

Photo credit: Gurupop.com

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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
Chapter 29: Damn they really look like dolls tho :')
Chapter 74: All the best in your recovery! Eating disorders are bastards in every sense of the word and I'm glad to know you fought back. Closing this story/post/whatever is a huge milestone of how far you've come and how you're letting go of the past. I wish you nothing but the best!
singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
Chapter 74: I've always thought that the 'goals' to achieve those skinny af bodies we're bad enough; the kpop girls look unhealthy and clearly need help as well. It's good that you realized. Hope you recover soon.
Chapter 74: I wish you the best in your recovery, Annie and thank you for being honest with us
Chapter 68: as a korean we do value physical beauty a LOT
i have like a 10 step morning routine and a 13 step night time routine to get that korean 'glass skin'
it's a lot of work, but it does actually work wonders
Chapter 1: it's really nice of you to share all of this!!! i really appreciate it ^.^
2078 streak #9
Chapter 6: I just have realized how much calories I burnt in my workout rountine @@
nadibug #10
Chapter 73: Do you have any recommendations for products that will help get rid of acne scars?