Banana diet review

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So for this chapter I'm doing something that I don't normaly do which is dieting! If you've seen all the chapters in this story you can see we've covered a lot of topics, dieting and exercising tips, exercise reviews, skincare, there even is a chapter about growing taller and seeing if vaseline makes your eyelashes grow. But there's no chapter about a diet review, don't expect more diet reviews to appear though. So this chapter's kind of unique, if you want to see how this diet worked out for me let's go!

What is the banana diet?


The Banana diet is very simple, every morning instead of eating what you normally do for breakfast you're going to eat 1-2 bananas and drink a cup of room temperature water. This diet was created by Sumiko Watanabe and popularized by Seo Jung saying that it helped her lose 6 kgs (13.2 lbs) in 4 weeks! 

The diet plan:


Morning: 1-2 bananas w/ 1 cup of water 

Lunch: Healthy, filling meal that has little to no saturated fat and is non-greasy.

Snack: Bananas 

Dinner: Healthy meal with rice and spices

I don't believe you need to follow this diet strictly, as long as you eat the morning meal and eat healthy for the others you should be fine. If you're wondering you don't NEED to include rice and spices for dinner, it's just recommended. As long as it's a healthy meal it's good! 

Science and extra info:



• It claims to help decrease face size appearance, burns fat around the waist and make chest size fuller however I couldn't find evidence to support this.

• Bananas are rich in fiber. When fiber is eaten during the morning it helps decrease cravings during the afternoon and maake you feel fuller therefore preventing binge eating.

• Doesn't tell you to exercise so you don't need to, perfect for students who have no time to do anything but work and study.

• Tells you to not eat after 8 pm so helps get rid of midnight snacking.


Lost 2 lbs... I did the plan for only 1 week so 2 lbs/0.9 kg seems pretty good if you ask me!

Chest size stayed the same... Story of my life

Lost 0.5 inches on my waist... For the metric system users that's 1.27 cm

I miss cereal... My life feels incomplete 


• Pretty cheap so good for those trying to save money

• For those with low self control but want to diet this is basically a god send, once you eat the bananas for breakfast you don't need to focus on eating certain things at certain times

• Bananas help improve bowel movements.

• This is one of the safest diets to try, doesn't force you to starve yourself or restrict yourself heavily.


• If you want quick results look somewhere else, may take months until you see drastic results.

• Doesn't have strict rules so if you have extremely low self-control you might end up gaining weight

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see, feel free to ask me anything you want. Don't forget to upvote and subscribe for new chapters weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: Red velvet's Seulgi

All photo credits go to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the photos used in this chapter.



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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
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