My favourite quick cardio workouts

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So for this chapter I decided to let you guys know a little more about me and show you guys my favourite exercises. If you've read my very first chapter you can probably guess a few of the workouts that are going to be on this list. This chapter has 5 quick cardio workout ideas for busy people, so if you're looking for some quick cardio routines let's go!

1. Jumprope

I've done jumprope ever since I was 7, my record for the most jumpropes I've ever did in one go was 60 and now it's 900, but I can do 3000 in less than 16 mins. Not meaning to brag or anything... but I like to live dangerously ;). On the serious side though if you want a quick workout try jumproping for 50 seconds for as fast as you can then rest for 10, repeat this workout for 8 mins and you're sure to be sweating after it!

2. Blogilates

I swear to god I'm not sponsered For those of you who don't know what blogilates are it's a fittness channel on youtube hosted by Cassey Ho. On her blog she makes a workout calender for each month to keep you on track of each day and to push yourself to your limits, I do subcribe to her newsletter but I don't follow the calendar religously and do every single one of her videos, but in days where free time is limited I follow the calender. My workouts normally last for 2 hours but the blogilates calendar's workouts lasts for no more than 50 mins, I do highly recommend you check her youtube channel out because her workouts are HARD and maybe subscribe to her newsletter. 

3. 100 burpees

Like most people I have a love-hate relationship with burpees, they're hard and tiring but it's hard to not run into them while working out. Now I know what you thinking "100 BURPEES?!" I know, it's crazy but it works. It normally takes no more than 13 mins for me to complete but after it I'm sweating like a pig, if you're not as athletic you can start of with 20 burpees than work your way up or if you're looking for a challenge try going for 100. Never underestimate yourself, it could suprise you on how many burpees you can actually do!

4. Tiffany's 5:3:2 leg workout

If you haven't checked out the chapter my co-author Jia did on it, you really should. This workout takes no more than 5 mins and helps you shape up and slim down your legs! 3 sets of this exercise is enough to leave your legs feeling sore the next day but it's worth it considering these are the results:


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 5. HIIT

This is my go-to exercise when there's no time for anything else, all of the links I'm going to put down are links to my favourite HIIT workouts that lasts no more than 10 minutes but makes you feel like you've been exercising for an hour. Nobody can create an excuse for not doing HIIT since they require no equipment but can be done in the comfort of your own room!

Anyways that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see on this story, feel free to ask me any questions and I'll answer them as best as I can. Don't forget to click that upvote and subscribe button for a new chapter weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: snsd's Hyoyeon AKA my snsd bias

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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
Chapter 29: Damn they really look like dolls tho :')
Chapter 74: All the best in your recovery! Eating disorders are bastards in every sense of the word and I'm glad to know you fought back. Closing this story/post/whatever is a huge milestone of how far you've come and how you're letting go of the past. I wish you nothing but the best!
singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
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