How to get rid of a double chin

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So nobody wants a double chin; they're hard to get rid of and make us look like we have more fat than we actually have. Even if your body is slim a double chin can easily make you look bigger. So for this chapter I'll show you 5 easy tips that'll help you get a better jawline and help remove some of that pesky fat under your chin, let's go!

1. Back to basics

If you have a double chin and you aren't leading a healthy lifestyle chances are simply just drinking more water than soda, eating healthier foods and doing some exercise will easily clear the fat from your chin! Remember that your body is one so if you lose fat all over you'll be losing fat from your belly, thighs and chin, win-win!

2. Chew gum


If you have a double chin due to genetics you can chew gum to help get rid of it. The movement of the chewing helps tone your jaw muscles and helps get rid of the fat. Remember to chew gum low in calories to avoid gaining any more excess fat. If you don't have gum you can just chew on low calorie foods such as celery!

3. Facial massages

If you want an easy, free way to get rid of chin fat there are tons of easy ways to get rid of fat just by massaging your face!

Some massages i recommend:

- use the back of your hand and place it on your chin so your face is resting on your hand. Use your hand to push gently against your chin then sweep up your jawline until your hand is near your ear. repeat on both sides of your face as many times as you'd like.

Facial massages:

4. Neck posture

If your head naturally tilts down after years of looking down your phone if can make the fat on your neck stick out similar to when you slouch and your stomach bulges out. To correct your neck posture simply relax your shoulders then look forward, bringing your chin up. Doing this allows will help make your chin look slimmer similar to how your stomach looks flatter when you flex.

5. Chin exercises

Similar to the way chewing gum tones your jaw muscles these exercises do the same but just without the gum! The results may vary among people though since since people have said some exercises made their chins bigger while some people says it helped decrease their double chin.

EXERCISE 4: Kiss the Ceiling

EXERCISE 9: Stick Out Tongue

EXERCISE 5: Chin Rotations

I recommend doing 20 reps of each daily to help get good results!

Photo credit:

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see, feel free to ask me anything you want. Don't forget to upvote and subscribe for new chapters weekly and as always I'll see you later!



Person: Red velvet's Joy

Photo credit

***All photos used in this chapter don't belong to me, credit goes to their rightful owners***



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