Rules & Regulations

You open your eyes slightly when you feel a pressure over your body. Mr. Byun is stretched across your seat to lift the shutter up for touch down. He goes back to his seat and glances at you to see if he can put down the seat divider between the two of you without waking you up. He sees that your eyes are already open slightly.

"We're reaching in 15 minutes," he whispers, his voice is sandy and he looks tired. "I'll just put down the arm rest, okay?" You nod unconsciously and close your eyes again.

You're awoken by someone tapping your cheek gently. You flutter your eyes open and see that you're facing Mr. Byun. He looks concern as he asks, "You alright?" You bob your head, planning to go back to sleep again until your teacher stops you. "Oh no, honey. We've arrived in Paris and we're disembarking soon. Don't go back to sleep."

You whine tiredly, dropping your head on Mr. Byun's shoulder unknowingly. You sometimes tend to get all babyish when you're tired, something Sehun has to put up with every time he wakes you up for something.

Mr. Byun chuckles as he bounces his shoulder up and down to make you lift your head. "Come on, kitten. You can sleep in the bus on the way to our hotel." You turn your head and bury your face in the crook of his neck. He laughs even louder. "You're so cute," he mutters to himself.

"We'll leave once everyone has gotten down!" The head teacher shouts to the group, trying to be heard over the noise of people getting their bags.

Mr. Byun sighs and looks down at you sleeping on his shoulder. "Fine, you can sleep a little more." You hum in content until he says, "But you gotta get up when I wake you up later, okay?"

You're already sleeping, so you don't reply him. About half an hour later, once everyone is more or less out of the plane, Mr. Byun unbuckles his seatbelt. He reaches over and gently uncovers your body from the layers of blanket and coats over you. He undoes your seat belt too.

"Okay, get up," Mr. Byun murmurs, tapping your head. "I'm going to be angry if you don't wake up."

You whimper and lift your head slowly from his shoulder. His tone didn't sound happy, so you know you should really wake up. Your eyesight is blurry and you're feeling terribly groggy. Mr. Byun is up and stretching and you might have seen a bit of his skin, though it could be that you're too tired. He glances at you staring at him and he nods.

"Good girl," he praises you.

You blush and stand as well, stretching as best as you can in this cramped place. You look out the window and see that it's already getting dark. It then hits you that it's probably almost evening here. How are you going to sleep at night if you've just had ample sleep? You turn around and wear your coat before passing Mr. Byun his. He gives you your hand carry bag in exchange. You put in your box of tissues and get your other bag from under the seat in front of you.

"Are you guys ready?" The head teachers asks, staring at all of you. He's already carrying everything.

All of you nod and he starts walking towards the exit. You squeeze out of your seat, bumping into Mr. Byun who is standing at the aisle. He reaches around you instinctively, keeping you upright.

"Sorry," he apologises, rubbing his hand gently on your back as if it should make you feel better.

Surprisingly, it does. It also makes your heart go on overdrive and your face pink.

You're on the bus to the hotel with no one sitting next to you. Mr. Kim is passing out the booklets for this educational trip. He gets to you and gives you a friendly smile with the book. You thank him distractedly as you listen to what Mr. Yoo has to say to all of you. According to what Mr. Byun had said before, you will be split into groups with a teacher in charge of every group. Since there are five girls and only one female teacher, it is decided that every group will have one girl.

"Students who want to be under Mr. Kang?" The head teacher asks. No one raises their hand. It is awkward for Mr. Kang and possibly for the subsequent teachers as well, so Mr. Yoo says, "Okay, I'll give you all numbers and the ones with the same numbers will be in a group."

He counts the boys first, giving them numbers from one to five. Then he gives the girls their numbers. You're in group 4. Mr. Yoo then allocates the numbers to each teacher; Mr. Kang as 1, Miss Park as 2, Mr. Kim as 3, Mr. Byun as 4 and himself as 5. You really don't know if this is luck or fate or just something else altogether, but you're in Mr. Byun's group without even needing to ask to be grouped with him.

"All of you will be sharing rooms with one other student. The girls will be paired together, with one girl bunking in with Miss Park. Each male student will share a room with another teacher and the odd ones will bunk in together." There are some groans and Mr. Yoo chuckles. "Oh come on, teachers can be cool too!"

Your lips tip into a side smile. You glance at the teachers and you see that Mr. Kim and Mr. Byun seem to be in a heated discussion. You wonder what they're talking about. Anyhow, Mr. Yoo continues the orientation talk and only rests just 20 minutes before you reach the hotel. All of you leave the bus with nothing left behind, each holding onto your own luggage. You guys follow Mr. Yoo into the hotel where he and Miss Park are checking in.

Since there is free wifi in the hotel lobby, all of you make use of it. You text your mother through a messenger app, informing her that you've arrived safely in the hotel. You don't wish to wake her up. But it seems like she has been waiting up for you because she asks for you to call her. You do and she can tell that you still have a flu, so she tells you to take care of yourself. She reminds you to call her everyday and you talk a little to your sleepy father before you hang up. You call Sehun next, who sounds terribly awake, playing computer games. However, he sounds contented to hear your updates and that you're doing fine. You can even hear the smile on his voice, if that's possible. You know that he must have paused his game just to talk to you.

"We have a slight problem," Mr. Yoo comes back and announces to everyone. You quickly promise to call Sehun back and hang up the phone. The head teacher continues, "The male teachers were originally going to bunk in with a male student each... But it seems that the hotel hasn't enough twin rooms for us. So now we'll just have the students sleep in together..."

The boys are wearing relieved faces while the younger teachers are grinning at the reactions. Everyone starts chattering excitedly, choosing their roommates for the week. Mr. Yoo goes back to the group of teachers and explain the sleeping arrangements.

Finally, when Miss Park has gotten the card keys from the receptionist, Mr. Yoo comes back to split all of you into your rooms. He first starts with the girls and you find yourself bunking in with a smallish girl called Soonkyu. You try to smile at her when your two names are called together, but she only gives you a dead look. You already have a feeling you won't be having a lot of fun during the nights while in Paris.

"This will be my bed," your roommate had so confidently and bossily announced that you didn't know what else to say. Besides, you don't have a sibling, you don't know how it is to live with another person your age. Sehun might count, but he isn't really your biological brother and neither is he as spoiled as this girl. And as you had predicted, Soonkyu isn't very fun. Neither is she very polite or nice to you. You try to keep out of her way when she isn't using her computer and listening to whatever she is watching on the TV.

There is wifi in every room, but you just can't be with your new roommate. The tension is heavy and though the heater is on, it feels so much colder in your room. Of course, you've tried to endure being in the same room with her for about an hour after you've started settling down, but you just can't stand the awkwardness. Which is why you're back in the lobby, making use of the wifi here instead. It is about 10PM in Paris and since it is the day of arrival, everyone is given the rest of the day off since you arrived, to rest and recover from the jet lag.

Sehun has already gone to sleep, so you're just going through Naver and keeping up with the news in Korea. You look up when you hear people speaking in Korean. Mr. Kim and Mr. Byun are in a conversation as they walk in your direction to the entrance of the building. They are wearing thick sweatpants that guys wear during winter and thick padded jackets. Mr. Kim looks at you fleetingly before staring at you again.

"Oh!" He exclaims, halting Mr. Byun in whatever he was saying. You smile and wave politely.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Byun asks as they get closer.

"Just using the wifi," you shake your phone lightly in front of you.

"Our rooms have wifi though," Mr. Kim points out.

You cringe a little. Even though your action isn't obvious, Mr. Byun still chuckles. He guesses, "Roommate?"

You nod in embarrassment. You quickly explain, "Maybe she's just not familiar with me..."

"You poor baby," Mr. Byun laughs. Even Mr. Kim is chuckling. Your teacher then tells you, "We're going out to get some food. Do you wanna come with?"

"Just around here," Mr. Kim nods.

You look at what they're wearing and what you're wearing. They look warm and you're only wearing a pair of thick leggings and your favourite pullover of Sehun's that he grew out of. It isn't enough for winter weather, especially at night. And as if sensing your doubts, Mr. Kim promises to wait for you while you get your jacket.

"Really? I'm not hungry though, you guys can go if you're—"

"Come," Mr. Byun smiles, tilting his head.

And so you nod and tell them that you'll be back in a jiffy. You rush back up to your room where Soonkyu looks like she's doing a video of herself. Before she realises your presence though, you're already out the door with your coat and scarf. You're back down at the lobby where Mr. Byun and Mr. Kim are waiting for you at the couch. They smile up at you when they see you standing before them, their eyes scanning your entire body slowly as they look up.

"That was fast," Mr. Kim remarks.

"I just didn't want you guys to wait," you murmur. The two guys stand and make you walk between them. "What are you going to eat?"

"We'll just see what they have around us," Mr. Byun answers, looking at you as you leave the warm building and into the cold night.

The three of you stop upon getting outside and look at either sides of the street. There seem to have a few shops open if you go right, so the three of you decide to head in that direction.

"Oh, that's a crêperie!" You point to an open store where smoke is coming out from. "You need to have crêpes while in France, shouldn't you?"

Mr. Kim chuckles, "I guess. Let's go and see what they have on their menu."

So you walk towards the shop. The wind blows and you let out a quiet whimper on accident. Your hands are already in your pockets and you already have your scarf around your neck, yet you still feel cold. Mr. Byun must have heard the sound from you because you see his worried look. Mr. Kim has a determined gaze on the crêperie place like his only goal is to get there. You reckon that he must be very hungry. Mr. Byun doesn't say anything and neither do you. When you reach the eatery, you stand before the open shop with the wind blowing against your backs and the heat from the shop warming your fronts. 

You're standing in silence as the two teachers next to you peruse the board for their menu. This place seems pretty good since there are still others who are waiting to order even at this time of night. Mr. Kim looks at his friend across you.

"What are you getting?"

Mr. Byun sounds contemplative and his voice sounds lower than normal as he mumbles, "Ham and cheese."

He turns to Mr. Kim and you're shocked at how sharp his chin is and just how beautiful his features are for a man. And that's also when you realise that you're standing slightly too close to him, like you're trying to feed off his warmth.

"You?" Mr. Byun asks Mr. Kim.

His friend turns back to the board and mutters, "I think I'm going with condensed milk and strawberries..."

"You?" Mr. Byun bends a little so he can murmur in your ear.

You shake your head, "I'm not hungry."

"You didn't eat much on the plane, you know," he narrows his eyes on you.

"But I—"

"Get something," he says anyway, tipping his head at the menu. "If you can't finish it, oppa will eat it for you."

You blush when he says that, so you quickly look at the board. You're not keen on anything heavy, so you decide to settle on butter and sugar. But then you remember that you haven't brought any money out with you.

"Do you know what you want already?" Mr. Kim looks at you. "I'll buy," he smiles.

"Mr. Kim here is very rich—"

"Not 'very'," Mr. Kim rolls his eyes at his friend. He explains to you, "It's just that my parents have a small company and apart from my allowances, I work part-time as a teacher too. So I have at least more money to spend than my Baekhyun here."

"Snob," Mr. Byun scoffs jokingly. Then he demands as a close friend would, "Get me a ham and cheese."

"You?" Mr. Kim is smiling good-naturedly at you.

You chuckle in amusement. "Butter and sugar, please and thank you."

"Ah, the sound of courtesy and politeness," Mr. Kim acts as he puts a hand to his heart.

You and Mr. Byun laugh. The male pushes the older one forward, "Order already."

While Mr. Kim queues to order, Mr. Byun and you move to the side where people are waiting for their orders. Mr. Byun asks you, "Are you cold? Do you want a heat pack?"

You shake your head, burying your nose into your scarf. Your teacher doesn't believe you, so he pulls out a heat pack from his pocket. You stare at it before looking back at him and shaking your head. He sighs and slips his warm hand into your pocket. You freeze at the interaction, feeling not just the warmth of the heat pack but from your teacher's smooth hand as well.

"It'll go out in an hour, but it's really effective," Mr. Byun tells you and takes his hand out while leaving the pack in your pocket. The warmth is already seeping into your fingertips.

"Thank you, Mr. Byun," you murmur shyly. He smiles with his eyes on you. Just to distract yourself, you ask him, "So are you and Mr. Kim sharing a room?"

He nods and laughs, "I can never get rid of him... We sit next to each other in the teachers' room and I have a module with him too. It's almost like you and I."

"You and I?" You repeat, your heart beating harder in your chest.

He nods, "Yeah... First our class, next our plane seats and now our group. It's like I can't ever run from you no matter how much I try."

"Have you tried?" You joke, trying not to make this conversation sound as deep and meaningful as you think.

Mr. Byun shakes his head and you see Mr. Kim walking towards the both of you as he keeps his wallet. Your teacher mumbles softly, "I think fate and destiny are wonderful things but we shouldn't try to change them."

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31 streak #1
Chapter 28: Woah... wanted to read this story for a long while and finally got to finish reading this... too amazing to express... worth reading... loved it too much.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. plot, plot twist, characters and events were so amazing and beyond imagination...hehe.... loved the way their relationship started and developed from bickering couple to a strong and encouraging couple for each other in every steps... loved the way both of them loved, cared, understood, trusted and supported each other every times.. too amazing and heartwarming... he's so sweet and cute.. also loved the way he encouraged and motivated her...there was so many ups and downs in their relationship but they fought it and got together... that's so awesome... uwww... am so happy and Contented with the couple and their happy ending.. his words in the beginning was truly hurtful towards her but his those words and thoughts really helped her to turn things in different directions... in a good way of... paris trip was one of my favorite part.. really enjoyed that part and for me that was one of the most important events that changed their whole lives and thoughts... amusement park date was also one of my favorite one... first official meeting with her parents as her boyfriend... uww... car movie date... hehe.. made up and console part after that R and crazy psycho STY part..finally their promises and happy cute ending... about sehun, one of my favorite character here.. loved the way he was so protective and caring towards her for each and every single time.. really love when he confidently announced that he was her bf even though only to protect her... he was so funny, cute and hilarious.. that red chopsticks part... hilarious.. couldn't stop laughing ... also felt so bad, sad and heartbroken for him for the way it happened.. even though it was understandable and he tried his best ... loved their bonding.. every time I read I felt like I wished I also had a friend like sehun.. aww... but the plot twist with sehun really was both shocking and hilarious... but whatever... hahaha... really loved junmyeon's character... omg.. so cute, funny and so awesome... loved the way he helped them during situations.. that pencil part was so soft, sweet and hot ... glad to read this story.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and cuteeee story. 😍🤗❤️👏👍🤩🙂☺️
Chapter 28: Going third time~ Don’t know why but I’ve always attracted to your stories! Love them! The simple, relax, humour, romance, rated things, story, plot, everything....just love them. 👍🏻
Chapter 28: My second time reading.It was a cutest, sweetest story and all of character I ever read.
Why am I only discovering this fic now…?!🥺😍 loved every second….I mean line/ word of it😍🙈
Chapter 22: And how much I loved when he break the news 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 10: He surely had forgotten about that fact 😭 but wasn’t that adorable when he got angry on behalf of her !?
Chapter 1: It has been a while that ai forgot how I laughed crazily at his pokemon with a long name teasing 🤣🤣 I can’t help that my head already flashed me the whole scene when she appeared with the a-doctor-earns-%@#$4#-money name introduction. I’m so in love with their friendship
Chapter 28: Your works omg I love your works.
Chapter 27: Just finished reading this... OMG this story is so wholesome. This is so cute. I am glad that I found this story