Rules & Regulations

You watch Baekhyun biting on his thumbnail, eyes intent on his computer. Your table mates are engaged in a discussion he set you off on, but you're too distracted by how your boyfriend has his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Baekhyun looks up all of a sudden, as if aware of your stare. He holds your gaze and you feel your body heating up, your heart pounding. Every time Baekhyun looks at you, it feels like you're in Paris all over again, with him and no one else. You curl your hair behind your ear shyly and give him a small smile. He is the only man who can turn you into a crazy, lovesick little girl and you're not at all ashamed of it. The side of his lips twitches as he leans back in his chair, crossing his arms, as he stares at you.

Baekhyun tips his head in your direction, reminding you of your work. Reluctantly, you go back to discussing, though you're entirely aware of his gaze on you. This is the second last class with him for the semester and though you feel kind of melancholic, you're also excited for the end of this teacher-student relationship so you can focus on being a full-time girlfriend to Baekhyun.

You receive a text as you listen to a classmate share her idea. Discreetly, you check your phone and see that it's from an unknown number. You open the message, only to freeze when you have read the content.

Mr Byun's cute, huh? ;) -R

Your heart rate speeds up and your entire body runs cold. Panicking, you look around the classroom, trying to look for the culprit. No one looks suspicious though and it makes you even more afraid. Another text comes.

Wish my bf was as cute as urs -R

Or as smart hahaha -R

Whoever this person is, they definitely know about your relationship with Baekhyun. But the only people who know are the people closest to you and you know they would never say anything to anyone. You crack your brain as to who this R person could be, but you cannot come up with anything. You don't know anyone with the name starting with an R.

"How's the discussion coming along?"

You jump when Baekhyun lingers around your table, a hand on the table next to you as he hovers over you. Your group mates are excitedly sharing their ideas but you can't help but feel uncomfortable. Baekhyun must have realised it too, because he is resting his thigh against your leg, trying to soothe you with his touch. But it only makes you edgier as you move your leg away. A text arrives.

Aww so cute how worried he is over his fave student -R

You don't want Baekhyun to know that you're receiving messages like these, so you quickly cover the screen of your phone. You glance at Baekhyun, hoping he doesn't notice anything, but his eyes are on you and he looks angry and worried. He ends the discussion at your table and goes back to the front of the class. He wraps the class up about ten minutes early and calls for you to stay back. The entire time he entertains the other students' questions, he is constantly glancing at you, concerned.

Once the last student has gone off and you're the only one left, you stand and go over to his table, waiting for him to finish packing up.

"Was that the only text you got?" he asks as he keeps his laptop, looking at you.

You don't know if you should lie so that you don't worry him, but your hesitation is enough to let him know that it's not the only text you got.

"Show me the other messages," he mutters, slinging his bag on a shoulder and guiding the way out.

"No, there are no other messages," you shake your head, looking away.

While waiting for the lift, Baekhyun urges, "I'm serious, baby. Give me your phone."

"No," you answer as the both of you enter the elevator together.

Once the door shuts, Baekhyun presses you up against the wall and your eyes widen at the suddenness. You're frozen in shock while your boyfriend roams his hands all over your body; kneading your , slipping his hands under your shirt. You're amazed by how well he knows you, how did he know that you're hiding your phone from him? He finds the device wedged between your jeans and your body. You swallow at his strong gaze on you, jerking backwards a little in surprise at the peck he gives you.

He moves away and goes through your messages while you sigh, defeated. His eyebrows furrow when he reads the other two texts from the mysterious R. The both of you leave the elevator once you have reached the ground floor.

"Come with me," Baekhyun mutters, already walking in the direction of the car park.

Because there are still classes to attend, the both of you sit in the car, not driving anywhere. You wring your hands together as Baekhyun goes through the texts again, as if trying to look for a clue or two.

"Have you gotten these texts before?" he finally speaks, looking at you. You shake your head. "So this is the first time?" You nod and he hums, going back to investigating.

"I'll just delete them," you tell him, stretching out for your phone.

"What good will that do?" he raises his eyebrows at you, pulling back from your hand. "This person doesn't seem like they will leave you alone if you delete the messages."

You sigh. He's right. And you hate that he's right. For the entire semester, things were going well for the both of you. You're as discreet as your touchiness and hormones let you, and you really didn't expect anything to happen. Especially not on the second last week of classes, and definitely not this dramatically.

"I'll take care of this," Baekhyun reassures, squeezing your thigh. He sends the three messages to himself and returns your phone. "I want you to forward any messages you get from this person, okay?" You nod and he pulls on your chin, leaning forward to give you a soft kiss on your lips. "Don't worry too much, hmm?"

"You be careful too, Baekhyun," you murmur as you open the door. He smiles and nods. "Love you?"

"Love you too, very much," he replies, an adoring smile on his lips.



"Maybe this R person is someone who likes Baekhyun hyung," Sehun suggests, eyebrows in a knit as he reads the messages.

Kai nods, leaning in close to read over his shoulder. "They're probably trying to threaten you into breaking up with him."

You sigh, "I don't know, I just don't think they'd talk about Baekhyun like that to me if they like him. I feel maybe they're just getting a kick out of my reaction..."

"Did Baekhyun get messages like these too?" Sehun wonders, returning your phone.

You shrug, "Even if he did, he wouldn't tell me."

"He doesn't want to worry you?" You nod and Sehun smiles. "He's really sweet."

"But you gotta be on your toes..." Kai inputs. "You know how nice things don't last."

Sehun scowls and rolls his eyes. "Right."

Kai chuckles softly, nudging Sehun with his elbow, "That's not what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't get your expectations up too high."

"With Baekhyun?" you confirm and he nods.

"Sometimes, to protect the one we love, we have to hurt them first," he murmurs quietly.

When you leave the two boys for your class, you don't even have the heart or mind to notice them bickering over who gets to have the last Skittle candy, only to have Sehun giving in and letting Kai take it. All you're thinking about is how right Kai's words are and how Baekhyun is hiding things from you. You wish your boyfriend would stop trying to be the stronger one in the relationship, you just want him to be able to share things with you, too. But your exams are coming and he doesn't want to burden you with more problems than you already have.

After classes, when you meet Baekhyun at his car, you see him talking on the phone as he paces uncomfortably. He sees you, quickly wraps up the conversation and ends the call.

"Who was that?" you ask when he kisses your cheek.

"Oh, just a colleague," he brushes your question off easily. "How were the boys?"

"They're pretty good," you murmur, sighing.

He raises an eyebrow, "Did you get anymore messages?" You shake your head and he holds your hands tightly. "Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing," you smile, shaking your head.

"Hmm," he hums, still not convinced. "Do you think your parents will mind if I sleep over for the night?"



Baekhyun is on your bed, doing his work while you're using your phone, your head on his hip, the both of you just enjoying each other's company. Your game pauses when you receive a new text, this time from another unknown number. Baekhyun focuses his attention on you, wondering who it could be if the one person you text most is right there with you.

"Read it out loud, love," he commands, putting down all work at hand.

How B must love u, studying instead of spending time w u :) gd nite, slp tight. Xx

"It's not R," you add, glancing up at him.

"Baby, my project—"

You shake your head, "I'm not going to let this person break us up like that." You sit up slowly, "What I don't get... is how they know what we're doing." Your eyes widen, "Do you think they have a spy?!"

Baekhyun laughs, setting his computer aside. He grabs your face with both hands, bringing you close so he can kiss you.

"You're thinking too much. No one would spend unnecessary money just to spy on us," he clucks his tongue, kissing your nose. He looks at you seriously now, "Can I have your SIM card for the next two days?"

"Sure, but... why?"

He shrugs, moving back from you to save his work and shut down his computer. "I want to fix this before it gets out of hand." He keeps his laptop away and moves to pull you against his body. "I need to protect my princess, don't I?"

You smile and nod even though all you're thinking about is what Kai said, about how Baekhyun will have to hurt you first, in order for you to be safe. Why do you feel like maybe he is right and your boyfriend is going to do something, without your consent or knowledge, to protect you?

The both of you snuggle up in bed after turning the lights off, finally calling it a day. You can't find peace and neither can you sleep, despite how secure and loved your feel with Baekhyun hugging you to sleep, his lips on your forehead. He falls asleep first while you're still wide awake, thinking about the texts and Kai's words. At almost two in the morning, Baekhyun's phone lights up to indicate an incoming message. You ignore it because you know it's rude to invade his privacy like that, even if he is your boyfriend.

However, a second text makes you curious. You prop yourself up on your elbows, looking over at the lit phone. Baekhyun is still sleeping soundly. You stretch out and retrieve the device, just reading the previews of the messages.

Rmb what u promised me
STY || 2:12AM

Me or her :) gd nite B, slp tight xx
STY || 2:17AM

You frown. Me or her? Why would someone ask him such a question? Unless... No, Baekhyun wouldn't. He will never cheat on you. You return the phone where you found it and snuggle back into Baekhyun's embrace, where he tightens his arms around you unconsciously. Your head hurts and your mind is reeling. Who is this STY person and what's their relationship with Baekhyun? Are they the one who sent you that last unknown message? Otherwise why else would their way of texting be so alike?

You try to fall asleep, but you're too bothered by everything. It doesn't even help that your exams are only in a few weeks. You get your phone and text Sehun, hoping he hasn't slept and is playing his computer game. He replies to your plea for help and you rendezvous to meet him outside at your doorstep. Slowly and carefully, you extricate yourself from Baekhyun's hold and slip out of the room quietly. Sehun is walking into your porch just as you leave the house.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, his tone laced with worry.

You sit on the door step and he settles down next to you, your arms brushing. You sigh, looking up into the sky. "I don't know, Sehun... Everything feels so... unreal." You glance at him, "Baekhyun's been receiving texts from someone, too."

"From an unknown person?" he raises an eyebrow.

"He saved their number as STY," you mention. "They said something like 'remember your promise' and 'Me or her?'"

Sehun frowns. "Me or her?" he repeats suspiciously.

You nod, swallowing. "Baekhyun won't cheat on me. I know he won't, but it's just... Things are getting so complicated, Hun."

"Oh, darling," he gathers you in his arms securely, pressing his lips to the crown of your head.

You stare over his shoulder into nothing, taking in his natural scent without any cologne or deodorant. You have to hear affirmation when you ask, "He won't cheat on me, right?"

"Whoever that cheats on you is the world's greatest idiot," Sehun believes, rubbing your arm and squeezing you tighter. "Don't worry too much, okay? I'm sure Baekhyun hyung knows what he's doing. He's smart enough."

You hum in agreement. "I'm thinking too much, aren't I?" Sehun nods his head. You sigh and pull away from his embrace, looking at him. He purses his lips, curling your hair behind your ear. You decide to change subjects. "So how's coming out to your parents?"

He shakes his head, looking away. "I haven't told them yet. It's... I don't know, I don't wanna think about this now. Maybe after exams, I'll start."

"And Kai?"

"Kai, he..." A soft smile lights up Sehun's face and you can't help but grin. "He's stupid," your best friend finally says.

You honestly expected something mushy from him, but him calling his boyfriend stupid is just something he would say as a form of endearment. That's just Sehun. He's either really sweet, or really idiotic.

"But we haven't thought about our future yet," Sehun looks at you. "I'm not even sure if this is my uality or if it's just a phase."

You laugh, bumping his shoulder with yours. "I don't think you can go through phases with things like this, Sehun."

He hums in thought, bobbing his head. Just then, the door behind the both of you opens and you look up with wide eyes. Baekhyun is staring down at you and Sehun with sleepy eyes, a hand under his shirt as he scratches his chest.

"Baby, what are you doing outside?" he mutters, squatting in front of you, looking at you with one eye open.

"Just wanted to talk to Sehun—" You moan in surprise when he pecks your lips. When he pulls back, you continue as if you hadn't been interrupted in the first place. "—about stuff. What are you doing up?"

"I woke up and you were gone," he murmurs, dropping his head on your shoulder, eyes already shut. "You left your phone unlocked and saw your texts with Sehun."

Sehun pats your knee, standing up as he brushes himself off. "I'll go first. See you tomorrow?" You nod and he walks away backwards, waving at you. "Stop worrying."

Baekhyun is already half asleep when you rub his arm. "Let's go back to bed, Baekhyun."

He hums and stands on his feet unsteadily, so you quickly get up to secure him. You lug him back to your bed where he pulls you by the waist, hugging you so tight that you can't even move.

"I dare you to leave me again," he mutters into your ear, leaving butterfly kisses along your earlobe. You giggle, squirming in his arms. He chuckles softly, lazily. "Good night," he murmurs, hooking your legs with his so that your limbs are tangled.

You close your eyes and snuggle into his warmth, ready for sleep to take over your body. But Baekhyun whispers an additional "Sleep tight" and your eyes shoot open, your heart pounding in your chest. You know you're being too sensitive, but STY's message to Baekhyun ended with the same phrase too. And Baekhyun has never said this to you, normally ending at just good night. You don't want to doubt him but if STY was also the one who texted you that last message, then isn't it too much of a coincidence?

How much have the two been talking for your boyfriend to be influenced by STY and start using a phrase he has never used before?



Probably a long time, you assume.

Because on Sunday, when Baekhyun is supposed to pick you up for your lunch date together, he suddenly calls you. You're expecting him to apologise for being late, blaming the traffic and promising to treat you to dessert as an apology.

But instead, he says, tone lifeless and catching, "I want you to break up with me."



Author's note:

I don't even......... This is like Pretty Little Liars but Korean version... or something.. wtf is going on in my head idek 

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter (actually, no I don't think you liked it bc of the ending but formalities), I'm back in AUS and before school gets hectic again I'm trying to update as much as I can. Still not sure which fic I'm gonna update next though lol

Till next time

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31 streak #1
Chapter 28: Woah... wanted to read this story for a long while and finally got to finish reading this... too amazing to express... worth reading... loved it too much.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. plot, plot twist, characters and events were so amazing and beyond imagination...hehe.... loved the way their relationship started and developed from bickering couple to a strong and encouraging couple for each other in every steps... loved the way both of them loved, cared, understood, trusted and supported each other every times.. too amazing and heartwarming... he's so sweet and cute.. also loved the way he encouraged and motivated her...there was so many ups and downs in their relationship but they fought it and got together... that's so awesome... uwww... am so happy and Contented with the couple and their happy ending.. his words in the beginning was truly hurtful towards her but his those words and thoughts really helped her to turn things in different directions... in a good way of... paris trip was one of my favorite part.. really enjoyed that part and for me that was one of the most important events that changed their whole lives and thoughts... amusement park date was also one of my favorite one... first official meeting with her parents as her boyfriend... uww... car movie date... hehe.. made up and console part after that R and crazy psycho STY part..finally their promises and happy cute ending... about sehun, one of my favorite character here.. loved the way he was so protective and caring towards her for each and every single time.. really love when he confidently announced that he was her bf even though only to protect her... he was so funny, cute and hilarious.. that red chopsticks part... hilarious.. couldn't stop laughing ... also felt so bad, sad and heartbroken for him for the way it happened.. even though it was understandable and he tried his best ... loved their bonding.. every time I read I felt like I wished I also had a friend like sehun.. aww... but the plot twist with sehun really was both shocking and hilarious... but whatever... hahaha... really loved junmyeon's character... omg.. so cute, funny and so awesome... loved the way he helped them during situations.. that pencil part was so soft, sweet and hot ... glad to read this story.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and cuteeee story. 😍🤗❤️👏👍🤩🙂☺️
Chapter 28: Going third time~ Don’t know why but I’ve always attracted to your stories! Love them! The simple, relax, humour, romance, rated things, story, plot, everything....just love them. 👍🏻
Chapter 28: My second time reading.It was a cutest, sweetest story and all of character I ever read.
Why am I only discovering this fic now…?!🥺😍 loved every second….I mean line/ word of it😍🙈
Chapter 22: And how much I loved when he break the news 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 10: He surely had forgotten about that fact 😭 but wasn’t that adorable when he got angry on behalf of her !?
Chapter 1: It has been a while that ai forgot how I laughed crazily at his pokemon with a long name teasing 🤣🤣 I can’t help that my head already flashed me the whole scene when she appeared with the a-doctor-earns-%@#$4#-money name introduction. I’m so in love with their friendship
Chapter 28: Your works omg I love your works.
Chapter 27: Just finished reading this... OMG this story is so wholesome. This is so cute. I am glad that I found this story