Rules & Regulations

"You look like you need some major fixes on your face," Sehun sniggers when he sees you in the morning.

You give him a fake smile, "Thanks, Sehun. The same can be said to you."

"What happened?" he asks, now past the joking stage and is genuinely concerned.

"My father forced me to help in the workshop."

"Ah..." Sehun nods as if that explains everything. And it truthfully does.

It isn't that you're clumsy, you actually do well in labs. But when you're in a workshop full of apparatus that you're not familiar with, you're a klutz. It doesn't help that these aren't baby-proofed and are sharp utensils. If the scars on your legs and fingers are not from burns in the labs or from mosquito bites, it has to be from being in workshops.

Sehun has known you since you moved next to his house six years ago and he knows just how... talented you are with sharp tools of your father's workshop. And also how naggy you are.

"A doctor—"

"Earns more than an architect, why do I have to do something that I hate to earn money?" Sehun mimics you in a horrible way that makes you pinch him. He cringes and rubs the sore spot as he mumbles, "You've said this so many times, I sometimes wonder if my best friend is a human or a Pokemon with a long name."

"Ha-ha. Very funny, Oh Sehun." You roll your eyes as you enter the school compound. "It's true though, isn't it? Besides, a doctor saves lives and cures people, but what does an architect do?"

"Help homeless people build homes?"

"That's right, nothing!" Sehun scoffs when you ignore his suggestion. You're known for being stubborn as a bull, really. "That aside, how can my father not understand that being an architect just isn't my cup of tea? Hasn't he seen the scars?"

At that, you shove your hands in Sehun's face to show him your ugly scars. He pushes your hands away as your classmates filing into the classroom. Sehun twists his hand easily to grab your wrist and pulls you into your first class together. You're no longer fascinated by this skill, since he is one of the star basketball players that represent your university and is known for his agility and sly moves.

Sehun entertains you by making noises of acknowledgment at appropriate intervals while you continue complaining to him about your unfair life. As your calculus teacher starts the class, Sehun is carefully helping you cover that long cut on your cheek with a bandaid. You're lucky that it's not deep, or else it's going to leave a scar.

Your lessons today are fun, or at least fun to you. You don't have any architecture-related classes today and you thank God for that. Can't have more than a cut in two consecutive days, can you?

Sehun has basketball training today, so you're staying back as well. Since the both of you stay next to each other, going to school and back home together has become a ritual. So you never fail to wait for Sehun's trainings to end and he, on the other hand, always accompanies you whenever you stay back to study.

As usual, you're finishing up on your homework as you kill time. During a break, the basketballers come out for water and they greet you like an old friend. You already know all of their names because you're here so often. Even the coach recognises you too.

Sehun jogs up to you in a rush and you frown. He looks panicky, so you ask, "What's up?" 

"Can you help me pass my lab book to Mr. Lee? I accidentally brought it back with me."

Students are not allowed to bring home their physics lab books after a practical, just so your demonstrators can mark your work right away. You nod quickly and Sehun sends you a grateful smile. His bag is right next to you and you rummage through it to find his lab book while he gets back into the court after hydrating himself. You find the book and set off on your way towards the nearby café where you've seen Mr. Lee patronise several times.

Only a group of teachers is sitting in the café as they chat over coffee. You feel slightly intimidated that there are so many of them while you run your errand. There's nothing you can do now though. So you take a deep breath and walk over towards their table. As you near the table, you realise that Mr. Lee is not with them.

Instead, you spot Mr. Byun. He is a teacher for Design and unfortunately, he is your teacher. He isn't a teacher here, but really just a student taking his Masters degree in Architecture. The both of you have a kind-of war going on, albeit silent and unsaid. He doesn't like you because you're the idiot of his class and you don't like him because he is the teacher of your least favourite subject. The Architecture and Environments faculty is close to the Science school, which explains why the teachers of that department are here.

You've gone too far to turn back now, and there are some teachers who have already noticed your presence. You sigh mentally and push forward. Mr. Byun is the last one to look up.

"Do you need help?" A lecturer for Urban Desgin asks and smiles politely.

You fidget, "I have something to pass to Mr. Lee and I thought he might have been here..." You then bow and excuse yourself, "I'll go look for him somewhere else. Sorry for imposing."

"Hey, student," one of the teacher calls out when you start to walk away. You turn back around and the teacher offers. "I know Mr. Lee, I can help you pass it to him."

You purse your lips, "It's kinda urgent though... Maybe if you know where he is..." You trail off, hoping he gets your hint.

He nods, getting his phone out, "I'll call him."

"Oh, thank you so much!" you beam, bowing in gratitude.

While you're all waiting for Mr. Lee to pick up the phone, Mr. Byun starts a conversation with the other teachers as if you're not even there. Attention has been averted to him momentarily. The teacher has gotten in touch with Mr. Lee and he relays to you that Mr. Lee has already gone home.

"Mr. Lee asks what is it that's so important," the teacher tips his head in the direction of the book in your hands.

"Oh Sehun's lab book."

When he has conveyed your answer, the teacher chuckles as he looks at you, "He says it's okay if you hand it in tomorrow. I can pass it to him when I see him tomorrow though, if you want."

You nod, "That would be great. Thank you!" You pass the book over to the kind teacher as he wraps up the call. When he puts his phone down, you thank him again.

"No problem," he shakes his head, waving his hand. He smiles, "You should go home."

You nod your head and you're about to leave when Mr. Byun mutters to the teacher disregardfully, "Can you remind this student that she might or might not have an assignment due tonight at midnight?"

You frown because what is he talking about? What—

"," you curse under your breath, finally recalling. The teachers look amused by your reaction. "Thanks again for your help, teacher. And help me thank Mr. Byun for the kind reminder."

You bow and rush back towards the direction of the basketball court. You normally remember to do all your assignments, but since this is a subject related to Architecture, you aren't as enthusiastic about completing your assignments and homework. You always put it off and hence, you had forgotten all about it.

When you get back to your bench at the basketball court, you quickly get out your laptop to look through the assignment. Lucky for you, this assignment is only 2% of your final grade and is only MCQs. There is no time limit for you to finish it and you're thankful for that. Because even when Sehun's training has ended and the boy is all ready to go home, you're still trying to answer the third question out of 11.

"Can you do this assignment at home? I'm hungry," Sehun grumbles as he watches you become increasingly frustrated at your computer screen.

"Oh, yes. Sorry, Sehun," you sigh and save the worksheet before shutting your laptop.

Sehun helps you pack and you're the last two to leave the basketball court. On the way home, you tell Sehun about Mr. Byun indirectly reminding you about this assignment. It's surprising to the both of you, since you and him know well that Mr. Byun probably hates you for spoiling his clean streak of getting good students. Your best friend knows just how indifferent and uncaring your Design teacher is to you.

"Now that I'm not thinking of completing the assignment, I think it's weird. And kinda nice of him," you murmur, remembering how Mr. Byun had asked for that teacher to pass you a reminder. Then you squint your eyes, "Yah, but he still asked someone else to convey the message to me when I was right in front of him." 

"Maybe he has an allergy. He has to avoid interacting with you or— Ow!!!"

You snarl at him and let go of your pinch on his arm. You huff, "I'm not sure if I'm grateful to Mr. Byun or insulted by him."

"Maybe both."

"Then should I give him expired chocolates?" you ask Sehun, who gives you a weird look. "To thank him for reminding me and to punish him for humiliating me in front of the other teachers."

Sehun rolls his eyes as he turns into the drive way of his house. "See you tomorrow morning."

"Maybe wilted flowers? Or a lollipop infested with ants? Which—"

"Did Sehun leave you talking to yourself again, you poor girl?" Your mother calls when she sees you at the end of the driveway alone.

You whip your head around to see that Sehun has indeed entered his home already. You make a face at your neighbour's house and your mother simply laughs.

You have a class today with Mr. Byun. And just like always, Mr. Byun acts like you're not there. Whenever he talks, he tries to capture everyone's attention by looking at them. Except you. He seems to sweep his eyes over you and feign ignorance of your presence. You don't care, but you would really appreciated it if he gives you some kind of acknowledgment for trying to listen in class. Not to mention, passing yesterday's assignment.

At the end of the two-hour lesson, Mr. Byun reminds the class that there won't be a lesson next week because you'll all be meeting at a fair that has Architectural models on display. You know the attendance for this outing counts, but you're bent on not going. It's just a waste of time to you.

Your teacher calls your name when the students start to file out of the room after dismissal. Your heart jumps in your chest, surprised that Mr. Byun had called your name apart from taking attendances. This makes you wonder why Mr. Byun wants to talk to you privately after class. You make your way to his table and he stands with his hands in his pockets. He avoids eye contact as if you're not right in front of him.

"Mr. Kim has given Mr. Lee your book," he mutters.

Oh, so that's it? You nod curtly, "Thanks." You notice a movement outside the classroom and realise it's Sehun, who is here to meet you so you can go home together. You bow, "I'll take my leave."

You must have looked like you wanted very badly to leave the room as you fast-walk out towards Sehun. Your best friend glances into the room before getting distracted by you grabbing onto his arms. You pull him away, wanting to go home as quickly as possible.

"What's up with Mr. Byun?" Sehun asks when you let go of his hand.

"Oh, I told you I passed your lab book to another teacher yesterday, didn't I? He called me back to tell me the lab book's reached Mr. Lee."

"He was staring at you when you ran out of the room," Sehun snickers. 

"I didn't run," you insist, rolling your eyes. "Besides, he didn't even look at me while talking to me. He couldn't have been staring."

Sehun frowns, "Maybe he has social anxiety and can't look at people in the eyes when talking."

You scoff, "Yeah, he has social anxiety, that's why he can low-key flirt with the girls."

"He does that?" Sehun is shocked.

"Not to me, no."

"Obviously not to you. What do you think you are, a super model?"

You go home that day, not speaking once to Oh Sehun. 

Author's note:

Hope you guys like the start of the story >_< I edited this twice LOL.. I have already written up the second chapter, but I just have to edit it before I post it. And I'm sorry if the chapters are short, I promise it's just the start of the story that it'll be so! 

And I know I always have Sehun in my stories, i can't help it ok he's one of my biases too! Kai is also one of my biases, so you see him in a lot of my other stories too. But I'm not too sure if he'll be included in here. I'll see how ^^

till next time

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31 streak #1
Chapter 28: Woah... wanted to read this story for a long while and finally got to finish reading this... too amazing to express... worth reading... loved it too much.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. plot, plot twist, characters and events were so amazing and beyond imagination...hehe.... loved the way their relationship started and developed from bickering couple to a strong and encouraging couple for each other in every steps... loved the way both of them loved, cared, understood, trusted and supported each other every times.. too amazing and heartwarming... he's so sweet and cute.. also loved the way he encouraged and motivated her...there was so many ups and downs in their relationship but they fought it and got together... that's so awesome... uwww... am so happy and Contented with the couple and their happy ending.. his words in the beginning was truly hurtful towards her but his those words and thoughts really helped her to turn things in different directions... in a good way of... paris trip was one of my favorite part.. really enjoyed that part and for me that was one of the most important events that changed their whole lives and thoughts... amusement park date was also one of my favorite one... first official meeting with her parents as her boyfriend... uww... car movie date... hehe.. made up and console part after that R and crazy psycho STY part..finally their promises and happy cute ending... about sehun, one of my favorite character here.. loved the way he was so protective and caring towards her for each and every single time.. really love when he confidently announced that he was her bf even though only to protect her... he was so funny, cute and hilarious.. that red chopsticks part... hilarious.. couldn't stop laughing ... also felt so bad, sad and heartbroken for him for the way it happened.. even though it was understandable and he tried his best ... loved their bonding.. every time I read I felt like I wished I also had a friend like sehun.. aww... but the plot twist with sehun really was both shocking and hilarious... but whatever... hahaha... really loved junmyeon's character... omg.. so cute, funny and so awesome... loved the way he helped them during situations.. that pencil part was so soft, sweet and hot ... glad to read this story.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and cuteeee story. 😍🤗❤️👏👍🤩🙂☺️
Chapter 28: Going third time~ Don’t know why but I’ve always attracted to your stories! Love them! The simple, relax, humour, romance, rated things, story, plot, everything....just love them. 👍🏻
Chapter 28: My second time reading.It was a cutest, sweetest story and all of character I ever read.
Why am I only discovering this fic now…?!🥺😍 loved every second….I mean line/ word of it😍🙈
Chapter 22: And how much I loved when he break the news 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 10: He surely had forgotten about that fact 😭 but wasn’t that adorable when he got angry on behalf of her !?
Chapter 1: It has been a while that ai forgot how I laughed crazily at his pokemon with a long name teasing 🤣🤣 I can’t help that my head already flashed me the whole scene when she appeared with the a-doctor-earns-%@#$4#-money name introduction. I’m so in love with their friendship
Chapter 28: Your works omg I love your works.
Chapter 27: Just finished reading this... OMG this story is so wholesome. This is so cute. I am glad that I found this story