Rules & Regulations

You're sitting on the bench with Baekhyun next to you, the both of you busy with your own work. Someone flicks your ear from behind and you look up to see Sehun and Kai already settling in front of you. Your best friend is grinning. Baekhyun looks up from his laptop, his eyebrows still furrowed. When he sees that it's Sehun though, he smiles. Your best friend greets him and then introduces Kai. The both of them shake hands.

"What are you guys doing here?" you ask Sehun, glancing at Kai as well.

"What are you guys doing here, then?" Sehun counters.

You roll your eyes, "To study, duh?"

"Then we're also here to study, duh?"

"You're annoying, Oh Sehun," you mutter, kicking his leg under the table. Kai groans and you fluster, "Oh my god, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to—"

Baekhyun and Sehun are laughing at you, but Kai shakes his head, chuckling, "Doesn't hurt, cutie. You gotta do better than that to cause me pain."

Baekhyun clears his throat and you feel slightly bad because you know how much he wants to claim you in public but can't. And now that Kai is obviously flirting with you, he still can't do anything about it. You give the boy a sorry smile. Sehun is still snickering at you, so you reach over the tabletop to smack his shoulder.

"Ow," he hisses and clucks his tongue. "You're around three guys, behave like a lady!"

You scowl at him, making the others laugh. When you sit back down, Baekhyun's hand is rubbing your thigh comfortingly.

"When's your next class?" Kai looks as you, glancing at your work spread out in front of you.

"In half an hour. Thank God I'll be leaving Sehun," you mutter, glaring at the said boy while you're at it.

Kai pretends to whine, "And you're leaving him with me?"

You laugh. No wonder Sehun likes him, he's fun to be around. "Sorry, champ. I wouldn't help you out even if I can."

"I'm right here, you know," Sehun speaks up, shooting daggers with his eyes in your direction more than in Kai's.

"Maybe Baekhyun oppa can babysit Sehun for you, Kai," you pipe up. Everyone's attention goes to the male next to you.

He shakes his head, chuckling, "Ah... No thanks... I don't need more responsibilities."

You smile fondly at the way your boyfriend can easily joke around with you and your friends. For the next half an hour, none of you get any studying done as you chat and tease each other. When you and Baekhyun are packing up to leave, Sehun looks at the both of you before fixing his eyes on your boyfriend.

"Hyung, where are you going?"

"Class?" Baekhyun frowns. Then he chuckles, "Did you forget that I'm a student too?"

"No," Sehun harrumphs.

"See you, Kai!" you beam and wave.

He hums, "See you soon, cutie."

Baekhyun waits for you to climb out of the bench-table and the both of you walk off together. He sighs, his fingers subconsciously playing with yours as you walk side-by-side.

"Who's Kai to you?" he finally speaks up, not even glancing at you when he asks that question.

You knew the interrogation on Kai would come up, but you hadn't thought it would be so soon. You peek at him, "He's just a friend. Sehun introduced him to me a few days ago."

"Really?" you nod. "Then why is he calling you cutie?"

"I don't know..." you mumble. Because you really don't. You find yourself muttering, "Can't I be a cutie too..."

It is quiet for a while before you hear Baekhyun chuckling. "Oh, baby," he brushes the back of his hand on your cheek lightly. "Of course you can. You are a cutie. I just... I don't like it that another man is calling you that."

"Are you jealous?" you are teasing but you're also a little curious because Baekhyun can't be jealous, can he? He doesn't like you that much, right?

"Very," he answers seriously, his lips turned down into a frown. "And I hate that I can't do anything about it."

"You don't have to do anything about it," you murmur, squeezing his fingers gently. "Do you not trust me?"

"Buttercup," he looks at you with an expression that makes you feel stupid for even asking that question. "I trust you wholly. I just don't trust men. Any kind of man."

Your heart squeezes and you feel flattered and shy. As you near your classroom, you mention, "I doubt Sehun would let anyone hurt me, you don't have to worry."

"That's the thing, kitten," he sighs. You stop just outside your tutorial room and he leans his shoulder against the wall as he stares at you, his eyes tender and soft. "I want to be the one who won't let anyone hurt you. I want to protect you."

"Then you and Sehun can both protect me."

"I don't want that," he argues, irritation slowly creeping into his words. "I want to be the only man in your life."

Your heart stutters at his confession and you are so overwhelmed with emotions for this man in front of you. Just looking at him leaning against the wall like this, talking to you in that lazy posture, his eyes soft and loving, you just want to kiss him, to love him. But you're in school and your classmates are walking past you to get into the room. You're under the rules and regulations of your school; of the 'No teacher-student relationships' law.

You notice your tutor entering the room and you sigh regretfully. "We'll talk afterwards, okay? I'll look for you."

He lets out an irritated sigh, but nods. "I'll wait for you in the office?"

You smile, "Mmhmm."

And he watches you walk away. Just before you actually have to leave him, you turn and give him a smile because that is all you can do in school. He returns a soft smile and then you're separated for five hours before you get to meet him again.

A Friday really shouldn't be this tiring but it is, especially for you. Your first class of the day started at ten in the morning and your last class ends at seven in the evening. It also doesn't help that you have to help out in your father's workshop every Saturday, which makes you resent Fridays even more.

When you finally meet Baekhyun in the office, he packs up quickly upon seeing your tired countenance. Your stomach growls and you look sheepish when Baekhyun laughs. There is no one else in the office since it is the end of the week and everyone is out to have fun.

"Can we have dinner together?" you propose shyly, clutching your empty stomach.

"Of course," Baekhyun answers without hesitation. He puts a hand in your shoulder blade as he turns off the light and guides you out of the office. "I've been waiting all week to have dinner with you."

"Can I stay over afterwards...?"

Baekhyun looks down at you, "Anytime, baby. You can stay over whenever you want. But... are you okay? Too stressed?"

You sigh, leaning into his body slightly. "Just a little... Today was a long day and also, I have to work for my dad tomorrow."

"Awww, you poor baby," he coos, leaning down to drop a quick kiss on your temple.

You make a disgruntled noise at the back of your throat. The both of you leave the building and walk towards the direction of the car park. You pull out your phone and dial for your mother. "I'll inform my parents."

Baekhyun nods while you press your phone to your ear. The car park is empty of people and that allows Baekhyun to thread his fingers through yours. He is still staring at you as he brings your intertwined hands up, brushing his lips against the back of your hand. Your heart flutters at the interaction and you blush slightly. He chuckles, the sound low and quiet but still enough to make your stomach flip.

"Mum," you breathe into the phone when your mother picks up. You clear your throat because why is Baekhyun affecting you so much like this?! "I'm staying over at a friend's house."

There's silence for a while before she asks, "I assume it's that Not Sehun friend?"


Your mother sighs and you feel bad for lying to her. You want to tell her about Baekhyun, you want to share this news with her, with everyone.

She finally says, "You know we don't forbid you to date, right?"

Your heart is beating fast in your chest and it has nothing to do with the way Baekhyun is leaning against the hood of the car, staring gently at you while he runs his hand up and down your arm.

"Bring your boyfriend over tomorrow for dinner," she encourages forgivingly. "And please, don't do anything stupid."

You blush because 1) you're embarrassed that she thinks you might do something stupid with your boyfriend and 2) you still feel terrible for lying to her.

"I'm sorry," you murmur.

"It's fine. Ask him what kind of food he likes," she laughs, urging you on as if she had known about Baekhyun being your boyfriend all along.


"Well, yeah, since you are with him, aren't you?"

You swallow, suddenly feeling nervous. You glance at Baekhyun, "My mum invites you to have dinner with us tomorrow. Can you come?"

He looks surprised at the invitation, but nonetheless grins. "Yes, of course, sweetheart."

"What do you want to eat?" you ask, leaning into him a little.

He kisses the side of your lips, taking his time to answer. He hums, "I'm not picky with food. Only with my women."

You feel like your throat has closed and your heart is trying to escape your body. Even your mother squeals a little. "I'm so excited to meet him!" she gushes. "He sounds like gentleman who is head over heels for my baby!" You laugh because your mother can be so embarrassing sometimes. "I'll just cook my specialties, then. See you guys tomorrow!"

"See you," you mutter and hang up first. Baekhyun is smiling at you, his eyes twinkling. "Let's go, Baekhyun, I'm hungry."

"How come you don't call me 'oppa' when we're alone?" he raises his eyebrow as he stands, towering over you and close. There's no such thing as personal space when you're with Baekhyun and you honestly don't mind it one bit.

"Why, do you like being called 'oppa'?" you tease, poking his chest.

"Yes," he answers shamelessly. "Especially by my girlfriend."

"Now I don't wanna call you 'oppa' anymore," you laugh when you see him pout.

"But I am older than you."

"Sehun is a year older than me but you don't see me calling him 'oppa'."

"I'm six years older than you, sweetheart."

"Old man."

"Hmm?!" Baekhyun circles your waist and leans into your neck to bite your skin there. You're giggling and he is laughing. "Say that again?!"

"I'm sorry, oppa!" you laugh when he keeps nibbling on your neck.

He kisses you, his way of soothing the bite marks. "You're lucky you're cute."

After a few giggles and teases, the two of you finally enter the car. Baekhyun drives to his apartment, because you just want to laze at home as you eat and your boyfriend is all for anything that you want. You talk to him about your day as he drives and then you listen to him talk. The thing with Baekhyun is that he is talkative and open, he isn't like other guys who only listens. Though it is nice to have someone listening to you, it is also a pleasure to listen to others because that shows you that they trust you. And Baekhyun definitely makes you feel like he cares and trusts you. He also makes you feel many other things, to be perfectly honest.

You're laying on the bed in just Baekhyun's t-shirt after a shower as he packs up his place, thinking it is a little too messy for his girlfriend to be over. He is already showering when the doorbell rings, telling you that the food is here. You jump out of bed, but Baekhyun bursts open the door of the bathroom quickly. He is still in the midst of wrapping a towel around his waist, his hair slightly ruffled from drying and his body glistening with water droplets. He narrows his eyes on you, making it a point to look you up and down.

"Don't think you're opening the door in that," he growls. You swallow, suddenly feeling all hot seeing him half and wet.

But then you scowl at him, "Then why do you get to open the door in that?" The way you say 'that' sounds a lot more judgmental than how Baekhyun had said it.

He doesn't even turn when he answers, "Because you're hotter than me."

You keep quiet even though you know he has to be teasing you. Because you? Hotter than Baekhyun? No way. You watch Baekhyun pay the delivery man and then take the food from him. When he shuts the door, you go over to grab the bags and put it on the table. Baekhyun has his chest pressed against your back, your shirt absorbing the water droplets on his body. You freeze because he is so close and you really shouldn't be as breathless as this, but you are. He leans down and you feel his warm breath caressing your cheek. You're not even breathing anymore.

"You're my girlfriend and no one else but me gets to see you like this," he murmurs softly, almost sounding like he is threatening you. "Okay?"

"Yes," you breathe, nodding. Your limbs are still frozen.

"And to be fair, only you get to see me like this," he kisses the back of your ear and backs off, giving you space to breathe.

Your legs feel like jelly and your heart is beating so fast, as if you had been running a marathon. You slump against the table just so you can stay upright. Baekhyun laughs from behind and you don't even have the energy to glare at him. You do blush though, because that seems to be an automatic reaction around your boyfriend.

"I didn't know I'd make girls feel that way," Baekhyun remarks, tone a little mocking.

You turn to give him a glare, only to see him pulling a shirt over his body. He unwraps the towel and you quickly turn away. You hear him laughing again because he knows you're shy and embarrassed. You take the boxes out of the bags and set the oily food on the table.

Baekhyun is ruffling his hair when he comes back, hovering behind you as he peers over your shoulder. "Let's eat here."

He pulls his desk chair closer and sits on it before pulling you by the waist. You squeal as you settle on his lap, his arm tight around your waist. He brings the chair closer to the table. You can only hear the pounding of your heart as the both of you open the boxes of food. He chuckles when your stomach grumbles.

The both of you dig in, silent at first as you satisfy your hunger. When you're finally slowing down, Baekhyun starts speaking with food still in his mouth. "What should I wear tomorrow when I visit your parents?"

You turn so that you're facing him. He places a hand on your cheek and swipes his thumb on the side of your lips. You answer as you watch him his finger, "Anything. It's not like my father is the president, or something."

He nods and swallows his food. After a while, he admits, "I've never met my exes' parents before."

You smile softly at him, "Only one of my ex has met my parents before, don't worry."

"Sehun?" his lips quirk up in amusement and you laugh, bobbing your head. "No, but really. My exes, they were all..."

"The three B's?" you recall Junmyeon saying that to Baekhyun the other time while you were eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Yes," he chuckles in agreement. "I didn't want to meet their parents."

"I know we've only been together for a month or so, you don't have to meet my parents if you don't want to..."

"No, hey," Baekhyun tilts your chin so that you're looking at him again. "I want to meet your parents. I want to meet the people who created my beautiful girlfriend."

"You're so cheesy," you grumble, though you're blushing.

"You like it," he laughs, leaning forward to peck you on the lips.

"Just a bit," you admit.



You're up early the next morning because your phone is ringing. Baekhyun is sleeping like a log, still. You climb over him and grab your phone, answering the call right away.

"Are you coming down today?" your father says into the phone, his tone already bright and all clear of his morning voice. You check the time and groan. It's only nine.

"I'm still sleeping," you mumble, dropping your head on Baekhyun's chest.

"You're not if you're still talking to me. Come on, I really need help."

"But dad—"

"You can come in late," he relents. "1PM?"

"Fine," you grumble. At least you have time to sleep.

"See you!"

Your father ends the call and you immediately drift back to sleep. When you wake up again, Baekhyun is playing with your hair as he watches TV. It is already 11AM. You hide your face in his chest and he holds you tighter to him.

"Are you gonna wake up, or not?" Baekhyun chuckles, his finger your cheek through your unkempt hair.

"I have to help out at my father's workshop," you moan. Your boyfriend freezes for a while before you ask quietly, "Do you want to come with me?"

"But your father—"

"Don't worry about him," you get up on your elbow, Baekhyun's shirt slipping off your shoulder. Your boyfriend drops his hand to your shoulder, rubbing his thumb on your skin. "He'll be happy to have an extra pair of hands, actually."

"You did say that your father has his own workshop, right?"

You nod, tilting your head. He smooths your cheek with the back of his hand. "You'd be a better helper than me," you grin.

"Well, I don't mind if I get to spend more time with you..."

You laugh because you know that he's going to be nitpicked by your fastidious father.



You were wrong.

Your father loves Baekhyun. Well, okay, maybe you're overreacting. But the moment he saw Baekhyun getting the job he assigned the both of you with done perfectly, you have been left aside while he talks to your boyfriend. Your father and Baekhyun are designing the layout of a home while you're doing the dirty work, like sawing, gluing, nailing. Being the only child makes you a little jealous that your father is giving someone else his attention.

"So how did you guys meet?"

But then it's also nice that your father is trying to get to know your boyfriend himself, instead of through you. So you don't complain, but try to concentrate on your work. Just like always though, your mind drifts and you end up getting a splinter pierced into your finger. You glance at the guys, hoping they don't notice your distress. They don't.

You leave the wooden plank you had been working on as slowly as possible, making sure your movements don't startle them. You walk over to the side where the first aid box is at; a place you find yourself at least half the time you're in the workshop. You make as little noise as you can while you open the box. In the midst of trying to remove the small splinter, you feel someone walking past behind. You hold your breath, waiting for the person to leave because that means it's just your father. And your father has already long gotten used to your clumsiness.

But the person is still hovering behind you. You take a glance and see Baekhyun staring at you, his eyebrows knitted in worry.

"Baekhyun?" you hear your father call.

Your boyfriend steps closer towards you so that his chest is against your back as he informs your father, "Just a minute!" His hand comes out to hold your wrist gently. "What happened, baby?"

"Just a splinter," you murmur, watching him bring your finger to eye level. He bites his lip and you know he is worried from the way his forehead crinkles. You pull your hand back, "It's no problem, I get cuts all the time."

"From here?" he looks at you, eyes concerned. You shrug and nod. He sighs, wrapping his arms around you to get the tweezers from the first aid box.

Baekhyun's face is right next to you as he leans down to look at the splinter better. You watch him concentrate, his eyes narrowed on the assaulting fragment of wood. Your entire body heats up at the way Baekhyun is so securely embracing you. And his hold on your wrist is light but so heavy. Your heart is thumping like a rabbit's and your mouth is dry.

"Please be careful, kitten," he mutters as he tweezes the splinter from your finger. "I don't like you getting hurt."

"It's not my fault I'm just clumsy..."

Baekhyun gives you a stern look as he sets the tweezers and gets an alcohol swab to clean the wound. "You can't be clumsy around these tools, sweetheart. I don't want you dying within just a month of being my girlfriend."

You make a face, "My father wants me working here every week, I can't run away from this place— or my habit of being clumsy."

"Don't complain about me, now!" your father clucks his tongue and you had totally forgotten that he is in the room with you. Your boyfriend chuckles as he wraps your finger in a bandaid. "Unless, Baekhyun," your father has that tone in his voice he uses when he needs someone to run errands for him. "You wanna help me out? I'll pay you, of course."

"What about me? You never pay me," you frown at your unfair father.

"I let you live in my house."


"I'll help you," Baekhyun interjects, chuckling slightly at your banter as he caresses your cut. He turns to your dad, "But that means she doesn't have to come in, right?"

"She can, if she wants to," your father grins. You make a face and he laughs. "I'm sure she'll come if you're working."

You don't disagree and Baekhyun knows that. He narrows his eyes on you, "If you ever come in—"

"I'll only sit by the side, promise."

"Good girl," he pecks your cheek. "Go sit by the side until we're done, then."

"Yeah, stop distracting us," your father adds jokingly.

So you do as they ask. You watch the two guys talk and work. By 5PM, you're already bored out of your mind. Luckily for you though, the guys decide to call it a day. So you're now waiting outside the workshop as your father locks up.

"I didn't know it was already so late," Baekhyun is holding your hand as he rubs his neck tiredly. "Were you bored?"

"Just a bit," you admit.

"See you back at home?" your father asks the both of you, eyes glancing down to your entwined hands for a second. He pockets his keys, not commenting on anything.

You nod and Baekhyun greets, "See you." When you split ways, he pulls you closer to him. "I'm sorry you had to wait for us."

You shake your head, "I'd rather wait than do work. You don't know how much I hate working here."

"Is that where your scars came from? The ones on your legs and arms?"

"A few of them, yeah... I'm sorry you have a klutz as a girlfriend," you make a face, feeling unfair for your boyfriend.

Baekhyun chuckles, shaking his head. "Baby, you can be a hazard and I'd still want you as my girlfriend anytime."

Author's note:

sorry if i have any mistakes, i'm really tired but thought i should give you guys an update.... also, i've created two new short fics, one Sehun-centred and the other Baekhyun-centred. Read them if you want to, no obligations!! 

Sehun: y, Free but Married

Baekhyun: He's Kinda Hot

Also, I know I don't say this much, but comment and upvote and subscribe if you want to!!!! I really don't care about the last two, but I absolutely love it when my readers comment!! I love reading your spazzing because it tells me that you enjoyed the chapter and that I'm at least doing something right in my life LOLOL

Till next time

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31 streak #1
Chapter 28: Woah... wanted to read this story for a long while and finally got to finish reading this... too amazing to express... worth reading... loved it too much.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. plot, plot twist, characters and events were so amazing and beyond imagination...hehe.... loved the way their relationship started and developed from bickering couple to a strong and encouraging couple for each other in every steps... loved the way both of them loved, cared, understood, trusted and supported each other every times.. too amazing and heartwarming... he's so sweet and cute.. also loved the way he encouraged and motivated her...there was so many ups and downs in their relationship but they fought it and got together... that's so awesome... uwww... am so happy and Contented with the couple and their happy ending.. his words in the beginning was truly hurtful towards her but his those words and thoughts really helped her to turn things in different directions... in a good way of... paris trip was one of my favorite part.. really enjoyed that part and for me that was one of the most important events that changed their whole lives and thoughts... amusement park date was also one of my favorite one... first official meeting with her parents as her boyfriend... uww... car movie date... hehe.. made up and console part after that R and crazy psycho STY part..finally their promises and happy cute ending... about sehun, one of my favorite character here.. loved the way he was so protective and caring towards her for each and every single time.. really love when he confidently announced that he was her bf even though only to protect her... he was so funny, cute and hilarious.. that red chopsticks part... hilarious.. couldn't stop laughing ... also felt so bad, sad and heartbroken for him for the way it happened.. even though it was understandable and he tried his best ... loved their bonding.. every time I read I felt like I wished I also had a friend like sehun.. aww... but the plot twist with sehun really was both shocking and hilarious... but whatever... hahaha... really loved junmyeon's character... omg.. so cute, funny and so awesome... loved the way he helped them during situations.. that pencil part was so hilarious...so soft, sweet and hot ... glad to read this story.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and cuteeee story. 😍🤗❤️👏👍🤩🙂☺️
Chapter 28: Going third time~ Don’t know why but I’ve always attracted to your stories! Love them! The simple, relax, humour, romance, rated things, story, plot, everything....just love them. 👍🏻
Chapter 28: My second time reading.It was a cutest, sweetest story and all of character I ever read.
Why am I only discovering this fic now…?!🥺😍 loved every second….I mean line/ word of it😍🙈
Chapter 22: And how much I loved when he break the news 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 10: He surely had forgotten about that fact 😭 but wasn’t that adorable when he got angry on behalf of her !?
Chapter 1: It has been a while that ai forgot how I laughed crazily at his pokemon with a long name teasing 🤣🤣 I can’t help that my head already flashed me the whole scene when she appeared with the a-doctor-earns-%@#$4#-money name introduction. I’m so in love with their friendship
Chapter 28: Your works omg I love your works.
Chapter 27: Just finished reading this... OMG this story is so wholesome. This is so cute. I am glad that I found this story