Rules & Regulations

It is finally the last day in Paris. You're all allowed to go shopping, since it's the only off day. You're back at Champs Élysées after having seen the architect once on day five. Only this time, you're in the shopping district. Mr. Yoo reminds you all to meet again in five hours. Even the teachers look happy that they're let off for the day and don't have to babysit anymore. You have a shopping list with a few branded stuff for your and Sehun's mother to get. And for the boy himself too.

Just before you leave on your own, someone grabs your wrist. Mr. Byun peers over your shoulder to look at your shopping list. "Chanel?" You click your tongue and nudge him away playfully. He laughs. "I need to get something for my mum from Chanel too. Let's go together?"

"What about Mr. Kim?" You look around for the man.

"Flirting," Mr. Byun shrugs. "As usual."

"With students?"

"I know," he chuckles, pulling you along. "Such hypocrisy."

"And you're always looking for me to annoy, aren't you?" You laugh. "Be careful or you're gonna fall for me."

Mr. Byun laughs with you, letting go of your wrist. You're so comfortable with him now that you're able to tease each other about things you were once shy about.

"Can't have that happening, can we?" Mr. Byun says, more as a reminder to himself than anything. You shake your head, still chuckling. You walk together to the nearest Chanel store. Then he says, "You look wonderful, by the way. You're not sick anymore, are you?"

"Mmhmm!" You beam at him. "I'm feeling great, too."

"I can see that." He is looking at you as the doorman of Chanel opens the door.

There are a lot of people here, but you see a sales lady just walking back from the cashier after serving a customer. You take a hold of Mr. Byun's coat and pull him with you to look for the lady.

"Whoa, kitten, we're in public." Mr. Byun says, deadpanned as he subtly hints your roughness.

You laugh, turning your head to show him your rolling of eyes. You reach the girl, who is smiling widely at you. She tries to speak in Mandarin, but you don't understand. She speaks in English and you show her the two bags you're looking for and she asks for you to wait as she goes to get them.

"You know English too?" Mr. Byun asks in surprise when the both of you are left alone.

"Kind of. But then everyone knows English," you shrug. You're all required to learn English in high school anyway.

"It's still impressive." He approves and then winks playfully, "And y."

"Seriously," you shove him lightly. "When did you start deciding to tease me?"

"Since you get all red when you receive a compliment." Then he hums pensively. "But I see it doesn't work anymore."

"I'm immune to it now."

"We'll see if you still are when I'm being sincere."

You blame the stuffy boutique for the light pink on your cheeks. The lady comes back with two big boxes in her hands. While you survey the new bags, Mr. Byun shows her a picture of some earrings and a necklace. He can speak English too. Even better than you can, actually. While he scrutinises the accessories, you inform the girl that you purchasing the bags. She smiles and nods, getting out an invoice card and writing down your items.

"Can you model this for me, sweetheart?" Mr. Byun is lifting up a necklace. "My sister-in-law has kind of the same skin colour as you do."

"Sure," you murmur shyly, unravelling your scarf. Mr. Byun takes it from you. You have to take off your coat and your sweater so Mr. Byun can easily see how the necklace looks on your skin. You're wearing a tanktop that hugs your body.

"Oh..." Your teacher breathes, taking in the visuals of you in a tight tanktop. You sweep your hair to the side and bring your hand to get the necklace. But Mr. Byun pulls his hand away quickly, "I'll do it for you."

You turn around, holding your hair up so he can wear the necklace for you. His fingers brush lightly against the back of your neck as he clasps the accessory and lets it sit on the base of your neck. You swivel around, facing Mr. Byun again. He is looking at the necklace against your skin, but a second later, he's staring at you in the eyes.

"This looks pretty on you," he smiles softly. Then he reaches around you to unclasp the necklace. "Do you always have to look good in everything?" He says offhandedly, but you can still hear his sincerity. You blush and he sees it. "You're not immune to compliments, huh," Mr. Byun laughs.

"I wish I was," you sigh softly, embarrassed that you're always blushing.

"It makes you more attractive," he murmurs distractedly as he takes the necklace and the one his mother had asked for him to get. He tells the sales assistant that he wants the earrings as well.

The lady gets everything while you wear your sweater and pullover again. You're at the cashier, waiting for her to count everything as Mr. Byun wraps your scarf around you, making sure to entwine the loose ends with the loop around your neck so that the wind will not easily undo the wrap. You pay for your items, getting the paper bags once they've tied the ribbons. Mr. Byun pays next and then the both of you are out of the crowded store.

"Where to next, princess?" He teases, bending slightly to get your paper bags from your hands. You don't let him but he insists anyway, "Let me be a gentleman to you at least once in your life."

You burst out laughing. "What an honour from a gentleman himself!" He grins at your laughter as he takes the bags from you, his hand wrapping around yours accidentally. You don't even notice the interaction. You check the shopping list again and mutter, "I need to get a Saint Laurent belt for Sehun..." You look up, "So Saint Laurent?"

"Are we done?" Mr. Byun finally complains when you've been to five boutiques. He's carrying majority of your things as well, though you're holding some of yours too.

You laugh and check the time. "There's still an hour before we have to congregate though." You brighten up when you are reminded of a famous chocolate place here. "Let's have dessert."

"I thought you'd never ask," he grumbles, trudging his feet alongside you. Now that the sky is darker, the street lights are , amplifying the festive winter season. He looks up, "Oh, look! The streets are so pretty now."

You look up and realise that he's right. The streets really do look pretty with all the soft twinkling lights. You stop and take your phone out to take pictures. Mr. Byun halts next to you as well, his breath hitting your cheek as he watches you take pictures. He eventually gets bored and starts walking ahead, although at a slower pace so you can catch up. You take a few steps back and take a photo of Mr. Byun carrying shopping bags as he walks under the lights. He turns around, wondering why you're taking so long and you catch a shot of that exact moment. It's a candid picture of him but you think it looks beautiful. Sometimes the most natural things can look the prettiest.

You lower your phone and grin at your teacher who is scowling at you. He complains as you jog over to him, "I wasn't even camera-ready."

"It was a good shot though," you tell him. "It always comes down to the photographer, doesn't it?"

He rolls his eyes but offers, "Do you want me to take a picture for you?"

You shake your head, pocketing your phone. "I look ugly in pictures. I don't take a lot of selcas."

"I doubt so," Mr. Byun scoffs. "Your kakaotalk picture with Sehun—"

"He forced me to!" You try to clear your name by explaining heatedly. "I didn't want to at first but he kept spamming so I thought I had to look nice in at least one photo. And that was it."

"You look cute in that one photo," Mr. Byun compliments. You don't say anything because you're just terrible at accepting compliments. Instead, you get all shy and red. He teases you even more, "Hella cute."

"Your picture's cute too! The one where you — well okay, maybe not you — but the one with a big hand holding the baby's hand. You know what I'm talking about right? That one. I think it's adorable." You blabber, ignoring his statement.

Mr. Byun is amused, but he doesn't say anything about it. He tells you, "That's my nephew. At my brother's son's second birthday. His name is Seojun. Very cheeky but super adorable."

You smile. "I wish I had a sibling so I can be an aunt and possibly a god-mother." Mr. Byun looks like he wants to say something, but you realise that you've overshot the café. "Oh, we missed it by a few shops," you frown as you make a U-turn. "Sorry."

"It's fine, I love walking in the cold while carrying my student's shopping bags."

You giggle and Mr. Byun grins. You enter the posh-looking coffee shop and sit at the corner. Mr. Byun sighs when he sits back in the chair and gets to finally rest his sore legs. You stand and go to get two menus and water for the both of you. When you're back at the table, Mr. Byun is on the phone.

"Thanks," he murmurs, smiling at you when you set the menu book and the cup of water in front of him. He goes back to talking on the phone, "Do you know where Tiffany & Co. is?...Yeah, it's just a few shops ahead...Okay, we'll wait for you to order."

"Mr. Kim?" You guess when Mr. Byun hangs up the call. He nods as he drinks a sip of water. You go back to reading the menu.

While you're discussing what to get, Mr. Kim arrives, greeting you happily. You had figured that Mr. Byun had told him about you eavesdropping on them because he has taken up teasing you just like Mr. Byun does. "Hey pretty."

"Hi, Mr. Kim," you chuckle.

"That's a lot of things," he observes the pile of bags on the empty seat next to you as he sits beside his friend. "Did you shop a lot?"

"What do you think?" Mr. Byun glares at you halfheartedly as he answers Mr. Kim with a rhetorical question. "I have never carried so many bags in my life, not even for my ex."

"There's always a first for everything," you smile sweetly at him.

"You're lucky you're cute," Mr. Kim laughs. "Baekhyun wouldn't do anything for girls who aren't pretty."

"Hey, don't say that," Mr. Byun scolds. "I treat every girl equally."

"Whatever you say~" Mr. Kim sings.

You laugh at their banter. You check your phone for wifi as the guys talk. There is free wifi here and you immediately open kakaotalk to chat with Sehun. He calls you the moment he gets your text. You answer your phone and the teachers stop talking to stare at you.

"You don't usually have wifi at this time," Sehun comments the first thing you answer his call. "Where are you at?"

"We have an off day today. And I'm at a café with free wifi," you tell him. "Oh and I got your stuff already."

"Really? There was stock?"

"Yup," you listen to Mr. Byun argue with Mr. Kim to get a chocolate fondue to share. "I want the fondue!" you in and Mr. Byun grins smugly at Mr. Kim. Then you tell Sehun, "I have a hole in my wallet now though." Now the guys before you are having a debate on whether to have the fruit or ice cream fondue. You give the ultimate say, "Fruits!" Mr. Kim hi-fives you.

"There's strawberries in this," Mr  Byun frowns. Mr. Kim looks at his friend in question and Mr. Byun explains, "She's allergic to strawberries." 

"Are you with Mr. Byun?" Sehun asks you and you realise that he must have been trying to say something to you but you weren't listening.

"Yeah, and Mr. Kim. The one who helped you with the lab book."

"What's up, Oh Sehun," Mr. Kim says, leaning closer so Sehun can hear.

Your best friend laughs. "I wish I was there with you so I could meet them."

You sigh, "I know... I wish you were here too. You would fit in so well with these guys." Your teachers look at you upon hearing you mention them. You grin at them as you say to Sehun, "Because they're annoying like you."

"Hey!" The three of them exclaim at the same time, making you chortle in laughter.

"You should meet them one day," you tell Sehun sincerely, still chuckling. Mr. Byun holds his hand out and you give him your phone.

"Hey Sehun," he says into your phone, winking at you. You swallow and will your heart to stop overreacting. "Yeah, we should definitely meet up. Maybe we can play basketball or something...Yeah! We can do that." Mr. Byun pauses for some time until he chuckles softly, "It's fine, Sehun. I've forgotten all about it, okay? We're cool...Okay, see you on Thursday then."

"You already decided on a date to meet up?" You are pleasantly surprised as you take the phone from your teacher. He nods in reply.

As he tells Mr. Kim about the plan about meeting Sehun, your friend tells you, "You're coming on Thursday when we play basketball."

"What am I going to do while you play basketball?" You grumble. There are two answers; one from the man sitting opposite you and the other from thousands of kilometres away.

"Make friends with Minji!" Minji is the girl Sehun has been crushing on.

"Sit at the side and look prettier than Sehun's girl," Mr. Byun grins at you. "And give us smiles when we're exhausted so we can have an energy booster." You reach across the table to playfully hit his shoulder. "Ow, sweetheart! At this rate, I'm seriously going to go home with bruises."

"She's violent," Mr. Kim jokingly notices. 

You laugh and tell Sehun, "Hun-ah, I'll call you again later. But I'll go with you to the basketball game so I can look pretty." Sehun doesn't even have the time to ask you anything about your last comment when you hang up the phone.

"I might have a nosebleed if you really do go," Mr. Byun pouts mockingly. You're laughing even as you try to hit him again. He runs away from the table as he shouts, "I'm gonna go order!"

You're finally back in Korea, the plane ride back being as uneventful as possible. You were seated with other students this time, much to your chagrin. You've grown to be quite fond of Mr. Byun and his teasing, actually. You're still trying to get used to the jet lag and local clock, but it's hard. You're currently wide awake at three in the morning. Sehun is already sleeping, though he normally sleeps later because he plays his computer games. But because you're back and he's sleeping over in your room, he is fast asleep.

You've been tossing and turning for the longest time and yet you still can't sleep. You get your phone and text the only person you know might have the same problem.

> Are you awake?

> U too ??
> Ugh this jet lag is so unnecessary

> I know!! Sehun's already sleeping next to me but I'm so awake...

> Are u having a sleepover with Sehun?

> Yeah, he said he misses me

Mr. Byun takes a bit longer to reply, though he has read your message the moment it reached him.

> I miss you too, can't you sleep over with me instead ??

You know he must be teasing you, but you still can't help the pounding of your heart or the rapid blood flow to your cheeks. Maybe it's the pause that makes you feel like things are different. Or maybe you're just imagining things.

> Perhaps next time
> When Soonkyu kicks me out of the room again

> Ugh I still don't like her
> She's the only kind of girl that isn't my type

> haha
  3: 20AM

> What, really?
> She's prettier than I am

> Are u kidding me ???
> U're Miss Universe compared to her ?!
> And I'm not even kidding..
> By the way, ur results should be out by now... Have u checked?

> No...
> I'm scared

> Confidence, baby
> Check tomorrow and tell me how your results are. Maybe we can go celebrate

All these "maybe" talk, you wish you have the ability to make them into real answers. Whether it's about your feelings or about the future, you would still like to know the outcomes of these 'maybe's. How much more before you actually get to find your answer, to have a definite conclusion?

> Are u sleeping soon?

> No
> Why?
> Do you wanna talk?

> Always

You're not sure what now, because Mr. Byun doesn't reply wth anything else. A few seconds later though, you receive a phone call from the very teacher. You quickly answer it before it wakes Sehun up.

"Hello?" You whisper, silently getting out of your bed. You make your way to the window, looking out into the winter night. You hug yourself.

"Hey," Mr. Byun murmurs back. His voice is soft and warm, like a warm blanket enveloping you in this cold night. "How have you been?"

"I'm alright. Missing Paris a little." Mr. Byun hums, not saying anything. So you ask him, "How is your assignment going?"

"I've handed it in already." You hear him sigh as if he is tired. You're not sure if it's because of his work or because of the time.

"How was it?"

"I'll tell you when my results are out," he promises. You settle on that and then he goes on to murmur softly, "I miss sitting next to you."

You laugh softly. You miss sitting next to Mr. Byun too. And you tell him that. "Me too..." You sigh, nibbling on your thumbnail as you watch a single snowflake reach the earth. Then it starts to snow heavily.

"It's getting really cold these days," Mr. Byun mentions as if he is witnessing the snowing himself too. "Are you taking care of yourself? Wearing warmly when you go out?"

You nod your head even as you assure him, "Mmhmm. I'm always wrapped like a dumpling when I leave the house, it's really unattractive." You chuckle at your joke, but Mr. Byun only hums.

"I think you'd still look..." He pauses and suddenly you just want to know what he thinks. He finally says, "Like you."

You deflate and you're not even sure why. It's as if his answer had disappointed you, though you really shouldn't be feeling this way. What had you been expecting, really? That he thinks you'd still look pretty? Or cute? Or... what? What kind of answer were you waiting for?

"Hmm..." Mr. Byun breathes into the phone, pulling you out from your thoughts. "Go to sleep, kitten. It's already nearly four."

You hesitate. Why are you even hesitating? Your lips just won't move and say okay, your hand doesn't even want to move your phone away from your ear, you don't want to go back to bed and you just want to stay up until morning, if you could. You finally realise that you want to keep talking to Mr. Byun. You want to hear his soothing voice through the phone, whispering and murmuring to you. You want to waste your sleep on him, on chatting with him.

"I'll play my classical music and you listen, okay?" Mr. Byun suggests. "We'll go to sleep together."

You don't want his classical music. You want your own one. The sound of the male talking to you; that's your classical music. It's the kind of voice, the kind of sound you would listen to for hours on end.


You let out a strangled noise in your throat when you feel your heart clench so tight at the nickname before it starts to beat like you're having a heart attack.

Why did Mr. Byun have to take on the idea of calling you with nicknames? Why did he have to sound so soothing and comforting? Why did he have to be so attractive, so... him? And why...

Why did you have to fall for your own teacher?

Author's note:

Spring break is finally here!!!!!!!!!!! I might do update again twice next week, if I've finished the chapters! and finally, she's coming in terms with her feelings for Mr. Byun so much excites!!!!!!!!!!!21!!!! 

anyways, if you guys like Kai and like reading his fics, I am writing a short fic on him being a daddy CEO (, i know) so give it a read if you want to. Otherwise, see you guys next time!!!!!!! and i hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kai fic link: Benefit of Being A Babysitter

Till next time

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31 streak #1
Chapter 28: Woah... wanted to read this story for a long while and finally got to finish reading this... too amazing to express... worth reading... loved it too much.. really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. plot, plot twist, characters and events were so amazing and beyond imagination...hehe.... loved the way their relationship started and developed from bickering couple to a strong and encouraging couple for each other in every steps... loved the way both of them loved, cared, understood, trusted and supported each other every times.. too amazing and heartwarming... he's so sweet and cute.. also loved the way he encouraged and motivated her...there was so many ups and downs in their relationship but they fought it and got together... that's so awesome... uwww... am so happy and Contented with the couple and their happy ending.. his words in the beginning was truly hurtful towards her but his those words and thoughts really helped her to turn things in different directions... in a good way of... paris trip was one of my favorite part.. really enjoyed that part and for me that was one of the most important events that changed their whole lives and thoughts... amusement park date was also one of my favorite one... first official meeting with her parents as her boyfriend... uww... car movie date... hehe.. made up and console part after that R and crazy psycho STY part..finally their promises and happy cute ending... about sehun, one of my favorite character here.. loved the way he was so protective and caring towards her for each and every single time.. really love when he confidently announced that he was her bf even though only to protect her... he was so funny, cute and hilarious.. that red chopsticks part... hilarious.. couldn't stop laughing ... also felt so bad, sad and heartbroken for him for the way it happened.. even though it was understandable and he tried his best ... loved their bonding.. every time I read I felt like I wished I also had a friend like sehun.. aww... but the plot twist with sehun really was both shocking and hilarious... but whatever... hahaha... really loved junmyeon's character... omg.. so cute, funny and so awesome... loved the way he helped them during situations.. that pencil part was so soft, sweet and hot ... glad to read this story.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and cuteeee story. 😍🤗❤️👏👍🤩🙂☺️
Chapter 28: Going third time~ Don’t know why but I’ve always attracted to your stories! Love them! The simple, relax, humour, romance, rated things, story, plot, everything....just love them. 👍🏻
Chapter 28: My second time reading.It was a cutest, sweetest story and all of character I ever read.
Why am I only discovering this fic now…?!🥺😍 loved every second….I mean line/ word of it😍🙈
Chapter 22: And how much I loved when he break the news 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 10: He surely had forgotten about that fact 😭 but wasn’t that adorable when he got angry on behalf of her !?
Chapter 1: It has been a while that ai forgot how I laughed crazily at his pokemon with a long name teasing 🤣🤣 I can’t help that my head already flashed me the whole scene when she appeared with the a-doctor-earns-%@#$4#-money name introduction. I’m so in love with their friendship
Chapter 28: Your works omg I love your works.
Chapter 27: Just finished reading this... OMG this story is so wholesome. This is so cute. I am glad that I found this story