Abducted Prince

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Beast: Fiction


Danji walked through the forest in a white nightgown. She treaded through the silent pathway as the stars glistened above her. A light rain of feather sprinkled over her. Danji paused and looked upward as she wondered where all these feathers were coming from. She heard soft footsteps walking towards her and looked down. She made eye-contact with one potential lover.

“Alen oppa…” Danji whispered.

A soothing river of peace rushed through her and calmed her troubling mind down.

Alen softly smiled at her. This time, he didn’t run away. He stood there and watched her with tender, loving eyes.

Danji started to smile back at him when she felt another presence on the other side. She jerked her head around, and her eyes widened in surprise. “Luhan!”

Her second potential lover gazed at her with sorrowful eyes. Her heart tore with guilt and sadness, and every heartbeat sent waves of pain within her. She hated to see him in any kind of pain. “Luhan…” Danji reached out but paused. She looked back at Alen.

He wasn’t smiling anymore. His eyes were filled with his own grief.

*What am I supposed to do? I’m torn between the two. I don’t want to hurt either of them though. I just want to love…* Her head swiveled around to meet Luhan’s penetrating gaze. He lowered his gaze and stepped into the darkness.

Panic seized her chest. “Luhan, where are you going?” He turned around and started to fade into the blackness. “Luhan! Don’t go! Don’t leave me!” She ran towards him, reached out, and caught nothing but air.


Danji sat up with sweat and tears covering her face. She looked around the darkness and realized she had had another terrible dream. *This time, Luhan was in it, too.* Danji exhaled, slid her fingers into her hair, and clutched onto the light golden brown strands. She recalled the events from earlier. *I fought with Luhan. I kissed Alen oppa. This is a mess. What have I done?*

Danji closed her eyes with guilt. She climbed out of bed to get water.

Wangzi opened his eyes, and when he saw his owner awake, he trotted after her.

Danji poured water into a glass and drank it to the last drop. She looked out the window and paused thoughtfully. *It’s a full moon tonight. Luhan would be in pain, probably in more than one way.* Danji lowered her head with a distraught sigh.


Luhan treaded through the dark forest. It was long past midnight, but he was still awake. He couldn’t sleep, not after what had happened earlier. Luhan came to the meadow where Danji and he had their first kiss. He still remembered the magical moment as if it had been yesterday. *Things were a lot easier back then.*

Luhan ran his fingers through the bushes, and the fireflies sprang to life. He sat on the grass, pulled a long blade from the earth, and twirled it between his fingers. *I know I did you wrong, Danji. I kept information from you. That was wrong of me. I’m sorry. I miss you so much. I wish we could go back to the way things had been before we knew the truths. But things have changed, and going back to the good times seems impossible. What if you decide to leave me? What if you choose Alen over me?*

His heart tore with grief, and he clenched his chest as he struggled to breathe.

“Danji…” Luhan hung his head low.

His keen senses picked up on a change in the surroundings. He looked up and saw that the fireflies were gone. Something had made them suddenly hide.

Luhan looked back and was met with a net. He struggled and shouted in surprise. He tried to change into his wolf form, but somehow, he was bound. There was an electric shock, and pain riveted through his limbs.

Luhan yelped and became semi-conscious. His physical wounds started to heal, but the impact of the shock left him disoriented.

Figures walked up to him and wrapped him up in a tighter net.

“I finally caught you, prince wolf.” The Hunter with the scar on his face said without humor or emotions.

Luhan’s eyes closed, and he blackened out.


Danji woke up late morning. She felt groggy and tired as if she hadn’t had enough sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she walked to the bathroom and washed. Done, she went to the kitchen, put bread into the toaster, and waited for the toast to come up. A knock on the door made her look up. *Who is it this time?*

The knocking grew louder and more frantic.

Danji walked over and checked the monitor. To her relief, it was only Lay and Chen.

She opened the door. “Hey, guys-“

“Why aren’t you answering your damn phone?” Chen demanded.

“It didn’t ring…” Danji went to her bedroom and realized her phone was dead. “Sorry. It ran out of battery.” She hooked it up to the charger.

“Well, at least you’re safe.” Chen stated.

Danji spun around at his biting words. “What do you mean by that?”

“Luhan didn’t come home last night.” Lay blurted.

Danji stared at him with slightly open.

“He didn’t return this morning either.” He said nervously.

“…Did he run away again?” Danji asked.

“No, I think it’s something different this time.” Lay shook his head.

“We found a part of a net and a Hunter’s badge in a meadow.” Chen revealed.

Her face grew pale.

“I don’t need your permission anymore. I’m going after the wolves no matter what you say. In the end, it’ll be best for you.”

“We think a Hunter took him.” Lay whispered dreadfully. *I’m afraid to say…I think he’s right.* Danji gulped.

The three of them went to the wolves’ cabin.

“Is Luhan back?!” Lay asked. Xiumin shook his head. “No.”

Tao and Kris came back after exploring the woods again.

“Any sign of him?” Chen asked.

“No.” Tao shook his head. “But we caught his scent leaving Malhwa. The Hunters must have taken him away.” Kris stated.

“Danji!” Lay exclaimed as she collapsed onto the floor with glassy eyes.

“Mei-mei!” Tao rushed over to aid her. They tried to help her, but she was as floppy as a fish.

“Danji, come back to your senses. We need to find Luhan.” Kris stated. She blinked a few times and shook her head. She looked at him with alarmed eyes and went on full panic mode. “Where did they take him? What are they going to do with him? Will they bring him back?”

“Danji, breathe.” Kris put a hand on his shoulder.

Danji inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. She looked up at him. “He’ll be okay, isn’t he? He has healing powers. If they hurt him…he’ll be able to heal.”

“We’ll just have to hope he’ll be in a condition where he can use his powers.” He replied.

“What does that mean?” Danji demanded.

“They can starve him or lock him up, causing his energy to drain. He won’t be able to heal himself then.” Xiumin whispered.

Fear curled in her stomach. “We have to find him soon. We have to get him back! He could get killed!”

“We know, Danji. We’re going to try our best to find him.” Kris promised.

“I can help. I know who took him.” She said.

The wolves stared at her. “Who?” Kris questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Danji swallowed hard. “The Hunter named Kim Yoosuk came to see me a few days ago.”

Kris stiffened at the name immediately.

“Yoosuk, that bastard!” Chen curled his hand into a fist. Tao became pale and tight-lipped.

“Why did he come see you?” Kris tried not to be rational.

“He wanted me to help him get Luhan. Of course I said no. But yesterday, he warned me that he would get Luhan no matter what.” Danji stated.

“AND YOU’RE TELLING THIS US NOW?!” Chen demanded with emerald green eyes.


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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1104 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!