Just Relax

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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G.Na Ft. Huh Gak- Mind Sync


Oddly enough, the coyote attacks came to an abrupt end. No more random attacks disturbed the pack, and Malhwa was at peace once again.

The first semester was coming to an end. Danji was busy finishing up last-minute projects and studying for her final exams. Even though school took most of her free time up, she spent as much time with Exo-M as she could. Or rather, she was forced to.

“MEI-MEI!” Tao yelled, shaking the entire house.

Danji looked up from her science textbook with wide eyes. “Goodness. What is going on?” She shuffled towards her bedroom door.

“MEI-MEI!” Tao appeared in front of her, startling her.

“Ah!” Danji automatically flinched back.

“Oops. My bad. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Tao’s piercing eyes roamed around the room. “What were you doing?” He entered without being invited.

“I was studying, as you can see.” Danji pointed to her open textbook.

“Psh. Studying is overrated.” Tao shut the book, turned around, and smiled charmingly. “Let’s go.”

“Go where?” Danji asked.

“To our cabin, of course!” He laughed at how dense she could be. “We’re going to have a big barbeque party tonight! Come on!” Tao started towards the door.

Danji checked the clock on the wall. “There are a few hours until night. Tell the others I’ll be there at dinnertime.” Danji sat back down at her desk.

“WHAT?!” Tao spun around with wide, incredulous eyes. “Y-You’re not coming right now?!”

“Nope. I have all this to do.” Danji motioned to the study guide packets on her desk. “I’ll come see you guys at night. I’ll bring the salad.” She picked up her pencil and continued to write.

“What?! No! Forget the salad!” Tao stormed towards her. “You need to come, mei-mei.”

“I will. Later.” She said.

“No. Right now.” He even stomped his feet for emphasis.

“I told you. I can’t. I need to study.” Danji reminded firmly.

“Forget studying! You’ve been studying all week! You need to come play with us!” Tao complained. He grabbed her right wrist to keep her from writing anymore.

Danji sighed wearily and looked up at him. “Tao, I need to study. I told Luhan to leave me alone, too. He respected my space. Why can’t you?”

“Because I’m not your mate. I’m your lover, so you have to do whatever I want you to do.” Tao pouted.

Danji couldn’t help but chuckle. “My lover? Did you ask Luhan permission to hold that title?”

“I don’t need permission from anyone.” He scoffed.

“Let me just finish this then, okay?” She gently twisted away from his grasp and went back to writing.

“Fine. I’m staying here then.” Tao lay across her bed.

“Tao.” Danji shot him a look. He buried his face in the pillow and let out a snore.

“Oh, whatever. Do what you want.” She waved her hand carelessly.

For the next hour, Danji worked on her science notes. When she finished the chapter, she shut the book and stretched her arms over her head. *At least I’m done with the notes for science. I only have world history and literature left.* Danji looked back and saw Tao lying on her bed. He looked like he was asleep, but she knew he was waiting for her to finish up. Her lips formed a smile. “Tao. I’m done.”

He stood up immediately. “Finally. It took you a thousand years!”

“I’m pretty sure we’re in the same year as when I first started.” Danji chuckled.

Tao lifted her arm up, put his hands on her shoulders from behind, and stirred her towards the door. “Now let’s go have fun!”

They walked through the woods and finally came to Exo-M’s residence. Tao flung open the door with a cheerful announcement. “MEI-MEI HAS ARRIVED!”

Lay poked his head out of the kitchen. “Mei-mei? Oh! Hi!” He waved ecstatically as his dimple caved in with a welcoming smile.

Danji giggled and waved. “Hi, ge.”

Kris appeared also. “Finally you come out of your prison cell. I was wondering if you had grown a beard yet.”

Danji rolled her eyes. “It’s physically impossible for that to happen to me, oppa. I’m a girl.” She pointed at herself with a “can-it-be-anymore-obvious” look.

“Really? I never knew. I wonder why I’ve been calling you my sister all along.” Kris pushed himself off the wall and went back into the kitchen.

“You’re such a sarcastic jackass.” Danji made a face and stalked towards Luhan’s room. She rapidly tapped on the door and allowed her inside.

“Tao! I told you to not enter my room until I answer yes-“ Luhan whirled around, and surprise crossed his face. “Danji!”

“Sorry. Should I knock again?” Danji stepped back and shut the door. Before she could fully close the door, Luhan grabbed the doorknob and flung it back. Danji stumbled back into his room. “No, of course not. I thought you were Tao. That idiot always knocks and lets himself enter my space without permission.” Luhan blew his bangs out of his face.

“I HEARD THAT!” Tao cried out from the kitchen.

“I MEANT FOR YOU TO HEAR IT SO THAT YOU WOULD GET A CLUE!” Luhan pulled Danji inside, shut the door, and locked it for good measure. “What are you doing here anyways?”

“Why? Are you unhappy to see me? Should I go back?” Danji pouted.

“What are you saying?” Luhan laughed at her silly reaction. “Come here.” He held out his arms, and she stepped into them with a glowing smile. Luhan hugged her snugly. “I’m ecstatic to see you. I’m glad you came.” He pulled back and squeezed her arms with an affectionate smile. “How did you come anyways? I thought you wanted me to stay away from you until you were done with your study guides.”

“I couldn’t resist Tao.” She truthfully answered.

Luhan scowled. “That bothersome idiot. He’s so tactless.”

Danji chuckled and slipped her arms around his waist. “I’m glad he persuaded me though. I can spend some time with you.”

Luhan smiled and immediately forgave Tao.

“Let’s go outside to the hammock.” Danji suggested with shining eyes. “Okay.” He agreed.

They went out to the patio and jumped into the hammock. Laughing, they cuddled together as the hammock rocked peacefully back and forth.

“I actually think failing the final is worth it if I could be with you like this.” Danji snuggled against his shoulder.

“That’s the sweetest thing you ever said to me.” Luhan kissed her forehead.

Danji giggled and nestled closer against his warm body. They shared kisses and played “I Spy” games with the clouds

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1105 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!