Three Guys

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Jay Chou: Mine Mine


It was now the beginning of the new year, but there was still no progress with Kris. He was still delusional and saw Danji as Holly.

Day by day, Luhan’s patience grew thin. When he had vowed he would do anything to repay Kris for saving Danji, he had not meant by allowing Kris to be intimate with his mate! Luhan fumed every time he saw Kris hold her hand, hug her, or touch softly in her ear. Danji felt more comfortable playing Holly, but still, she missed the Kris she once knew. She missed the way he would always and call her his “little sister”.

Danji woke up one morning to find a text message from Alen.

‘Happy New Year. Would you like to meet me today?’

Her eyes widened as her heartbeat quickened. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Had Alen really contacted her? She had not spoken to him since the semester had ended, but she could not deny she had thought about him from time to time. Danji’s fingers flew over the keypad as she replied. ‘Happy New Year! Just name the place and date, and I’ll be there!’

Alen promptly sent back a message, telling her they would meet on school campus in front of the fountain at noon.

*Noon?! I better hurry!* Danji hopped out of bed and washed. She changed several times before she finally chose an outfit: a knit sweater with skinny jeans and black boots. She slipped a sparkly pink barrette into her hair and smiled in satisfaction. Her phone notified her of a new text message. This time, it was from Luhan.

‘Are you awake? I’ll be there as soon as I can.’

‘Sorry, but I am going out to meet a friend! Talk to you later!’ Danji sent the message. She grabbed her backpack, made sure there was enough food and water for Wangzi, and left the house. Her phone rang with a call from Luhan. “Hello?” Danji answered as she walked down the ice-slicked trail.

“Who are you meeting? Is Minyoung back in town?” Luhan asked.

“No, Minyoung is going to Busan with Uishik. They won’t be coming back to Malhwa this winter.” Danji reminded.

“Then who else are you meeting?” Luhan asked confused.

When Danji didn’t answer, Luhan had an idea. “THAT SUNBAE DUDE?!”

She bit her bottom lip. “Um, yes.”

“WHAT?! WHY?!” He yelled.

“Why not?” Danji shrugged. She arrived at the bus stop and checked the winter schedule. The bus would be arriving in five minutes luckily.

“I CAN GIVE YOU A HUNDRED REASONS WHY NOT! NO! I CAN GIVE YOU A THOUSAND! BUT THE MAIN REASON IS...I DON’T WANT YOU TO SPEND ANYMORE TIME WITH ANOTHER MALE!” Luhan blared into the phone, causing her to hold the phone far away from shattering her eardrums. When he stopped yelling, she put the phone back to her ear. “Don’t be such a drama queen, Luhan. That’s a ridiculous reason. I’m just going to see my college sunbae. He’s like Uishik to me, except older and wiser.”


“Don’t bother! The bus is here! Love you! Take care of Kris oppa while I’m away!” Danji hung up as he sputtered, “Hello? Danji??! DANJI-“

Danji put her phone on silent, shoved it into the pocket of her jeans, and stepped next to the bus sign. The bus driver spotted her and came to a stop. She was the only one in the bus, so there were plenty of seats she could choose from. Danji sat in the back and looked out the window with a flushing, cheerful face. It was going to be an unordinary day, and she couldn’t wait.


Alen arrived at the university and waited by the frozen fountain. No one else was on campus. He leaned against the counter and rubbed his cold hands together. He blew hot air into his hands and looked around for any sight of Danji. Alen checked his watch. It was ten minutes past noon. He was a patient person and did not mind that she was delayed.

“Alen oppa!” A voice called out of nowhere.

Alen looked up and smiled pleasurably. *She’s here, my Other Half, my little angel.*

Danji started running across the thin layer of snow. “I’m sorry I’m late! The bus driver stopped the bus at a random place and did not move for the longest time- AH!” Her feet slipped out from underneath her, and she landed on her bottom. “Ouch…” Danji cringed in pain. She knew there was going to be a bruise on her bottom.

Alen gracefully loped over and stooped down in front of her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I was just a little too excited…” Danji bit her lower lip as pain ricocheted from her unsteady ankle to her tender bottom.

“You shouldn’t run on snow. It’s not safe.” Alen chided softly.

“Yeah, I knew that, and I did it anyways. I’m an idiot.” Danji sighed.

The corner of his lips quirked upwards in amusement. “Come on. Let me help you up.” Alen grasped her under her arms and easily lifted her up. She checked her buttocks to make sure they were still on and dusted the ice shavings off her jeans.

“Are you sure you’re all right? We don’t have to go to the hospital?” Alen checked.

“Oh, no. It’s not a big deal.” Danji shook her head.

“Okay. If you say so.” Alen said. They looked at each other, and for a long minute, neither said a word. They were too enraptured in each other’s presence.

“I haven’t seen you since last year.” Alen smiled. Last year, meaning last month.

Danji started to laugh. “You’re right. It’s been a long time.” She teased back.

“Too long.” Alen softly whispered. Her laughing gradually slowed down, and she gazed into his brown eyes.

Alen lightened the mood by bringing out a flat, rectangular box from his back. “It’s late, but Merry Christmas.”

“Oh!” Danji’s eyes rounded in surprise. “Is that a present for me?”

“None other.” Alen confirmed.

“B-But…I didn’t bring anything for you!” She blurted, mortified.

“I never expected anything from you.” He shook his head.


“Open it, Danji.” Alen softly commanded.

Danji gave in and took the bus. She unwrapped the wrapping paper and opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the soft, white mittens that were prettily decorated with blue-and-red patterns. “Mittens. Perfect timing. My hands were freezing.” Danji took out the mittens and slipped them over her hands. They were the perfect size, and they felt warm and soft against her skin. “Thank you.” Danji beamed appreciatively.

“You’re welcome.” Alen smiled back. He looked around the empty school. “We should probably move locations.”

“Right.” Danji laughed.

“Is there anywhere particular you want to go?” He asked. She thought about it and then shook her head. “Not really. I don’t know many places besides Malhwa and the Sun Walk.”

“Well, have you gone to Myunghae Lane? It’s where most of the college students around here go.” Alen said. Danji shook her head. “I never knew such a place existed.”

“There’s a first time for everything. Let’s go.” Alen guided her towards the parking lot. He stopped next to a gold Astro Martin One-77, one of the most luxurious cars in the world. Danji gaped at the ostentatious vehicle. “Is this your car?”

“Yes.” Alen replied.

Oh my…how can he afford such a nice car? It looks awfully expensive. Danji continued to stare at the car as if it was a spaceship from outer space.

Alen unlocked the car and opened the passenger side. “Come in.” Danji swallowed hard. It was her first time in such a nice car. She had never been in other cars, besides taxis. Danji stepped inside carefully, and Alen shut the door. He jogged to the other side and got in. He turned the heater to full blast to make sure she was properly warm. Danji looked around the interior and gulped. This car seems too nice. I hope I don’t ruin anything.

“Feel free to move around and get comfortable. Treat it like it’s your home.” Alen smiled.

Danji gave him a weak smile. My hous

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1104 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!