Potential Past

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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That Winter The Wind Blows OST: Winter Story (Orchestra Ver.)


Danji forgot about the bizarre dream and resumed to normal patterns of life.

School life was busier than ever. All the professors had suddenly decided to load exams, projects, and papers before spring break.

Danji flipped through the pages of the history book in search of facts to fill in the remaining three pages she had left for the critical analysis paper. She clamped her teeth over her pen and typed away on her ipad. Someone gripped onto the end of the pen, and she instinctively freed the pen from .

Alen sat beside her and placed the pen back on the table. “You look busy.”

“You have no idea.” Danji sighed. She shifted her gaze to his face and looked down at his empty hands. “What about you? Don’t you have homework like the rest of us?”

“I finished my two papers last night. And I already took my exam this morning” Alen explained.

“Diligent, aren’t you?” Danji muttered enviously. Alen laughed freely. “You’re assiduous, too. You have a 4.0 GPA, don’t you?”

“So far, yes. I just hope I pass nutrition class. It’s much harder than I thought it would be.” Danji sighed regrettably. She had gotten a ‘C’ on the first test.

“I’m sure you will.”Alen said.

Danji finished typing the sentence and drummed her fingers on the table. A random question popped in her head.

Alen’s eyes lifted upwards when he read the question in her mind. Should he tell her the truth, or would she freak out if she knew? People tended to wince whenever they knew what his talent was.

“Alen oppa.” Danji turned her head and studied his face. “I never got to ask you about your powers. You’re a prince, so you should have some preternatural ability. Luhan has healing powers. His cousin has speed, if I remember correctly. A fox princess I once met had telekinesis. What is your power?” Curiosity brimmed from her mind. She wanted to know what he would be able to do.

“Do you really want to know? My power might…make you wary.” Alen hinted.

Her eyes widened. “Is it something really scary? Do you…like…turn into a really weird creature? Or maybe you can become invisible!” He shook his head. “It’s nothing like those ideas.”

“Then what is it?” Danji persuaded. Alen still hesitated to tell her.

“Oh, come on! It can’t be anything freakish like reading minds!” She laughed. When he gave her a certain look, her face fell and she stopped laughing at once. “So…wait…I was right?” Her voice cracked at the end. “Yes. I can read your mind.” Alen replied.

The color drained from her face, and she stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and horror. So he had been invading my mind all this time?!

“I wouldn’t call it invading. I actually have no choice. Your thoughts just flood into my head.” Alen answered her question.

Danji flushed and dropped her gaze. Oh dear…this means he knew what I was thinking all along. How embarrassing.

The corner of his lips hitched upwards into a crooked smile. *You reacted in the same way as the first time you found out about my power.*


The chocolate chip cookie dropped from her hand. He caught it before it could break onto the clean kitchen floor.

“You can do what…?” Danji asked with a stunned expression.

“I can read minds. It’s one of the perks of being a coyote prince.” Alen answered.

OH MY GOD. HE KNEW WHAT I HAD BEEN THINKING ALL ALONG! HOW EMBARRASSING! Danji covered up her face and rushed towards her bedroom to lock herself in there for good.

Alen swiftly caught up to her and caught her arm before she could escape him. “Danji, don’t be embarrassed please.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” She squealed.

“Because you didn’t know about my true character until yesterday.” He tried not to laugh at this situation.

“Oh my God.” Danji placed her palms on her burning face. “This is so embarrassing. You can read minds, which means you know every single thing I thought about you.” I AM SO ASHAMED.

Alen laughed at her reaction. “You have nothing to be ashamed about.”

She gaped at him. “Did you read my mind again?!”

“I can’t help it. I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“Oh gosh.” Danji jutted out her lower lip. What am I going to do? How am I suppose to think normally again? Stop reading my mind, Alen oppa!

“I told you, Danji. I can’t. I’m not able to restrict anyone’s thoughts from flowing into my mind.” Alen murmured gently.

“How am I supposed to look at you now?” Danji tugged uneasily on the sleeve of her sweater.

“Just like this.” Alen cupped her face and tilted it gently upwards so that their gazes met. “Just be yourself, Danji. Think whatever you want to think. Whatever you think, I’ll hold nothing against you.” Her eyes softened, and the tension left her shoulders. “And for the record, I loved everything you thought about me.” He added, making her blush.

Alen tickled her tummy, and she broke into loud laughter. Danji squirmed away and darted into the living room where Alen chased her. She stuck out her tongue. “You can’t catch me.” “I probably will sooner or later.” He reasoned.

Danji dashed around the couch and tried to make her escape, but Alen caught her and lightly brought her down on the couch. She laughed breathlessly as he hovered over her with an admiring gaze. “I told you I would catch you. What will you give me as a reward?” He asked.

A kiss? Danji wondered.

“A kiss would be the perfect reward.” Alen bent down and softly pressed his lips against her.

Her lips surged upwards as she shut her eyes. I guess his ability to read minds isn’t bad after all.


“Danji…are you sure you’re okay?” Alen studied her face.

“I don’t know. You tell me. You can read my mind.” Danji shot him a look. She turned her entire body towards him. “Why didn’t you tell me about your power sooner?! I knew you were a coyote and a prince!” Danji demanded.

“I was worried for you. Once I tell someone about my power, they’re uneasy around me. I was afraid if I told you that I can read minds…you wouldn’t want to be near me.” Alen confessed.

Danji softened. I guess that’s reasonable. “So…does this mean nobody wants to play poker with you?”

Alen smiled at her attempt to lighten the mood. “Actually, yes. My pack will never allow me to play card games with them because I’ll always win.”

Danji blinked rapidly. “Your…pack? I never heard you talk about them before.”

“Yes, well, as much as I love them, they’re not my favorite subject to converse about.” Alen joked.

“How many people, er…coyotes are in your pack?” Danji asked.

“Including me, there are four. We’re called M4M.” Alen explained.

“M4M. Kind of like Luhan’s pack, Exo-M.” Danji made the connection. “Is your pack nice? Do they treat you kindly?” Danji wondered. I remember the Bangtan Boys. They didn’t seem to treat each other nicely.

“My pack is very good to me.” Alen assured. He peeked at her carefully. “Would you…like to meet them?”

Her eyes widened. “Meet…coyotes?”


Danji looked out the window at the passing, unfamiliar scenery. Her heart thumped with both excitement and anxiety. What would Alen’s pack be like? Would they be fun like Exo-K? Would they be welcoming like Exo-M?

All sorts of thoughts muddled her brain.

“You’re thinking a lot.” Alen observed as he made a turn into the correct street.

“What exactly am I thinking?” Danji challenged.

“Honestly, I haven’t the faintest clue. Your changing thoughts so much that it’s hard to grasp one idea.” Alen replied.

“Maybe I should use this technique from now on. I can confuse you then.” Danji lamely joked.

“You’d get a headache.” Alen replied back with a smile.

Danji smiled a little. What if his pack doesn’t like me?

Alen heard that one thought and softened. *They met you before, and they absolutely loved you. Vinsonyou’re your favorite. You called him ‘the funny rabbit oppa’.* “They’ll like you, Danji. Everyone does.” He smiled. She smiled back but her smile faded with a new worry. Luhan had no idea that she was going to Alen’s home. If he knew, he would be furious. She had wanted to ask him earlier, but she had been afraid of his reaction.

“We’ll just stay for a little bit and then I’ll take you home. We won’t make Luhan worry.” Alen assured.

Danji smiled gratefully. I guess his ability to read minds isn’t bad after all. “Thank you.”

Alen pulled to a stop between two equally ostentatious cars. “Okay. We’re here.”

Danji stepped out of the car and looked up at the pension in awe. “Whoa…is this where you live?”

“Yes. Come in.” Alen led her to the elevator. He pressed his palm against the hand-shaped scanner. The elevators opened automatically, and they stepped inside.

“We have to ride the elevator to go to your home?” Danji asked, puzzled.

“We need to ride the elevator to go to my floor. The first floor belongs to my pack member.” Alen replied.

“Oh…” Wow. This is so fancy. I feel like I’m in a building. I’ve never been at a home with elevators before. Danji laced her fingers together and waited for the elevator to come to a s

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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1105 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!