Waiting Here

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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M4M: When You Leave Me


Danji woke up with a heavy feeling in her heart. There seemed to be an invisible weight on her chest, and she found it difficult to think clearly. Her muddled mind came into a focus, and she realized what the weight was.


The events of last night replayed in her mind and reality crashed over her.

Overwhelmed, Danji sat up in bed. She looked down to see her empty wrist. Luhan’s ring was still on her hand, but Alen’s bracelet was not. A small whimper by the side of the bed made her pull out of her dismal thoughts. She looked down to see Wangzi standing on his hind legs. Danji softened, reached out for the dog, and picked it up. “You’re starting to get bigger.” She whispered. It snuggled against her, and she its soft, white fur.

After kissing the top of its head, she released it back on the floor and dragged herself towards the bathroom. With a blank mind, Danji brushed, washed, and dressed. She went to the kitchen and made coffee, hoping it would wake her mind up and help her make her mind up. Wangzi ran up to her and whimpered with his pure puppy eyes. Danji smiled a little and picked him up. “Right now, you’re the only one who can comfort me.” She buried her face in the animal’s fur and sighed heavily. Wangzi her cheek, as if trying to soothe her.

The coffee brewed, and Danji poured herself a cup. She carried Wangzi in one arm and the coffee mug in her free hand to the living room. Danji sat on the couch and let Wangzi roam around freely on the couch. She took a sip of the hot coffee, and the warmth from the liquid ran through her bloods.

Danji finished the entire cup of coffee, but her head didn’t feel any clearer than before. She swung her legs onto the couch and leaned her cheek against the cold leather as she tried to sort out her thoughts. *At the age of fifteen, I became Alen oppa’s Other Half. I don’t recall anything though. I don’t remember one speck about him being in my life before now. And yet, there is all the evidence that proves I was his Other Half, even before I became Luhan’s mate. This is so baffling. I don’t understand how all this could have happened. I don’t understand why he had to come into my life and leave without allowing me to remember.*

Danji turned her face towards the couch and closed her eyes. She touched her aching head as resentment, confusion, and anger swirled in her heart.

Why did she have to feel so upset and betrayed?

The answer was easy, wasn’t it? She was Luhan’s mate now. She could just move on with him as if none of this had happened.

But it wasn’t so simple, because deep inside her heart, she couldn’t deny the feelings she had for Alen. Danji was drawn to Alen. Maybe it was because of their past together.

Maybe she had really loved him so much. Or maybe it was because they were meant to be after all.

She couldn’t put a finger on it, but there was something inexplicable about Alen that attracted her to him.

Danji thought back to the first day she had met him at the university. He had caught her off-guard, but ever since day one, he had literally stolen her breath away. There had been something about his soulful brown eyes that made her heart flutter in recognition. Her heart must have fallen for him all over again, but her mind could never remember him. Frustrated, Danji sighed. She looked down at her hand.

Luhan’s ring glistened, as if reminding her about her mate. Danji softened and lightly the ring.

The day she had met Luhan had been like no other either. When he had first entered her classroom, they had met eyes like magnets. Something powerful had stirred within her, and her heart had reacted tumultuously. *Make up your mind, heart. Who are you beating for? Alen or Luhan?* Danji scolded herself.

Out of nowhere, Wangzi began to bark. He hopped off the couch and darted towards the front door. He continuously barked, causing Danji to stand up. *Why is Wangzi barking? Is someone at the door? I don’t think it’s Luhan though. When Luhan comes, Wangzi never barks.*

Danji grabbed the doorknob and opened it. Her eyes widened as her stomach did an automatic somersault at the sight of him. Alen slowly lifted his head and looked into her eyes. Wangzi barked and backed away. Alen looked down at the dog. *He was asleep when I visited last time. Now that he’s awake, he’s wary of me.*

“Wangzi, stop.” Danji grabbed the dog off the floor and held him against her chest. “Sorry about that. He’s only met one other person before.” She couldn’t meet his eyes and bit her lip in nervousness. I don’t know what to say or do. I had never expected him to come.

“I’m sorry for dropping by so suddenly, but I had to check on you.” Alen replied.

Oh yeah, he can read minds. Danji felt stupid for forgetting.

“I needed to know that you’re okay, but of course, you’re not. And it’s my entire fault.” He dropped his eyes in shame. She looked at his sincerely repenting expression and softened. Alen lifted his gaze back up to her face. “I have a lot to tell you. I’m sure you have a lot of questions for me, too. Can I come in?”

After a brief pause, Danji stretched the door wider. “Come in.” She said softly.

“Thank you.” Alen stepped inside. It was the first time he had come into her house with her invitation.

Danji closed the door and went into the living room. She sat on the couch and set Wangzi in her lap. The dog continued to bark and squirmed. “Wangzi, stop it.” Danji chided. “He’s just disoriented because he never saw me before. Can I see him?” Alen stretched out his hands. Surprised by his words, she held out the puppy. Wangzi yelped as Alen took him in his arms.

“Shhh…” Alen softly whispered and gently the dog’s fur. “You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you or your owner.” Bit by bit, Wangzi relaxed. In fact, he looked like he was in heaven. His eyes started to droop close, and he cuddled against Alen’s chest with a look of pure bliss and devotion.

Wangzi has been charmed by him, too. Danji thought. Reading her thought, Alen looked at her face.

Danji blushed and looked away. *Does that mean you had been charmed by me, too?* Alen gently set Wangzi on his bed.

Wangzi closed his eyes and took a dog nap.

“Do you know how to read animals’ minds, too?” Danji asked.

“No. Their minds work differently, and I can’t interpret anything. I just stated the obvious feelings of a dog when it sees a stranger.” Alen said.

“Oh.” Danji b

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740 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1104 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!