Our Story

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Jin: Gone


Fifteen-year-old Danji threw on a pair of jeans and knit sweater, ran a brush through her annoyingly straight hair, and left her room in a flourish. She poked her head into her grandfather’s study and saw that he was busy carving his wooden works as usual. “Do you need anything before I go, grandpa?”

“Nope. Don’t worry about this old man and go have fun.” He replied without looking away from his creation.

“Okay. I’ll be at Minyoung’s if you need me.” Danji headed to the front door and pulled on Ugg boots her grandfather had bought her for the previous Christmas. “Bye, grandpa!” Danji called one more time before truly leaving. She marched through the grass and went into the forest.

What did Minyoung have planned for their hang out today?

Painting toenails? Gossiping about celebrities? Baking cookies (Danji would bake while Minyoung would eat all the cookies)?

Danji heard a rustle from behind and looked back. The forest path was void of danger. *Strange. I thought I heard something.* Danji faced forward again and stopped abruptly. Just a few meters away stood a creature. It was a creature she had never witnessed before. The animal was huge and resembled a dog.

But it was no friendly dog. It was a coyote, fully intent to harm her.

Danji backed away slowly as she tried to remember the tactics to avoid a dangerous creature. Little did she know, there was nothing she could do to distract this were-coyote. The black coyote barred his fangs and launched towards her with vicious barks. Danji fled. Her heart pounded with each step she took. She darted between the trees, hoping to escape the coyote. The coyote launched upward, and within seconds, it was right in front of her.

Danji gasped and spun around to only meet another large, vicious coyote. Her head spun as her legs turned to mush.

Where had all these coyotes come from? They gnashed their teeth and lunged at her.

Danji yelped and ducked as she covered her head protectively. A fierce roar came from above. She looked up just in time to see a flash of gold. A third coyote with gold fur brutally tackled the first coyote. The second coyote yelped in fury and bit the gold coyote in the neck. The gold coyote barked gruffly and lashed around to bite the second coyote in the ear.

Danji watched as the beastly fight continued in front of her. She backed away, hoping to escape.

But the first black coyote caught sight of her and ran after her. Danji backed away, tripped, and landed on her bottom. She blocked her face with her arms and screamed. She waited for the painful bite, but there was nothing. A piercing yowl filled the air, and she looked to see the golden coyote had stopped the black coyote in time.

The two coyotes saw that they were no match for the prince coyote and sped off to get more help.

Danji’s eyes widened as the gold coyote came to its full height. His gold eyes pierced straight into her heart, and she swore her heart had stopped beating for a moment. She didn’t dare breathe and hoped she somehow mixed in with the surroundings. The coyote started to walk towards her. Oh my God. He’s going to devour me.

Danji closed her eyes and held her breath.

To her shock, the coyote just walked past her.

Huh? Why didn’t he eat me? She turned around to see the coyote limping into the forest with his tail lowered.

Danji frowned. She couldn’t help but feel sympathetic. The coyote had gotten hurt while saving her. She was responsible for him somehow. Although her instincts screamed at her not to go, she followed him. She carefully treaded a safe distance behind the coyote. Her heart fluttered wildly. I’m crazy to be going after a coyote. But he’s hurt, and I can’t help but follow to make sure he’s okay.

*No, Danji. Don’t come after me. You’ll know the truth about me then.* The gold coyote tried to speed up, but with his bad leg, it was impossible to run away. He saw his opportunity when he came upon a recognizable part of the woods that was covered with thick bushes and leaves.

The coyote darted into the bushes where it was impossible for Danji to get through without an ax. She stopped and peered above the tall branches. Where did he go? Is he in there? Why is he hiding? Is he really hurt?

Danji sat down and decided to wait. The coyote watched her with his gold eyes.

He knew she was tenacious. She would probably sit there for hours until he came out.

*I have to reveal everything to her. I can’t hide here forever.* The coyote stepped back and changed forms. He put on clothes he had stored away under the tree and stepped out. Danji heard footsteps and looked back. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Oppa!” Alen stood there and silently gazed at her. How would be break the truth to her? This was the first time he actually would tell her about what he was.

“How did you know I was here?!” Danji asked. She didn’t give him the chance to speak and delved right into her story. “Oh my god. Just a few minutes ago, I was under attack. I was going to Minyoung’s house when I was confronted by a black coyote. He had brought a friend, too. They were about to attack me when this golden coyote came out of nowhere and saved me-“

“I know.” Alen softly spoke.

“You…do? How?” She asked, baffled.

“Because…” Alen lifted up the end of his jeans and showed the bite wound. Her eyes widened in horror. “…I am the gold coyote.” He whispered.


Danji came straight home, called Minyoung to tell her she wouldn’t be able to come, and barricaded herself in her room for the rest of the night. She only came out at night to make dinner for her grandfather.

“Are you sure you’re not going to eat?” He asked, puzzled. “I’m sure.” She whispered.

“What’s wrong? Are you sick?” Her grandfather frowned.

“No, I’m just tired. I’ll be going to bed early. Good night, grandpa.” Danji went back to her room and closed the door. She leaned against the door and sighed with deflated shoulders. She felt like reality had been out of her. *How can Alen oppa be a…a…coyote? That makes no sense. Humans shouldn’t be able to change into animals. That only happens in movies, right?*

Danji sat on her bed and curled into a protective ball. She couldn’t deny what she had witnessed though. When she had still seemed skeptical about Alen’s declaration, he had changed into a coyote right in front of her. After she had seen that, she had fled back to her home. He hadn’t followed her, and she was glad.

Danji rested her chin on top of her knees. *Alen oppa is a coyote. I should stay away, right? He can be dangerous to me and my loved ones.* But did she have the courage to leave him? Did she even want to leave? Alen had become an important part of her life. If she truly was in love with him, did it matter what he was? As long as they loved each other, everything would be fine. That’s what Danji truly believed.

A light tap on her window made her turn her head. She saw a stick note attached to the glass. Danji climbed out of bed and warily walked over to the window. She carefully opened her window a little, took the note off the glass, and quickly shut the window before another coyote could jump into her life. Danji read the note.


I’m sorry if I scared you. I know my true nature is hard to believe.

If you are still frightened of me, I understand.

I will not bother you anymore.

I will be waiting outside until midnight. If you don’t show up until then, I will presume you want nothing with me anymore.



Danji softened. She thought about what she wanted and what was right. Both paths led to Alen. She couldn’t win against her heart.

Danji yanked open her closet, pulled out a warm jacket, and pulled it on. She hurried out of the room and headed towards the front door. “Where are you going? I thought you were going to bed.” Her grandfather said, baffled.

“Um, Minyoung came to check on me. I’ll just talk to her for a little bit and come back.” Danji slipped on her old tennis shoes and hurried out. The forest was dark and eerie but that did not stop her from running towards the lake. Her breaths came out in clouds, and the cold bit her hands, but she kept moving.

Danji finally arrived at the lake and stopped to catch her breath. As promised, Alen was waiting there. He looked so anxious that it broke her heart.

Danji straightened up and began to approach him. Alen heard her thoughts before she even reached him. He whirled around, and she stopped next to him.

“I thought you wouldn’t come.” Alen breathed.

“I was scared. In fact, I’m still sc

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!