First Meet

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Master's Sun OST: In Memories


“Here are your drinks. One Iced Hazelnut Latte and one Iced Caramel Latte.” The café employee smiled brightly at him as she pushed the cold drinks toward him.

“Thank you.” Alen smiled polietly, causing the girl to swoon and almost trip over the counter. He picked up the drinks and left the cafe. Alen entered the library that was blanketed with silence. Only a few people were in there. He went deeper into the library as his keen eyes examined the area. *Where is Danji? She told me she would be in here.* He tried to listen to all the thoughts to find Danji, but he could not hear her anywhere.

*Did she leave?* Alen placed one of the drinks on an empty table and took out his phone. He called her number and waited for to answer. His sharp ears caught the sound of her ringtone nearby. *She was here all along? How come I couldn’t hear her?* Alen tucked his phone in his pocket, picked up the drink, and walked down the row of shelves. He turned the corner and came to a stop.

Danji was here, but she was asleep. Her head was lying on top of her arms, and her long eyelashes fell over her closed eyes.

*No wonder I couldn’t hear her thoughts.* Alen carefully approached the table where she was sleeping. As quietly as possible, Alen sat in the empty chair beside her and placed the drinks down. He pulled her textbook out of the way and flipped through the pages. She had been studying historical figures in American history before knocking out.

Alen closed the book and looked at her. His eyes glistened softly, and a tender expression crossed his face.

The dormant feelings for her suddenly sprang alive and made him feel both alive and dizzy. Alen reached out and tenderly her rosy cheek with the back of his fingers. She stirred a bit but did not wake up. He took a tendril of her hair and curled it behind her ear to get a better look at her serene sleeping face. His fingers glided across her cheekbone and drifted down to her jaw. A warm smile appeared on his lips, and a blissful sigh escaped his mouth. *How can I describe this feeling? It’s simple. I just can’t. This feeling of complete joy and peace is overwhelming. I don’t even know if I deserve so much happiness.*

The love for his Other Half ran deep within his soul. His love would be everlasting and unconditional.

He only hoped she would realize that soon enough.

Alen folded his arms on the table and slowly rested his chin on top of them. *I remember the first day I saw you. It’s vivid in my mind like it happened today.*


Alen sat in the studio creating a ceramic vase. The wheel spun and spun, and his deft fingers skillfully created curves in the right places. He heard the sound of the front door open and shut.

Alen stopped spinning the wheel and looked back. *Is teacher home?*

Alen dipped his clay-covered hands in the basin full of water and wiped his damp hands on the towel. He came out to the living room, calling for his mentor, “Are you home, teacher?”

The elderly man was gravely staring out the window. He was too deep into his thoughts to hear Alen approach him.

“Teacher?” Alen asked in concern. The old man finally turned to him. There was no mistake that there was grief in his wise eyes.

“Did something happen?” Alen asked. The old man didn’t need to reply. Alen had read the poignant story in his mind already. “Your daughter…”

“She’s dead. And so is her husband. They were both…killed by wolves.” The old man sighed and rubbed his tired face. “It’s probably all my fault. Those wolves were out to avenge me. They wanted to pay me back for all the lives I stole from their population.”

Alen softened. “Teacher, don’t blame yourself. Their deaths had nothing to do with you. The attack from were-creatures was inevitable, given the fact that your son-in-law was also a Hunter. So maybe he had to be blamed for the death of him and your daughter.”

The old man gave him a tired smile. “I told myself the same thing. But sometimes, it’s easier to just take the blame.” Suddenly, his face contorted with trouble. What am I supposed to do now? What will I do with my granddaughter?

“Where is your granddaughter right now?” Alen couldn’t help but ask. He did not personally know Danji, but he knew the old man thought of her often.

“Are you reading my thoughts again?” The old man eyed him without resentment then chuckled. “I suppose you can’t help it. My granddaughter is currently residing at a social agency in Seoul, but I’m planning to bring her in some time this weekend. You don’t mind, do you? You might have to share a room with me.”

Alen shook his head. “I can’t complain, teacher. You’ve already done a lot for me. If I become too much trouble, just ask, and I’ll leave anytime.”

The old man patted his shoulder. “Don’t hold your breath for that one. You’ve become as much value to me as my granddaughter. You’re like the grandson I never had.”

Alen smiled appreciatively.

The old man stretched and clapped determinedly. “Let’s remodel your room to make it fit for the coming princess, huh?” He walked away boldly, but Alen saw the heavy weight on his shoulders. Theold  man was in grief, but clearly, he didn’t want to show his vulnerable state to anyone. So Alen pretended to not hear his wounded thoughts and went to help him.

A couple days later, the elderly man went to retrieve his granddaughter. When she arrived in Malhwa, Alen vanished from sight. He didn’t want the girl to be alarmed to see a stranger as soon as she walked in through the doors. She was probably shaken already. He didn’t want to worsen her situation anymore.

Alen carefully watched through the window as a small, five-year-old girl entered the cabin. Her hair was in an untidy ponytail, and she was holding her beat-up puppy doll. She only had one backpack with her. It was hard to read her expression. She seemed hesitant, but there were no visible tears on her face. Her lips were slightly turned downward, and she seemed…determined.

Alen read her mind and was shocked to see the same resilience as her grandfather.

This is my new home? It’s different. It feels strange not being with mom and dad.

The little girl lifted her head and blinked up at the old man. I don’t know grandpa that well either. Oh, well. This is better than the orphanage though.

“Come, Danji. I’ll show you your new room.” The old man led her across the living room. The little girl gripped onto the strap of her backpack, held the doll tighter against her chest, and followed her grandfather towards her new bedroom. She heard a twig snap in half and whirled around.

Alen swiftly pressed himself against the wall and held his breath.

Is somebody out there? I thought I heard something. She squint her eyes but saw nothing.

“Danji!” Her grandfather called. Danji turned around and went back into the room.

Alen sighed in relief and sank onto the leaf-covered ground. Now he had a problem. How was he going to face the little girl?

The sun started to fall beyond the horizon, and soon, night would fall. Alen was still not back yet. He wanted to give the girl a little more time to adjust without new disturbances. But that was just an excuse. Honestly, he had no heart to show up in front of her. He was a coward, and his gut knew that. Alen snapped a fallen branch in half and threw it with a sigh. He could smell dinner on the stove, but he was not hungry quite yet. He could hear the little girl’s thoughts nearby. She was wondering all sorts of things about her new neighborhood. He could sense a mixture of fear, apprehension, and tension from her.

“Here you are.” A voice said. Alen looked up and saw the old man approaching him. He put a hand on his hips with mocking eyes. “What on earth are you doing out here? Have you been hiding out behind the cabin all along?” The old man stooped down next to him. “What are you doing out here, kiddo? You’ve been missing for hours.”

“I just…I wanted to give your granddaughter some space. She’s…dealing with a lot right now. I don’t want to add anymore to her worries. It would be alarming to find a stranger living in her grandfather’s house,” Alen admitted.

The old man softened. He put his hand on Alen’s shoulder and squeezed fondly. “That’s one of the things I respect about you, Alen. You care deeply for others, even if they don’t know you yet.” *I can’t help it. I can read their minds and see what they’re going through. That makes me be sympathetic to them, whether I like to or not.* Alen sighed.

“Are you really going to stay out here forever? She’ll know about you one day.” The old man stated.

“I know.” Alen softly acknowledged.

“All right. Come in whenever you feel ready. Dinner will remain on the table.” The old man patted his back and left.

Alen leaned against the cabin. He picked a small flower from the ground and started to take off the petals. *To go in or not to go in. To go in or not to go in. To go in or not to go in. To go in…* Alen shook his head. He picked another flower and started over again. “To go in or not to go in.”

When the night grew late, and Alen could hear the loud snores of the old man, he went back inside the house. He started to tip-toe into the kitchen to eat the leftover dinner when his sharp ears picked up on the sound of crying in the other room. Mommy. Daddy. The little girl endlessly called for her parents in her mind. *She’s still awake.* Curiously, Alen walked towards the door.

Danji had not cried when her grandfather had come to pick her up. She had not cried when she had come to a

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!