Being Holly

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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4Men: Propose Song


Danji woke up to a small, pink tongue her nose. She opened her eyes, and they gathered in the center.

Her new Samoyed puppy, Wangzi, stuck out his tongue and her nose again.

Danji giggled. “That tickles!”

Luhan rolled over on his side and wrapped his arm around her stomach. “What are you laughing about?” He mumbled drowsily.

“Wangzi.” Danji cooed as she scratched its ears.

Luhan opened one eye. He smiled at the sight of an adorable girl playing with a cute puppy. It was a heartwarming scene.

Luhan kissed Danji’s cheek and rubbed Wangzi’s furry head. “He’s like our little baby.” Luhan murmured as he scratched Wangzi under his chin. The puppy leaned into him happily. Danji gave Luhan a curious look. “I wonder…if we have babies in the futures, will they have dog ears like Wangzi?”

Luhan pulled on his earlobes. “Do I have dog ears? The answer would be no.”

“Oh.” Danji blinked.

Luhan grinned and tightened his grip around her middle. “You thought about us having babies. That’s so cute.”

Danji turned crimson. “I-I was not! I was just curious!”

“Curiosity leads to reality.” Luhan scooped Wangzi up in one hand and gently placed him on the floor before rolling on top of Danji. “Why don’t we find out if our own pups have ears or not?”

Danji rolled her eyes. “That’s kind of a useless experiment, considering the fact you already told me the answer was no. Stupid.”

“Stupid?!” Luhan pretended to be outraged. “How dare you call your future husband that!” He tickled her madly, and she screamed with laughter.

“Luhan! I can’t breathe!” Danji thrashed and giggled into the pillow. Luhan stopped tickling her and smiled affectionately down at her. He loved every bit of her, from her messy bed hair to her toenails that had been painted purple. Luhan lay down behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, spooning her from the back.

Danji lifted her face from the pillow and looked back.

“It makes me happy to know you’re thinking about our future together. I want to be the only man in your life forever and always, Danji. I never want to lose you to anything. Life or death, you’re my soulmate.” Luhan softly squeezed her tighter. Danji squirmed and turned around to be face-to-face with him. Her coffee brown eyes searched his face, and she smiled angelically as she his cheek with the back of her hand. “I can’t see anyone else in my future but you, Luhan. And that’s the truth.”

He smiled blissfully and squeezed her hand. They closed their eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

Abruptly, they heard a pitiful yelp from below. Their eyes fluttered open, and they blinked.

Luhan chuckled. “Someone feels left out.”

Danji smiled and sat up. She hopped out of bed and picked up Wangzi. He contently snuggled in her arms.

“You adorable thing, you.” Danji kissed his ears several times.

“I can’t believe I feel jealous over a dog. Why do I feel as if I brought a rival into my own territory?” Luhan mulled out loud.

“Wangzi might be your biggest rival yet, but don’t worry. He won’t replace you.” Danji winked and left to wash.


“Stop it!” Danji giggled as Luhan tickled her sides endlessly. Laughing, she walked backwards until her bottom collided with the kitchen oven. Luhan moved closer, cupped the dips of her waist, and leaned down towards her with a cookie between his lips. His lips curved into a sweet, seductive smile.

“You’re so devious.” Danji clucked her tongue. Nonetheless, she wrapped her arms around his neck, tilted her chin upward, and bit half of the cookie off. Luhan smiled in content and chewed the rest of his cookie. He took another cookie in his mouth and leaned in.

Danji turned away. “Nuh-uh. No more cookie kisses. I didn’t even eat breakfast yet, and I don’t like eating so many sweets in the morning.”

Luhan cupped her face and turned it towards him. Danji blinked and stared up into his eyes. The way he gazed at her made her insides turn into goo. Her legs wobbled. She found it hard to say no to him when he was staring at her in such a heated way.

Smiling, Luhan leaned down.

*Oh what the heck. One more won’t hurt.* Danji yielded to his seduction. As soon as she parted her lips to bite into the cookie, Luhan daringly dove in and captured her full lips. Her eyes automatically shut as he gave her a breathtaking kiss. His hands gripped her waist tightly and pressed her firmly against him.

The small yelp of a dog made them break apart. They looked down and saw Wangzi wagging his tail. He barked and stuck out his tongue.

Danji laughed and picked him up. “Awww, I just can’t resist you when you look at me like that.”

Luhan crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. “I deemed it impossible, but I’ve found a bigger er than Tao.”

Danji giggled as Wangzi her nose. She kissed the top of its head and smiled happily. Luhan lightly flicked the dog’s wet nose, and it howled.

“Luhan!” Danji smacked his hand with a disapproving smile

“Every time he interrupts him, I’m going to punish him, so he knows not to invade our privacy. Come here. Let me flick him again.” Luhan put his thumb over his middle finger and held out his hand.

“No!” Danji shrieked and turned away protectively with the puppy in her arms. “Don’t touch my Wangzi.” She stuck out her tongue and went to find anything for the dog to eat until she got him official dog food.

“I thought I was your prince.” Luhan feigned sadness.

Danji laughed and shook her head. She looked down at Wangzi who was curiously staring up at her. She scratched its ear with a fond smile. “You’re my Wangzi, but Luhan will forever be my prince.”


Blinded by bliss, Luhan and Danji forgot all about the predicament with Kris and went back to Exo-M’s cabin in the mid-afternoon.

“We’re back!” Danji happily exclaimed.

As soon as she had entered through the door, Chen grabbed her arm and hissed, “Where the hell have you been all this time?! Why are you just coming now?!”

Danji blinked, befuddled, “Why? What’s wrong?”

“Excuse me. I would appreciate if you would stop manhandling my mate.” Luhan coldly said as he wrenched Chen away from Danji and stood between them with a menacing glower.

“What’s wrong?! Are you kidding me?! Have you forgotten about our little problem with our alpha?!” Chen sneered.

Danji’s face fell. *Oh my god. It completely slipped my mind.* “H-He’s still like that? He still thinks I’m Holly?”

“YES!” Chen practically screamed in her face. “Of course he would be! What did you think?! That he would recover from his emotional scars overnight?!”

Luhan shoved his shoulders with a snarl, “Don’t you dare snap at her. It’s not her responsibility to look after Kris. You should be grateful she’s even willing to pretend to be Holly.”

Chen glowered at him with emerald green eyes. “That’s the least she could do, considering the fact that he almost died trying to save her.” Luhan growled as his eyes flashed icy blue.

“That’s enough.” Lay appeared. “Don’t quarrel, or you’ll only make Kris suspicious.” He looked at Danji with gentleness. “Go in. He’s been waiting for you.”

“Okay.” Danji nodded. She looked back at Luhan. He sighed unhappily and nodded reluctantly. Danji headed to the back and stopped in front of Kris’ door. With a deep breath, she raised her fist and knocked. The door flung open almost instantly, and she stepped back in surprise.

Kris saw her and sighed in relief. “Holly, where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you.”

“S-Sorry. I overslept.” Danji felt bad about fibbing, but there was no other choice.

“Well, that’s fine, but I was really worried. I tried to go find you, but they,” He resentfully glared towards the living room where the pack was, “Stopped me. They acted as if the world would fall apart if I went to you.” *It probably would have.* Danji thought. Kris looked at her with concern. “Is everything all right? You’re not in trouble, are you?” Danji shook her head with a forced smile. “Of course not. Everything is…fine.” She looked up at his forehead. There was still a small cut on there. His skin had mostly fixed itself, but a scar would forever remain there. Unlike Luhan, the rest of the pack wasn’t able to get rid of their scars so easily.

“How do you feel?” Danji asked.

Kris took her hand and smiled warmly as he pressed her hand against his cheek. “Much better, now that you’re here.” *Oh God. This is still so awkward. I don’t think I’ll be able to live through this.* Danji swallowed hard.

Kris pulled her into his room and shut the door. Danji felt her heart thudding fast. Never in her years of knowing him had she been in his room so many times. He was usually a clandestine being who liked his privacy. Danji nervously tugged on the end of her sleeves. *What should I do? What should I say?*

“What the hell is this?” Kris growled, annoyed. Danji spun around and saw him looking in the mirror. He touched the scar under his left cheekbone. “When the hell did I get this? I don’t remember.” Danji walked over and peered at the scar. *I saw that on your face ever since I knew you, which means you had this when you were with the real Holly.*

“Do you remember how I got this?” Kris asked. Danji truthfully shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

Kris’ frown deepened. Something didn’t feel right to him.

“Don’t worry about it. I think…it makes you handsome. In a rugged kind of way.” Danji quickly stated, hoping to divert his attention.

Kris stared at her for a long time. She flinched under his penetrating gaze. What if she had said something wrong? Maybe Holly never said those kinds of things. But Kris broke into a smile, and she knew she had said the right thing. “Thanks, babe. I feel a lot better. I only need to be attractive to you.” Kris lightly pinched her cheek. Danji gave him a small smile.

“Come here.” Kris put his hands on her shoulders from behind and directed her outside to his patio. “Look at the scenery. Isn’t it breathtakingly beautiful? It was even more amazing at dawn.” Danji looked out at the view laid out below her and smiled softly. *He’s right. Malhwa is beautiful, especially during wintertime when snow and ice covers everything. It’s like Winter Wonderland here.* She felt arms encircle around her waist, and she stiffened in surprise.

Danji looked back and saw Kris duck down to put his chin on her shoulder. He clasped his hands together and locked her in a secure embrace. Kris confessed, “I have no memory of why we came here. I specifically remember we were last in China. Then my memory stops there. I woke up…and I’m here…injured in a foreign place. I asked the pack. They said we had come here to find Luhan’s mate.”

Danji swallowed hard in guilt. *That would be me. I’m Luhan’s mate, Kris oppa. Not yours.*

“Apparently, we hadn’t found Luhan’s mate yet. But it’s so strange why we haven’t gone back to China yet. I mean, your pack should be there, too, and we wolves aren’t apart from our packs for too long. Speaking of your pack,” Kris drew back and gave her a puzzled look. “Where are Selina, Hebe, and Ella?”

*Who are they? Are they the names of the people in Holly’s pack?* Danji wondered. Kris waited for an explanation.

Danji nervously wrung her hands. “I, um, I’m not too sure-“

“How can you not be sure? You’re the alpha.” He pointed out.

*Holly was the alpha?!* Her jaw slacked open. He gave her a suspicious look. She slapped her jaw close. “Um, I do know. They’re…visiting…some relatives.” Danji replied, crossing her fingers that Holly’s pack truly had relatives that were alive. Kris nodded in understanding. “Oh, they’re visiting Fahrenheit?”

Danji nodded eagerly without even knowing who he was talking about.

“But you chose to come with me.” Kris said affectionately as he her head.

“Of course I did. We’re mates, remember?” Danji smiled as convincingly as she could.

Kris chuckled. “How could I ever forget?” *Yeah…how could you?* She turned back to the scenery.

Kris sighed as he leaned against her and put his chin on top of her shoulder again. “I feel like I’m losing it, Holly.”

Danji snuck a glance behind her. Kris looked very disheartened and confused. “I feel like I’m living in the past.” She stiffened with wide eyes. “I just don’t know what’s happening anymore. I wake up, and I’m somewhere strange where I shouldn’t be. I forgot the fact that your pack was staying back in China. I even forgot that we came here for Luhan’s mate. . I’m a terrible leader.” He closed his eyes.

Danji softened. She reached out and gently touched his hair. His eyes opened instantly. “You’re the best alpha I know, Kris op- I mean, Kris. Honestly, I’ve never seen any other leader stronger or more altruistic than you are.” And she meant every word.

Kris smiled gratefully. “At least I have you. When I woke up disoriented, I was so glad to see you by my side. What would I do without you?” He squeezed her hands affectionately.

Danji dropped her gaze. *You managed without Holly so far, but I didn’t know you were faring so…badly. I’m sorry. You care for every detail in my life, but I’ve never taken the time to actually know you. I’m sorry, oppa.*

Kris suddenly straightened up and gave her a funny look. “Is it just me…or did you grow

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!