Faking It

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Hyo Rin: Driving Me Crazy (Instrumental)


“So…let me get this straight. After the encounter with the Hunter who killed Holly, Kris experienced a panic attack where he went back to reliving his traumatic past. Now he has dissociative amnesia and has erased all memories of Holly’s death. Not only can he not recall Holly’s death, but he also doesn’t know who Danji is either. So now, his messed up mind thinks Danji is Holly. Am I correct?” Luhan looked up at the pack. They gravely nodded.

After the shocking event of Kris calling Danji “Holly”, they were all sitting in the living room trying to decide what to do about their hallucinating alpha who was obviously in denial about Holly’s death. As for Danji, she was stuck in the room with Kris who refused to let “Holly” leave his presence.

“That sums it up.” Lay confirmed.

“Okay.” Three seconds later, Luhan was up on his feet and walking towards Kris’ room.

The pack members flooded towards him and blocked his path.

“Where are you going?” Lay demanded.

“To get Danji.” Luhan replied simply.

“You can’t just barge in there and ask for Danji. Kris won’t know what you’re talking about.” Chen pointed out.

“Well, I’ll let him know. I’ll say ‘Hey, Kris. You know that girl you’re holding hands with? She happens to be MY mate Danji. So let her go before I rip your arm off, alpha or not.’” Luhan sneered.

Tao frowned. “Ge, you’re so harsh.”

“Me?! Harsh?!” Luhan let out a bark of laughter. He jabbed his finger towards Kris’ and snarled, “MY MATE IS IN THERE PRETENDING TO BE HIS MATE! THEY’RE IN THAT ROOM DOING GOD-KNOWS-WHAT! SO YEAH, I’D SAY I HAVE A PERFECT , LEGITIMATE EXCUSE TO BE HARSH!”

“Luhan! Shhh!” The pack slapped their hands over his mouth and dragged him away.

Luhan shoved them away as his eyes flashed icy blue. “I NEED DANJI! SHE’S MY MATE!”

“We know that, Luhan.” Xiumin assured and patted his shoulder.

“He thinks my mate is his mate! Which is not okay! You all know wolves are protective about their mates! Kris may be my leader, friend, and brother, but I won’t allow him to be all touchy and lovey-dovey with MY mate!” Luhan’s shoulders moved up and down with shallow, angered breaths.

Lay put both hands on his shoulders. “Calm down. Look, we know your position, okay? But for once, let’s think about our leader’s. Right now, he doesn’t remember anything about Holly’s death. He’s mistaking Danji for Holly-“ Luhan became red in the face. Lay squeezed his shoulders. “-Which is not normal, we know. But if you storm in there right now and demand for Danji, Kris is going to go ballistic. Or worse…he’ll go into another shock.”

Luhan’s anger faded momentarily.

“Duizhang has done so much for us. Let’s just help him go through this traumatic event, yeah? Let him think whatever he wants to think until he comes back to his senses. Give him some time. I know you’re upset, but do this favor for me, Luhan.” Lay spoke softly in Chinese. He could feel Luhan’s shoulders deflate, signaling that he was surrendering.

“Fine.” Luhan said through gritted teeth. Lay smiled, and his dimple showed.

“But,” Luhan pointed a warning finger in the air, “If he kisses her, you will see someone else go ballistic, and trust me, it isn’t going to be pretty.”

“Oh, please. Have a little confidence in Kris.” Lay waved his hand. Luhan raised an eyebrow.

Lay paused then shrugged good-naturedly. “Trust in Danji then.”

Luhan sighed and relaxed a little. *Please Danji, don’t let him kiss you. I don’t want to kill my own leader.*


*This…is really, really, really awkward. If I had to choose the weirdest, most tongue-tied moment in my life, this would be it. I can’t believe I’m here right now on Kris oppa’s bed, being cuddled by him, and having him call me Holly over and over again. Yup. Awkward.* Danji swallowed hard. She could not meet Kris in the eyes. It was so strange seeing him gaze at her in such a loving, tender way. Her gaze shifted to her hand that was being tightly held by Kris.

They were sitting on the bed side-by-side with their backs against the headboard. Their fingers were interlocked, and his left arm was wrapped around her shoulder.

Danji bit her lower lip. She knew she had to say something but had no idea what to say. Her stomach clenched uncomfortably, and she wanted to squirm and scream so badly. Danji sighed, unloading some of the strain in her heart. *What am I supposed to do now? I know I have to keep pretending to be Holly, but that’s so hard when I’ve never met her before.*

Warm fingers against her cheek made her sit up in shock. Her head involuntarily jerked around, and she was now eye-to-eye with Kris.

The corner of his lip quirked upwards as his eyes danced with mirth. “What were you thinking about?”

*About how I’m supposed to be Holly when I don’t know how to be her at all.* “Just…things.” Danji gave him a brief smile before dropping her gaze.

“What kind of things?” Kris prodded as he curled her hair behind her ear, causing her to cringe a little.

“Just...good things.” Danji assured. She glimpsed at the bandage on his forehead. “How do you feel? Does your head still hurt?” The question was both out of curiosity and a chance to change the subject.

“I just have a small headache, but that’s it.” Kris assured. “You said I got shot by a Hunter? No wonder my head had felt like someone had hit it with a baseball bat when I first woke up. Those damn Hunters are always trying to hurt us.”

Danji frowned a little and reached up to touch the bandage. “Maybe we should ask Lay ge for another painkiller.”

Kris grasped her hand, and her eyes widened a little. *Oops. I think he thought that was an affectionate gesture.* He gazed tenderly at her as he gently squeezed her hand and lowered it back onto her lap. “I’m fine. Now that I have you by my side, Holly.”

Danji lowered her gaze. Guilt prickled her heart. *But I’m not Holly…and I have no idea how to tell you that. I don’t want to break your already damaged heart.*

Kris pulled her closer against him and gently ran his thumb over her knuckles. “I actually had a bad dream before I woke up.”

“What was your dream about?” Danji asked.

“It’s…” Kris shook his head as his eyes darkened with sorrow. “It was a terrible dream, something that could never come true.”

Danji didn’t push him anymore. After a minute of silence, Kris revealed his nightmare. “I had a dream…that you died.”

Danji went rigid. Kris felt her body stiffen, and he misunderstood her reaction as fear. “Hey,” He soothingly whispered as he rubbed her arm. “I told you. It’s only a dream. It’ll never come true.” She swallowed a lump in . *It already has.*

“The Hunters had come to raid the village we were at while I had gone out with my pack. When I heard the gunshots, I came back to the village. Everything was in chaos. I ran while calling your name. When I found you, you were fighting against a Hunter. You bit him and started to run…but he pierced your leg with his knife. Then before I could help, he pushed you onto your back and…and…” Kris’ eyes flashed dark red, and he shut his eyes to gain control. “And stabbed you. God, it seemed so real. I felt like it really happened. I felt like you were really gone.”

Danji watched his face fill with agony. She felt extremely bad for him. It must have been horrible to witness the person you love, nevertheless your one true mate, being murdered right in front of your eyes. She could not even imagine the pain Kris had suffered because of such a horrible incident. Tears trailed down her cheeks, and she sniffled in grief.

When Kris heard her crying, his eyes snapped open immediately. “Hey, why are you crying? Did I scare you? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, babe. Don’t cry.” He swiped her wet cheek with his thumb.

Danji sniffled and wiped the rest of her tears away. “You didn’t scare me. I…I was just happy…that you’re here Kris op-“

She paused. She remembered Lay telling her that she just called him Kris.

“Kris.” Danji amended. She looked up at him and gave him a meek smile. Kris softened. He cupped her head and drew her against his shoulder. “I’m happy because you’re here with me, Holly. You’re the reason for my happiness.”

*And the reason for his happiness is gone. How miserable Kris

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!