work lunch

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“Hello,” the moment he picked up the phone, Jae knew his day was about to change drastically. Hyeon, who had kept her promise of making the friendship work and promised to pay back for the meeting she made him miss, has been the one to reach out since the night she spent at his house a week or so ago.

“ This still feels weird,” she started by highlighting how weird it felt to hear his voice through the telephone. Something she wasn’t quite used to even when they were together.The amount of phoen conevrstaion they had, they could count with both hands, and both were reminded of how it will take time to get used to this. It will take some time to get used to hearing his raspy voice through the phone.

“ hii” the moment it hit her ears, hyeon couldn’t help but smile. There was just something about the calm voice she found endearing.

“ sorry, is this the wrong time?” placing the pen in her hands down, she asked. 11:00 am at any office will be a busy time, but she had to take her chances. The scattered files on her desk that need her attention on top of the unorganized boxes of stuff in an office that is not even painted yet, there was no need for hyeon to say she was overwhelmed and overworked; the state of her office she was sitting right in the middle of was a great indicator.

“ No,” his response was short as he gave the doorman; he walked past a small nod and headed to the car waiting for him.

“ How are you?”

“I am good” he kept his answers short so hyeon could get to the main point of this rare call which he still couldn't believe was happening. The nervousness in her voice indicates that this was not a regular call for either of them. For a second, rather than the call, he was surprised by how he could easily tell something was going on just by her voice, even though a phone.

“ oh, that's great. Work is going good?”

“ work is work,” he slid into the back seat of the door sungi held open.

“ is something wrong?” unable to go through meaningless chatter, he just got to the point.

“ Not technically, but there is something I want to talk to you about”

“ it’s about work,” she added to make sure he knew she was planning on wasting his work hours with nonsense.

“ you want somebody fired?” hyeon caught her smile thought the dark monitor in front of her. In contrast, Jae’s smile was caught by his driver, adjusting his mirror before he drove off.

“ No, unfortunately not, but there is something I need your advice on”

“ We agreed to reach out to each other, so”

“ huh” was his short response

“ I know you’re a very busy person, but I am sure you can make time for a friend” Sungi was the only one taking note of Jae's frustrated hair brushes and how he pulled down his tie. Whatever his boss agreed to didn’t seem like usual as the driver kept his attention on the phone conversation in the back, which seemed very one-sided. But never in thousands of years would sungi have guessed that it would be hyeon on the other side of the call. Nobody who knew the two would, and fortunately for both Joon and sungi, they were sent away to a conference when hyeon walked into the famous building to which she was just granted access by Jae’s secretary, who was the only one informed about Hyeon's arrival.

“ welcome, his office is on the”

“ I know” Hyeon cut the front desk short as she returned her smiles to her phone and went on typing. Her legs would know the direction to his office even if her eyes were blinded. The guest tag she was handed was placed over her neck to hang along with the pen she had placed on the neck of her dress shirt. The light blue dress shirt she had on did go well with the jeans she was wearing. Her jeans she was known to acessorise with nice loafers was the style today as well as she had on her vans. Her hair pulled into a bun , no necklaces, no earrings, no makeup but chpatsick, hyeon did really look like her old self as she walked out of the elevator and headed to the desk of the secretary taht was eagerly waiting for her with big smiles.

“ welcome, he is waiting for you”

“ Oh thank you” hyeon returned the warm welcome with a small bow

“ Do you want anything to drink?” the secretary leading the way asked as she slowly scanned hyeon up and down again.

“ can i get some coffee i have meetings in the afternoon” hyeon noticing what was happening scanned her self up and down. Was there something wrong with how she was dressed?

“ the usual?”

“ yes” hyeon needed a second to accept the fact that even the secretary knows what hyeon drinks. May be they keep a track of who orders what.

“ you look good” the comment wasn’t intended to be about how hyeon was dressed but how healthy and well she seems to be doing.

“ Thank you” hyeon was a bit startled by the small chat happening with the secretary she never paid that much attention to but who probably knows every detail about hyeon and her relationship with jae. She was alwasye in the background anyway.

“ It’s really nice to see you in this building” the smiles on the secretary were too sweet for hyeon to just take her words casually.

“We’re just friends” hyeon trying to make sure this women knew there was nothing going on between the two responded.

“ i thought you would have killed him by now”

“ why does everybody think am violent”

“ the first time I met you, you slapped him right in this office” the secretary leading the way was intentional as she started taking slow stepes while leading hyeon to the tinted glassdoors that separated the fancy waiting room and jae’s office.

“ oh God” hyeon covered her face with her palm. She had forgotten that was how people remembered her.Joon, sungi, and the secretary along with his little brother had been the first ones to notice why hyeon was going to be a problem in jae’s life the moment her right hand landed against his face. The anger that was boiliing in her face then was switched to love dovy faces the two would exchange in front of her. The great sceretrey she was, she was almost invisible to both and kept her self that way to give them the free space they needed and hid away al the things she saw as serious secrets she woudlnt’ even tell Joon. Even hyeon coming to the office today was kept as a secret as she had omitted it from her report to joon about Jae’s schedule.

“ I am a very sweet and nice person,”hyeon pointing at herself knew there was no way to fix her reputation now, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

“ then can you be sweet and nice to him” this felt like a command as hyeon recognized the message behind the secretaries eyes and her big smiles. Her legs halting their step, hyeon stood there processing what was happening. How on earth are all these people this supportive of him.

“ he needs it now more than ever,” the secretary added as she took the last two steps and opened the door. Hyeon needed a minute to take in what was just said before she gave her famous fake smile to the secretary and walked past the door that was held open.

“ Sir, Hyeon is here” the secretary announced forcing hyeon attention to lift from her to Jae standing by his desk.

“ have a wonderful time” the secretary gave hyeon another big smile and a small bow before she walked out the room quickly heading to her desk. She has to make sure nobody disturbs these two or even dares to come close to his office until hyeon leaves.

“ She is nice” hyeon pointing at the door

“ She’s good at her job” Jae placing the document he was reading down focused his eyes on hyeon still standing by the door.

“ She told me to be sweet and nice to you” hyeon’s words sounding like complaint forced a smile out of jae.

“ what is it with you and the people that work for you” her phone placed in her backpocket hyeon started her quick stepes to the conference desk he was standing by.

“ whats with them?” he asked brushing his hair tried to mask how he was slightly happy to see her. It hasn’t even been two weeks since she was undressing in front of him and sleeping in his house but it felt longer than that as he took in what he was feeing watching her walk closer to him. Every step she took closed the gap between them bringing her beautiful face to full view.

“ They have a weird obsession with you”

“ It’s not healthy. You seriosuly need Hr to get involved” choosing to sit on the chair right infornt the one he was leaning against , hyeon quicked her steps.

“ Joon, Sungi, Her” she pointed back at the door

“ Everybody that works at your house” she placed her bag down on the table and pulled the chair she was planning on sitting on. Her attention focused on what she was talking about, she hadn’t caught the dark eyes that were scanning her every movement .

“ You will be sued for so many HR violations for what you allow them to do” placing her phone down she finally raised her eyes to his.

“ you’re mad because i am friends with them?” quickly lifting his eyes away before she caught him staring, Jae turned his eyes to his drink he left on his desk, on the other side of the office.

“ first of all I am not mad” her complaint was too adorable as he started smiling the moment she said first of all. He knew a small rant was coming his way, if she started with that. He didn’t time to figure out why all of a sudden his room sfelt warmer , why the day seemed sunnier, why his stress ful meeting he was in back to back were immediately erased and replaced with smiles as he takes in the annoying complaints from the voice he would do anything to hear everyday.

“ and they are not just your friends. They are almost your family, and they are set on protecting you no matter what”

“ Like their life depends on it” her hands that were sent to her bag to pull the documents she wanted him to check, paused as her eyes turned to jae walking away from the table and heading to his desk.

“Maybe their life depends on it. It’s in their employment packet” he responded

“I’ve seen the packets, you know. I used to work for you” although her lips were responding, her thoughts were somewhere else as she followed his right hand that just brushed his hair back. With the black dress shirt tucked into the neatly ironed black suit pants, hyeon could swear that this man wore only black because he knows how good it looks on him.

“ maybe they have special ones”

“ so I wasn’t special” this one got a reaction as jae turned his head her way. Her eyes that were lingering on his physique had the same look as they looked up to his face that just turned her way. She could swear there was a glow of golden light that surrounded him as he returned and his beautiful eyes smiled her way along with his lips that forced the cute site f his dimples.

“ You did not work for me” the small smile that accompanied his words was what forced hyeon back to reality as she was forced to gain control of whatever his smile just did to her. “Snap out of it” she scolded herself as she instantly turned her eyes to her hands that started moving again and going through all the stuff in her bag.

“ or maybe they just love me too much” finally getting to his desk jae grabbed his tea and chose to keep his eyes away from turning to see her reaction. He wanted to catch her honest reaction, which he did thanks to the reflection of her face on the window in front of him.

“ and will do anything to make me happy” he added slowly turning around. The unsaid words exchanged between their eyes immediately changed the atmosphere as both couldn't help but try to figure out what the other one was thinking

“ that is an obsession” hyeon was the first to move her eyes away

“ you should have been jealous of them back then, not now” he knew he would get her eyes back on him again which he did.

“ I am not je” his smile he was trying to hold in, hyeon knew he was trying to get a reaction out of her.

“ forget it” she shook her head to avoid the problematic thoughts that were crossing her mind every time she glanced at the man standing beautiful against his desk. His left arm in his pocket, the right one holding his tea, he stood there like a model tempting her to not be enamored by all the casual things he does. One of which was the way he stands, especially when he has his hands in his pocket. His dress shirt sleeves are rolled up halfway to show his forearm that never has a watch on even though he has closets full of them. His tie he wears low , the two buttons he alwasye leaves open . . .” God” hyeon took a deep breath as she tried to eliminate it all and focus on the document she pulled out her bag and started arranging on the conference table .

“ they just pity me that's all”

“ They are too protective” she got to her main point

“ that was all I was trying to say” her glance up was too quick before she sent her eyes to the document.

“ It’s like you’re this fragile, made of shattered glass piece that they have to make sure nobody touches or even breaths next to” her mind trying to control its own thoughts went to slightly attack mode as she blurted out the first thought that came to mind.

“ I am fragile and made out of shattered glass” his childlike voice was what forced her to look up at him even through she really shoudlnt have as his wondering eyes were waiting for her to see why she was all of sudden not looking his way.

“ They have been tapping me back together every time I shattered for years so they should know” the hidden truth behind his words was what both focused on as he brought the cup up and slowly took a sip.

“ it’s not a healthy relationship” hyeon whispered,

“ says the person who never worked for me”

“ I worked with you. I know how you do things”

“Did you?”

“ There is a reason they are here for years” he took another sip as he focused his attention on her hand which was flipping the files more so than her eyes she was intently keeping away from him. At least he thought it was intentional but maybe he was reading too much into it as he always does.

“That's because of you” the eyes waiting for her immediately made her change her mind and what she wanted to say.

“ anyway its odd for your secretary to tell people to be sweet to you”

“ that breaks some ethical rules”

“ maybe you should be” he took another sip, fully enjoying how he was able to force her to look his way with everything he was saying.

“ I have a thing for sweets” he added knowing exactly what he was doing as he had locked in her startled eyes that didn’t leave his gaze. Hidden behind the cup he had brought to his lips, his smile she knew was testing to see if she would play along.

“ am sure you do. I saw you enjoying the very expensive one you have next to you now ” trying to gain control of the conversation hyeon brought up a topic that she thought would shake him up but no. Not even his gaze was moved let alone his focus. He didn’t seem that phased by what she said.

“ yes, she’s very sweet” he played along with his words causing more reaction from hyeon than himself

“ way sweeter than you to be honest” he added finally catching the look in hyeon eyes and what they were hiding behind.

“That’s good then. She’s sweet and you like sweet. As your friend, I am happy for you” the way she crossed her arms and sat back, jae was really enjoying reading her every reaction.

“ which explains why you are with her too ”

“ that's not why but sure” his protest didn’t reach her ears

“ I can’t believe this is happening” the smile on Hyeon's face was a bit off.

“ we really are becoming friends who just casually talk about your girlfriend” she added uncrossing her arms

“ something I would never have seen even in my wildest dreams” she returned to the files on her desk hoping they could close the conversation and turn into talking about the reason she was here

“ Never thought there would come a day you would talk to me about how sweet your girlfriend is, but here we are” she gave him another smile which he couldn’t read. The slight hint of anger, hurt and regret he felt through her voice he dismissed quickly as wishful thinking and reading too much into it.

“ do you want me to tell you how sweet you are instead” his unconscious reaction to seeing any sign of hurt around her being to make it go away, jae spoke words even he wasn’t fully aware of as his instant reaction to his own offer startled him.

“that's what friends do, right?”

“ give each other nice compliments,” he tried to course correct but needed a second as he placed the cup down and turned to pick his phone up.

“ I am not sweet, so that would be a lie. Friends don’t lie to each other” her hands adjusted the file by page number; hyeon tried to keep herself from looking his way as she noticed how he had started walking her way.

“ huh” as he got to the seat in front of her, jae took a deep breath and sat down. His quiet walk to the conference table had given both the time they needed to adjust their thoughts to the task at hand. But the confusing and foreign feelings both were processing only worsened as their bodies sat a short distance away.

“what's the issue” jae glanced at the documents and asked, starting the work conversation that would fill the next five minutes. While they paid attention to the issue, the looks they were sneaking and stealing were too frequent to happen within just minutes. Jae, who sat back, documents in his hand, listening to hyeon ramble on the problem, had taken all the time he needed to be reminded of how much she cares about the work and how good she is at it. Unlike him, hyeon wasn’t stealing looks while he was talking. It was the opposite. Jae's charm was his silence. His hands flipping through the pages, hyeon was lost, scanning his focused eyes, reading the lines while his fingers brushed against his lips. It’s one of his habits. Even the secretary who walked in to bring hyeon’s drink wasn’t paid much attention.


“Uh,” the secretary had smiled as she glanced back and caught the last glimpse at the two sitting across each other and problem-solving. They looked beyond good together; maybe it was because she had seen them back when they were obsessively in love with one another but she couldn't help but wonder how these two ever got anything done when they were left alone. Sitting at her desk, she had started at the clock, wondering how long they would take; every minute that passed by surprised her. Pressing her arms to together, she had hoped they would stay 10 more minutes so the clock would hit 12:30, and it would be jae’s lunch break, one he hadn’t had in days. The secretary was all smiles when she walked into his office and announced she had booked his lunch at the restaurant nearby. She reserved lunch for two so they could finish their conversation there. Before either of them objected, she had announced how she had placed his regular order for two and

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katsmew #1
Chapter 167: Aaarrrgggghhhhhhh! Dumb waiter!!! Omg!! Salute to you authornim!!! You really brought the between those two max to the roof!!! Keep em coming!!! Thank you so so much!!!
katsmew #2
Chapter 166: Ooooo the tension!!! Can't wait to find out what's next!!!! Thanks for the update!!
katsmew #3
Chapter 164: Thank you for the update!! Couldn't wait for more!!!
katsmew #4
Chapter 163: I just can't!!! The flirting, the teasing, the !!! Oh my goodness!!! I just love it so much!!! But somehow the end what Jae said, kinda breaks my heart a little. His love for Hyeon it's bursting out! And dear Hyeon, please don't deny your love for Jae, accept it. You know it deep down how great your love is for him! Thank you authornim! Love it love it love it! More please! Can't wait for your next update! Thank you !
katsmew #5
Chapter 155: Lovely💕
jcjsjcjs #6
Chapter 152: Thanks for updating this intriguing story.
katsmew #7
Chapter 152: Great updates!!! Thanks for the good read!!
jcjsjcjs #8
Chapter 151: Soooo good. Thanks for the update.
jcjsjcjs #9
Chapter 150: I think I freaking love Joon now!! Keep up the great work.
katsmew #10
Chapter 150: Thanks for the update!!!!