she stays.

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“ . . . DON’T TOUCH ME . “ seung screams as mrs kim slow handed headed to her shoulder. Her red shot eyes that haven’t shared a single tear glared at the old ladies direction shocking the later. Unlike her little sister, who cried herself to ,she chose not to loss even a single tear. She was angry . . .beyond words could even describe she was angry. Angry at God , at the heavens. If she could she would like to fight who ever for what he has done to the two strangers that had a huge part in her heart. It was easy for her to turn the unexplainable pain into pure angre.


The cold white room was dead silent as everybody sat in pure silence.


6 hours 34 minutes

6 hour 35 minutes

6 hour 36 minutes

seung's phones timer goes on counting every minute that has passed since all their lives were shattered. Confused who to even cry for or cry to they just sat there is silence . . . their frozen thoughts not even sending prayers as the doctors have recommended.



“ . . huh . .” seung had laughed it off as the doctor suggested that they all pray and that was the only thing possible. Her belief in higher being had already faded the moment she heard the news . . .there was no God and if there was one, he was not the nice and forgiving one the pastor always screams at her about . Right now with every nerve in her body she is convinced at how harsh and relentless God was , if he existed. If he cared about all of us . . .why would she be suffering this much . . .why was everyone in herlife that she remotely cared about destined to be wiped away from her in such painful way.


“ . . .WHERE IS MY SON ?” the c.e.o’s loud scream was what brought everybody's attention back to the room and their eyes to the door that swung wide open.


. . WHERE IS MY SON ?” the c.e.o shouted again. this time focusing his eyes on Joon that stood by big window. Joons empty eyes and silence were the perfect answer.


The assistant behind him was what caught the c.e.o before he fell down.


“ . . .SIR . .” he was quick as he pulled the chair next to him and moved it towards the weak body he helped lift up.


6 hours 46 minutes

6 hours 47 minutes

6 hours 48 minutes


No other word was exchanged as the room went back to silence


“ . you had one job “ the ceo whispered out sending his angry eyes joons way.


. . .YOU HAD ONE JOB . .


. . KEEPING HIM SAFE . .” the dad shouted banging his hands against the table. The loud noise had startled everybody who was trying to avoid being noticed by the c.e.o.


. . hahah . .” joon’s little smirk was precious as he finally turned himself towards the ceo. His worn out body was beyond tired to even move an inch as he just stood standing against the window. There was no soul in this building that is hurting more than his as tries to stay calm and wait for his boss to come back to their world.


. . . how hard can that be . .” the dad went on shouting as some started realizing that it was his way of trying to cope with what was going on. All of them had their own way of dealing with the bad news that is waiting for them. Some chose to cry their eyes out , some chose to stand still, trying hard not to even accept the possibility as others try to swallow in their pain and just show anger.


“ . . . sir . .” the doctor called to brief the family finally walked in . Everybody stood up focusing their attention at the blue dressed men that just walked in.


“ . . .jaehyongs family . . .” the one who lead the way in asked as he glanced at the anxious looking people in the room.


. . .ALL OF YOU OUT . .” the ceo shouted pointing at the everybody in the room.


“ . . . .i don’t thin


“ . . .OUT . .” before joon even started the c.e.o shouted pointing at the door.


. . . I am not going anywhere “ Joon shouted back


. . I have every right to hear this . “ he added as he moved closer to the table


. . .I am his


. . .NOT ANYMORE, whatever you were..
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katsmew #1
Chapter 167: Aaarrrgggghhhhhhh! Dumb waiter!!! Omg!! Salute to you authornim!!! You really brought the between those two max to the roof!!! Keep em coming!!! Thank you so so much!!!
katsmew #2
Chapter 166: Ooooo the tension!!! Can't wait to find out what's next!!!! Thanks for the update!!
katsmew #3
Chapter 164: Thank you for the update!! Couldn't wait for more!!!
katsmew #4
Chapter 163: I just can't!!! The flirting, the teasing, the !!! Oh my goodness!!! I just love it so much!!! But somehow the end what Jae said, kinda breaks my heart a little. His love for Hyeon it's bursting out! And dear Hyeon, please don't deny your love for Jae, accept it. You know it deep down how great your love is for him! Thank you authornim! Love it love it love it! More please! Can't wait for your next update! Thank you !
katsmew #5
Chapter 155: Lovely💕
jcjsjcjs #6
Chapter 152: Thanks for updating this intriguing story.
katsmew #7
Chapter 152: Great updates!!! Thanks for the good read!!
jcjsjcjs #8
Chapter 151: Soooo good. Thanks for the update.
jcjsjcjs #9
Chapter 150: I think I freaking love Joon now!! Keep up the great work.
katsmew #10
Chapter 150: Thanks for the update!!!!