The Day You Come & Go

The Day I Let You Go

(5 days before the wedding)


Woo Bin was still working at his office, as he needed to finish all his tasks before he took a long leave for his wedding preparation and the 'big day' itself. He planned to return to work only after his honeymoon with Ji Hyo, which means he would be off from duty for almost two weeks. While he was focusing on his computer, his assistant knocked on his door to bring in a stack of files. "Just leave it on the table," he instructed the person without taking his eyes off the screen. His assistant just followed his instruction and then bowed to him before leaving the room. Woo Bin glanced at his watch, and he just realized that he's been working for almost 11 hours.


"Kyun Su aah," he called the name of his assistant. The person stop at the door and waited for his next instruction. Woo Bin gave a warm smile to his loyal employee, "Have you arranged my flight tickets?". Kyun Su nodded as she answered 'yes' to her boss. Woo Bin thanked the woman and advised her to go home as it was already late. He continued with his work alone in his office, but later a phone call from Ji Hyo gave him a break for a short while. "Yoboseyo?"


"Oppa.. will you be late for dinner?" Ji Hyo asked her fiancé in a nice way. Woo Bin just remembered that he should be home early as he had promised to take her out for a date to celebrate her birthday. "Aigoo.. mianhae jagiya! I was too focus on my work that I've lost track of the time," immediately he apologized to the woman. Fortunately, Ji Hyo was very understanding and always show her consideration towards her man. Feeling guilty for almost 'forgetting' her special day, Woo Bin quickly wrapped up his work and rushed to his car. He made a quick stopover at the nearest shopping centre to buy a present for his fiancée, and went on full throttle to reach his house as soon as possible.


He parked his car at the front yard and quickly searched for Ji Hyo inside the house. When he saw her walking down the stairs in a stunning black dress, Woo Bin was mesmerized by her appearance in an instant. "You're so beautiful tonight," the words automatically slipped from his mouth. Ji Hyo giggled as she thanked her man for his sweet compliment. He offered his arm for the woman to cling on, so she accepted it gracefully as they walked together towards the vehicle.


Woo Bin opened the front door and helped Ji Hyo to get into the car - which has became his routine everytime they went out on a date. He drove her to an exclusive fine dining restaurant, where the environment was very inviting for a romantic dinner with the love one. Woo Bin had to thank Kyun Su for helping him to make the reservation, so all they need to do was enjoying the intimate moment together. Ji Hyo was flattered by the special treatment that she received for her birthday, so she reached out her hand and grabbed on his as she expressed her gratitude. "Gomawo, oppa. I really feel like a princess tonight."


Her words soothed his emotion, and he couldn't stop smiling at the woman who made his life worth to live. Right after they have finished the main course, a waiter served a birthday cake at their table as the main highlight for the celebration. "Saeng il chuk ha hamnida.. saeng il chuk ha hamnida.. sarang ha neun Ji Hyo-ssi.. saeng il chuk ha hamnida!" Woo Bin sang along with a few of the restaurant crews. Ji Hyo made a silent wish before she blew the candles. "What do you wish for.. my love?" Woo Bin asked out of curiosity.


Ji Hyo smiled brightly and replied to his question, "I wish to be with the man that I love for the rest of my life." Woo Bin was very happy with her answer, so he kissed her gently on the hand. He took out her birthday present from his pocket, and handed the box to his fiancée. Ji Hyo excitedly unwrapped her present there and then, and she was extremely pleased with the elegant wrist watch that he gave her. "Oppa! This is very lovely! Gomawo," she almost drop her tears of joy.


"Jagiya.. I know that we're still new in this relationship, but trust me that I'll never regret having you in my life. Gomawo.. you've accepted my love right when I first saw you," Woo Bin uttered his appreciation as sincere as he could. Ji Hyo smiled, but suddenly sadness was seen in her eyes. She lowered her head and took back her hand, which made her fiancé became confused with her sudden change of reaction. "What's the matter, dear? Did I say something wrong?" Woo Bin was afraid that he might have offended her with his words.


After keeping quiet for a while, she slowly lifted her head and stared into his eyes, "The first time we met was.. at Joong Ki's funeral." Woo Bin understood how she felt about it, and he blamed himself for reminiscing the painful memory of her former lover. The dinner ended with a 'silent conversation', because she was still engrossed in her sad emotion.


They arrived at home around 10:30pm, and without word she headed straight to the bedroom and prepared to sleep. Woo Bin watched helplessly at the broken-hearted woman, knowing that part of her was still holding on to her past. Ji Hyo laid herself on the bed without waiting for Woo Bin, and pretended to fall asleep just to avoid from having further conversation with her fiancé. Although she was facing her back on him, Woo Bin could tell that she was crying in her sleep. Slowly he rest himself next to her body, and he gently wrapped his arm around her waist as he left a kiss on her bare shoulder. "Saranghae," he whispered to her ear although she might not heard it.


(4 days before the wedding)


Ji Hyo was alone in the house after Woo Bin had gone for work, so she decided to drive herself to the town to take a look at the wedding dress that she and her fiancé had reserved for their special day. The employee greeted her and requested for her to take a seat while they search for the dress, so Ji Hyo took the opportunity to flip through a magazine and made herself comfortable on the sofa at the waiting area. "Welcome to our shop, are you here to collect your suit?" she heard one of the employees talking to a client who just walked into the building. "Ne, is it ready?" the man replied, so the employee informed him to take a seat on the sofa.


Ji Hyo just ignored the man who was sharing the sofa with her, and continued to focus on her reading. "So.. you're here for your wedding dress?" the man casually began a conversation with her. She nodded as a reply without looking at the man's face, but it didn't stop him from asking the next question. "When is your wedding? Mine is just next week," the stranger was very friendly to Ji Hyo, as if they have known each other for quite some time. Not wanting to be regarded as rude, she put away the magazine and gave her attention to the man. "Actually, my wedding will be.."


She couldn't finish her sentence the moment he saw his face. He was 'too familiar' to her eyes - the way he look and smile was something that still fresh in her memory. Without she realized, the name escaped from , "Song Joong Ki..". "Mwo? Song Joong Ki? Is that the name of your fiancé?" the guy was very interested to know more. Ji Hyo wasn't focusing on his words, instead she was trying to absorb the image of the man who resembled her former lover. Seeing her weird behavior, the man waved his hand at her face. "Gwaenchanayo?"


That was when she realized that the person next to her was a different man - a stranger to be exact. There's no way that Joong Ki was still alive, because she saw his dead body laid to rest with her very own eyes. Before she could answer him, the employee returned with her wedding dress and requested for her to try it on. "Wow, that's a very nice dress," he complimented her choice. Ji Hyo just smiled weakly and excused herself to the fitting room. Not long after that, the man also received his suit and he went to try it on. Both of them walked out from the fitting rooms at the same time, and their eyes were locked on each other's outfit.


"Omo.. You're such a beautiful bride-to-be! Your man is very lucky," again he showered her with another compliment. "Kamsahamnida, you look good in that suit as well," Ji Hyo replied while trying her best not to be emotional with the unexpected 'reunion'. It was exactly what she had been dreaming of - standing in front of Joong Ki in her wedding dress while he was in full suit that matched with hers. She realized that her heart wasn't strong enough to face the man, so she quickly returned to the fitting room and changed into her initial clothes.


Ji Hyo avoided any eye contact with the man and headed straight to the payment counter to confirm her purchase. She left the shop in a hurry, but the man immediately chased her to the car. "Miss! You left your bag at the counter," he was gasping for air as he returned the item to Ji Hyo. She thanked him for his help, and quickly start the engine to drive away from the scene. Ji Hyo took a sneak peek through the mirror, and she no longer able to stop her tears from flowing like a river as she saw him standing still by the street - watching her leaving without a proper goodbye. "Mianhae, Joong Ki.. I have to let you go now. I can't disappoint Woo Bin," she promised herself to look into the future and never look back.

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Chanseong196 #1
Chapter 17: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update T.T don't stop here.. please make woobin understand the real situation...I don't want her to be with the one who force her to do something that actually ripped away her happiness...that's not what a lover should do!! Pleasee make it clearer...
Chapter 16: Uuuuuuuh, this is not okay :\
shuishui #3
Chapter 16: Pease update & make woobin know the truth
sweetdreamerz #4
Chapter 16: What a bad decision that she made. And now, that one bad decision just make a very bad fortune for them both. As a couple, they should never keeps secrets from each other. Woo bin bad choice of taking Maru into their relationship turn up to be A very bad one. And from keeping the thruth. Away from Ji hyo is the worst. Didn't they know that curiosity kill the cat. Ji hyo should never meet Maru without telling anyone. She should never meet him at all. Maru is just too dangerous. I wish what happen to Ji hyo is just a prank. Just to make her feel bad (-_-).
Foreverminho #5
Chapter 16: Urgh!! I hate if like this..huhu..wae??
She supposed tell him the truth. It is not her fault after all..
aiwataru #6
Chapter 15: I really didn't like ma ru authornim, i hope he can meet his right women soon