The Day They Regretted To Go

The Day I Let You Go

Woo Bin took her to the only place that he could think of - the same bridal shop where he and Ji Hyo had tailor-made their wedding attires. Throughout the journey, he avoided from making any conversation with Ji Hyo, although she tried her best to involve him in the topic. The only words that came out from his mouth were, "We have arrived. You should go in first while I park the car." Obediently, she followed his instruction and stepped out from the vehicle. Ji Hyo watched Woo Bin fled off from the scene and left her alone by the roadside. "Why is he leaving? I thought we're supposed to search for the wedding dress together?" the confused woman talked to herself and later made her way into the boutique on her own.


He knew he shouldn't left her alone, but his heart wasn't strong enough to face the painful reality. Woo Bin has been preparing himself to look at Ji Hyo as a married woman, but to accept the fact that she will be married to someone else instead of himself is the hardest thing for him to do. In less than 24 hours, his dream of building a 'home' with Ji Hyo will be shattered into pieces. He knew that, but unfortunately she doesn't. Ji Hyo has yet to recover her memories about their relationship, so Woo Bin assumed that she wouldn't be affected by her marriage to Ma-ru. "Omo.. what have you done Kim Woo Bin? Why would you let her go when you know that you can't live without her?" he began to regret his own decision.


Unwittingly, Woo Bin drove towards a place that his heart desired. He only came to realize what he did the moment he parked his car at the front yard of Ma-ru's house. For a minute, Woo Bin was clueless with his own reason to be there. He gazed at the main door - hoping that the man he was looking for would appear right before his very eyes. Woo Bin exhaled deeply to ease his mind. The more he wanted to fight for his love, the more he felt difficult to take an action. It's not that Ji Hyo wasn't worth the effort, it's just that he knew she would be deeply hurt by the truth. "God.. please help me," he prayed as he rested his forehead against the steering wheel.


Fifteen minutes later, Woo Bin spotted a black sport car entering the gate. He began to have cold feet when he saw Ma-ru stepping out from the vehicle. His presence was detected by the young man who made his way to confront him. "Woo Bin ssi? What are you doing here? Where's my Ji Hyo?" Ma-ru's eyes were scanning inside of Woo Bin's car as he searched for the lady. The men exchanged an intense stare for a while before Woo Bin began to speak, "Ma-ru ssi.. you have to stop the wedding. She's not ready for that." "Noh micheossoh? Did you came all the way here just to take back your promise? Andwae!" Ma-ru was furious with the request from Woo Bin. He was breathing loudly as he tried to control his anger, yet Woo Bin didn't feel intimidated by his reaction.


"You should give her more time to think about the wedding. She hasn't recovered from the injury, so you shouldn't force her into something that she will regret later!" Woo Bin emphasized on his words, hoping that the young man will reconsider his decision. But as expected, Ma-ru refused to give up, "I don't think that we're talking about Ji Hyo right now. It is you who regretted your hasty decision.. am I right?".


"We both know that she is looking at you as Song Joong Ki.. not Kang Ma-ru! Do you think you can live with that for the rest of your life?!" Woo Bin shouted.


"Geurae! I may not be the man that she's in love with.. but right now I'm the one who can make her happy! Do you want to take away her happiness by telling her that her lover is dead?" Ma-ru also raised his voice.


For a second, Woo Bin was speechless. There's a slight truth in Ma-ru's words, and he admitted that. But there's also other facts that Ma-ru should consider, "You can't marry her as Song Joong Ki.. and your identity will be revealed if you proceed with the wedding." Ma-ru fake a laugh to conceal his anger, but he couldn't stop himself from launching a powerful punch to Woo Bin's jaw. Woo Bin fell to the ground with blood dripping from his bottom lip, so he wiped it off with his finger before getting back on his feet. "This is my final warning. Do not get in between us or you will pay for your action!" Ma-ru's voice was very firm and loud. He stormed into his house - leaving Woo Bin alone in pain from the attack.


The moment she stepped into the shop, one of the assistants was greeting her in a warm manner, "Oh.. Miss Song. How have you been? Is there anything wrong with your wedding dress?". Ji Hyo was surprised when she heard the question from the lady. She pretended to understand what the employee was talking about, "My dress? Ah yeah! Mianhae.. actually I forgot to bring my receipt. Do you keep any record of my purchase?". "Ne, let me check it for you. Would you like to have a copy of the receipt for your fiancé as well?" another 'surprising' query was posted by the shop assistant. "My fiancé?" Ji Hyo couldn't hide her confusion.


"Ne! Actually Mr. Kim hasn't collect his suit. We're wondering if you would like to pick it up on behalf of him?" the employee asked politely. "Mr. Kim?" Ji Hyo wasn't sure if they were talking about the same person that appeared in her mind. Casually, she nodded her head and watched the lady walking away towards the counter and came back with papers in her hand. Ji Hyo took a look at the receipts that were given by the lady, and her eyes caught something that caused a great shock to her. Kim Woo Bin - that was the name recorded on the piece of paper as the purchaser of the wedding suit. Seeing her strange reaction, the employee asked out of curiosity, "Are you okay, Miss Song?".


Ji Hyo nodded as she tried to seek for clarification, " So.. my fiancé.. Kim Woo Bin, he didn't come to get his suit?". "Ne. We were thinking to give him a call later, but since you're here.. maybe it's best if we could just pass it on to you," the lady replied with a smile. Everything began to make sense to Ji Hyo - the reason that he called her 'jagiya', the sudden visit by his parents and the secret that he's been hiding from her. Ji Hyo was convinced that her relationship with Woo Bin was more than just friends. She realized that she was already engaged to Woo Bin, although she couldn't remember how that happened and what went wrong between them.


'What have I done? Am I cheating on my own fiancé? Why didn't Joong Ki said anything about this?' many questions began to pop in her blank mind. Suddenly Ji Hyo experienced a strong pain in her brain, and she had to sit down immediately to avoid from falling off her feet. The woman felt betrayed, but above it all - her heart was filled with guilt towards the man who she had been 'pushing away' from the life that she knew.

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Chanseong196 #1
Chapter 17: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update T.T don't stop here.. please make woobin understand the real situation...I don't want her to be with the one who force her to do something that actually ripped away her happiness...that's not what a lover should do!! Pleasee make it clearer...
Chapter 16: Uuuuuuuh, this is not okay :\
shuishui #3
Chapter 16: Pease update & make woobin know the truth
sweetdreamerz #4
Chapter 16: What a bad decision that she made. And now, that one bad decision just make a very bad fortune for them both. As a couple, they should never keeps secrets from each other. Woo bin bad choice of taking Maru into their relationship turn up to be A very bad one. And from keeping the thruth. Away from Ji hyo is the worst. Didn't they know that curiosity kill the cat. Ji hyo should never meet Maru without telling anyone. She should never meet him at all. Maru is just too dangerous. I wish what happen to Ji hyo is just a prank. Just to make her feel bad (-_-).
Foreverminho #5
Chapter 16: Urgh!! I hate if like this..huhu..wae??
She supposed tell him the truth. It is not her fault after all..
aiwataru #6
Chapter 15: I really didn't like ma ru authornim, i hope he can meet his right women soon