Chapter Seventeen

I admit it ! im in love with you ..





“I want you .. ”




to give the person to your right …”






“a hickey ..”









Soojung growled with her eyes bulged , the girl who had held her face up high with confident earlier , now lost it to Luna’s ‘ weird task ‘ just like what Victoria had predicted . Witnessing Soojung’s respond , Luna’s smile got wider but only lasted for seconds when someone butted in.



“ Pfft ,  She’s drunk ! ”



“ Am not ! ” Luna defending herself from Victoria’s silly remarked but to no avail. It only cause victoria to laugh more louder along with Amber and Hyuna .




Sulli’s POV


If i didn’t feeling bothered , I probably would had joined them laughing without thinking anything .


But .. I cant ..


Something had intrigued my mind which made me become breathless as if this room has run out of oxygen. Did fate trying to play with me ??  or it was  Luna who had noticed my feeling all along and try to set me up with Soojung?

Arghh !! Lunaa ! Out of many tasks , why did you have to make my innocent Soojung do a nasty thing !? And the worse part of it , why did you involved me in?? Really .. This brat ..  

Too many suprises came like bullets  to me today . And now Soojung have to mark my body ??  Gosh ..  This is too much too handle .

“ Okay, I think that’s enough !  Let’s get back to the game now ..  we shouldn’t wasting anymore of our time.”

Everyone except me and Soojung are cheering loudly like crazy fans cheering for their idols , begging them to perform their shows right away. Wondering about what Soojung’s reaction might looks like , I turned  to my left only to find out that the latter is bitting her lips while showing her knitted brows as she throwing her gazes down to the wooden floor.

This isn’t right . Soojung looked totally uncomfortable with this idea .. 

Damn , I have to say something .

“ Wait !  Luna yah ! Why did you dragged me in this ? It feels like im the one who doing the task here !”

I spotted Amber’s lips twitched at my words . I can tell that she was trying her hard not to laugh her out. 

“ See ? Sulli didn’t agree in this either ! So , I cant do it .”

Soojung flashed her cute smile towards me which never failed to drive me crazy everytime she does it . When I saw Luna  seems to reconsider at Soojung’s complain , I can breath out like nothing stuck at my lungs anymore.

“ Aish , you two are no fun ! It would be a good show already, right girls ?”

Im forced a smile to Amber who probably want to request a death-wish from me . I cant believe that she still had intention to troll me at time like this. I glance at Luna as she clearing .



“ Yeah , that was I thought too.. Aha , I know ! Amber, how about you replacing Sulli ??”









  DON’T !





“ DON’T ! ”







I thought it was my own voice echoed in the living room . But someone had snapped at it before I can. And it quite shocked the rest of us for seconds though because.. watching  Hyuna just slammed her hand out of anger on the poor floor was not something I would expected , neither the others . As for me,  I already knew what’s the reason behind the latter’s reaction .  I looked at her in sympathy while Vic , Luna and Soojung were staring at her in shocked . Well Hyung, she was beyond shock . She was in a daze .  

Knowing the poor circumstances she was under to , I can connect well how she felt . Any woman would have reacted the same like Hyuna did here if the one they love got to do some intimate action with someone else . But sadly , no one understand her as im the only one in this room knew about Hyuna and Amber secret relationship .

Hyuna let out her awkward giggle once she regained her sense back to her. She shifted a bit in her seat while flipping her long dark brown hair . No words uttered as everyone expecting her to say something.

“  Sorry , I didn’t mean to freak you guys .. But Luna , didn’t you say just now that any task had been given cannot be taken back or change ?”  Hyuna  seems to be okay now but there’s a  hint of a bit nervousness in her voice. Seeing  Luna still  looks  doumbfounded , I was about to say something so that Hyuna didn’t felt ignored  but thank goodness Victoria the one who sort things out.

“ Yes , Hyuna’s right . We could not against the rules , Luna . So Krys , you still have to do it no mater what okay . Rules are rules !”



“ Fine ! I’ll do it  ! but will you be okay with this , Ssul ?”                                                                                        








“ Yes “




I assured her with a smile though my heart skipped a beat. I didn’t had much choice but to obey this time .  I cant bare another chaos .  All I could do now was praying so that I still can act normal during and after she did the task. Pass out also the last thing I want it to happen right now.  


“ Do I have to mark it on her neck ?”


I unconsciously touched my neck as I heard Soojung’s unexpected question. To my annoyance , instead of Luna who supposed to make the decision , Amber had answered the question for her.


“ Yes-yes , that would be a perfect spot .”



I’ll keep in mind to kill Amber after this .     


I noticed that everything had became silent once Soojung had fixed her eyes on my neck . To make it easy for her , I turned my body towards her . Now our body facing each other. I closed my eyes for awhile to prepare myself .


Okay .. Choi Sulli , don’t chicken out now! You can do this!


She cut the short gap which separated us and look up . At this moment , her dark brown orbs now became more visible to my eyes . It was then feeling of longing  had crept inside me as I realized that it’s been awhile since I watch her this close. Last time when we were this close was the time I was about to confess my feeling, but failed.


As I studied her beautiful features , something had alert me though , her eyes do shapped like cat’s eyes when she gazed me in the eyes with her serious expression . A gaze that’s fierce and undeniably y , a gaze that tugs and tingles somewhere deep and low in my belly …


“ Ssul ..? May I ? ”


 I stirred a bit when I heard her voice sounded incredibly  softly to my ears. My fingers turned cold as I remember the reason why she leaning  close to me .


“ Ah , y-yeah ”   


Holding my hair in a bun using my right hand, I craned my neck a bit to give her the access .  My feeling got stronger  as she’s gently placing her both hands on my both thighs ready to lean in . Moving her head aiming for my exposed skin I offered her ,  I cant help but swallowed a  big lump in my throat when I can felt her hot breath now in contact with my neck .

And like fireworks , sparks ignite at my skins running through wildly from my toes to my head when her red lips met my pale skins .

Placing other hand on my side pants , crumpled the fabric to restrain myself from doing anything ridiculous, I tried really hard to act unaffectious in this situation although goosebump is all over my body. Not to mention the ticklish feeling I had right now as Soojung still my neck with her tongue slightly teasing against the area.

I even almost losing myself at that seconds when i feel of her teeth sinking softly over my skin which give me a hard time not to let out a single moan . Gosh ,it would be so embarrassing if I did that. So I pressed my lips close to avoid any weird sound come up from my mouth.

I had to admit that I’ve never gotten a hickey before not untill now . And some of my friends who already gotten them told me that they really hurt to get . But , why i  don’t feel the same way like they felt?  Its more like an interesting sensation to me ?

Ow .. Maybe I do know why ..

Because I adore this girl so much , loving her is one of greatest thing I’ve done in my life . And just a little bit more longer , I will say that three words to her , three words that I’ve had been dying to say to her , three words that burned in my heart like a fire that aren’t going out ..       


Gosh ! How long does this going to take ??



Cause I don’t want she ends it up so soon .





Amber’s POV


All eyes were so focused on that two , who are right now having good time with each other , especially Sulli . Her expression was priceless . Hahaha !  No matter how hard she ‘s controling her reaction , the sign of lust still can be seen all over her face .

Roaming my eyes around again , making sure of Luna and Victoria weren’t looking here , I tilted my head a bit to see Hyuna’s face . Her big rounded eyes also locked on those two girl , her face void of any expression . And she seems so immersed at the scene to notice me gawking at her .    

As I keep my eyes on my angel like there’s nothng else interesting to watch  than this beautiful creature who sat beside me , the flash of just now event where she freak out out of nowhere came into my mind. Aigoo , she’s really cute when she acts all protective about me like im her precious jewel .  And my lips cant stop from smilling the more I think about it .


I wonder what’s on her mind now .. 


I glanced at Sulli and Krystal’s ways then back to Hyuna  again.  , But this time , my focus was no longer on her alluring face ..But  strangely ,  I found myself staring  deeply at her neck ..

No ! Not now ! I mentally cried out .

I am fully aware that  my body temperature slightly rosing up making inside of me warm , my breathing went from normal pace to unstable one and tendency to touch Hyuna everywhere keeps bugging me in my head , especially on her neck .


 Ow , I know what’s this feeling is , so … 


“ Hyuna ..?” I called her name in a monotone . Still hasn’t responding my called . I tried again .

“ Babe ..?” I whispered .

“ Hmmph ? ” I grinned when she finally heard my voice , but her eyes still focusing on  that scene . Carefully , I run my fingers slowly at her back and that cause Hyuna raising her eyebrows .

Then ,  keeping my voice low , I blurted out .

“ Do you want me to do it on you too , tonight ?”

With that , Hyuna hastily turned her head towards me with her eyes squinting at me .

“ Don’t start with me right now , Amber ..”

“ Why ? O come on , don’t act so innocent Hyuna . I know you want it too , right ?”

“ My answer is no , and that’s it . Im not gonna had this conversation with you anymore .”

She’s turning her head to the front once again as she pushed my hand off her back , leaving me frustrated beside her . What’s with that cold attitude was about ? Did I do something wrong to her ?

We’ll see about it later , Hyuna ..




“ Sorry Ssul ! Does It hurt you ? “

Horrow dawn on Krystal’s face as she realized that she probably had overdo it when the visual of a big red mark plastered on her friend’s neck came to her sight . She frantically caressing the latter’s hickey with hope that it would reduce the redness of the mark even just a lilttle . Loving the attention given to her,  Sulli cracked a smile before stopping Krystal from being paranoid over her mark by gently prying her hand away .

“ No Soojung-ah , It feels really good !”  said sulli  without hesitation , she flashed her bright smile that could light up the all town as if she had just hit a jackpot . She didnt the other girl feel bad about it . However , Soojung’s expression abruptly went blank at the boisterous such replied from the latter. 

“ Err .. It does ??”  She trailed off .

A big grin on the eyesmile girl immediately faded as Krystal's words replaying in her mind over and over again like a broken tape . Panicking , her eyebrows slowly raising up to its extend as her also eyes got bigger when she finally understand what Krystal pointed out. 

‘ Omo ! She probably had mistook my words . She must think im a ert ! ’  Sulli was thinking hard .

“ W-wait Soojung-ah ! What I mean is .." Sulli paused, searching for suitable words to say.  " you did really a good job in making its not hurt that bad ..?”  She frowned at her own explanation which didn’t make sense at all . And Krystal became even more confused .

“ Aigoo ~ you two looks really cute ! Just be a real couple already !”  Cooed Luna breaking the awkward atmosphere between those two girls . A  hue red spread wildly throughout Sulli’s cheeks as they burned from embarrassment .  

“shut up , Luna ! You’re the one who cause that ..”  Snapped  Krystal while pointing to the red mark on Sulli’s neck. She felt guilty for what she has done to Sulli , and the latter was right , it seems like she’s the one who doing the dare instead of her .   

“  Alright2 , Im sorry ~ I promise I’ll treat you two some good foods later , okay ? Now , lets head back to the game again .” Luna  handed Krystal a empty bottle , the one they use earlier .

“ You spin .”

Without uttering  a word , Krystal do just as Luna told her to.  Now , the green empty bottle spinning in a great speed and took more time longer than the previous one for it to stop on its track . Everyone then jerked their body a bit fowards when the bottle was about to end its movement .. And ..  finally , it literally stopped .



Seeing where the tip of the bottle stopped, Krystal’s lips curved upwards as her little prayer has been granted.   













A/N: Sorry if i mess up the hickey part xD I really had no idea how it ends up like that .. haha ! 


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moamoa #1
Chapter 23: Author nim where are youuu pleasee comeback
jungchoi #2
Chapter 23: Pls i need an update in this
Chapter 23: I need JungLi life ? its really hurt. Update please Autornim ?
darkgreyocean21 #4
Chapter 22: Dont kill jungli pls
jungchoi #5
Chapter 22: Oh my my heart crying for this...very good dongsaeng i hope u can update soon...
jungli_shipper #6
Chapter 22: author-ssi thank you for updating I'm really waiting for you update thank you author-ssi
jungchoi #7
Thanks for the update dongsaeng ...i hope u can update soon
darkgreyocean21 #8
Chapter 20: thank you for updating! yaayyyy !!