The way she smiles.

Beautiful angel

Thought # 6.

"There are some kind of people who can make you feel good about yourself.
They just have this power to make you feel peace.
It's like an aura around them.
And some of them just have to smile to do that.

So let's try to be like them.
We don't know if a person is fighting a battle inside.

A smile, from the right person, can even heal a broken heart."

My reflection in the mirror looked completely different in front of my eyes.

Without the slightest idea how a photoshoot was done, i watched in silence the movement of the place. The small room that serves as dressing room and makeup had lost out noise when the stylists allowed me to have a moment of "mental preparation" before starting this. The mirror in front of me seemed to show a new version of myself, and although i was used to wearing makeup and dress "formal" in my own way when I went to my company, this had reached a higher level. My hair was in a loose braid, and i wore a blue blouse under a white sweater, a flowered skirt, and brown military boots. But if someone had said to me that i would do this, I wouldn't have believed it. And while I was watching myself, I couldn't believe it either.

"And finally, the photo shoot for wedding invitations." Sam had said.

"The what?" I giggled foolishly expecting her to say she was joking. Although before the excitement of Onew, i knew she wasn't lying. "Please tell me you are kidding."

"No. Invitations with only the names and date are boring. Now this is what people do. You'll make a shoot for a magazine the same day also, you are public people, you know how this works. We'll do it tomorrow, so rest."

"Can I say no?" I sighed.

"No!" They said in unison.

Sam said it as an order, the opposite of Onew, since he sounded more like a plea.

I put my elbows on the make up table up and hid my face in my hands. Literally, a knot began to form in my throat; maybe it was because i had to show myself to who saw the magazine, or maybe it was to show there was love between us. And then, from my left side, he tightened his arms around me. I knew it was him; I could feel the smell of his lotion on my nose and the peace of his arms in my heart. I stayed with my face buried against him. I didn't understood how, but I began to believe that his presence made me feel a peace which I could get used to.

"Don't be afraid, angel." He gently my hair, displaying a delicate sense of understanding with each pass. "Can I promise you I will be a good husband?"

I swallowed, but his question had left me speechless. How it was that Onew seemed to know me so well? 

"I..." I looked up, but returned to silence.

I couldn't ignore his tender gaze or his friendly smile, but my attention was directed to his brown hair. With a color like chocolate, his hair and his bangs were to the side.

"When did you get here?" I cocked my head. I had not seen him since the morning and i didn't expect the new look. Although deep down inside of me I wanted to be able to tell him how handsome he looked.

"A few minutes ago. But Key made me change my clothes first." He brushed my hair behind my right ear. "You feel better?"

"I'm nervous." I laughed slightly. "I don't know how I'm going to do this."

"It's really simple, angel, you just have to smile. You have a beautiful smile." His hand gently caught the right corner of my lip. "Let the rest flow naturally."

I sighed heavily and my heart fell.

My legs seemed to shake when I got up from the chair. When we got to the studio, there was a blanket of white fur on a black leather sofa, which was against a white wall. There were lights around and more people than I thought, not to mention that the members of SHINee were also here. Quoting the words of the art director; the magazine wanted to show the two facets there are in a relationship.

"Let's start!" Daehyun said cheerfully, he was the studio's youngest photographer and the guy who turned me into EXO's photographer. He handed me the book that Sam had asked me hours earlier, and headphones for Onew. "Now, I want you to sit on the couch leaning against the other's back."

And so we did.

I had to forget that everyone was watching us to do a good job, because although i wasn't an expert in this, i was going to give my best. While the flash of the camera was shooting, and still staring at the page of the book, I laughed secretly feeling Onew's head resting against my shoulder.

"You're enjoying this, right?" I muttered.

Onew sighed.


"Onew, Juliette, now sit facing each other, please." The photographer said. I inhaled deeply and we changed our position. "Onew, now you must look to Juliette as she reads."

"That's what Onew hyung always does." Key laughed, earning laughter from everyone.

Onew laughed sheepishly.

"That will help a lot." Daehyun laughed. "Now, imagine that you are at home and act naturally. No one is here, just you. "

"Imagine that we are not here." Jonghyun said. He put his elbows on his legs, his chin in his hands and he watched us carefully. Like a hawk watching it's prey.

Maybe we were not a real couple, but we didn't act when we were together. Let the rest flow naturally. That's was what i should do. With a new change of mind, it was easier to do this. When I put my head back against the couch, Onew tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he rested his cheek against my arm. And while not expecting it, I saw myself puting my arm around his shoulder and i played with his silky hair. Although i couldn't see them, from the corner of my eye I could see that members of SHINee, Sam, and the others were surprised. If everyone who knew the truth behind the marriage were here, watching... they would be surprised too.

But for some reason, Onew didn't seem surprised.

"Excellent. Keep it." Daehyun said, still holding the camera in hand. And although there were glances in our direction, we had created a peaceful atmosphere with laughter and smiles "Let's try something different, guys." We changed positions and i sat on the left side of the sofa, crossing my legs. Onew left his head on them. "Let's go."

Raising his left hand, Onew grabbed a pink lock of my hair between his fingers. The camera flash blinked again while he playing with it. I just had to have lived with Onew for a few days to realize that he was what the fans said about him; friendly, kind... charming. And although i was sure there was more about him that I didn't know and i would discover it with time, my heart was quiet because i had been fortunate to have found a good person. And although i didn't understand the reason why he was with a stranger person like me, I wanted to thank him. I really wanted to thank him for always being so warm to me. But I couldn't show my true feelings, that would be going too far for me.

"I like your smile." I muttered without anyone else to hear.

I laughed lightly when Onew showed me that look of surprise.

After tell him about my brother and my family, this was my second confession to him. Perhaps i had said that now because people were around, and so far, this wouldn't lead to a deeper conversation between us. And although he knew he could not fail to be professional, he maintained his position and smiled. Onew had an angel's smile; and like him, his smile could convey so much joy and so much peace to my heart. And even though i confessed something so simple and so profound at the same time, that totally worth it.

Onew let go of my hair and instead took my right hand in his, and to everyone's surprise, he took it to his lips with his angelic smile.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

If i wasn't living it in person, I wouldn't have believed.

Sitting on the armrest of the couch, I saw the dress I was wearing; a black, short dress. Loose in the chest, then it hugged my waist and released again in a flared skirt. The back of the dress began in my lower back, by now covered with a blue coat with the sleeves folded. Unbelievable. Literally.

And finally, my hair fell almost wild free form.

Sam had studied fashion design for three years, although it was just a formality because many companies were willing to hire her after we left school. Now she was a designer and a wedding planner. Onew was in front of me, wearing an all-black outfit, the first buttons of his shirt were open, had loose the knot of his tie and the sleeves of his coat were folded up to his elbows too. His hair fell sideways, completely wild.

His bearing of "bad boy" was bullying me. But strangely, he didn't look nervous.

"Hyung, if you don't feel well, I could take your place." Jonghyun laughed, earning a hit from Key and some laughs of the staff again.

"You think I'd let you do it?" Key asked him, giving him a serious glance.

"Sorry, Jong." Onew said. "But I wouldn't let you put your hands on my girl."

"And I begin to think you're dangerous for them." Minho said.

Jong laughed.

"I think Jonghyun hyung also want his own private photo session." Tae chuckled.

"He will do it when someone agrees to marry a dinosaur." Key answered.

"What about you, Sammy?" Jong joked, i knew he was just kidding because the guys said he would be too romantic when he falls in love.

"No more jokes." Minho pushed Jong and he stood between him and Sam. "We're watching you, Kim Jonghyun."

Daehyun chuckled and turned his attention to us.

"I must say that now the mood will change a bit, guys. Are you ready?"

According to the images that Mrs. Park, the art director, showed us, each had a "sensual" concept.

"This will be interesting," Minho laughed mischievously.

"You can do it, guys." Key said. "Don't disappoint me."

"Hyung, noona, Fighting!" Tae raised his fists in the air.

"It's not too late to withdraw." Jong laughed.

"Who are you?" Sam smiled at him confused.

"Yah. Stop pressuring my girl." Onew said. "And it's okay if she can't do it, it's not her fault."

My eyes went straight to him.

"What?" I frowned.

The confusion began to grow inside me while my own discomfort did it too. Not her fault?. But instead of trying to clarify what he said, Onew looked at me with a mischievous smile, completely destroying the meaning of the words he had said. Then my mind made a click.

"You think I can't?"

"I think you can do it, angel." He smirked, his words reflected the challenge that he was giving me. "But it's okay if you not."

"We will take this all the way." My competitive side came out, and i was determined not to be intimidated by the situation. Under the astonished gaze of everyone here, I stood up and looked at Daehyun. "We can begin."

I could understand what he was doing, but i didn't understand how he knew I didn't like challenges.

"Hold her waist, Onew." Daehyun said. "Still looking each other."

His tightened arm around me forcing me to swallow, the beginning of the dress was just a little above where he held me. And just like that and unable to understand it, something began to change between us. Sometimes I felt that we were very comfortable with each other.

"Onew, tries to pull her a little close to you."

He put his face near to my neck. Every breath of his was making me shudder. I removed my hand from his neck and left it on his chest, i caught between my hands his shirt in a gentle grip. Onew shifted and rested his forehead against mine, his eyes never left mine, and its flirtatious smile never left his face.

We felt more comfortable than usual.

Onew stepped closer.

There was definitely something between us.

"Juliette, take his tie and lean back just a little."

I didn't reached my limit yet, so I sat on the armrest and hooked his tie once in my hand.

"Excellent." Daehyun smirked after dropping the camera, "How do you feel?"

"Fine." We responded at the same time.

"Okay," He looked us confused. "Now I need you to sit back on the couch. Juliette, Why don't you try to sit on his lap?"

I bit my lip, I was starting to reach my limit. It was not uncomfortable, for some reason, I never felt uncomfortable with him, and now i had to admit that I had not felt that way all along; I was nervous at his side. Onew sat in a side and stretched one leg over the couch, and let the other off from the edge. My chest stopped in mid-breath as I sat bending my right leg to help me face him.

At this point, I no longer knew what was happening between us. But I wanted to believe it was just the situation. I had to hold on to it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist.

Everything seemed natural between us.

"Ready, guys, we finished." Daehyun said, after making a few more poses.

Onew helped me up and then he did. Then we see that the boys saw us surprised.

Natural between us.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

At this time, my heart was relieved to have left behind that kind of photo shoot.

Now we had to do photographs for the invitations.

In an upstairs bedroom of the study, a double glass door stood closed with an almost transparent white curtain that opened onto a balcony. The sun was out and shining but not too much, from here it lit the white room. For this session, Sammy had gotten a simple wedding dress, because i had not seen the one she made for me yet. Art director asked me to sit by folding the legs and crossing them one over the other, so the dress will cover them.

"Juliette..." Sammy sat in front of me and smiled with love, she always did, but i had learned to distinguish her smiles over the years, as she did with me. My gaze turned to her hands, which were holding a phone, "It's your grandfather."

My heart raced as i looked at her.


She looked at me with a kind smile.

"Really." She giggled.

Then I put the phone against my ear when she got up.

"My love? Are you there?"

"Yes. Here I am. How are you?"

"Fine. I regret not having called before, my love. But, you know, they don't allow phones to where I go."

"I know," I laughed courtesy, my grandfather was joking with his hospital admissions to make things easier. "Are you really okay?"

"Of course. No one says goodbye to me until I can see every baby that each of my grandchildren have."

"Everyone, ah?"

"Each one of you, my love." He answered. "But how are you doing with your fiance? you fell in love already? You kissed him?... I don't know if your brother wants to know that."

"I don't want to!" Jason's voice was heard in the background.

"Grandpa!" I complained. "We met a few days ago. Love is not born that way."

"If I am sure of something, it is that everything is possible in this life." He said. And i was sure he was also talking about Jeremy. "Your father said you had a problem at the university, a good ninja makes no noise, my love. Why did you confess what you did?"

I laughed.

"What kind of grandfather are you?!"

"A very awesome one. And as I taught you, never let anyone pass over you, always shows how wonderful you are, but without going over anyone either."

"I know, grandpa, I always try to remember the things you say. But sometimes it's hard not to fall on her when she gets like this."

"I get it. But remember, don't get any blood on your clothes if you are going to punch someone."

"Grandpa! I know why Dad says that it's you who taught us to fight. You shouldn't be agree with this."

"Don't tell me how I should live my life." He laughed. "It's time to take my medicine, Julie, I'll call you later, but I can't forget you're the president of the company, you're a busy woman."

"Always, there is always time for family." I sighed. "Are you coming to the wedding, Grandpa?"

The line was silent for a few seconds.

"Your father says he is being cautious in considering not letting me fly up there... but I call him coward. Your brother is trying to make a master plan for me to go, but the baby's cry at night does not help that head of his."

I chuckled.

"We'll think of something, i'll talk to dad."

"I'll be there, my love, I promise."

"It's okay. I love you."

"I love you more. Your brother says he loves you too. And say hello to your fiance, tell him that your grandfather is excited to meet him."

"I'll tell him. Goodbye."

I hung up and put the phone on my lap. My grandfather was stronger than the whole family together, but it was sad to think of not being at his side when he had a setback in his health.

"Is this seat taken, Miss?" I straightened and watched Onew; he was wearing white pants like his shirt, and his hair was now up on his forehead.

"No." I said with a sigh and just slap myself in my mind. It was because of his fans, because they always sigh for him.

"So... Julie, ah?" He raised his eyebrows. "Should I feel jealous of the way he looks at you, angel? Because I can make a big scene just because someone looks at you."

Daehyun and I had worked together for a year and some point in that time we had become close friends. Those close to me often call me Julie like he did.

"Would you do that?" His personality was too soft to do that. "You couldn't expose yourself like that... right?"

"Are you challenging me, angel?" He squinted and looked at me seriously. He seemed so transparent that I can see in his eyes when he was playing and when no. "You're going to marry me, so I can not let others pose their eyes on you."

I would never have accepted someone to act possessively with me, as i was his property... but there was something different about him and his words.

"Yah, Lee Jinki, you better not talk about people who are interested in us because you lose for millions, Mr. idol."

He tilted his head like a puppy, watching me curiously.

"I think this is the first time you call me by my real name."

"Why are you surprised? It's your name."

"Only people very close to me call me Jinki..." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, making me hold my breath for a moment. "I think we are making a progress, angel."

Suddenly the air in the room had changed completely, and I felt calm, almost serene.

"My grandfather is excited to meet you." I said sadly. Talk to my family always left me a bittersweet feeling. "You will like him, he is really fun, and kind."

"You said you were more like him." He put his hands on mine. "Seeing you, no doubt he is all that and more. I'm waiting to meet him. I would like to be close to the people who are important to you, angel. Are you okay?"

"Yes. Although i get homesick when I hung up, the feeling of happiness is greater. Thanks, Jinki."

He watched me confused.

"What did i do? You must tell me what I did to do it again."

"I don't know, maybe because of the way you are with me since we met, perhaps because you are interested in me, perhaps because you buy pizza when you want to eat chicken." I chuckled. "I don't know, for everything."

"I like your laugh." His whisper, and softly, he caressed my cheek with the backs of his fingers, shaking my heart. "I really hope I can make you laugh like this forever."


There was something about him that wouldn't let me have doubts about anything. It was as if he could give me some security about marriage when we were together.

"I enjoyed spending the day with you, Jinki. I had never done this, but it was fun."

He smiled, and his eyes expressed the happiness he felt, and I found myself being mesmerized by it.

"You know... Sam asked about the honeymoon." He said.

"Really?" I removed an imaginary lint of the dress, because I was afraid to look as nervous as I felt. "I'm sure she was joking. She knows that you have a schedule, and I have college."

"We can have one. We will not always be so busy, and I would like to travel with you, angel." He waited for something, breathing softly in the silence of the room. "After taking the pictures, the wedding invitations will be sent, and we will be one step closer to unite in marriage." He put is hand in his pants pocket reaching for something. A few seconds later he pulled out a small box, which it was used to propose. Onew opened the box and this showed two gold rings. They were beautiful, and they stopped my heart for a moment, because I knew what was about to come. "Maybe you can't see yourself, but I can see beyond what you think you are. I would love to be the person who is by your side at every moment. That's why right now, I would like to ask you... would you marry me, angel?"

He knew knew he was risking because we were getting married anyways, but I could still say no.

But i wouldn't do that, because after years, and although it may not seem a sufficient reason, i had found someone who gave me the peace I needed to breath again. So I looked into his eyes, and although this went against what I believed about the marrige, I nodded, and I was the one who took the ring. I took his hand, and I put it on his finger. And with happiness in his face, Jinki did the same with me. Then he took my hand to his lips, kissing it softly like a prince would do.

"And even if you don't know how happy it makes me hearing you said you like my smile, I like yours more. I hope I can make you smile every day, because you have the smile of an angel."

I've always loved Onew's laugh. And his smiled that is simple beautiful.

He can make me smile all the time.

Well, the chapther is done and i hope you like it.

This chapter is like the 10th episode of "WGM" with Song Jae Rim & Kim So Eun.
But it's because i like that couple.

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 13: Ah, why is Luna such a biatch (kindly excuse my language) but she's too much here. She was creating unnecessary drama on purpose. And I'm not sure if I agree with the way Juliette did but I guess each of us react in our own way when we lose our . At least she calmed down and spoke with Jinki (kinda) at the end. I laughed so hard at the way they reacted when the boys thought she was leaving once and for all. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #2
Chapter 12: Her twin is gone? It has something to do with the accident she had nightmare of, isn't it? Wonder if Jinki already knew the story with that incident since he seems to do in many cases than she thinks he does. Also, I'm really curious. Are all SHINee members really that scared of haunted houses? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 11: They are already married? Not that I'm complaining. Maybe I was just expecting them or him to woo her a bit more or them warming up to each other a bit more? Nonetheless, it was a nice wedding. But it was kinda funny how those were discussing about why her and stuff when they are already married. Shouldn't they have talked about it before? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 10: This chapter was nice. Jinki was nice and their interaction was nice and all. But I'm kinda confused about one thing. First Jinwoo had feeling for her and now another guy Ethan (?) as well? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 9: I didn't notice the chapter name until I read your a/n. Thanks for the explanation! Anyway, the chapter was nice. Is her wedding day really close? Jinki's mom was cute. Also, I wonder if things would change between her and Jinwoo. And the mystery behind the bracelet... I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #6
Chapter 8: Jealous Jinki is kinda cute and all but he's going borderline obsessive here which is not cool at all. He shouldn't have acted that way and forced things into this. Although I'm not on Jinwoo's side, but I gotta agree with him on "shouldn't you trust her more?" or something along that line. I kinda don't like how he's sounding here, as if she's a property. Anyway, hopefully things wouldn't continue this way and change somehow. I had fun in the initial part of the chapter at the arena. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #7
Chapter 7: I have never watched WGM except for a few episodes here and there of Eric Nam and Hong Jonghyun. So this chapter was totally new to me and so I did enjoy reading it. Only the over jealousy part a little irking but I guess he was partly joking about it. Also, is Jason her older or younger brother? I seemed to have forgotten their names. Sorry about that. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
970 streak #8
Chapter 28: All's well that ends well.
They have always been for each other. It's great that Jinki was able to charm her again.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #9
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Finally, she admitted her feelings and let out the truth about the accident.
970 streak #10
Chapter 8: Oh what a time to confess!