Epilogue - Closing cycles.

Beautiful angel


Juliette loved the rain, but she didn't like stormy nights. Those nights when the sky seemed to be upset and vented it's fury on them Juliette couldn't sleep. Her eyes were open while a soft light from the lava lamp shone on the night table in the dark of Jason's room. His older brother could sleep no matter how cold the night was, but Juliette felt protected at his side. The door swung open slowly and for a second she pulled the blanket up to her nose, but then she saw her twin brother that came in quietly as a mouse. Juliette chuckled and pulled the blanket for him to lie down beside her. Jeremy lay down under the blanket and he covered himself up to his shoulder.

"I don't know if I'm afraid of storms, or if it's your fear and I can feel it."

Juliette clucked her tongue and chuckled.

"Yeah, keep thinking you are not afraid."

Jeremy chuckled.

"But it's not a lie that I can feel what you feel, Juls. I like that, there's a bond between us that nobody else has."

"I like it too."

"But try not to suffer for love. Okay? I don't want to feel girls things." He said and Juliette laughed against the blanket to make no sound. "I know that between us you are stronger, headstrong, and you don't like being told what to do, and sometimes you're a little rebellious, and---"

"Is there a but somewhere? Where are you getting at?"

"All that is good, Juls, because I know that in this life you will never give up. It's my way of saying I hope you're very happy in this life... even if you're all those things."

Juliette chuckled again.

"You'll get everything you want in this life, Jery. And no matter what happens or if we're together or not, we are twins and a part of me will always be with you."




"I came back for you, Julie... forever, right?"

After all, he had not forgotten about that. After years that seemed like ages. This was all she had always dreamed, so often she asked in her prayers for he to woke up, it was her only wish on her birthday, he was all she had asked her grandmother. Many times she had imagined in her mind this moment. I told the truth about the accident. They told me everything that happened while I was gone, and I'm sorry, Juliette. The first thing i did before we talk was telling the truth. After so many years... Hey! I can not believe that Jason had children, I can't believe you've had a baby. Juliette heard the joy in his voice, and her heart leapt with joy, and she was excited to introduce him his nephew. This was one of the most beautiful things that had happened to her. So many years and she had talked to him as if nothing had happened. Jeremy had the same laugh that she loved so much, and he was the same lovely guy with whom she shared a lifetime. It was as if she had never been alone for years, as if that bad time never existed in their lives. She had lived so long without him, and now she knew she could live because she had Jinki beside her. I missed you so much, you have no idea how much.

The evening seemed shining through the curtains of the room, and Juliette noted with happy eyes the day that was coming. She watched with a smile to the little person who was sleeping comfortably lying on his stomach to her side. Juliette raised her left hand and her fingers his cheek with a gentle motion. He was hers. Life had given her the opportunity to create a new life, and she appreciated how lucky she had been. What a wonderful life. Her son looked exactly like his father. Jae had the happy eyes of his father, the same smile, same hair. Lee Jaeyoung was his reflection, as two drops of water. The only physical resemblance he shared with his mother was the same little pig nose. But they had a bond that only they could understand, but more importantly, they could feel. Her hand his back, he had the image of a deer on his t-shirt, and Jae took his little hand made a fist to his lips.

Jinki entered room and walked toward the bed. Jinki had grown as an artist, but more importantly, he grew up as a person, and now had a beautiful family. He lay down on the bed on his left side and watched his son. He could not even express in words how he felt when he saw his son for the first time, his crying was the most beautiful sound. Jinki thought about the first time he saw him, the fragile body of his son against him, and at that moment Jinki promised again he will protect him forever. All day, every day, he felt as the luckiest person for having them at his side. Jinki approached Jae and kissed his hair gently, he leaned back feeling the scent of his baby again.

"Why do babies smell so good?"

Juliette smiled.

"Because they don't have bad thoughts."

Jinki chuckled softly.

"It makes sense." He moved closer and rested his head against the pillow. "We're leaving tonight."

Juliette felt the excitement inside of her, every second she felt closer to her brother, but at the same time she didn't know how to ask what would happen to his debut. Jinki finally had the opportunity to show his beautiful voice in different ballads that hid a different story in every one of them.

"What will happen to your work?"

"You are really asking me to not go with you?" Jinki pouted, put an arm on his son's back and rested his head on his back without touching him. "That hurts my heart."

"You're so dramatic."

"It is assumed that my performance here should convince you."

Juliette laughed as Gahul entered the room. Juliette was surprised the first time she found Gahul sleeping next to the Jae's crib, but now it would be strange if he didn't. Gahul climbed into bed and lay next to Juliette, just next of where Jae was.

"We're leaving tonight." Jinki said, and Gahul wagged his tail. "Yes, Gahul, the four of us.”

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

The air was so cold in the airport and on Juliette's skin as they walked down the hall. Jae was on Jinki's arms, and she raised the blanket on Jae's head to protect him from the cold. They walked down the corridor outside the plane, and she felt her heart beating so fast right now. But at the airport there was also a feeling of warmth inside every fan who was on the same flight and saw Jinki with his son. Since the baby was born Juliette had seen many pictures of them on the internet pages dedicated to SHINee, there they were, looking like the happy family they really were.

The flight was ahead a few hours, and that help Juliette to give a surprise to her family. Jinki helped her sit in the back seat of the car that Jason had left in the airport a day before, and Juliette sat there next to the window with Jae in her arms, hiding the pain she felt in the low part of her body because of the childbirth. Gahul sat next to Juliette, and Jinki sat in the driver's seat and closed the car door. Juliette leaned Jae against her right arm and then she settled her skirt dress she wore under her sweater. She had avoided wear pants since they took Jae home because she could not stand the friction.

"Does it hurt a lot, angel?" Jinki said, watching her through the mirror.

"Maybe a little." She laughed sitting in a more comfortable way, and Jae waved his arms while he slept.

"This reminds me of when I took you to the hospital... after that we came home with Jae."

"I remember that." Juliette smiled kissing the forehead of her baby.


Juliette's belly had grown and now the time seemed to run backwards. At any moment they would be counting the hours and minutes to see their baby when he would be ready to meet his parents and live in this world. In recent weeks Juliette had spent the time sleeping, and Gahul at his side, seemed to need to sleep too. During that time Jinki lay down to her side with one hand her back that hurt for carrying the weight of the baby. Jinki remembered the doctor that once said that husbands felt bad for not being able to help. Jinki wanted the baby born already, 9 months had seemed an eternity. He had wondered many times how Jae would look like, perhaps resembled his father, but Jinki expected to have his mother's eyes. Those eyes that had looked at him with love for so many years, those eyes that had learned to read his feelings in a second. Juliette was the only one who could convince him he was doing a good job when he felt he could have done more. He liked to lay down next to her belly as she his hair gently. Jinki felt protected by her side. They protected each other.

"Can we watch tv?" Juliette asked with her eyes closed.

Jinki chuckled softly.

"You can't even keep my eyes open, angel, I think we should go to sleep."

"It's early. Let's watch TV."

Jinki the TV and searched through the channels until he saw Exo in the Beatles Code 2. Juliette sat against the headboard of the bed, with the blanket covering her legs and belly. Even if she was tired she laughed at every joke and every comment they did. At the end of the hour the boys said goodbye, but not before sending a greeting to the Lee family, who were a few days of being parents. Juliette wanted to sleep but she couldn't, so she continued to watch tv until she needed to go to the bathroom.

It was 2 in the morning and Jinki got up to help her up. Her belly was so big that Juliette had trouble doing her things in recent weeks, even going to the bathroom was difficult for her. Juliette always joked that she was in that state because of him, and Jinki always answered proudly saying that that was true. Jinki had read many books about pregnancy and parenthood, but no lesson can prepared the parents when the time came.

Juliette stopped suddenly when she felt a liquid running down her leg.

"Angel..." Jinki laughed. "You really needed to go to the bathroom."

"It Is not that, silly." She laughed nervously, but she knew she would never do that even right now. "I think this mean that the baby is coming."

Jinki's smile fell when he realized what was happening, and was replaced by a surprised expression.


"Really." Juliette bit her lip and waited for his reaction.

Jinki opened and closed his mouth several times.

"Okay, okay. Don't be afraid. Okay? Everything is fine, we'll be fine, everything will be fine. Don't be nervous, we can do---"

"Are you talking to me or to yourself?" Juliette cocked her head.

"With me."

Juliette chuckled.

"We'll be fine, Jinki." Juliette closed her eyes because of the first pain that hit the lower part of her body. "But I really need to go to hospital."

"Sure, sure." Jinki took a second and kissed her cheek.

The next time they would be at home, Lee Jaeyoung would be with them.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Out there the night was normal, the moon shone on the top of the sky and Juliette looked at it until another pain made her close her eyes. She felt a pressure down there and grew stronger every second. Jinki knew he should be calm, he should prove to his wife that everything would be fine, because after the accident Juliette could not see blood. But he knew she had been brave all her life, Jinki knew she would be brave this time. He called his mother to tell them that their grandchild was on the way, plus Juliette wanted to hear the voice of the woman who had been her mother too.

"We're almost there, angel." Jinki looked at her in the mirror and smiled. "Think that you're about to have our child in your arms."

Juliette felt the heat spreads under her skin, but all that was worth. They were about to meet their son, and if this was necessary to know him, she would do it another 100 times.

Juliette inhaled deeply.

"I can't wait."

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Juliette leaned forward and took hard the bed sheets of the clinic. Her forehead that was wet began to wet her hair too. Jinki sat on the edge of the bed and took her face in his hands. It had been hours and it was not yet time to push although that was what she wanted most. If time passed and there was no change doctors would have to do a caesarean section.

"Breathe, angel." Jinki her cheeks and moved his hands to take her hair. "Let me hold it."

Jinki lifted her hair up and held it with the league he had in his wrist.

"You're doing great, baby, just breathe."

Juliette's father had returned to live in Seoul, and she never thought his presence would make her feel better. Her parent - child relationship wasn't broken, it was still there. The female doctor was in the room to review her progress, and that was when Juliette felt the need to get up when she felt the pressure that was becoming more intense.

"Can I walk, Doctor? I really need to get up."

The doctor asked everyone except her husband to leave the room.

Juliette still remembered the pain in her body when she woke up under the car after the accident, but now she knew that was nothing compared to the difficult time to bring her child into the world. The pain seemed to try to break her courage, as if it was trying to make her give up. This was a time when no one could give up or take a step back... so she pushed and pushed through the immense pain.

Nothing had been so painful, yet so rewarding.

Juliette suddenly no longer felt more pain when they heard the most beautiful sound in the world. The doctor left his frail little body on her, just like that, and Juliette held herself on her elbows to see him. Beside her, Jinki seemed to have forgotten how to breathe because all his attention was on the small boy he had helped to create. Jinki raised his left hand, and he took in between his fingers the small hand of his son.

"He's perfect." He whispered.

Juliette sat correctly when the nurses took him to clean up, and Jinki sat on the bed and took Juliette's hand in his hands. He kissed it, again and again while thanking her for giving him a son.

Juliette smiled and took his face in her hands, then, she kissed him, because she was grateful too.

A nurse handed the baby to Juliette, and Jinki and she gave the welcome to their son.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Jae had one day old, and he was the most loved person in the world. Juliette's family was traveling to Seoul to meet the baby. So many people had sent their congratulations and best wishes for TV and social networks, and the room was filled with stuffed animals and balloons. Juliette was sleeping after not having slept all the previous day, Jae was sleeping beside her. Like them, Jinki slept on the couch next to the bed.

It was sometime in the day when Jinki woke up. Jinki took Jae in his arms as his son moved his little hands against his small face, and Jinki walked back on the couch.

"The love for music is what led me to endure hours of rehearsing, recording and busy schedules, Jae." Jinki put Jae against his right arm. "We create images of idols to the world but never forget that we are people too, Jae, and the love for what we do fills our hearts, but you don't feel complete until you find the right person, feel the love of a special person. We want someone to love and that happened to me, baby, I met your mom. Sometimes I felt that i was not the husband she deserved. Your mom could have someone to give her much more. I was afraid of losing her, but she stayed by my side and I know it will be so forever. I was so happy when I knew I was going to be father, Jae, you were the best birthday present. I went through some moments when I was scared because i feared not being the best father you deserved, but when I saw you... I'll be a good father, Jae. Since I knew you were in your mommy's womb you made me very happy, and I will work hard to be the best father in the world."

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Taking care of Jae was tired too, Jinki even thought the idol's life was nothing compared to this. Luckily they had a family who had helped them from the beginning and now they were doing it. Days after bringing Jae home, Juliette awoke after sleeping really well for the first time after days. She saw the room with narrowed eyes and she didn't knew if it was night or she was about to see the sunrise, and then she saw herself lying beside Jinki. His arm was her pillow, his leg was on hers, and his other hand was holding her lower back under her shirt.

Juliette's laughter stayed in when Jae image came to her mind.


"Jae is with Key, Angel." Jinki pressed himself against her and made her laugh. "Let's sleep a little longer."

Juliette rested her head on his arm again.

"We have not slept this well in days."

"I feel like I have not slept well in years." He chuckled with his eyes still closed. "I don't even know if it's tomorrow or still is today."

"The notion of time is lost when you have a baby."

"But we have experience when we will have another baby."

"The lower part of my body hurts so much that I'll say no to that idea."

Jinki chuckled softly, he was already asleep again, and he approached her to sleep comfortably.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Juliette went down the stairs with difficulty and found that the lights were off, but the fireplace was on and she felt a pleasant warmth in the atmosphere. When she reached the living room she sat on the couch against the arm of it, Key was sitting in the middle with Jae sleeping against his chest, and Jong was sitting at the other end.

"How do you feel?" Key asked.

"Does It hurts a lot?" Jonghyun said.

Juliette chuckled.

"Have you ever been hit in the lower part of your bodies, guys?"

They looked at each other and both winced in pain.

"Auch." Jong covered his lap with the pillow. "It has never happened to me but I can feel the pain."

"How much will your recovery take?" Key asked.

"A few weeks, I think."

Jong laughed.

"So… no for you two."

"You're a ert, Kim Jonghyun." She giggled. "But the answer is no."

Later that night Juliette thanked them again for staying home to help them with the baby. They climbed the stairs while Juliette put her son against her chest, and his hands gently took her t-shirt while he slept. The fire enveloped them both in a warmth feeling and Juliette felt the world was perfect being there. Minutes later Jinki went down the stairs wearing his pajamas, his hair was unkempt, but he looked so adorable. He sat beside her and Juliette put her legs on his lap, so he was very close to them. Jae made those baby sounds while sleeping, and that made smile his father with his eye smile.

"We have a good life, right?" He asked.

"The best."


Jinki had stopped the car a few steps from the lake house and went out to help his wife. Jeremy had left the house when he listened the car, and except for his hair that was longer now, her brother had not changed at all. Jinki took Jae in his arms and kissed Juliette's cheek. He was so happy for her. Jinki had no brothers but she showed what a person can do for them. There were few moments in life when Juliette felt her breath away, and see her brother made her inhale the air that seemed not to have around. He fought against the few chances that doctors gave him. They had little hope and some gave up. She had given up too. At that time she wanted to apologize for breaking his bond at the time she stopped believing. Like her brother, Juliette's eyes filled with tears, and she hugged him with all the love she felt for him.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered against his shoulder. "I stopped believing, Jeremy. I am so sorry."

His hands embraced her shoulders, and he smiled against her hair.

"I love you, Juls, and you never stopped believing. Perhaps you thought you did, but don't forget that I can also feel what you feel, and I know that your heart never stopped believing. I could feel it in your voice every time you talked me because you knew that I could hear you. At the bottom of your heart you knew I had not gone completely."

"I never stopped thinking about you..." Juliette pulled away to see his eyes that she missed so much. Jason had left the house followed by his grandfather. "Every day, I always thought of you."

"I know. Our bond is too strong to be broken. Nothing can stop this, Juls."

"The Hamilton siblings are reunited again." Jason hugged them both and Juliette laughed against his chest before separating. "Glad to see you, baby."

"It's good to be home."

Jason smiled watching his grandfather that now was holding Jae.

"Jeremy met my children. He should meet Jae too."

Her grandfather approached them and Jeremy took Jae against his chest, one hand on his back and the other holding his head, meanwhile, Jinki had stopped behind Juliette with his arms around her waist. Juliette leaned against his chest.

"He's adorable. Hello, Jaeyoung. I'm uncle Jeremy, and you don't look like anything to your mom... luckily."

"Hey!" She complained under the laughter of others.

"Does that mean that you brought your mommy's personality?" Jeremy laughed.

"I think we're lost." Jinki said.

Jeremy laughed with him.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Jinki. Thank you for taking care of my sister." He smiled shaking Jinki's hand.

"I'm glad you're fine, Jeremy." Jinki smiled.

"Thank you. It took a while but now I'm here with my family."

They all walked toward the house, Jeremy still held Jae in his arms, and his grandfather held Gahul's belt. Jae ran his hands over his face and wrinkled his nose before lay his head against his shoulder.

"That nose is equal to your mommy, baby."

Jeremy laughed, and Juliette squeezed Jinki's hand. He was so happy for her, and he leaned to her ear.

"I love you."

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Juliette knew that Jeremy would rejoin the family, but see her mother had surprised her in the moment she saw her in the living room of the house. They goodbye at the airport the last time had been cordial but somewhat cold, and Juliette thought she would never see her again.

But her mother had sent her a letter days after she left the hospital when she recovered her memory: Although things have not been going well between us, and if you can not believe, you're my daughter and I love you. The last time we saw each other Jinki made me understand what I was doing wrong. Please tell him he's a good man, and I'm sure that if he confronted me to protect you, he will also do it to anyone who try to hurt you. I hope you recover soon and that your pregnancy progresses smoothly. Take care.

She had drawn strength from deep within her being; with it was clear that it was not the same girl she had become after the accident. But her mother had traveled to Seoul days after the baby was born, and Juliette was happy to see her mother looked so happy holding her grandson. After that they had not seen each other again. What Juliette didn't know was that Jeremy had asked his mother, or demanded in a good way to apologize to his sister. Jeremy had been very disappointed with his family when his parents distanced when they should stay more united than ever. But this was a happy moment for everyone; Jeremy had woken up and the Hamilton siblings were united again, his parents were with his son again, his grandfather returned to see his grandchildren and great grandchildren gathered. Juliette had felt that her relationship with her mother had lost forever, but perhaps it was still there. The stronger relationship there was of the twins.

It was late when everyone went to bed but her brothers and Jinki, and they were in the kitchen.

"Do you think you can marry again?" Jeremy asked sitting in the chair beside the granite table, still holding Jae. "I can not believe I missed your wedding."

"I can not believe that Juliette got married." Jason said and Jeremy laughed.

"I have good brothers." Juliette said and Jinki laughed kissing her hair. "The best ones."

Jeremy saw that they were so happy that he felt a little guilty about Juliette's amnesia even if the accident was not anyone's fault.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your memory, Juls." Jeremy smiled sheepishly. "But I'm glad that you two still have found a way to be together."

It was very hard what Jinki and Juliette had passed since the accident, but despite that they were together.

"Jinki thought I was adorable even when I got angry." Juliette scoffed, and Jinki nodded.

"No matter what Juliette did, I never thought about letting her go."

Despite the jokes of her brothers, they were happy to see that their sister was happy despite everything bad that had happened. They were on the other side of the table in front of Jason and Jeremy, and Jinki had already had one arm around her waist, and he put it under her t-shirt to make fun of her.

Juliette chuckled.

"If you agree we could do a ceremony here." Jason said. "Something nice to renew your vows. Jeremy and Jae would attend for the first time."

"I think it's a good idea." Jinki smiled.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

The time difference had made her brothers went to sleep while they were still awake including Jae. The sun had set and the bright moon had taken it's place. It was strange for her to sleep in a different bed from home, and Juliette laughed to herself at the thought; Seoul was her home now. Juliette was lying sideways in bed with Jae against her, her hand on his back as she fed him. She rested her head against her arm and watched her baby. Jinki watched the scene when he entered the room and sat on the bed.

"I think Gahul is very excited to be here too. He loved all the free space he has out there." He said. It seemed that Jae noticed his presence because he moved and his hand caught her sweater. Jinki laughed gently his back. "That was mine first, Jae."

Juliette reached her arm out to hit him, and Jinki laughed.

"Are you going to sleep in his room tonight?"

Juliette breathed the air into her lungs and watched him for a moment. Of course she wanted to be with her brother. There were things they could only speak in private, but Juliette was a mom first, and it felt good to think about it.

"No, we have much time to talk."

Jae finished eating and Juliette settled her dress as Jinki sat in bed with Jae in his arms to pat his back.

"It's okay if you want to go with him, angel. That's why we came. right? To be with your brother long as you can."

Juliette thought about that. Maybe they could talk all night as they did when they were children. She thought of the time when they shared a room. After a few minutes Jinki put Jaeyoung on the bed and he lay down beside him.

"Go, angel, we'll be fine."

"Maybe for a few hours."

"Okay." He smiled. "We will be here waiting for you."

She thought she was so lucky to have them.

"Why are you so sweet?"

"Because i'm the best husband." He smiled full of proud.

Juliette laughed, and then she went on top of him. Jinki took her face in his hands and he kissed her. There was a feeling in the air and he bit her lip before kissing her deeper. They both wanted to take that further, but it wasn't the right time yet. Jinki rested his hands on her legs and they did their way up, almost disappearing under her skirt.

It was so hard to stop themselves.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Juliette had only to touch his door once, and even with that Jeremy knew his sister was on the other side of the door. They had used his room as a hospital room for years, but now any material or machines were not there anymore. Yet everything was the same; his guitar, the poster over his bed, the sketchbooks on his desk, and that funny poster of the human body in a corner. Juliette leaned beside him on the bed, and felt as if time had not passed. It seemed that they had never been separated.

"This doesn't look real, right?" He asked.

"No." she confessed. "I feel that if I sleep all will disappear, Jery."

He smiled because after so many years, and after so many hours she was finally talking about her fears.

"Nothing is going to disappear, Juls. This is real, I'm real. Our life together is going to continue as if nothing had happened, even if we live in the same country or not. Any distance measured by miles or time couldn't separate us, because we are stronger than that... maybe Jason wants to buy that line."

Juliette laughed.

"What are you going to do with your life?"

"The plan is to recover completely, and continue with my life where I left it. Dad said he regretted that things have happened this way, that he should never force their children to do what we didn't want to do. I'm sorry you had to take care of the companies, Juls, you were supposed to be a photographer."

"Dont be sad. Over time I learned that we can not get everything in life, but some better things will appear. I like my life as the president of the company; I met good people, hardworking and very loyal to the company. I worked as a photographer for a year thanks to a teacher, and got good friends. Honestly, I would not change my life."

Jeremy smiled proud to see how his sister had grown.

"I saw the photo sessions you participated in. You could be a professional model, Juls, you looked very beautiful in the photos."

"It was fun to do that." She smiled.

"And what about your life with Jinki? Grandpa said it wasn't all easy at first."

"I felt guilty when i recovered my memory, I felt I couldn't face him after all he did for me. He saved me from myself, Jery. I felt lost without you, I had lost the meaning of life, but he taught me the things a person does for love, and then i realized that i was never going to find someone who loved me as he did. I didn't realize in that moment... but I fell in love with him again. Jinki was so good to me at first, no matter what I did. He always had a smile for me or a word of encouragement. There are few people like him in the world, and I was fortunate to have one of them."

Jeremy smiled.

"It sounds perfect, Juls. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that all is well in your life, because you deserve the greatest happiness. I'm glad you find a person like him, I always felt that Jinki was the right person for you. You both spent so much time apart but held together by letters, and despite having met so many people in your life, you two only saw each other. Only a few people are lucky to love only one person in their life... I'm a little jealous." He laughed.

"You are going to meet someone, Jery. A pretty girl you will love so much... maybe in college, or maybe you will meet her in the store on the way home. You can find love in the place least expected."

"Maybe if Dad wants me to marry someone."

Juliette laughed.

During that night Juliette showed him the tattoo that she had, and Jeremy thought it was the most beautiful thing she had done for him. Jeremy promised that he would get one too, so when she returned to Korea, they would have something that the other one loved. In the middle of the night Juliette returned to her room walking down the dark hallway. The moonlight coming through the windows and out there the sound of nature were heard. Juliette entered the room noiselessly and found her baby sleeping in the middle of the bed, on his back and with his thumb in his mouth. Despite all that had happened in her life, Juliette knew she had been very lucky. Jinki was lying on the blanket at one end of the bed, he was awake and smiled when their eyes met.

"Are you tired?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes. A little." She lay down to the other end of the bed and on the blanket as well. "You?"

"Pretty tired... Are you happy, angel?"

"Happy, very happy." She sighed and lay down sideways to look at him. "Why are not you sleeping?"

"I said I would wait for you." Jinki gave her a tired smile and now she was there, he closed his eyes. "Good night, angel, i love you."

"I love you too." She was lucky, because he had waited for her for years.


Read here the special chapter Beautiful angel: From Seoul, with love

And now you can read the same story from Jinki's view: To the Beautiful You

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 12: Her twin is gone? It has something to do with the accident she had nightmare of, isn't it? Wonder if Jinki already knew the story with that incident since he seems to do in many cases than she thinks he does. Also, I'm really curious. Are all SHINee members really that scared of haunted houses? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: They are already married? Not that I'm complaining. Maybe I was just expecting them or him to woo her a bit more or them warming up to each other a bit more? Nonetheless, it was a nice wedding. But it was kinda funny how those were discussing about why her and stuff when they are already married. Shouldn't they have talked about it before? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: This chapter was nice. Jinki was nice and their interaction was nice and all. But I'm kinda confused about one thing. First Jinwoo had feeling for her and now another guy Ethan (?) as well? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 9: I didn't notice the chapter name until I read your a/n. Thanks for the explanation! Anyway, the chapter was nice. Is her wedding day really close? Jinki's mom was cute. Also, I wonder if things would change between her and Jinwoo. And the mystery behind the bracelet... I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 8: Jealous Jinki is kinda cute and all but he's going borderline obsessive here which is not cool at all. He shouldn't have acted that way and forced things into this. Although I'm not on Jinwoo's side, but I gotta agree with him on "shouldn't you trust her more?" or something along that line. I kinda don't like how he's sounding here, as if she's a property. Anyway, hopefully things wouldn't continue this way and change somehow. I had fun in the initial part of the chapter at the arena. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 7: I have never watched WGM except for a few episodes here and there of Eric Nam and Hong Jonghyun. So this chapter was totally new to me and so I did enjoy reading it. Only the over jealousy part a little irking but I guess he was partly joking about it. Also, is Jason her older or younger brother? I seemed to have forgotten their names. Sorry about that. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
961 streak #7
Chapter 28: All's well that ends well.
They have always been for each other. It's great that Jinki was able to charm her again.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #8
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Finally, she admitted her feelings and let out the truth about the accident.
961 streak #9
Chapter 8: Oh what a time to confess!
961 streak #10
Chapter 4: I love View!