My beautiful angel.

Beautiful angel

Thought # 1.

"I love books.
When i moved to Korea i thought i could write my own story. Write my own chapters the way i want it...

But now i think...
Can i write my own story, or it's already written?" 


"Hello?" She answered on the phone, relaxed, because Juliette knew why her dad was calling for. Or so she thought.

Juliette Hamilton was seated on a wooden chair in front of the kitchen granite table in the apartment she shared with her mother, her brother, and her paternal grandparents. The kitchen light was the only one on that night, a light she used to read before going to sleep.

The bottom half of her hair painted pink, gracefully falling over her right shoulder.

"Excuse me?" She asked with her heart pounding against her chest, thinking she had misheard what he had just said. "Say that again."

"A marriage." Her dad said in a calm, but firm voice. "You, with my best friend's son."

Juliette gasped as she watched her phone in her hand that had begun to sweat slightly. She thought her dad was making a cruel joke after last night's trouble on Juliette's birthday, and she laughed nervously putting the phone back to her ear.

"Dad, that's not funny."

"It's not a joke, my dear. And you already knew it. I told you about it when you were a girl, and you liked the idea. Remember?"

"Dad..." She said breathlessly. "I was a little girl. You said it would be as romantic as the love story of my grandparents and I believed you. But I grew up, dad, things are different now..." Juliette exhaled unexpectedly. "You can’t do that. I can’t marry a stranger."

"In fact, you can. Besides he's not a stranger, I've known the boy since he was a kid." Her dad laughed softly. "You know him too, actually."

Juliette swallowed the lump in and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Dad..." She felt the fear of hearing her own voice, as shaky as she had ever heard it. "Please. You can’t do this to me."

"Believe me, darling, when I tell you this is for your own good. Your behavior is not the best one, and our family needs someone mature to take control of the companies. Besides being with someone like him will do you good, he's everything you were one day-"

"Really?" She interrupted him. "Does he do what others want?"

But her dad didn't seem to care what she said.

"You'll be moving here in a year or two; I have not figured it out yet. Korea is a wonderful place to live in."

Juliette bit her trembling lip before speaking.

"So... it's done, then?"

“If this makes you feel better... this was planned since you were born.”

Since I was born? She thought with horror.

"And who is he?"

"He's name is Lee Jinki, but everyone knows him as Onew."


Sitting at one of the double tables next to Jinwoo, right in the back as the teacher expounded a topic I already knew well, my mind began to remember some facets of my life without me realizing, taking me back to the moments that brought me right here: to who I was and what I've been doing all this time since I came to Korea, my good and bad times. The rules that I could follow and those that I couldn't.

When I was a little girl I was sure that "growing up" meant living my own life in the way I wanted to. Create my own life lessons; make my dreams and my goals come true. Childhood means living in a completely different world, one where we can be what we want to be, and we are who want to be, but childhood is a world where we wait until we grow up. And when we are ready, we can live in the real world: but then we realize that it is not always as we thought it would be.

However not everything is bad, because even if I can't make come true all the lines I wrote about living my own life; for me, grow up meant make my own rules.

1) Dyed your hair if that's what you want. It's just hair. Even if Juliette "Troublemaker" Hamilton and half of her pink hair didn't match with the image of being John Hamilton's daughter.

2) Family and friends are the most important in life. They are my air and I need them, especially when you moved another country like I did.

3) Make sure you will remember all the experiences you had. I take pictures since I remember, and I’ve made albums with the most precious moments in my life. I'm making one since I moved to Seoul a year ago.

The day I moved here.


After going through airport security, Juliette finally knew it was real and it was happening: she was in Seoul to move there and to officially meet her fiance, at least months after until Juliette would get used to her new life. With many people coming and going of Seoul, Juliette was eager to find a familiar face in the cold place. She could feel the energy around her, the curious stares and whispers about whether she was. People were intuitive, they seemed to recognize her even under her Ray-Ban glasses. She attracted attention because the daughter of the architect Hamilton had half of her hair dyed pink.

When she set foot on the escalator, she saw three special people waiting for her and she felt relieved. Her father, with his hands in his pockets, smiling, and well-dressed as always. John Hamilton was the owner of construction companies and architecture "J.A Hamilton" divided by America, Europe and Asia. He officially moved to South Korea a few years ago. Then, there was Jinwoo, they had been friends since childhood, during the time he lived in Manhattan with his parents. He returned to Seoul with his family when Juliette was 17 years old. And finally, Samantha; though she came to Korea to visit after getting a job as fashion designer in Paris.

Jinwoo had a sign in his hands and he moved it from side to side, happily.

"Welcome to Seoul, Julie."


My first job as a photographer and the friends I made.


The sun had risen on a summer day and she officially began her first day of work in a magazine. In June, people didn't know yet that Juliet was Onew's future wife, so she could still move around the city freely being only Juliette Hamilton.

She was the future president of the company. So no one, no one could know that she had taken that job. The first session was for a clothing line, and took place in a closed city street. Almost with the speed of a car, Juliette arrived at the scene on a skateboard, dressed in loose jean overalls. Surrounding the fans who gathered outside the street closed, Juliette came through the back. She walked down the sidewalk between two houses, bowing politely before workers. Maybe people would remember this when they knew who she was going to be, but it was a risk she was going to take, an ephemeral dream fulfilled thanks to one of her teachers.

The wall of a house ended, showing what appeared to be a brick store.


Juliette stopped.

Her heart fluttered.

"Juliette, you came!" Daehyun said cheerfully. The most renowned photographer of the magazine made Exo's members turned to see her. Under the shade of the roof of the warehouse, idols smiled before leaning together after she did. With elegant suits and ready for session, Juliette thought they were people too. She went where her boss was. "What a good transport medium you have there."

"Very ecological. isn't it?" She chuckled... Don't forget they are people too, she told herself.

"She's Juliette, Joon." Daehyun said to the young man next to Exo, and he approached with a friendly smile. "Joon is one of the Exo manager, Juliette."

"It is a pleasure." He cocked his head and smiled. "I know you, right?"

John Hamilton's daughter... There are things you can not hide.

"I don't think so." She chuckled, but she knew what he meant. "I'm sure it's the first time we see each other."

Joon chuckled too.

"I have heard excellent comments about your work. Glad to have a fresh face working with the boys."

Juliette smiled at him.

"Thanks, but I'm just the assistant."

Joon looked at her with a confused expression.

"That's not what I was told." He said to Daehyun.

With a mischievous smile, Dae put the camera in her hands.

"Auch." Juliette caught it, giggling confused. "Don't forget that I am a girl, please."

"Welcome to your first day as a photographer, Juliette."

"What?" She said, a little louder than she wanted to. Her surprise was funny to Exo members.

"You know why the magazine don't let us work with a girl, Juliette?" Joon asked her.

...She suspected what was the reason. Perhaps some young girls couldn't work in front of EXO.

"Umm... because the cameras are heavy?" She joked.

"No..." He laughed and went to the boys. "Ready, guys, let's begin."

And then he looked at Juliette. If there were consequences, she was going to accept them. But now she had to prove that this was what she wanted to do.

She took courage and stepped forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you boys, apparently i will be your new photographer and... we will do a great job together."

 –––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

By the end of the day, singers and workers shared a table in a restaurant in the city to celebrate the excellent work of the boys and the first day of the new photographer.
As Juliette listened and talked around, her phone rang and showed on the screen a message from Danny, another of her bestfriends.

It was her first time in Line answering a message, or rather say, trying.

She felt foolish.

But then she heard a laugh from her left side.

"Juliette-ssi, you're doing it wrong." And as if they were friends, Baekhyun took her phone from her hands. "You have to go here, write here and choose between lots of stickers. Got it?"

He looked at her smiling.

She sometimes forgot that they were people too.

"I understood. Thanks."

Still, he had the phone in his hands, and before that she took it, he pulled it back and looked for something. He was very concentrated, and remained unchanged even when Chanyeol, who was sitting beside him, joined the search.

"Yah. Choose that." He said.

"Why should I?" Baekhyun asked him.

"Because I'm in it. Not that, that, all Exo is there."

"Guys, don't forget that is my phone."

Both raised their eyes toward her and smiled.

Baekhyun handed her the phone and the dinner continued.

Later that night she found out she had Baekyeol's numbers.

Going to work on a skateboard definitely it had attracted the attention, and they just wanted to be friends with that kind of girl.


A month ago they and the whole world knew the reason why i moved here: to marry an idol.

Since my birth, i was destined to be Lee Jin Ki's wife, the son of dad's best friend. At age 19 and after several little "problems" in Manhattan, dad gave me the news like an atomic bomb: that child, my fiance, was now a singer.

An idol.

An artist.

My dad didn't noticed that I've had enough fame? Be the rebellious daughter of the architect Hamilton was a title hard to keep. He didn't need more fame and he knew it. But considering that this agreement was made since I was born, there was no turning back. Still, everything was kept secret until a month ago when Onew and SMENT released a video in which he explained that he had a girlfriend and he was going to marry her. But it was a lie, exposed it that way to the media was a deal that my dad, Mr. Lee, and SMENT did. That was better than an arranged marriage.

In december last year, during their concert, Onew revealed that his girlfriend was me.


In Seoul, Juliette lived in a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. The morning sunlight came through of the window, with a view to the back yard where there was a beautiful cherry blossom tree. Her room walls were painted of white, with pictures of her life hanging behind her bed. It was a nice and lazy morning after a movie night with Sam and Jinwoo, and Juliette rolled over her bed of white sheets when Sam's phone rang bringing calm around down.

"Juliette..." Jin Woo complained rolling on the bed too. "Turn it off."

"it is not mine." She said half asleep, feeling the warmth of her pillow against her cheek. "Sam! Answer the phone."

"Okay." Sam said getting up from the bed. Juliette was floating to dreamland again until Sam screamed. "Where is the Tv control?!"

Sam hit Juliette's to wake her up when the news was on the tv, but Juliette whined burying her face on the pillow.


"You have to watch this. Hurry up!"

It was the repetition of a SHINee World concert In Japan. And Onew was about to talk about the marriage.

"Hello everyone." He bowed smiling, his brown hair fell over his forehead. "I'm the leader of SHINee, Onew. First, I want to thank all the fans who have shown their love since we debuted, it is for you that we are here. I made a video a month ago with the hope that after the announcement you continue giving us that space in your hearts. I explained that I had a relationship and I wanted to get marry. I wanted to keep it as secret so as not to inconvenience her and also our fans. But the wedding day is approaching and I think it's time to say who is the woman whom I'll share my life with..."

Her heart was still beating fast when she heard him say her name for the first time. For some reason, it sounded so sweet coming from his lips.

"I know it was difficult for you to hear that i had a girlfriend and I wanted to marry her, but I appreciate the support. I decided to keep my relationship private. But as time went on I realized that i wanted to have a marriage too. Just we started promoting our new single and I haven't had time to see her or spend time with her."

"Wow. That guy is really good at pretending." Juliette said.

"Shut up, Juliette." Sam said. "You interrupt my concentration on this."

"Rude." She rolled her eyes and went back to watching TV.

"I met Juliette when she and her family went to Seoul for vacations." Onew continued. "Her father and mine have been friends for over 20 years. We were friends at first, but in the end... i fell in love with her."

"That is romantic." Sam said.

To finish the concert, Jonghyun said to Onew to leave a message. Onew looked directly at the camera and Juliette thought that he seemed to look at her.

"I know you're betting a lot deciding to have a marriage with me, but despite being a singer, you still see me as the child who played with you when we were kids. I always knew that you were the person I wanted to share my life with. I'm excited to see you when I get back to Korea, please wait for me, my beautiful angel." He smiled.

Juliette was surprised: Onew was pretending too well, or he agreed to much to that marriage.


The bell rang at the end of today's class, and the teacher said goodbye giving us the free pass to get us to our feet. I put the book in my backpack while Jinwoo waited for me standing next to the table. My best friend was tall, with a child's smile and happy eyes, and with his hair combed up made him look more handsome.

"Well..." He smiled. "Are we going to detention now?"

I passed the strap of my backpack over my shoulder and stood up.

"You say it like it's something bad."

"Oh, be quiet." He laughed with sarcasm as we walked.

That is just the beginning. There are more to come.

But changing the subject. Now it was 4:15 pm. And that brings me to the next rule.

4) Every person deserves respect. Respect people and you will be respect. But if you have a Park Hyorin in your life’s, well, respect is not what you get.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

I didn't like to get into trouble, but being known by my father's last name and my future husband was that "something" that put me in front of people who always had the wrong opinion about me. It was night when I crossed the large glass doors of college to go home, and it seemed quiet with no student here at this hour. The buildings on either side formed a half circle ending in the grand entrance, and in the middle of all it was the main garden with a fountain. 

I breathed the cold air of the night and it made me feel better after a long day like this. 

"Well..." Jinwoo stopped next to me and gave me a can of soda that he bought at the vending machine. "That wasn't fun."

"Really?" I chuckled. "I think otherwise. What's more fun than spending hours sitting reading?"

It wasn't sarcasm, and he knew it well.

"Okay, maybe it was kind of fun. But leaving that aside... Really, Juliette? In trouble... again?"

"It's because you have a crazy girlfriend. She is... sometimes I wish..." I gestured with my hands, as if i was squeezing them around the Hyo Rin's imaginary neck. But i knew it was wrong, so I relaxed my hands and sighed dropping my shoulders. "Just for a few seconds. It is because she is so adorable."

"Ex Girlfriend." Jin Woo corrected me. 

"That doesn't take away how crazy she is." I chuckled, and I watched the can. I was trying to squeeze my fingers against it, on a quest to try to free my frustration. 

Jinwoo laughed and ruffled my hair. Which only started a game between us.

"That's it." Said a female voice behind him. "Applaud her misbehavior."

I wasn't exaggerating. She had a big mouth. Jin Woo went aside when he listened that. She had a pretty face... nothing to do with her personality.

"Could we not discuss today, Hyo Rin? You know it's late and our schedule already ended."

"You're funny." She rolled her eyes.

I stepped aside to let her pass.

"Good night, Hyo Rin."

She settled her bag over her shoulder and smiled gently before we start walking.


"Have a good night..." Her whisper made my skin crawl. "Angel."

Her voice pierced my ears like the sound of thunder. I knew perfectly the reason behind her words of double meaning. My heart clenched, and the tickle of wanting to press hard the can was back in my hands.

"Hyo Rin?"

She turned around still holding the same smirk i had seen before. That was the spark i needed to ignite the explosive personality that life had given me kindly. It was as if she asked me to do it, as if she beg me to respond. And seeing her face wet with soda and makeup running over her face, i could only think one thing. My grandfather will be proud. And I couldn't be prouder. I had to thank that Jinwoo had shaken the can without know, now i considered the idea of ​​saving it as a trophy of victory.

Totally surprised, she opened and closed trying to say something.

"This does not end here, Hamilton." She finally replied, tightening her jaw.

With the little dignity she still had in her, she went inside to the university's library trampling hard.

"I can't wait!" I shouted before she disappeared down the hall.

Jinwoo looked at me in disbelief. I crossed my arms and looked at him with an eyebrow raised, it is not as if it were the first time he saw me do something like that. And like Hyorin, he opened and closed his mouth.

"I don't need you to congratulate me, and we have to go home now."

But all, all the ideas that I had since I knew about the marriage came to my mind with the speed of a lightning when I turned around and saw him just a few steps from me. He looked away from the road of drops that Hyo Rin made, and our eyes met for the first time in my life. It was as if the world had lost the sound, as if everything around me has disappeared. I had created in my mind scenes where we could have met for the first time, but in my mind, I was never able to feel what I felt at this time.

"You can't do that, angel."

And he said it so easily, as if he would has told me that before. But even if he was scolding me, his voice couldn't hide that smile.

And staring at him in silence, I knew it had officially started.

Hi, guys.
This is the second chapter.
And all SHINee is happy for that :3 

That's a really funny move actually xdd

All the characters are fictional. 
And the pictures are not mine.

But I really want to thank you all for subscribing "Beautiful angel" I know it's a bit boring but I promise I will improve.
I dedicate this story to my best friend Sandra. She showed me the wonderful world of k-pop. And i love her for that.

I hope you guys like this. 

Bye - Bye!

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 13: Ah, why is Luna such a biatch (kindly excuse my language) but she's too much here. She was creating unnecessary drama on purpose. And I'm not sure if I agree with the way Juliette did but I guess each of us react in our own way when we lose our . At least she calmed down and spoke with Jinki (kinda) at the end. I laughed so hard at the way they reacted when the boys thought she was leaving once and for all. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #2
Chapter 12: Her twin is gone? It has something to do with the accident she had nightmare of, isn't it? Wonder if Jinki already knew the story with that incident since he seems to do in many cases than she thinks he does. Also, I'm really curious. Are all SHINee members really that scared of haunted houses? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 11: They are already married? Not that I'm complaining. Maybe I was just expecting them or him to woo her a bit more or them warming up to each other a bit more? Nonetheless, it was a nice wedding. But it was kinda funny how those were discussing about why her and stuff when they are already married. Shouldn't they have talked about it before? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 10: This chapter was nice. Jinki was nice and their interaction was nice and all. But I'm kinda confused about one thing. First Jinwoo had feeling for her and now another guy Ethan (?) as well? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 9: I didn't notice the chapter name until I read your a/n. Thanks for the explanation! Anyway, the chapter was nice. Is her wedding day really close? Jinki's mom was cute. Also, I wonder if things would change between her and Jinwoo. And the mystery behind the bracelet... I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #6
Chapter 8: Jealous Jinki is kinda cute and all but he's going borderline obsessive here which is not cool at all. He shouldn't have acted that way and forced things into this. Although I'm not on Jinwoo's side, but I gotta agree with him on "shouldn't you trust her more?" or something along that line. I kinda don't like how he's sounding here, as if she's a property. Anyway, hopefully things wouldn't continue this way and change somehow. I had fun in the initial part of the chapter at the arena. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #7
Chapter 7: I have never watched WGM except for a few episodes here and there of Eric Nam and Hong Jonghyun. So this chapter was totally new to me and so I did enjoy reading it. Only the over jealousy part a little irking but I guess he was partly joking about it. Also, is Jason her older or younger brother? I seemed to have forgotten their names. Sorry about that. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
970 streak #8
Chapter 28: All's well that ends well.
They have always been for each other. It's great that Jinki was able to charm her again.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #9
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Finally, she admitted her feelings and let out the truth about the accident.
970 streak #10
Chapter 8: Oh what a time to confess!