Family is forever.

Beautiful angel

Thought # 21.

"F is for family.
F is because their love is forever.
We were born in a family; with same hair, or same eyes, or similar personalities.
But the family that we decide to make in the future, it will be with someone different from us.

But at the same time, life is about using those difference to create one heart."

The wind blew in the opposite direction moving my hair while the jeep crossed the empty road. On the sides, fields land gave birth to small tomatoes that began to born, and thousands of miles of green stretched to the horizon. From the village to the house there was only one road that could be traveled in any way. 

I returned the phone to us after i show it to the boys. On the screen, they showed their surprised faces.

"Woo... it's great. I want to go too!" Key said.

Jong put his hands on Key's shoulders to rise up.

"Guys, don't forget us. We also want married vacations."

"You must marry first then." Key pushed him.

I laughed, and Jinki laughed too.

"Guys, thanks for take care of Gahul." I said when i saw Minho holding our puppy.

Tae held his little paw and waved to the camera.

"Gahul is Comme Des' best friend, noona."

"And Roo is like his mother." Jong said. "Last night I took him home and Roo was delighted with him."

"Thanks guys. Baby, Mommy loves you."

"We love you too." They said at the same time, and ended in a giggle.

"Oh, no, what's that?" Jinki laid a hand on the phone. "Good bye, guys."

"No, no, wait." Key said.

"Sorry, hyung." Jong laughed.

"We also love you, hyung." Tae said.

"And we'll be waiting for you." Minho said. "We want you two to return now, the dorm has felt empty without you."

"Enjoy your last day..." Jong said. "Next week will be very tired."

I knew what he meant; SHINee would record their new video in Japan, without mentioning that Jinki will be part of the cast of DOTS. Married, with a son on the way.

"This day will end faster than you think, guys. You will soon have your leader back home."

Minutes after we hung up.

I rested my arm against the window and put my chin on it.

"It's been a long day, right?" I felt his hand on my knee in a soft movement.

"Yeah." I patted his hand and he smiled. "I'm thinking about getting home and sleep until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow we go home... our home." He gave me a look to confirm the word.

"These last days here felt like I had two lives, you know?" I leaned back against the seat, my back to the door. "Here I don't have to think whether at work or college. It felt good, here I just thought what we would do for fun... Do I sound like a little girl?"

"Not at all. You're still young, angel, and at your age you have control of not only one company... and not to mention so many workers. Plus you're about to finish college. Part of your life has been work, work, angel, so you deserve to have some fun."

"Sometimes I felt it was wrong to leave out those responsibilities. But I've never stopped thinking about the people who work for my family or what to do to be a good student... still, I'm glad we came."

"Me too. But don't forget that next month my beautiful angel graduate from college."

I smiled.

"Thanks..." I rested my head against the seat.

"Are you nervous about graduation?"

"A little, yes. I don't know. Although I did just one year of college in Seoul I will finish it there, and my career is about to end. What am I going to do with all that free time?"

"I have an idea... we could spend that time with the baby."

I cocked my head.

"What baby?"

"Our baby."

I let out a giggle.

"You say it as if we were already expecting one. Besides..." I played with my ripped jeans. "I don't think the time is right."

Jinki parked the car outside the house, turned off the engine and stopped to see me for a few seconds.

"The right time to talk about it?"

I shook my head.

"To make a baby." I smiled sadly, but i knew that wouldn't improve the situation. "I know we've talked about this, but we have not decided anything yet... so now I think it's better to wait."

"Wait for what?"

Wait for what?

"I really don't know." I shrugged and took off the seatbelt. "But why the rush?"

I went out of the car and walked around to enter the house.

"Is this because of the drama i'm going too film?"

"No." I said quickly and turned, Jinki was one step away. "It's strange to think of you engaged to someone else, even fiction, but it's not that. I want you to grow as an artist, and this is a great opportunity. All you decide to do, I'll support you as you have done with me."

Jinki took a step toward me and closed the distance between us.

"Then what is it, angel? A few days ago we were considering the idea, and were happy about having a baby... Is it for me? "Jinki observed me with eyes full of fear. "Maybe... it's me."

Really... he thought it was him? I chuckled. He looked surprised, because he could never see everything I saw in him. I approached him and rested a hand on his chest, at the height of his heart, and I his hair with my other hand.

"There's nothing wrong with you, silly, absolutely nothing. I know, and I'm quite sure you're going to be a great father, the best. You have so much love to give, so many qualities that I hope the baby born with them also. And I thank life... that I will have a baby with you."

His right arm tightened around my waist.

"I love you, angel."

"I love you too."

"Let's go inside." He took my hand and we walked together to the house. "So... What are we going to do for our last night?"

"I know what we could do." I chuckled as I put the key in the lock.

"Ooooh... I like that." He whispered in my ear.

We walked in and i shut my mouth when I saw my family sitting comfortably in the living room.


"Hi, guys." My grandpa said. "Come, sit with us."

Jinki bowed slightly and we walked to the couch. Grandpa was sitting on the sofa for two, Vivian on the sofa for three with Joshua in her lap, and my brother on the carpet beside her. I sat next to Vivian with Jinki beside me.

"So... What are we talking about?"

"About the party that Mr. Robinson is going to do tonight."

Our neighbor was a man of 80 years old. A strong working man like Grandpa.

"And why?"

"His grandson Evan is here." Grandpa said, speaking carefully.

"And where did he came from?" Jinki asked.

"From Africa, son. He's a doctor. But he came on vacations and is the favorite grandson of George. It's going to be a big party."

"Is he your friend, angel?"

"Not that much." I tried to smile. "Something like that. He is Jason's friend."

"And I expect to see him tonight." My brother said.

"You can see him another day, honey." Vivian his hair, then she pulled slightly. "What you want is to go to the party, aren't you?"

Jason grimaced in pain as we laughed.

"Vi, we have not been to a party since Joshua was born. I'm older but I'm still young, even grandpa will go."

"What did you say, son? Grandpa is so old he doesn't understand what you meant."

I laughed.

"Sorry, Grandpa. You know I love you." He said making a heart with his hands.

"I would look after the children, but grandpa is still alive, and still want to enjoy life." Grandpa said.

"Grandpa." I complained. "If grandma listens to you she would pull you hair like Vivian did to Jason."

"Or harder." My brother laughed, rubbing his hair. "You're going, Julie?"

"You know something... suddenly my stomach hurts." I leaned my head against Jinki's shoulder. "Ow."

Jinki chuckled.

"We need acting classes, love." Grandpa laughed.

I laughed.

"I'd rather stay, anyway tomorrow we have to go."

"But we can look after the children if you want." Jinki said.

I smiled to myself.

"Yeah. We could take care of this beauty." I spread my hands to Joshua and Vivian handed him to me. He was playing with his toy, Woody, from Toy Story. "Does Julian feels better?"

"Yes, no longer has fever." Vivian said. "But he's a little... capricious. The doctor says it's because he is still sick." Vivian looked at me with a shy smile. "Are you sure you want to deal with that?"

"No problem. Don't worry."

"It's the first time I see Julian throwing a tantrum." Grandpa said. "I have not seen one since Jason was a baby."

"Hey! That's not fair. "Jason complained. "I was a baby. Besides my baby has the flu, Julian is not like that."

Jason was right, and thinking about Julian... I realized that Joshua was laughing. Then I realized that Jinki had passed his arm around my shoulder, and while Josh played, Jinki touched his shoulder and pretended that nothing had happened. But Joshua looked at him and laughed, because he knew it was him.

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

See Jinki plays with Joshua has awakened my curiosity to see the pictures of me and my brothers when we were kids. I sat on the carpet next to the wardrobe with a box full of memories. I removed the lid and took several photographs; How complicated it was for my parents take care of their twins? My grandmother was holding us and smiled the smile that only she had. Jeremy and I were so much alike that only the clothes differed us.

"Angel, you've always been beautiful."

I held the photo against my chest and laughed.

"You scared me."

"Sorry." Jinki sat next to me and put the towel over his lap, he was shirtless. "Can I see the pictures?"

"Yes, of course."

He took the picture I was holding. I let go of the photo and I started reviewing others. Birthdays, family reunions, Christmas; Most of the photos were taken by my grandmother. Maybe she and I were similar after all.

"Look at this." Jinki showed me Jeremy's photo; he was 14 and Mr. George had put an owl on his shoulder. Since then my brother loved them. "Angel... tell me a story."

Jinki lay down and leaned his head on my leg.

"What story?"

"The story of your tattoo."


The clock on Juliette's bedside table marked 12:00 am in the darkness of her room. But as every celebration, the birthday of the twins had officially begun. Juliette sighed deeply. The first birthday without him.

The door to her room opened and Juliette closed her eyes.

"I know you're awake, baby." The bed sank when Jason got under the covers beside her.

Juliette opened her eyes.

"How did you know?"

"Your breathing. I am also your brother."

The moonlight came through the window and let her see his brother.

"Have you cried, Jason?"

"No." Jason wiped his face, then stopped to think and dropped his hand. "Yes."

Juliette had a lump in the throat.

"How are we going to live without him, Jason?" Her voice came out breathy.

"We will learn to do it. That's what he wanted. You can cry, baby, it's okay. But when Jeremy wakes he would want to see his sister with a life."

"I don't know if I can."

"Like Jeremy, I know you can do whatever you want in this life, baby." Jason sighed. "Shall I tell you a secret?" Juliette nodded. "I was thinking about getting a tattoo, something that Jeremy loves."

Juliette blinked in surprise.

"That's great."

Jason smiled.

"Do you want to go?"


"Excellent." Jason got out of bed and took the blanket off.



–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

Jason's car moved through Manhattan traffic, and the clock struck 12:20 am.

"I'm sure Dad doesn't know about this, Jason. But have you thought about what he will say when he finds out?"

"And since when did it matter?"

"Jason!" Juliette hit him in the arm making him laugh. "I say those things, not you."

Jason parked his car in front of a building that had a sign: Tommy tattoos.

White walls with graffiti gave the place an urban touch. Juliette liked that. The owner was a young man, like Jason's age, tall, slightly muscular, and wore a tank top that showed off his tattoos. But the most important was there on his right arm; it was the face of a smiling child, two years or something like that, and with his hair falling over his forehead. He was Tommy.

Jason sat in a recliner chair because he had already chosen his design. It was an owl spreading its wings. After placing the template, Eddy sat down beside him and began.

"Jeremy is going to be what he will want to be, Ed, when he wakes my little brother will fly as high as his sister."

Juliette smiled to herself.

"He is still alive." Ed Replied. "Don't lose hope while Jeremy still breathe."

As they talked, Juliette saw a picture hanging on the wall. It had tattoos designs that hung on the back wall. It was small and didn't stand out among the others, but her eyes saw it as if the image were the only one there.

"I want one, Jason."

Jason remained silent a few seconds.

"Are you sure?"

Juliette took a deep breath. Since the accident, it was the first time she made a decision without hesitation.

"Yes, i am."


I heard the singing of birds. My body relaxed against the covers over me. I was lying on my stomach and pulled my arms to embrace the pillow. The air around me felt hot, and I knew why as I breathed deeply and I sat with a blanket over me. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and stretched my arms to stretch the good sleep I'd had.

"Aigo! A ghost." Jinki laughed and I laughed too.

I removed the blanket and my hair flew toward my face. Jinki laughed again when I blew my hair out of sight and he sat beside me. His freshly washed hair was tousled.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Very good, thank you. But you no need to cover me with a blanket after you wake up."

Jinki chuckled and put my hair behind my ear.

"Angel, when I awake we both are covered, I know, but when i get up I don't cover you... you do."

"I don't do that."

"Yes, you do."


"Yes." Jinki chuckled. "I made some food. I will wait for you in the kitchen. Okay?"

I nodded. Jinki kissed my cheek and walked toward the door.

I took a few minutes to wake up completely and sat on the edge of the bed. Although Key hated, I put my ugg boots that were on one side of the bed and walked out of the room. Across the hall, there was a ambar light leaking under Jeremy's door.

None of us liked the dark.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard my grandpa's voice in the kitchen.

"It was a very quiet week, right? Nothing compared to the life to which you are used to, son."

"It was great, sir. I felt that my life passed me by this week. It was a great experience. But mostly I enjoyed being here with Juliette."

"I'm glad that you two are so happy." 

He was silent for a moment, wondering again why we didn't spend as much time together as we should.

"I think... we've never spent so much time together."

"Don't feel bad, son. Every time you can't see each other, it made the time you have to be together more precious."

"Sir... I was thinking about retiring from the music---"


The voice of my brother made me jump and i covered his mouth quickly when he appeared behind me, probably after being in Dad's office. My heart raced at the thought that Jinki had perhaps heard us, but no one left the kitchen, and I took my hand away under the amused look of my older brother.

"You do know that hear private conversations is wrong... Right, baby?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I know." I answered quietly and sighed. "Did you hear that too?"

"I did." He gave me a warm smile and took my hand. "Come. Let's go out."

We walked toward the double doors leading into the courtyard. The air inside suddenly felt very hot compared to the pleasant night air of the outside. My brother and I sat on the swing-sofa on the left side of the porch, and I raised my knees to put my legs against my chest.

"It's been a long time since the last time we were here." He said.

"He can't be serious, right?"

Jason laughed.

"I thought to talk about this slowly, but what if he does it? He has the right to choose what makes him happy."

"Singing makes him happy."

"But you make him happier." 

That was something nice, and it made me happy to think that Jinki was happy because of me, but i knew that music made him happy too.

"Yeah, maybe, but... I feel that if he stops singing he would be losing some part of what he is."

"Did you ever ask him?"

"He would never tell me what he really thinks about that."

Jason dropped his head against the headboard.

"Well... then I don't know what to tell you. But I would like to have an answer to make you feel better."

"It would be great to have a serious response... but life wouldn't be fun if it was easy to solve. Isn't it? It is like a game; the difficulty makes it interesting."

Jason raised his head and looked at me with a smile.

"My God, baby, can I use what you said?"

I chuckled.

"I discovered that living with him. We had bad moments, but neither one of us took a step back... and look where we are now. And yes, you can use it... but next time you have to pay me."

"Deal. Now let's back in." He stood up and extended his hand to me. "And thank you for taking care of my kids, baby."

I took his hand and we walked.

"Nah. You know that i would do it when you need it."

"I know. Thanks for that."

–––––– BEAUTIFUL ANGEL ––––––

It was a quiet night while the others enjoyed a party far from here. There was no noise from cars, no big buildings and a city that never seemed to sleep. The only thing we breathed was peace and silence, pure air that came from the great trees. We decided to spend the night in the grand room that Grandfather turned into a movie theater, with big sofas and a big Tv. It was biggest a room on the second floor. Comfortable and relaxing for our last day before returning to Korea. Jinki's head was on my lap, with his hair slightly tickling my bare legs every time he moved. He seemed focused on the movie, but a memory of SHINee on a show suddenly appeared in my mind.

"You know something... I thought you didn't like movies." I said. 

He moved slightly to look at me.

"Why do you say that?"

"I think I saw a Beatle Code chapter in which Minho said that what you most hated is watching movies."

Jinki chuckled turning his attention to the screen.

"It was a joke."

"And you hit Jong with a pen."

Jinki hid his face on my leg and broke into a giggle.

"It was not intentional."

I laughed.

"I know." I said his soft hair.

Avengers 2 was one of the best movies I've ever seen, and I had looked forward to the next part. And when it came out, i had to admit that I love it. It was funny and had great action scenes, plus handsome actors that made the movie even more entertainment.

"I don't like when you do that, angel."

"Do what?" I asked sighing.

"That!" He lay on his back and looked at me with the eyes of an angry puppy. "You sigh every time you see the blond guy."

I giggled.

"I'm sorry. But I have the right to admire the beauty."

Jinki pouted.

"I don't find that funny."

"Really?" I cocked my head. "I can't see not even a boy? Girls look at you... millions of them and I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Yes, but I only see you." 

He always had good answers, ways to make me feel like i couldn't say anything against it.

"Not even one?"

"Only me."

"Fine." I said like a child. "You're not funny."

Jinki smirked.

"I can be fun."

I chuckled.

"Try it." 

He opened his eyes a little bit, looking like a lost child.

"Really?... Here?"

 "Yeah..." I shrugged. "Why not?"

He rose up and i changed place, and he got up on top of me. But when i was about to feel his lips... i heard him.


Jinki put his head in my shoulder.

"Yeah... and we want to have a baby." I said and he chuckled. "I will go to see him."

"You want me to go with you?" He asked as he sat.

"No, thanks, it's fine." I got up from the couch.

"You should bring him here. He slept all day."

I nodded and walked out of the room. I walked down the hall to the door on the left side of the house that had the image of a yellow duckling hanging from it. When I got to Julian's room I opened the door and found him sitting in his little bed with blankets of Toy Story. I walked towards him and saw his tousled hair and eyes narrowed. He rubbed his eyes with his little fists and looked at me with a confused expression.

"Aunt Julie... Where is Mommy?"

I sat beside him and his little head.

"Mommy and Daddy went to a party, baby. Its their first party in a year, I think."

"But I want Mommy." He complained.

"Julian, honey, let them enjoy for a while. Okay? You don't want to be with your aunt?" I opened my arms to him and waited. "Think carefully because you're going to break my heart if you say no."

Julian laughed softly and went into my embrace. His small body hugged mine and I felt his warmth, and his sweet baby smell.

"Wanna go with me, baby?"

Julian nodded against my shoulder and I took his favorite blanket to wrapped it around him. I held him against me and got up to walk out of the room down the hall. Julian was quiet all the way and when we got to the room, Jinki was laughing with a joke from Iron Man. I laughed to myself and sat down beside with Julian on my lap covered by his small blanket and his cheek against my chest.

"He's fine, angel?" He whispered and I nodded. Jinki smiled sadly because it was hard to see a sick baby, and he bent slightly to look Julian in the eye. "You want to watch another movie, Julian? You could help your aunt stop pining for another man than me."

Julian laughed and nodded.

"You want to see Toy Story, Baby?" But he refused. "What would you like to watch?"

"Balto." He answered quietly.

I smiled. I loved that movie too.

"Balto?" Jinki asked looking at me.

"Didn't you watch Balto?" I asked in disbelief. He shook his head. "It can't be. You should watch it now. We won't forgive you if you don't." Julian nodded. "Honey, stay a moment on the couch... okay? I will get the movie." But Julian shook his head while he clung to me. "What should I do? Should I carry you with me to the first floor like a mother kangaroo?" 

I looked at him and he just looked at me back.

"I could stay with him... if he wants to." Jinki said. 

It was really sweet of him to try to get closer to Julian like that, or try to help me.

"Julian... You want to stay with the uncle?"

Julian thought it for a few seconds, but he finally nodded. And before leaving him on Jinki's lap, Julian crawled on his own into his lap, carrying his blanket with him, then leaning against Jinki's chest. My baby snuggled against his chest and held his blanket, as Jinki looked at me with a smile, a smile of proud while he hugged Julian softly agains him. I was proud too. I walked out of the room to the stairs. I had kept my films in grandpa's office. In his bookshelf, to protect them from my brother. 

When I returned to the room, Jinki was showing a video from his phone to Julian. Sherlock.

"I like that video, and the song... and your hair." I sat next to him and smiled as Julian talked.

Jinki smiled.

"You look like a lion, uncle." Julian said quietly.

Jinki laughed.

"And like that blond guy." Julian said looking at Aaron Taylor-Johnson on the screen. Jinki had paused the movie at the wrong time.

I laughed.

"No, Julian, I don't look like him." He complained.

"Did you show him Everybody?"


"I liked it." Julian said.

"Okay, future Shawol. Do we watch the movie?"

They both nodded. I put the movie in the player and sat back down.

"Just curious... Are not you going to give me my nephew?"

Julian looked at me with smiling eyes.

"I think he would rather be with the uncle." Jinki smiled proudly.

"Rude... both of you." I laughed and sank into the couch.

Watching Balto reminded me to Gahul. I missed my puppy, but fortunately he was with the boys and i knew they would take care of him.

"I like those polar bears." Jinki said laughing. "They are funny."

"Uncle Goose dislike them." Julian laughed.

And then they started talking... well, with Julian's little vocabulary and with the little English Jinki knew. I was smiling to myself, because I really loved the idea that they got along so well even when Julian was sick. Julian was lovely, but I was surprised how comfortable he felt with Jinki since the day he met him as if they had known each other for years. Seeing them like this, so comfortable with each other, I knew that Jinki would have no problem being a father.

But then the baby monitor sounded. Joshua was crying.

"I will go to his room. You continue your conversation."

Jinki chuckled as I stood up to leave the room again. Joshua's room was next to Julian's, but it had the image of a giraffe. When i went in, Joshua sat on his cradle, crying. I extended my hands to him and took him in my arms. I patted his back as I rocked him gently.

"Tell me, baby... Are you hungry or you need a diaper change? Tell me it's the first one, please." I chuckled.

I checked his diaper and luckily was clean. I had already lost count of how many times I had changed diapers, so one more wouldn't hurt. Jason had left ready the milk powder, and i should serve only the water. I could do everything with one hand, and I was proud of how much I learned when I took care of Julian. With the bottle ready I sat in the rocking chair next to the window with Joshua in my lap. He took the feeding bottle in his small hand, drinking all the milk.

"You're a good baby, honey. You're going to be a good boy when you grow up, just like your brother. You have to listen to your brother, Josh, he will take care of you and he will know what is the best for you even if you don't like what he may say. Brothers are annoying sometimes, I know. But you both have a bond that can never be broken." Josh smiled with a bottle in his mouth. "When you grow up you will understand, baby." I used to sing for Julian as a child to made him sleep, but had been too long since the last time. I thought about doing it for him, just because I missed singing for Julian. "Forgive me if I do it wrong, honey."

And I started to sing A thousand years.

That song couldn't be more special, not after the wedding. Every time I heard it the memories came to my mind and made me smile, and sometimes it was strange to explain to people why i was smiling that way. But I couldn't help it, that song couldn't be more special for me. 

Joshua was asleep with his thumb in his mouth and i lay him down in his crib. The rocking chair was effective because I was sleepy too. When I left the room the hall clock marked one in the morning. I opened the door and I couldn't help smiling; Jinki and Julian had fallen asleep on the couch.

Like father and son.

Jinki slept against the back of the sofa, his left arm served as a pillow to Julian, and his right arm resting on the back of my baby. Suddenly, i was anxious to see him sleeping with our son. After taking a picture of them with my phone, I took the baby monitor and headed to my room. I changed my clothes. It was a great day, and I was sure I was going to sleep well tonight. And tomorrow I would go very happy.

After brushing my teeth I turned off the bathroom light and walked toward my bed. When I removed the blanket, I heard Jinki's voice behind me.


Since I met him, it was the first time I saw him pick up a child. Jinki held Julian in his arms. I walked toward him.

"Do you realize that you're holding him... right?"

"I know." He smiled slightly. "I'm a little nervous now. Should I take him to his room?"

I checked his forehead. He had no fever but was a little hot.

"A moment ago he looked a bit happy." He said. "Maybe he should sleep with us... so we can check on him."

"I think it's a good idea." I said. Jinki walked to the bed and laid Julian gently in the middle as I sat on the edge of it. "You'll be a great father, Jinki, please don't ever doubt it again."

Jinki sighed with a smile.

"Thank you, angel."

After changing and wash his teeth, we lay in bed at each end of it. Julian slept comfortably on his stomach as I gently his back and sighed.

"We heard you singing."

My hand stopped.


"Through the baby monitor. You sing very well, angel, you could dedicate to the music too."

"Oh my God." I giggled.

"I liked it."

"Me too, aunt." Julian's voice was soft, barely a whisper in the silence of the room.

"Hey, you should be sleeping."

Julian turned his head toward me.

"Aunt Julie... i want Mommy." 

I knew he was a bit of a tantrum because of the pain in his body, and I felt bad for seeing him like that.

"Baby, we talked about that." 

"But I want Mommy." He complained, his voice came out choked by the tears coming. 

Jinki stood on his elbow, and he used his other hand to his back a couple of times.

"Julian, champ, you should tell Aunt what's bothering you."

Julian pouted and began to mourn. That just hurt me. I approached him and he snuggled against me as I keep his back.

"Julian, honey, tell me what happens. Please?"

But he couldn't speak. Jinki watched him with a sad look before looking at me.

"Julian believed that their parents no longer love him."

"What?" I frowned. "How do you know that?"

"Julian just told me, angel."

"That's impossible. Julian, baby, that's not true." Maybe it wasn't a capricious flu. "Honey, don't cry. Look at me. Julian, you know your parents will never stop loving you..." That was a lie to me, but it didn't hurt me any more. "Baby, you and I have spent much time together, and I loved the idea of ​​you being by my side. But you must understand that was because Joshua was a frail baby and mommy should take care of him in her womb. Your parents gave attention to Josh because they wanted him to be strong so he could be by your side for many, many years. I know it's hard to share the love of your parents with your brother, but they had another baby because there is a kind of love that they can't give you."

"A brotherly love." Jinki said. Julian turned his head toward him. Jinki wiped Julian's tears and smile kindly."Being alone is not always fun, champ; when Joshua grows he will play with you and you both will share good times. You will find in him a good friend. As an older brother, you have someone who will admire you, and you have someone who you can guide too."

"I think it sounds like a good life, isn't it, Julian?" I asked. Julian was a baby too, but he nodded. "Lie down, baby, it's time to sleep." 

He curled up on the bed and looked at me again.



"You two have to have a baby soon."

And minutes after he had fallen asleep as Jinki his back.

"He's so smart... and I'm proud of you, angel."

I smiled.

"Thank you. But I think tonight the award is for you." 

He kept silent, sharing glances between Julian and me.

"We will have a beautiful family, Mrs. Lee."

"I'm sure we will, Mr. Lee."

Jinki smiled as he lay down against the pillow.

"Goodnight angel. I love you."

"Love you too."

Hi, everyone! Beautiful angel is back.
Hope you like this chapter.

And as always, thanks to everyone who subscribed to the story. XOXO

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 12: Her twin is gone? It has something to do with the accident she had nightmare of, isn't it? Wonder if Jinki already knew the story with that incident since he seems to do in many cases than she thinks he does. Also, I'm really curious. Are all SHINee members really that scared of haunted houses? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: They are already married? Not that I'm complaining. Maybe I was just expecting them or him to woo her a bit more or them warming up to each other a bit more? Nonetheless, it was a nice wedding. But it was kinda funny how those were discussing about why her and stuff when they are already married. Shouldn't they have talked about it before? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 10: This chapter was nice. Jinki was nice and their interaction was nice and all. But I'm kinda confused about one thing. First Jinwoo had feeling for her and now another guy Ethan (?) as well? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 9: I didn't notice the chapter name until I read your a/n. Thanks for the explanation! Anyway, the chapter was nice. Is her wedding day really close? Jinki's mom was cute. Also, I wonder if things would change between her and Jinwoo. And the mystery behind the bracelet... I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 8: Jealous Jinki is kinda cute and all but he's going borderline obsessive here which is not cool at all. He shouldn't have acted that way and forced things into this. Although I'm not on Jinwoo's side, but I gotta agree with him on "shouldn't you trust her more?" or something along that line. I kinda don't like how he's sounding here, as if she's a property. Anyway, hopefully things wouldn't continue this way and change somehow. I had fun in the initial part of the chapter at the arena. I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 7: I have never watched WGM except for a few episodes here and there of Eric Nam and Hong Jonghyun. So this chapter was totally new to me and so I did enjoy reading it. Only the over jealousy part a little irking but I guess he was partly joking about it. Also, is Jason her older or younger brother? I seemed to have forgotten their names. Sorry about that. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
961 streak #7
Chapter 28: All's well that ends well.
They have always been for each other. It's great that Jinki was able to charm her again.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #8
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Finally, she admitted her feelings and let out the truth about the accident.
961 streak #9
Chapter 8: Oh what a time to confess!
961 streak #10
Chapter 4: I love View!