Chapter 8

Cuteness Overload
Chapter 8

“Are you okay?” Yoochun helped Junsu out of the water as the nymph boy tried to smile but he failed. He pulled Yoochun and hid his face; he was so scared when he couldn’t move. He was so afraid his group would lose because of him.

“It’s okay, Changmin will do everything for his food,” Yoochun caressed Junsu’s back as they continued to watch the match. The vampire boy was dashing with all his power. They thought there’s Yunho’s fire on Changmin’s eyes and somehow, he swam as fast as the Yoochun.

Soon enough, they did the touch down and swam back, Changmin managed to get side by side with the first place. The children were cheering as it was almost the deciding moment.

“Come on, Changmin ah!” Yunho shouted.

“You can do it!” Jaejoong joined the cheers.

Changmin could hear his group cheers as he smiled inside his heart. The vampire boy was dashing so hard till something caught his off guard. He felt his legs went numb all of the sudden. Changmin cursed as he realized someone cheated like the way they cheated Junsu before. The teacher had told them that they couldn’t use their power in the match.

Struggling with all his power, Changmin kept swimming with his hands. He didn’t care how he needed to get the first place. He knew his reason was too simple or maybe a bit selfish, but he really had been waiting to eat the school special menu since day one. He heard they had a very delicious cup of blood for vampire.

Grasp my hand! 

Suddenly Changmin heard the voice he knew well. He put his hand in front of him as he felt he was pulled into the front. He touched the platform and got first place. Changmin was amazed; he didn’t know how he actually did it.

“Yeyyy!!! We win!!!” Changmin could hear his group cheered but he was to dazzle trying to understand what just happened. He hid it well as he got up and gave high five to the others. Soon, the teacher gave the official statement of their winning and the price eating ticket.

“You’re so fast at the end, how can you do that?” Yoochun was amazed, even he couldn’t swim that fast.

“I was so scared we lose because of me,” Junsu spoke,” Thank you, Changmin ah…”

“You’re awesome!” Yunho patted Changmin’s shoulder.

“Brilliant!” Jaejoong smiled.

The vampire boy smiled but he was also frowning. The rest realized it and asked what was wrong. Changmin told them he couldn’t explain here.

We can talk like this! Suddenly Jaejoong’s voice echoed on the others’ mind. They almost forgot the elf boy had telepathy skill. So Changmin explained to them what happened.

Do you recognize the voice? Yunho asked.

Yeah…It’s Kyu… He doesn’t usually leave the canteen since he is bound to the place, he only leaves when there’s emergency…Leaving the canteen drains his power after all…Changmin answered.

You’re the emergency, silly vampire…

The boys almost jumped when they heard Kyuhyun’s voice. They looked around but couldn’t see the ghost. They called out but got no answer. Then they decided to change their cloth first because the class was over. They had free time and decided to use it to check the ghost.

Changmin was the first one to get to the canteen. They went inside and there’re other students eating there. They tried to look for the ghost but couldn’t find him, Changmin began to worry.

“The last time he left the canteen, he disappeared for three days,” Changmin said. He somehow realized he was scared his Kyu would disappear for good this time. He didn’t know why but he could feel tears on his eyes. He was about to shout Kyuhyun’s name when he heard the voice.

I didn’t know you like me that much, Changmin ah…Hehe~ Don’t worry, I’ll be only sleeping for few days. After I get better, we can play again…

“I’m sorry…” Changmin whispered to the air.

I’ll be fine, but you need to be careful of the bullies you met on your first day at school, they’re they one cheated on you…And I can’t protect you when I’m sleeping…

“We’ll be okay,” Changmin whispered again,” Just…get better soon…”

Changmin could imagine Kyuhyun smiled at him before he went quiet. The vampire took a deep breath before he returned to the others. The rest was still searching for the ghost as they looked at weird place. Changmin sighed.

“Kyuhyun will be okay, he needs to sleep and will be back in few days,” Changmin explained,” We have bigger problem right now.”

“What is it?” Yunho asked as Changmin told them about the bullies. They scanned the canteen and couldn’t find them; at least they’re safe now.

“Umm, Changmin ah,” Junsu called as he tried to cheer the vampire boy,” Don’t you want to try to special menu?”

The vampire boy’s eyes lit like Christmas tree as he nodded excitedly. They followed Changmin to the counter, but the nymph boy was having a hard time. Yoochun realized it.

“Junsu ah, are you okay?” he noticed Junsu was walking weirdly.

“Um…”Junsu hesitated but decided to tell Yoochun,” I think I hurt my feet when I swam before but I’ll okay…Please don’t tell the others.”

Yoochun immediately bent down and checked Junsu’s leg. He got a small jar from his pocket and placed some of the content on Junsu’s leg. It felt a bit cold but Junsu could feel his legs felt a lot better the next second.

“Hehe~ Thank you, Chunnie!” Junsu smiled as he gave a light kiss on Yoochun’s lips. The merman boy blushed but he managed to smile back.

“Hyung, hurry up!” Changmin called them.  Yoochun and Junsu joined the others. They got their special menu; a cup of very delicious warm blood for the vampire boy, honeyed raw meats for the dragon boy, healthy small hot pot for the elf boy, baked plant cupcakes for the nymph boy, and fish fin soup for the merman boy. Everything was their favorite.

“This’s heaven,” Changmin said after he took a sip of his cup.

“Yes, this’s so tasty and sweet!” Yunho cheered,” Do you want some, Jaejoongie?”

“I’m okay,” Jaejoong spoke as he ate his portion slowly; yet, his eyes were blinking in excitement.

“I wonder what plant they use,” Junsu poked his cupcakes as he ate it cutely, smiling for every bite.

“Umm, so good,” Yoochun gave up his spoon and began to sip his soup by the edge. All of them eventually finished the meal and they felt so happy and satisfied, especially the vampire boy. There’s still some time before their second period started and they decided to stay at the canteen a little longer.

“We need to figure out how to deal with those bullies,” Yunho finally spoke.

“I think we need to scare them so much so they won’t bother us anymore,” Jaejoong said,” I can use some of the illusion trick I know…”

“It didn’t work last time, right? How about telling the teacher?” Junsu suggested.

“No, it won’t work. We need to take care of it by ourselves,” Changmin spoke,” We need a plan…Before we figure out what the plan is, we need to stick together to avoid them, okay?”

All of them nodded. Then, the bell rang. The five boys went back to the class. Before entering, Changmin felt someone pulled his shoulder slowly. It’s no other but the merman boy. Changmin was curious, Yoochun wasn’t actually the talking type, especially to him, Junsu was the exception.

“We’re going to make them pay for what they’ve done to us, especially Junsu and Kyuhyun,” Yoochun spoke in a voice Changmin almost didn’t recognize. He could only nod and reminded himself, he finally met someone who’s scarier than him when it came to anger. Yet, he knew this would be their advantage. He once heard a story that angry merman could split the sea into two. 

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae