Chapter 22

Cuteness Overload
Chapter 22

Today was Saturday and Jaejoong was planning to read a book he had been dying to read since forever. Everything was planned, perfectly; he would spend the entire day in his room reading. Yet, his parents suddenly asked him to join them going somewhere, which turned out to be having a picnic at a park near their home. Jaejoong was the only child and he couldn’t possibly refuse.

So, without any choice, Jaejoong helped his mother to pack lunch and put his book on his backpack. Soon, his father took everything to the car and they departed. Jaejoong spent the entire journey to read his book. It was so good and Jaejoong wished how they would never reach the park.

It’s not like he hated to go to the park, he loved it. This time, he just got a more interesting book. Yet, as soon as the car door opened, Jaejoong put his book away and jumped down. The fresh air was tickling his small nostril and he realized how he missed flower scent and everything natural.

Without delaying, Jaejoong helped his parents to prepare. They set their picnic matt and everything down on the grass, among other people there. Soon, Jaejoong forgot his book as he started to devour the lunch his parents had prepared for him.

He got his own small boxes and it’s full of stuff he loved to eat. Everything was decorated so cutely and Jaejoong almost didn’t have a heart to eat it. He loved his mother cooking so much and he promised himself to be as good cook as her someday.

“Can I explore the park?” Jaejoong asked after he finished his lunch. As soon as he got his parents’ permission, Jaejoong got up and began to walk on the grass.

There’s a pair of butterfly danced in front of him as Jaejoong chased them. He was so into chasing them until he forgot everything else. When he regained his sense back, he didn’t know which way he took until he reached this section of the park. Jaejoong could feel his eyes water.

“Jaejoongie?” suddenly a voice he knew so well called his name. Jaejoong turned around as he saw his Yunnie, holding a bug net and wearing a summer cap in his cute adorable dragon pictured shirt.

“…Yunnie!!!” Jaejoong cried as he hugged the dragon boy tightly.

“Woaa…Joongie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Yunho was surprised and worried.

“…I…I’m lost…can’t find…my parents… *sobs* then Yunnie came *sobs* I’m so…relief…” the elf boy cried,” Jaejoongie is a bad boy *sobs* shouldn’t run far chasing *sobs* butterfly…”

“Shhh, don’t be scared Joongie,” Yunho kissed Jaejoong’s forehead as he wiped the tears,” Yunnie will help Joongie search your parents! So don’t cry anymore, okay?”

Jaejoong nodded as he wiped his tears. Yunho told him everything would be okay once more before he held Jaejoong’s hand and they walked side by side. Then, Jaejoong began to wonder why Yunho was there in the first place.

“Yunnie, what are you doing here?” Jaejoong asked as he regained his usual voice back.

“Umm, I was bored at home so I decided to catch some bugs here,” Yunho explained,” I’m glad I came because I got to meet you, Jaejoongie, hehe…”

“I don’t know what will happen if there’s no Yunnie…” Jaejoong mumbled as Yunho held the elf boy’s hand tighter.

“You will be fine, I’m sure you’ll find your parents because Jaejoongie is so smart and cute,” Yunho said as he blushed for no reason. He knew cute Jaejoongie didn’t have anything to do to find the elf boy’s parents but he just couldn’t help it. It was the first time Yunho saw Jaejoong cried and it made him wanted to protect him with everything he got.

“…Hehe, thank you, Yunnie,” Jaejoong gave a light peck on Yunho’s cheek as both of them blushed more. They ended up laughing at each other’s silliness.

“Um, where’s your parents?” Yunho asked.

“They’re in picnic garden,” Jaejoong spoke,” They will probably spend another hour there, so maybe we can explore first before searching for them?”

“Sure!” Yunho suddenly went excited,” Help me catch some bugs!”

“Okay,” Jaejoong smiled as he followed Yunho into some bushes. Jaejoong could sense bugs around them so it was fast as Yunho ended up with so many bugs than he could carry in his small bug box. Then a question popped up in Jaejoong’s mind.

“Yunnie, what are you going to do with them?” Jaejoong asked worriedly. He knew Yunho wouldn’t do anything bad to the bugs but he couldn’t help but to wonder.

“Set them free, of course,” Yunho said in no doubt,” It is like playing how many bugs I can catch today and then count them and then set them free. It’s not like I can eat them or anything…I’m not Changmin that eats everything.”

Yunho’s last comment sent laughter into Jaejoong as both of them ended up smiling. They swore they could imagine the vampire boy’s angry face if he heard Yunho’s comments. So Yunho counted his bugs for today and he couldn’t believe it.

“This’s new record, Jaejoongie!” Yunho said after he finished counting,” I’ve never caught this many! You’re like bug compass, I love you, Jaejoongie!!!”

“Umm…” Jaejoong was left surprised as suddenly Yunho hugged him,” I…I’m glad I can help.”

“You’re really the best!” Yunho let go of his Joongie as he kissed his lips,” Hehehe…”

Jaejoong blushed again as he wondered why his heart beat so fast all of the sudden. Happy Yunnie made him happy. He was afraid Yunho could hear his crazy heart beat but the dragon boy showed no sign of it. Soon, after they freed the bugs, they went to the main road of the park.

“We should find your parents now,” Yunho said as Jaejoong nodded.

They went around until they found a map. Yunho proved to have no sense of direction as he couldn’t read a simple map. Jaejoong found it so cute. Luckily, the elf boy was good with map and soon enough, they found the picnic garden.

“Umm, I should probably get back home,” Yunho spoke.

“Eh? Yunnie’s parents won’t fetch Yunnie?” Jaejoong asked.

“My home is really near so I can go home by myself,” Yunho answered. Jaejoong somehow felt proud of how adult-like his Yunnie was. He wanted to be brave and dependent like his Yunnie someday.

“Umm, okay, so see you at school on Monday?” Jaejoong somehow didn’t want to let their connected hand go.

“See you!” Yunho smiled as he was the one who broke their connected hand. It made Jaejoong disappointed but he didn’t say. Suddenly he felt a warm kiss on his lips.

“Hehe, see you again kiss,” Yunho smiled lovingly as it warmed Jaejoong’s heart. They shared another hug and kiss before walking away. Yunho couldn’t help as he waved excitedly to the elf boy and so was Jaejoong. They kept it up until they could no longer see one another.

It was exciting and happy day for Jaejoong. Even better than spending the weekend in his room reading his favorite book. He was glad he came.

Soon, Jaejoong skipped back to his parents as they got ready to go home. On the journey home, Jaejoong couldn’t stop blabbering about his Yunnie to his parents, how kind and brave the dragon boy way, how he saved and protected him over and over again.

It ended up like an interrogation as the elf boy’s father kept digging information about this dragon boy. Jaejoong thought his father was interested in his Yunnie. He didn’t have any idea how protective his father of him. He noticed his mother could only laugh softly.

Jaejoong decided his parents like Yunho and he couldn’t wait for them to meet his precious dragon boy. Though, neither of the boy was expecting an over protective father of the elf boy. Nah, they would overcome it. Jaejoong was sure no one on this Earth could hate his precious Yunnie. Yunho was just too loveable and Jaejoong loved him very much.


P.S. I'll be away for the weekend, so no update for a while...Like always, comments are love XD

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae