Chapter 26

Cuteness Overload
A/N: I know it has been ages since I updated this fic, well...first sorry and if you're still reading this...thank you >,<

Chapter 26

Yoochun felt terrified, like completely out-of-water. He couldn’t move and he didn’t know if he had to move. It was like a nightmare come true and he seriously needed to get himself together.

“Chunnie, what’s wrong?” a sweet voice brought Yoochun back to life. The merman boy took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He had to imagining things, yes, he had to be. Then he opened his eyes, yet, it didn’t change! A zombie was still in front of him!

“Chunnieee~” Junsu whined,” Hurry up and walk forward, I’m hungry---”

Junsu took a glance past the merman and he couldn’t help but to stare with his big eyes at the limpy thing in front of them. It’s a boy, a bit older than them, but all of his flesh was like almost fell on the floor. The boy smelled weird and Junsu noticed the boy looked at them.

“Hyung deul, seriously stop blocking the line,” Changmin got there out of nowhere and pulled the stunned couple. They went past the zombie boy and continued their line. They’re actually in the canteen, waiting for their turn to take tray and get their food, which pretty much resembled human food now.

“What was that?” Junsu dared to ask.

“A zombie, obviously, it seems our school is having student exchange for a week. Those zombies and other scary creatures will be roaming around till then,” Kyuhyun spoke as he appeared next to them.

“…They scare me,” Yoochun admitted as he got his tray filled with food. He and the others joined Yunho and Jaejoong, who were already sitting on their usual spot.

“It’s okay, Chunnie, they’re not bad, are they?” Junsu asked, not so sure.

“They’re not bad, just dumb,” Changmin answered.

“That’s not a nice thing to say, Minnie,” Yunho scolded.

“But it’s true, you will have headache if you listen to their thinking,” Changmin spoke up.

“But still Minnie, you can’t be mean to others,” Jaejoong joined in.

“Okay, stop teasing Minnie, hyung deul,” Kyuhyun said,” Minnie is sorry, right?”

“…Right,” Changmin finally said,” They’re not dumb, just unique…”

They ate in silence as they couldn’t help but to stare at a group of zombies among other things few seats away. They ate quite messily and they kinda smelt weird but they didn’t really cause trouble. Most of them were older than the six boys so they took higher grade than them. Yoochun could only thankful no one ended up in their class.

“I’m done,” Changmin finished his meal the fastest like he always did,” So why are you so afraid of zombie and ghost, Yoochun hyung?”

“I’m not,” Yoochun denied,”…I guess they sometime scare or surprise me but I’m not afraid of them..”

“You used to be afraid of me,” Kyuhyun pointed out,” Well thanks to those scare rumours…”

“When I was little, I got lost while swimming around the ocean,” Yoochun finally said,” Apparently, I strayed and a ghost ship picked me up. There’re ghost and zombie and more scary things there…They’re not bad and took me back to my parents but still…They’re scary…”

“That’s so cool!” Yunho said,” I want to board on that ship!”

“It’s like The Flying Dutchman! I’ve always want to meet him,” Jaejoong said excitedly,” I read in books, he has to roam around the sea and never make port.”

“Hyung…You won’t want to be on that ship,” Kyuhyun suddenly said,” They maybe friendly to Yoochun hyung because he’s sea creature. They love sea and maybe that’s why, but two of you are dragon and elf. They probably end up eating both of you…”

“What---noo! They can’t eat Joongie! He’s mine!” Yunho spoke without thinking as the elf turned to tomato. Changmin coughed awkwardly as the rest chuckled.

“Enough with the scary thing,” Junsu finally said,” Chunnie doesn’t like scary thing…”

“Then we probably should go back to class, it’s almost time,” Changmin spoke as they got their empty tray and put them away. As they walked to their class, they past few zombies and Yoochun could only looked at the floor. Junsu squeezed Yoochun’s hand.

“I’m here,” Junsu smiled comforting the merman boy,” Hehe…”

“Thank you, Suie,” Yoochun smiled back.

So they went on to their class as the bell rang. They sat on their seat and little they knew the teacher had surprise for them. As the teacher got inside, a zombie boy followed, Yoochun swore he almost fainted.

“Everyone, this friend will be with us for this week. I hope everyone can be friendly and help him,” the teacher spoke as the zombie boy introduced himself.

Like it wasn’t bad enough, the zombie boy had to take an empty seat next to Park Yoochun. The merman could only look straight as he tried his best to pretend there’s no zombie beside him. The others wanted to console Yoochun, but they couldn’t as the class started.

It’s fine at first, at least, until Yoochun’s eraser fell on the floor. More right next to the zombie boy’s feet to be exact. Well, goodbye eraser, there’s no way in ocean Yoochun would take it.

“Here…” suddenly the zombie boy talked as he took the eraser. Yoochun literally froze as he finally took back his eraser. The zombie boy smiled.

“…Thank you,” Yoochun mumbled.

Okay, it wasn’t that scary, the zombie boy wasn’t scary. He seemed to be an okay guy as Yoochun took a deep breath. Maybe it’s time he got over his fear of ghost and zombie among other thing.

“Um…What page again we’re?” the zombie boy suddenly talked to Yoochun. The teacher just said the page and Yoochun didn’t know why the zombie boy asked.

“…23” Yoochun answered anyway.

“Thank you,” the zombie boy smiled again.

Yoochun didn’t know why he smiled. He looked at Junsu and it’s almost like Junsu was proud of him. Then, he looked at Changmin; the vampire had this mocking stare like saying ‘see I told you they’re not that smart.’ Well, Changmin was being Changmin like always.

“Yoochun ah, can you read the next one?” suddenly the teacher spoke. Yoochun was cleary not expecting that, he had no idea where the next sentence was.

“The one on the bottom,” the zombie boy whispered. So Yoochun read what he was told and it seemed he was right. The teacher didn’t show any disapprovement. Soon, the class ended and the zombie boy was ready to go home.

“Umm,” Yoochun hurried talk to the zombie boy,” I’m Park Yoochun. Thanks you for before---what’s your name?”

“Choi Seunghyun,” the zombie boy spoke,” But you can call me TOP.”

“Hello, I’m Kim Junsu, nice to meet you,” Junsu suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Yoochun somehow felt this protective aura from the nymph he never felt before. Could this be jealousy? Yoochun smiled at his silly thought.

“I’m Kim Jaejoong!” the elf boy joined,” Though you will be here only for a week, this’s my first time having zombie friend, hehe, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Jung Yunho, Joongie’s other half,” Yunho spoke being protective all of the sudden,” And these two trouble-makers are Shim Changmin and Choi Kyuhyun.”

“Hyung!” Changmin and Kyuhyun protested. They ended up laughing. Seunghyun or rather to be called TOP was actually quite friendly but still there’s some weirdness came out from him being a zombie and all. It was still good though, they ended up chatting more before going home.

“See you tomorrow,” Yoochun spoke as they parted away; the merman waved to the others, including his new zombie friend. Maybe zombies and ghost weren’t that scary after all.

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae