Fanmeeting's Problem

The big day has finally arrived. 

"Na Young. Are you sure about this?" Eun Mi whispered while hugging me. Her eyes were teary and her face looks so worried.

I fake my laugh to make myself feel better and to show her how determine I was with my decision.

Ill Woo just stand beside me without saying anything. I hug him tightly. All this time I never even thought about getting separated from him.

"Thank you for everything. Thank you for always being there with me. Thank you for being the only one I trust and sorry for wasting up your precious three years just to take care of me. I love you so much and please come to London to visit me anytime. I'm gonna miss my big bro.. " without even realising, a few drops of tears fell from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and turn around. 

I speed up without turning back just to make sure that I'm not gonna changed my mind at the very last minute.

Suddenly, Ill Woo called out my name. "Jung Na Young!"

I turned around to take a look at them for the last time. But shockingly, someone else was standing right between us.

"How much I miss that eyes of yours." Mark said while standing there with his casual outfit. All good looking and his face.. the most perfect face I've seen. I miss him..

I was speechless and we stood there looking at each other for a few minutes. He looks much better than before. I mean with the new hair, the new looks of him but there's something.. something is missing in his eyes. His eyes looks terribly empty and I guess he's having the same night's activity as mine. But he covered up everything with his handsome smile.

I feel like want to hug him and never let him go forever. But that was a totally stupid idea. With our situation and also with him didnt cover his face at all. I'm pretty sure there are some of his fans around us.

I quickly turned around and walked away from him, finished up what was stopped just now. 

But this time only my legs were moving but my heart didnt say so. My eyes got very hot and i was just about to burst out crying at that typical moment. I dont want to go..

"I love you! Jung Na Young, i love you.." he shouted behind me. I stopped in shock. He came right behind me and whispered  to my ears.

"I'm done with the act. Everyone is happy with my fake smiles but I feel nothing inside. I admit I achieve everything I want all this time. The popularity, fans and all the achievement. But, all that means nothing to me. I dont feel happy with all these."

I turned around and slapped his face. Hard. In front of everyone. Some of his fans who were already looking at me with full of hates were terrified with my actions.

"Mind to think before you speak? How can you simply care about me who did nothing to you when they're the one who made you into who you're now? They are the reason of your achievement. Please appreciate them." I said coldly. Its the truth, I'll be very hurt if I'm one of his fan who sacrified a lot of things like money, times and sometimes their own heart just to support him. He cant simply say that especially in front of them.

He looked at me questionally, trying to interprate my words. I left him and continued my steps to where I was led to.

But then again my legs stop when he speak loudly.

"All you care about is my career, my fans, my dream. Yes, they are all my fans. They sacrifice everything and made me as who I am right now. Thank you soo much." He said to all his fans there. Some of them were even recording him. "But believe it or not, they're not into the real me. They are just into the character i make on screen. And until when? One day, they'll leave me. One day they'll all find their main purpose of life. One day, I'll just be a piece of memory to them. I'll even be nothing to them at that time. But you. I am now talking about my future, what will happen after im no longer an idol. You're precious to me. You love me as the real me. Maybe you're about to leave me now, but until when will your heart stay with me? Am i also gonna be a piece of memory to you? Ask yourself. The answer is already in you. I cant make all my fans to stay with me forever. If they really support me, they also have to realise, that I'm also a human. I have feelings. I hope you'll consider everything i said." He finished his words and made his way out of the crowd.

I fell crying on the ground. Everything he said.. I feel stupid..

Ill Woo took me out of Mark's fans crowd. He brought me to his car and we stayed there for a while. I stopped crying and Mark's words kept playing on my head.

"So? Still stick with your decision?" Ill Woo broke the silence.

"I.. I dont know.."

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 20: So cute xD
gaylay27 #2
I really wanna go to Got7's fanmeeting :'( lol
Chapter 20: Hohohohoho~!!!! Totally love it
Chapter 20: omg why is this a cliffhanger i
Chapter 18: Please i love it update soon
Chapter 15: Update soon!
Chapter 14: please update soon!! it was so dramatic!! i love it~~ ^^
iheartkpop01 #8
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please!
Chapter 13: Love it~update soon!!
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 11: Update soon!