21 Five Days After

You've Changed


"Come on! Don't be like that! Why did you suddenly become so dark and scary since Kris left?" Kai entered my room.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I buried my face to my pillow.

I heard Kai sigh, "Do you... do you like him?"


Kai sighed once again.

"WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR SIGHING?! CAN YOU PLEASE... please just stop bugging me?" I spat. I am so done with his sighings.

Kai left the room feeling disappointed.

I'm not inlove with Kris. It's just... what would the other members think about Kris? What if... SM's stocks will really fall down?

I have a lot of what if's on my mind.

And how am I supposed to act when the news reach us? Should I act as if I didn't know? Or should I tell them I knew since then?

I don't know! Damn this. I am overthinking things.

I went to get my stuffs to head somewhere. Maybe SMEnt. Just somewhere away from the pestering members =_="


I entered the room seeing my brother. He smiled at me.

"Please do tell her soon. Or I will." His smile faded while saying those words.

I shook my head slowly, "You know I can't! No, I promised her father. We c—"

"Then when?! When a random stranger tells her she—"

"We can never speak of that."

"I know, but... her father had other plans for her! She thinks they died because of her. She's blaming herself! But actually, she shouldn't. And you're the only one who knows the exact story..." my brother said, his voice going lower and lower.

"And! He committed a sin. He betrayed his family. I can't believe him. We grew to be decent men, not a man sl*t!" My brother added.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I... I just can't." I left the room, making no sound at all.

I woke up. Since his death, I dreamed of this. I dreamed our conversation before he died.

Should I tell her already? Should I?

I can't. I promised his father.


"Uncle!" I entered his office, without knocking. Oops, sorry.

He looked at me, "Yes, why?"

"Before... Uncle Hansoo died, he told me I have a sister. Is it true?" I finally asked the question bugging me ever since.


A lady burst open the door, "Lee sajang-nim! There's a rumor spreading around. Some said Kris filed a lawsuit against SMEnt. They also said that Kris wants to terminate his contract as soon as possible!"

I stiffened, "What?!"

I didn't realize it has been 5 days since he left. What am I supposed to do? I'm effing nervous! It's sooo early.

"Try to contact Kris. NOW." Uncle immediately ordered and he massaged his temple.

"We can't, sir. He wouldn't answer our calls."

"What about the other EXO-M members?"

"Their arrival will be around 7:10 pm here in Seoul, Lee sajang-nim. They may be boarding the plane right around this time."

"You may leave."

Uncle fished his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.


I typed Luhan's number and it rang twice before he answered.

"Yeoboseyo, Lee sajang-nim!"

"Luhan, are you with Kris?" I was tapping my foot impatiently.

"Aniyo, Lee sajang-nim. He said he'll stay in China for a bit."

, he's gonna escape.

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Chapter 23: aww update soon please!!
UniQai #2
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee