14 Thought

You've Changed


"Jongin-ah, let's be friends." For the first time in years, I smiled genuinely. I offered my hand for a handshake when he suddenly pulled me into a hug, grinning widely.

"I'm glad to." he mumbled in my hair.

I pulled away from the hug and composed myself, wiping my tears away.

I looked at Chanyeol and he seemed a bit shocked. Never in his life would he think that any of his fellow members would be able to changed Haneul, even just a little bit.

I chuckled at his expression, still wiping my nonstop flowing tears.

"Chanyeol-ah, thanks for saving me. Let's be friends, too." I smiled sincerely.

"Aww, GROUP HUG!!" Baekhyun yelled and I was a bit annoyed by it. The other members were around me and was about to do a group hug but then,

"YAH! I DIDNT SAY YOU WERE ALL GONNA BE MY FRIENDS NOW." I yelled, face red from the shouting and the crying awhile ago. They all jumped back, a bit confused. I made my way outside the dance studio and slammed the door.

Is she really this bipolar?! One minute she's smiley and forgiving and then she suddenly turns into a monster. They all thought.

"Well that was a bit... embarrassing." Baekhyun chuckled like he was not affected even a single bit, but the truth is he reaalllyyyy wants to shout back at Haneul and just reveal their 'past' to the members.

(A/N: What he means by the 'past' is that the marriage they were supposed to have, you know and etc etc...)

 the next daaayyy...


Chanyeol and Kai were abit feeling all high and majesty because they thought they leveled up 'as a man' for being friends with such a girl like Haneul. They became too confident as they thought they can already break the rules Soo Man told them about being with Haneul.

So that day when the other exo members were waiting for Haneul to go out of her room for them to eat together, Chanyeol and Kai didn't hesitate to go inside her room and wake her up by yelling, "WAKEY WAKEYYY BREAKFAST IS COMING!! TICK TOCK TICK TOCK... RRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!". The sound they made were really loud and annoying. And that what ticked Haneul's all humanly being.

"YAH!!" the exo members flinched with the sudden shout of Haneul. The next thing they knew, Haneul was holding both Chanyeol's and Kai's ears and was making her way to the dining room. With her cute pjs. The other members were stopping themselves from laughing.

"What's funny?" she asked, eyeing them all. Haneul flicked the forehead of the member who's closest to her, which was Luhan who is a bit moody today so the unexpected happened.

Luhan snapped at her, "You fcking btch!! What do you think you're doing? Ruling over the world? Wait, that was a bit exaggerating but still! You have no rights to shout at us without a reason. Why don't you just go back to where you fcking came from? I think I shouldn't be living with a stranger especially someone who is like you! We don't even know where you came from? And what if you're a drug dealer? Or a murderer willing to kill us anytime? All we know is that your effing name is Haneul. That's all! So why don't you leave SMEnt, since you never even liked us or this company. No one's stopping you!! Go ahead." and the 'as*h**e', as Haneul described him in her head, pointed at the door.

Haneul left without hesitating. She knew this wouldn't work out too well. She thought that maybe this time, she can really have friends. She thought she can change to be better.

Haneul wiped her tears angrily once the cold air from outside hit her face.

She bitterly laughed, "I thought I can finally change after the years of suffering. I guess not."

the end.

but still, there's a special chapter so go ahead and flip to the next page ^.^>

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Chapter 23: aww update soon please!!
UniQai #2
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee