Where Are They?

I'll Always Be Here

I wanted to put in some comedy before I get to the events after the crash so here you go. The other update will be Saturday night so be prepared and happy soon almost birthday Hyoyeon! BTW I'll be writing in blue and if my editor wants he can write in red.

Tiffany's POV

"A little more to the left Tae," I giggle as the danshin groans in effort as she struggles to reach the neccessary beam.

Why the second shortest person here offered to hang he banner I'll never know.

"Here let me help." I climb up the ladder and give the shorty her much needed boost.

"Thanks Fany."

I hop off the ladder and check the banner for symmetry.

"Daebak!" We agree.


"Yeah Sunny?"

"Where's the cake at?"

I walk over to the table and laugh at the clueless girl.

"You're holding it bunny."

"This thing is a cake?!" She exclaims.

"Is it even edible?" Yuri pops up out of nowhere.

"You guys!" I laugh. "Jessica made it so be nice."

"Ohhh," they all nod.

"That explains it," Seohyun adds.

"Wait! We have to eat that!" Sooyoung points at the monstrocity and continues to cry about her hunger.

"Soo, I've seen you eat ice cream off the floor before so I don't know what you're complaining about but no need to worry. I bought an extra cake as soon as I saw Jessica in the kitchen. Poor Hyo though," Tae laughs. "Since Sica's her girlfriend she has to eat it!"

"Unnie that's so horrible! It's Hyo's birthday but she has to suffer," Seohyun cries.

"Don't worry Seororo, Hyo's tough she can handle it," Yuri says.

"Can you guys imagine the look on Hyo's face when she sees this?" Yoona chuckles.

"But you know she'll eat it. She'll do anything to see Jessie smile," I point out.

"Yeah. Hyoyeon is really a caring girlfriend," Sunny agrees.

I nod in agreement but suddenly I notice something. 

Where's Sooyoung?

I see movement and catch the giraffe heading straight for the kitchen's double doors.

"Yah! Somebody stop the shikskin!"

Sooyoung attempts to break for it but Seo and Taeng already have a good hold on her.

"And where do you think you're going?" I block the entrance and stare menacingly at the criminal.

"Just a taste!" She huffs as she tries to escape from their grasps.

"Sooyoung!" Sunny whines with her terrible aegyo. "You weren't thinking of eating Hyoraengi's cake were you?" She taps her fingers together and raises the pitch of her voice.

"Oh my god make it stop!" Soo cries.

"Enough bunny I think she's had enough. I think we've all had enough," we groan.

"Wait!" Seohyun stops. "Someone's missing. 1,2,3,4,5,6... 6!"

"Yoona!" We shout.

I turn and burst through the doors, giving the staff a panic attack in the process.

"Im Yoona! If I find you with so much as a crumb in your mouth I swear I'll..." I turn the corner and find the culprit munching on something.

Sooyoung pushes through us and stands in front of Yoona.

"Yah! What happened to shikskins have to stick together huh?"

"Sorry Soo but I'm playing by jungle rules now. Only the strong shall survive!"

Oh god she's gone crazy from hunger.

She attempts to make a run for it but once again the leader thwarts the troublemakers. She struggles fiercely but Taeng has a tight hold on her.

"Yoong, what were you eating?"

She briefly glanced at one of the chefs and he bows his head in shame.

"Attention! From now on please don't feed these two unless I give the okay."

"Nooooo!" Sooyoung and Yoona cry as they drop to their knees.

The five of us glare at them but in the end we can't help but burst into laughter at the scene we just caused.

"Alright you guys let's leave the cooks to their work."

We catch some strange glances on the way out but we're used to it. No one can ever believe that we act like this in person.

I check my watch again and pace back and forth across the room.

Where are they?

It shouldn't take them this long to get here.

"Unnie?" I feel Seo intertwine our fingers and she smiles reassuringly at me. "What's on your mind?"

"The snow is really starting to pile up," Yuri states to no one in particular.

"That," I answer.

Why is it even snowing? It's the middle of September for crying out loud! Why does this send goosebumps down my spine? I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong.

"I hope they're okay," Yoona whispers.

Her and Yuri are now monotoring the news with worried expressions.

"It wasn't this bad earlier."

"Don't worry girls," Taeyeon joins the group." In case you have all forgoten I'll jog you're memory. Jessica is the Ice Princess. She has obviously summoned this storm from the icy land of the north with the intention of distracting Hyoyeon," She laughs like a dork at her own joke and for the most part we ignore her.

"Don't worry unnie. Hyoyeon will protect your American buddy, no matter what. That Kim Yeolsal is probably pelting her horribly unathletic girlfriend with a flurry of snowballs as we speak. It's the first snow after all. The first snow can be pretty magical for lovers," Seohyun giggles.

"The first snow?"

"Ne, waeyo?"

"This is the first time in a long time that I'm not with Jessie during the first snow."

Why does this feeling enter my heart?

Am I jealous?

No Tiff. Jessica is Hyoyeon's girlfriend. Just look how happy she is. They're so good together and Hyoyeon takes such good care of her. Maybe that's what I'm jealous of. That happiness and perfection they have together.

I check my watch and sigh with impatience.

Where are they?


"Did you hear that?" Tae jumps.

"It came from outside!"



I push past everyone and search frantically for her.

"Oh God no..."






So how'd you guys like it? I'm sorry about all the suspense but don't worry once we do Jessica's POV briefly in the next chapter I'll start detailing the crash. In the meantime while you wait for the rest later comment, subscribe, and don't be afraid to criticize. Trust me I can take it you won't hurt my feelings.


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Fire_trek 350 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 2: I like how you kept everyone true to themselves. It was hilarious to read their interactions. I see Tiffany is jealous.. even though it’s only a little bit, I want to see what happens. They also heard the crash, the next couple of chapters is going to be sad, isn’t it?
Fire_trek 350 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 1: Damn, it went from romantic to tragic in like 5 seconds. I like their dynamic and idk is Hyo going to survive this? She has to, right?
Fire_trek 350 streak 0 points #3
I already love the forward of this fic!
Oh wow suddenly remembered this fic so imma reread it again
Hyodara #5
God this will be the third time I'll read this fic. So heartbreakingly good T.T Hope you can update soon.
Update plssssssss
Chapter 11: I cri for this chapter there are also so many HAMILTON references that I couldn't handle it!!!
spartace5ever #8
Chapter 19: please update !! i need to find out what happens !! don't give up on this story pleaseeee
Chapter 22: Update. T_T
Daebak! I cried a thousand times because of this. T_________T