HyoSica In Hell Part 2

I'll Always Be Here

Hyoyeon’s POV


I’m going crazy in here.

Each beep of the monitor, the slow ticking as a nurse taps her pen against the clipboard, even the subtle squeak of a gurney’s wheels as it once again rolls down the hall. These noises, unnatural, unfamiliar, painful.

Yes, painful. Each noise constantly reminding me of my situation. A situation I can’t even escape in my dreams.

I slept, if you can call a medicine induced stupor sleep that is.

The first time I slept was after Taeyeon came in.

What am I going to do about her?

My secret, something no member was supposed to know, lasted all of five minutes.

She was in my dreams.

She followed me, like some dark shadow. Her presence constantly hovered over me, putting an unbearable weight upon my chest, but especially my heart. I dragged her around relentlessly, to the ends of the Earth it seemed, but she never stopped following me. And, like me, she was also dying. Slowly decaying on the outside as much as my heart was on the inside.

I couldn’t bear doing that to her. Just the thought of it made my heart race. And then the beeping started again. It rung in slow at first, gradually gaining speed. Faster, faster, until all I could hear was that god forsaken beeping. Then I woke up, alone in this damn white room.

After that I didn’t sleep for a while, not until she came back that is.

I didn’t really expect her to come back. After she stormed out of here the first time I assumed, even with this secret, that her hatred was enough to send her away.

But I was wrong.

When she came back, there was no hate in her eyes. Only pity, sadness, and worst of all, determination.

Why would someone who hated me so much suddenly look on me with such pity?

At that moment I realized what had happened. Manager oppa had told her everything. Not the truth I wanted her to know, the real truth.

~ It wasn’t long after waking up that I heard the door open once again. Out of instinct I stayed down, hoping to avoid any confrontation that could upset my heart once again.

I wouldn’t admit it, not even to the nursing staff that have been so kind and helpful, but when that happens, it’s the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt. That’s why I need to leave I guess, to save myself.


I knew it was Taeyeon. I could just tell. The way she carries herself, slowly, cautiously, always tiptoeing around the situation. It’s like that with all eight of them. I’ve learned their habits, their moods, even the sound of their walking comes up differently on my internal radar.

I feel the bed bend slightly, adjusting to her weight as she lays the upper part of her body on my bed.

“You’re an idiot you know? You really think I’m going to let you go this easily?”

Yes. You don’t owe me anything. Just please, let me die in peace.

In that moment I pretend to let my eyes flutter open, meeting with the red, bloodshot ones of the raven haired beauty.

Despair, empathy, and yes, determination.

“Tae? What are you doing here?” I rub the sleep from my eyes and tenderly adjust my body.

I catch the grimace on her face as I let out a slight whimper from the pain this movement is causing.

“Here let me..”

She reaches out to help me but I place her hands back down.

“I got it Tae. I have to learn to live with this. You won’t always be around to help me.”

I guess you could say I was fishing when I said that. I want to see what kind of reaction these words will gauge.

Hurt, remorse, just as I thought.

Poor thing. She thinks she can save me.

She doesn’t even realize that I’m already gone.~

She couldn’t stay long after that. The girls would be arriving any minute and apparently they had a show to put on.

I don’t know how I did it, but somehow I managed to convince a nurse to let me get into a wheelchair.

It was a stupid decision. Stubborn even. But I had to see her, one last time.

After that, I promised I would go. Besides them, and some of my close friends, I had nothing else to stay for.

When Taeyeon slapped her, I thought I was going to stand. But thankfully, the lovely older nurse with the dark brown eyes held me back.

She’s different from the other nurses. She can read people in a way. She knew that if she hadn’t stopped me I would’ve ran out there and helped my girlfriend, blowing my cover and possibly killing myself in the process. I felt my heartbeat rapidly ascend just at the sight of her.

Corny isn’t it.

She literally makes my heart skip a beat.

After that the nurses don’t trust me as much. I understand that they are just watching out for me, but I don’t like the feeling of being watched so carefully.

I’ve been a bit of a spoiled brat since I’ve taken residence here. I shoo the other nurses away, not accepting food or even taking my medicine from anyone but her. I guess the reason why is obvious. She looks just like my mom. I feel like I have to listen to her, just to make up for that one time I didn’t. I’ve missed her. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other…. But that’s a story for another day.

Some time during the day manager oppa stopped by. His final stop by if you will.

He didn’t stay long. I could tell the whole situation made him uncomfortable.

He told me about the press conference, the girls, but most of all he cautioned me about Taeyeon. He told me of her intentions.

Although I wish it were possible, her hopes are misplaced. I won’t be getting any better and I definitely won’t be returning.


That word keeps running through my mind.

But it’s better this way.

Even if I didn’t die on the spot I would be nothing but a burden to them, to her.

And then the source of this long drawn out monologue came to light.

He gave me my options.

Out of all the possibilities I can’t help but ponder over the last one.


I haven’t been there very often. Once or twice with the girls but mostly with Jessica during our vacation days.

It’s funny. I planned on moving there with her one day. A place where we would be a little more accepted, if you catch my drift.

I guess you guys already know what I gave Taeyeon before they brought me into this place.

A ring.

Yes, a ring.

I was going to give it to her for our fourth anniversary.


Of course. I know four years sounds short but keep in mind we were friends long before we ever started dating.

I’ve loved her everyday since we first met.

I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true.

Even after struggling with my uality, breaking out of the friend zone, and putting my heart out for her rejection, I never stopped loving her.

Our anniversary is in December if you’re curious. The 25th to be exact.

Yes I know we are the most disgustingly romantic, cheesy, love song writing, Nicholas Sparks kind of couple ever but you know what who cares.

When I fall I fall hard is the best way to put it.

I had the ring on me for safekeeping but I guess my body wasn’t exactly the safest place for it.

I guess I’ll just be leaving it here, along with everything else I care about.

But back to the main point… What was it?

Oh yeah America.

He says my best option is to move there.

I agree completely.

Change my name, move into the city, live comfortably with the money I have stockpiled up. Basically waiting for myself to die.

I won’t tell him where. I won’t even give him my new name.

I won’t drag him down with me. I don’t want him worrying about me anymore. And besides, if he doesn’t know, he can’t tell Taeyeon.

This truly was our last goodbye.

He cried. I guess I did too. He was like my father… And now I’m saying goodbye, just like the last one.

There I go getting off track again.

Anyway my night in Hell was going absolutely fabulous until nurse omma came back in.

“Hey honey. How are you feeling?” She nitpicks at me, checking all the monitors and bandages. Just making sure everything is perfect. It’s a motherly kind of thing I guess.

I don’t respond. She’s used to it at this point.

They want me to see a therapist, to somehow cope with this rotten lot I’ve been dealt.

I think it’ll take a lot more than therapy to fix this mess.

Within seconds she finishes her little checkup. As she’s about to leave the room she turns back, tapping her hand at her coat pocket.

“Almost forgot,” she shuffles back to my side, removing a Ziploc from her pocket and placing it next to me on the bed.

The bag contains personal stuff. My ring and Tiffany’s bracelet are inside, thankfully still intact. My couple ring is inside as well. I’m really surprised it wasn’t destroyed since I was wearing it around my neck.

Should I keep this?

I don’t know.

I guess in time that will decide itself.

The only other thing in the bag is my phone, oddly enough no worse for wear.

I’ll just throw this away…

But suddenly the phone shudders, revealing text after text.

Who the texts a dead girl?






I’m tired of people saying

you’re dead. You aren’t dead

right? You wouldn’t leave me. I

know you.


I don’t understand. What’s she doing?


I almost lost it tonight. I almost

killed myself. But you wouldn’t

want that right? You didn’t die for

me to come in right behind you.


Suicide? No… No! She wouldn’t!


I’m sorry


Don’t be sorry baby. Please don’t be sorry. It’s all my fault.

I’m so sorry Sica.


I know this is my fault. No one can

say anything to change that. I’m sorry.

I guess I’m a murderer.


I can feel my heart clenching. But the texts keep coming. I can’t tear my eyes away, even if the monitor is drowning everything out.


Happy birthday. I guess it’s a little late.

That’s where we were going you know.

I planned a surprise party. I even baked

a cake. You probably wouldn’t like it though.


Yesterday was my birthday? I completely forgot.

Happy birthday to me I guess.


Why won’t you reply? Am I not important

Anymore? Maybe I should just die, if you

Don’t care anymore that is. Please, just

Text me back.


I want to so bad Jess. You don’t even know. But if I do, I’ll never forgive myself.


You aren’t going to text back are you? I

Guess that’ just me being silly. I’m sorry.


The pain is unbearable. But no one’s come yet. Maybe it’s all my imagination.


I’m sorry.


I miss you. I just want to die. Please

Come back.


Please don’t Sica. Please don’t die.


You promised you’ll always be here. I never

Took you as one to break a promise.


I’m so sorry Jess.


Krystal misses you, the girls miss you, my

Parents miss you. I guess what I’m trying to

Say is it’s not just me. Even if you hate me,

Come back for them.


Just come back.


You aren’t coming back are you?


I guess I’ll go to sleep now. I was going to

Sleep the last time you texted me. Will you

Text me now?


I guess not. Goodnight.


I love you.


I love you too.


And that’s the third time I almost died in this time span. I bet the nurses are getting pretty fed up with me at this point.

When I eventually wake up I’m the only person in the room. They took my phone away obviously.

So now it’s just me and my thoughts.

I guess the only thing to think about is going to America.

I’ve always wanted to live in LA. Even if I can’t dance anymore…

I can’t dance anymore…

I guess it finally hit me. Next to Jessica dancing was my life. And just like that it’s gone too.

You really screwed up Kim Hyoyeon.

But if I can’t dance, I’d still like to be surrounded by it. Allow myself some happiness you know.

Plus, LA’s a big city. Even if Taeyeon found out I went to America, and even pinpointed it down to a city, she’d never be able to find me.


What am I going to do about you?

Why did you have to find out?

Now you have to live with this curse forever… But maybe, in time, she’ll just forget me like the rest.

But what if she doesn’t?

Suddenly suicide pops back into my head. The only time that word has crossed my mind was when I read it straight from Jessica’s message.

Suddenly the idea seems, I don’t know, enticing.

Why not? I was supposed to die in this crash. Why not just finish the job?

Jessica’s text pops back into my head.


I almost lost it tonight. I almost

killed myself. But you wouldn’t

want that right? You didn’t die for

me to come in right behind you.


Everyone already thinks I’m dead. It feels right. It’ll free manager oppa and Taeyeon of their burdens.


Why would that word come back now? I finally feel like I’m doing something thoughtful.


I don’t know what possessed me, but at that moment, I reach for the medication on the nearby table.

This is the stuff they use to keep my heart under control. But I bet that if I take enough of it, it’ll slow my heart down completely.

Yeah… This is the right thing to do.


I have the pills up to my mouth when I’m suddenly interrupted, “Don’t.”

It’s nurse omma.

“Please… Just let me go,” Is all I can manage to say.

“Just hear me out first. I’ll let you decide in the end.”

I don’t put the pills back but I wait to hear what she has to say.

“I know that you’re in a dark place right now Hyoyeon. But this isn’t the answer.”

“Why not? I already feel so dead inside and out. Why not just make it official?”

“Then do it.”

Nice pep talk there nurse.


“You heard me. If you really think that this will solve everything, then do it. But I can tell you right now, it’s not over for you.”

“What are you talking about! Haven’t you ing seen my body?! I’m a ing walking corpse! I’ve lost my friends, the love of my life, my family, even my dancing! I have nothing left!”

“Yes you do. You have your life sweetie. Your life is a gift from God and it isn’t yours to take away. You were spared for a reason. Anyone else would’ve died… but you survived. Doesn’t that say something to you?”

“It says to me that God has a sick ing sense of humor.”



No Hyoyeon. This isn’t your mom. Don’t listen to her.


“You’re a beautiful young girl. You have a kind heart, kinder than most. I don’t want to see another kind person go to waste.”

“What do you know?”
“I know that in this short time we’ve known each other I’ve come to care about you.”

“You’ll just leave. Just like they did.”

“Why would you think I’d leave you sweetie?”

“Because I’m gay.”


“Yeah. That girl I saved. She was my girlfriend. I know you and everyone else here already thinks I’m some sort of an abomination. If you let me kill myself than you get to rid the world of another one of us freaks….”

“You aren’t a freaks dear. I don’t care that you’re gay. And I bet you the staff doesn’t either. In my opinion love is love, and yours was the kind of love worth having. I don’t know what must’ve happened to you to always put yourself down like this but I can tell your life hasn’t been easy. You know, I had a daughter a lot like you.”


“Yes dear. She was so much like you. She was kind, smart, maybe too considerate of others. When she grew up something possessed her to become a police officer. One day her and her partner were being held hostage.”

She stops briefly to wipe a tear from her eye.

“And um… the only way they were going to escape is if one of them acted as a distraction. She volunteered without hesitation. But the man holding them quickly caught on. He had his gun raised to her partner but she… She grabbed the man tight, forcing the gun into her chest. I had to watch my own daughter being wheeled through here. The only difference is, she wasn’t as strong as you. It was her time. I just, I don’t want you to end up the same way dear. You’re alive for a reason. Here, let me see your hand.”

Without hesitation I put my hand in hers. She slowly raises it, gently placing it over my bandaged chest. “Feel that dear. That’s your heartbeat. Even though it’s irregular, and listens to your emotions a little more than it should, it’s still beating. That’s called purpose. You’re alive for a reason. Before you swallow those pills, just remember that you still have purpose. Even if it seems like you’ve lost everything, you still have that.”

And once again I’m left alone, just me and these pills.

Suddenly they don’t seem so sweet anymore. The sugar coating suddenly seems so lackluster.

Maybe I still do have purpose… Just not here.

I guess that’s why selfish passed through my head again. It knew I wasn’t doing it for anyone but myself. I just wanted to escape this pain. But… maybe it doesn’t hurt so bad after all.


It was another hour before anyone else came in. I was expecting it to be nurse omma, and I guess I was sort of right, but she wasn’t alone.



“The ?”

Before I can say another word he has me enveloped in a hug.

The pain is excruciating but I clench my teeth and bear through.

“I knew it wasn’t true. I knew you were still alive,” his tears soak through my bandages and I his in pain. “Oh my god I’m so sorry.”

“No it’s fine really.”

“See Jason. I knew that this was the girl you were talking about because of that. You always said she had a very high tolerance for pain. Plus she’s probably one of the only blondes in all of Korea.”

“Wait… so you called him?”

“Yes dear. I figured you need someone here that you trust. Plus he can keep an eye on you and make sure there’s no more situations like earlier.”


“Nothing Jason,” I try to stop the conversation but nurse omma has already taken over.

“She tried to commit suicide Jason.”

“Hyo? Why?”

I explain my condition to him and he nods sullenly. I also let him know about my planning to leave Korea and how we have to keep this a secret from Taeyeon.

“I understand. But don’t give up so easily Hyoyeon. You’ve got me now.”
“But Jason, I’m going to the states soon.”

“Soon? With that body?”

“I don’t have a choice Jason. If I stay then Taeyeon will come snooping around. I can’t have her do that. If Jessica finds out, then that’s it, game over.”

“So, you’re really giving up?”

“I don’t have a choice Jason.”

“I guess I can’t stop you. But I can do something.”


“I’m coming with you.”


“To America. I used to live there. You can stay with me.”

“But what about your practice here?”

“Don’t worry about that dear,” nurse omma steps in. “This is an international hospital. With his skills he can easily be transferred to our LA branch.”

Jason lets out one of his goofy smiles and I can’t help smiling in return.

“Okay. I’ll stay with you Jason. And thanks.”

“For what?”

“For being an amazing friend. I know you would try anything to make me well again but you’ve accepted my wish to leave. You even said you won’t tell Taeyeon. Thank you.”

“I’m a doctor Hyoyeon. I promised to always do my best for my patient. Besides, you just happen to be one of my favorites.”

“It’s agreed then. We leave one week from today.”

“We have a lot of physical therapy to do then.”

“Alright. Let’s get started.”


So... What'd ya think. I know it's kind of a short update but Hyoyeon's real adventure doesn't begin until she hits the states. I also wanted to make sure that I typed up a good preview of Silence so you can check that out below. As a sneak preview for this fic the next chapter is called Family, Funerals, and Finding out. Curious? I sure am. Also I've decided that Taeyeon shouldn't have to face all of this alone. So who's going to find our Hyoyeon's secret? A member of SNSD? Maybe someone from the outside? And by the time they find out, will it already be too late to stop her. Find out in the next chapter. Until then subscribe, friend, romanticize, criticize, and I'll see ya later. Your faithful friend ~AfterSNSD


And now *drumroll please* the long awaited preview of Silence, a HyoTae story.


Chapter one

A First Encounter


No One’s POV


It’s late October in the city of Seoul. A flurry of white crystals blankets the city, causing street lights to twinkle, warm wisps to plume into the air, and giving lovers an excuse to hold each other more closely. But in one spot of this beautiful city the snow is not so inviting. Instead it offers a biting chill to one whose heart is already frozen by the words escaping her girlfriend’s lips.


“It’s over Taeyeon. I can’t do this anymore,” Tiffany cries, tears already falling from her glistening eyes.

Taeyeon quickly whips out her phone, attempting to beg Tiffany to stay but Tiffany swipes at the phone, knocking it from the brunette’s hand and burying it in the white blanket below. The brunette looks at her with questioning eyes, her own tears threatening to fall at the thought of losing Tiffany.

“Stop Taeyeon! Just ing stop with the typing and the writing and ing talk to me! Your voice was so beautiful, but you let it get away.”

Taeyeon opens to refute but no words, not even a trail of steam escapes her lips.

“I’m giving you one more chance Tae, just one. If you love me, if you truly don’t want me to go with all of your heart, then tell me. Tell me with your voice. If not, then this is it.”

Taeyeon grabs at , attempting to even pull out the words with her own hand if necessary. Minutes pass, but sadly Taeyeon is unable to turn her thoughts to words.

“That’s what I thought,” turning away from her girlfriend Tiffany rips at her couple ring, tossing it into the vast white below along with Taeyeon’s only way of communication. “Don’t try to contact me after today. It’s over Taeyeon. Goodbye.”


Somewhere else in the city two other girls are in each other’s company, the subject just as serious but their quarrel is not with each other but one girl’s situation.


“Hyoyeon, please just consider this option. I don’t know what the outcome may be, but if it will help you I think you should give it a little more thought.”
“What is there to think about Jess? You heard him. You know what this could do to me. I’m already damaged enough, I don’t need to take it any further than that. I’m perfectly happy living this way.”

Suddenly the brunette stops, her wrist enveloping that of the blonde.

“You really think you’re happy like this? I haven’t seen your real smile in so long Hyo. And even when I did it was only for a fleeting moment. You used to smile everyday Hyo. You smiled as if the world’s end couldn’t bring you down. But now you’re like this, and I can’t stand it much longer. I want the old Hyoyeon back. Please,” now the brunette is crying. Not for the end of a relationship but for the end of a friend’s happiness.

“I’m sorry Jessica,” she smiles in hopes of reassuring the girl of her well being. “It’s just too risky.”

“But Hyo…”

“Wait,” the blonde stops.


“Shhh… Do you see that?”

“See what?”

Jessica’s eyes couldn’t see the source of her friend’s concern. The streets are deserted, many seeking the safe and warm shelter of a nearby shop or their own homes. The only thing occupying the roads and sidewalks is a thick blanket of ice and snow.

But suddenly she sees it as well. A slight bump in the snow, small enough to go unseen except to those with keen eyes.

Hyoyeon is the first to venture over, her eyes locked on the strange abnormality. With a hand trembling from the frozen temperature she brushes the sheet away, unearthing something strange.

“Jess, come help. It’s a girl, she’s unconscious.”

Immediately responding to her friend’s cry Jessica rushes over, assisting by brushing away snow as Hyoyeon lifts the girl into an upright position

“Should we take her to the hospital?”

“No,” Hyoyeon grabs at her coat, securely locking the brunette in her warmth. “She’s freezing and our apartment is closer. Let’s take her home.”

“Are you sure?” But she knows her friend has already made up her mind, that look of determination she used to wear shining in her eyes.

“Let’s go,” Hyoyeon hoist the girl over her back, letting out a slight whimper of pain in the process.

“Hyo!” She rushes to help the blonde but she is already halfway down the block. Finally able to catch up she stops the blonde in her tracks. “You can’t do this Hyo. At least let me carry her.”

“Jessica, I know my limitations. She’s fine. She’s pretty light. And please, you carry her? From what I hear you can’t even carry your own girlfriend,” Hyoyeon winks before once again heading off towards their apartment.

“Yah! You’re such a byun Hyo!” She runs once again to catch up to the blonde.

After trudging through several blocks of thick snow the three girls arrive at HyoSica’s apartment. Jessica rushes inside first, turning on the heater and clearing the couch. Although Jessica has made room for the girl on the couch Hyoyeon walks past the living room, gently placing the girl on her own bed.


“It’s warmer in there. Plus I can watch her better if she’s in my room.”

Suddenly a sound cuts through their conversation.


The sudden change of expression on Jessica’s face amuses Hyoyeon.

“She so messed up,” Hyoyeon laughs before heading into the kitchen.

“A Soo I’m sorry……Yeah yeah I’m on my way right now…. Where was I?.... Hyo’s appointment…. Okay be down in a minute.”

Hyoyeon’s laughter can be heard throughout the entire apartment. Jessica launches an attack, chopping Hyoyeon in the head with her hand.

“Yah! You were supposed to remind me about me and Sooyoung’s date!”

“Was I?” Hyoyeon laughs. “Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell. But you better hurry princess. You know what happens when the shikskin doesn’t get her food.”

The realization hits Jessica like a ton of bricks.

“No s.. No s…”

“Yes Jessica. No from Sooyoung if she doesn’t get food.”

Jessica screams, the thought of being deprived of pleasure for one night too horrifying for her to imagine. She runs madly around the room, fixing her hair and changing her clothes with a vengeance. Within minutes she is already outside the door. But before it closes she peers her head in once again at the blonde.

Hyoyeon notices her look of concern but she couldn’t bare to keep her friend from her date, at least someone in this house should be happy.

“Don’t worry Sica. I can take care of her by myself. If she’s dangerous you know I can handle it. Go have fun on your date. Oh, and don’t bring her back here and keep me up with your damn racket! If I have to hear your damn one more time you’ll find me sprawled out on the sidewalk tomorrow morning!”

“Love you Hyo,” she kisses her best friend on the cheek before running out to meet her lover.

“Love you Jess,” the slam of the door tells her that she is once again alone.

She gets like this when her best friend isn’t around. She slips back into her depression, the loneliness and uselessness creeping back to haunt her.

But this time she ignores it, realizing that she isn’t in fact alone, and that she has a sick stranger to care for.

Hyoyeon glides into the kitchen, swiftly going through the motions. She’s had to care for Jessica a lot, her girlfriend being just as inept at taking care of a sick person as Jessica herself. Of course Hyoyeon never gets sick, her dancer’s body has made her strong, immune to the common illnesses others so easily fall victim to.

After she sticks a small bowl of water in the microwave she heads back into her bedroom, three more blankets thrown over her arm and a container of headache medicine clad in her right fist.

Taeyeon is still unconscious, a combination of the ice swirling inside her as well as the pain from her life self destructing entreating her not to leave her subconscious. Hyoyeon’s brow furrows with worry as an intense shiver rocks the petite girl’s body. The brunette has cast her blanket to the ground, struggling in some unknown nightmare. Hyoyeon picks the blanket off of the ground, tucking the cloth over every inch of her skin save her head, ensuring no warmth can escape.

“What happened to you exactly?” Hyoyeon whispers to the mysterious girl, knowing full well she isn’t listening but feeling the question needed to be posed.

She covers the girl in the extra blankets and leaves the headache medicine on the bedside table, in case she should wake up with a migraine.

Turning one more time to check on her Hyoyeon leaves the room once again, going back to the kitchen to retrieve other supplies to help in the girl’s healing process.


To tell you the truth I wrote about the SooSica scene before Sooyoung's dating was ever announced. After that it felt really awkward but I need those two idiots as the comic relief for my story so as the almighty author I shall ignore all facts of life and commit to the story. So as you can tell in this fic they aren't members of SNSD. I really wanted to try out a fic like that so I'm glad you guys voted for this one. I''ll continue writing this in my free time and once I've stocked up about 10 chapters, even though I'll Always Be Here will most likely still be going on, I will begin posting it every weekend. Let me know how excited you are in the comments section. Until next time ~AfterSNSD

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Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 3: Okay, now this is sad. Hyo having to say(what she thinks) is her last goodbye is heartbreaking. I hope she makes it.
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 2: I like how you kept everyone true to themselves. It was hilarious to read their interactions. I see Tiffany is jealous.. even though it’s only a little bit, I want to see what happens. They also heard the crash, the next couple of chapters is going to be sad, isn’t it?
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 1: Damn, it went from romantic to tragic in like 5 seconds. I like their dynamic and idk is Hyo going to survive this? She has to, right?
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #4
I already love the forward of this fic!
Oh wow suddenly remembered this fic so imma reread it again
Hyodara #6
God this will be the third time I'll read this fic. So heartbreakingly good T.T Hope you can update soon.
Update plssssssss
Chapter 11: I cri for this chapter there are also so many HAMILTON references that I couldn't handle it!!!
spartace5ever #9
Chapter 19: please update !! i need to find out what happens !! don't give up on this story pleaseeee
Chapter 22: Update. T_T