All Is Forgotten

I'll Always Be Here

(A/N) All bold you may consider as English



“What do you mean she is no longer a patient at this hospital?!?” Min spits furiously, scratching her head in frustration at the newfound information.

“I’m sorry miss, she checked herself out just yesterday,” the young woman shuffles through her files, frightened by Min’s sudden outburst.

Taeyeon places an arm in front of Min to reassure the woman that they don’t mean any harm. “Ma’am, I’m not sure we’re talking about the same person. Lee Young Mi, she was checked into this hospital barely more than a week prior, she was in no condition to leave this place.”

“Look Ms... Umm-“


“Ms. Kim, I don’t know how you got Ms. Lee’s personal information, but I assure you she checked out yesterday morning.”

“This patient, did you ever meet her personally?”

“No, Ms. Lee was in a private room. Only her nurse and doctor are allowed access.”
“Just as I thought,” Taeyeon mumbled to herself. “Ms. Lee’s doctor, what was their name.”
“Ma’am, I can’t disclose that information.”
“I just want to talk to him. Ms. Lee was someone very important to me and I assure you she isn’t in her right mind. Her disappearance could mean something very bad is about to happen to her and I need to find her before it’s too late.”

Suddenly Krystal burst into tears, leaning on Taeyeon’s shoulder and soaking her t-shirt. The woman fidgets nervously, dropping her eyes to her desk to avoid Taeyeon’s harsh gaze.

“I guess I could umm… I could find the doctor’s name for you.”

“T-thank y-you miss…” Krystal stutters, her sobs growing louder as she shudders against Taeyeon’s body.

The woman breathes a sigh and quickly types at the keys of her computer.

“That’s strange,” she ticks her head and clacks a few more keys. “Mr. Matthews, he’s transferred to another one of our branches.”

“Wait, Matthews? As in Jason Matthews?” Taeyeon drums her fingers on the counter in anticipation.

“Yes,” her eyes widen at the mention of the name, “did you know Mr. Matthews personally?”

“Oh,” Taeyeon chuckles coldly, “Yeah, you could say that. So which branch did Jason transfer to exactly?”

“I’m sorry, I really cannot afford to give away any more information.”

“We understand,” Taeyeon wraps an arm around Krystal’s waist to support her. “Thank you for all your help.”

The three girls shuffle out the door and back into Taeyeon’s car before uttering another word.

“Gotta say Krys, the crying was a nice touch,” Min laughs and pinches the younger’s cheek.

Krystal smiles widely and wipes her tears, “Yeah, I feel bad for playing with her emotions like that though.”

“She’ll be fine Krys, right now we have to figure out which hospital Jason transferred to,” Taeyeon says as she drives into the crowded streets.

“Speaking of this Jason guy, how exactly do you know him? And why do we need to know where he is? Shouldn’t we be more focused on where Hyoyeon is?”

“That’s just the thing Min, Jason is an old friend of Hyoyeon and I. The fact that the two of them disappear around the same time just can’t be a coincidence. That bastard, I bet he’s helping Hyoyeon run away somewhere,” Taeyeon scowls and slams her palm onto the steering wheel.

“So you think that if we track down Jason we’ll find Hyoyeon?”


1 Week Later


“I’m home!” Krystal shouts, merely steps from the exit of the airplane.

“Yeah yeah, you can celebrate later. Right now you’re holding up the line,” Taeyeon laughs, giving Krystal a solid kick in the .

“Yah! Unnie!” Krystal whines, rubbing her sore spot with a pout dancing across her lips.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Min pulls ahead, her steps increasing in pace as they exit the arrival gate.

“I’m not a baby,” Krystal pouts, jogging to catch up to her unnies. “So Taeyeon, how did you figure out that Jason transferred to the LA branch so quickly?”

“Money is power Krystal, make enough of it and you can get any kind of info you desire.”

“That sounds really shady Tae,” Min laughs. “But you’re right. You’d be surprised what money can get you in life.”

As they step up to the luggage carousel Krystal starts again, “Taeyeon?”

“Yeah Krys?” Taeyeon rips a bag from the carousel and sets it on the ground.

“Isn’t it weird? I mean, no guards, no screaming fans, no photographers. It hasn’t been like this in awhile,” she sighs and takes her bag from Taeyeon.

“Why are you sighing? Do you actually miss it?” Min grabs the last bag and they start for the door.

“No it’s just… What we’re doing, it’s so hush hush you know. Not having anyone know we’re here, it just reminds me that what we’re doing is so secret.”

“I actually like the quiet,” Taeyeon steps to the end of the sidewalk and signals for a cab. “It’s just good to know that I’m not under a microscope 24/7.”

“What do you mean Tae?” Krystal’s eyes furrow with worry.

“Idol life, constantly pressuring me to disclose the details of my personal life, I’m sick of it. I’m treating this not only as a mission to find Hyoyeon, but to take a much needed vacation from the stress surrounding her disappearance. It’s just, suffocating you know.”

The others share a brief look of concern for Taeyeon’s words.

Sure, idol life is stressful, but not even for a second have either of them entertained the thought of leaving. It’s a part of them, the music, the dancing, the crowds, the cheering, it’s a lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to.

“The taxi’s here.”

Krystal and Min awaken from their stupor and follow Taeyeon into the cab.

After loading the luggage into the trunk the man slams it closed, once again regaining his position behind the well. He cranks the keys in the ignition and takes off, shuttling the passengers into the long awaited city of Los Angeles.

“So Taeyeon, what exactly is the plan for finding Hyoyeon?”

“I don’t really have one Krys. Jason didn’t file a new mailing address so the only inkling of information I have is that he’s in California,” as she speaks Taeyeon removes a small notebook from her jacket pocket. After flipping through a few pages she places her finger on one and hands it to Krystal. “There are six International hospitals that are affiliated with the one in Seoul. Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego, Anaheim, and Fresno.”

“So why did we come to Los Angeles first then?” Krystal traces her finger down the page and points to one of the stars on the map. “Shouldn’t we have started at the northernmost city and worked our way down?”

“Normally that would be most efficient, but at Min’s suggestion we came here first.”

“Min unnie, why Los Angeles?” Krystal ticks her head to face Min who has been silent the majority of the trip.

“Hmm? Oh, that’s easy. Los Angeles is one of Hyoyeon’s favorite cities. It’s close to her and Jessica’s vacation house, as well as being a city famous for dancing, not to mention the beaches. If Hyoyeon had a choice in the matter she would definitely choose this place.”

“Ah, I see,” Krystal brings her attention back to the notebook, flipping through the assortment of ink stained pages. “What’s all this other stuff then?”

“Nothing,” Taeyeon snatches the notebook from Krystal’s grip and quickly slides it back into her pocket. She eyes the hurt look on Krystal’s face, immediately regretting her hasty actions. “Sorry Krys,” she pats the younger girl’s head, “It’s something personal okay.”

Krystal nods, turning her attention to the window.

The city passes by in a blur of muted grays and tans as they bypass the enormous buildings engulfing the city. They catch a brief glimpse of the nearby ocean and breath a simultaneous sigh of content. After a solid twenty minute drive the cab finally pulls into the circular drive in front of their hotel. Taeyeon steps out first, taking her sunglasses from her coat and sliding them onto the bridge of her nose.

“This place is enormous,” gapes open as she eyes the sheer height of the building.

“Thank you,” Krystal removes a few bills from her wallet and hands them to the man.

He finished removing their bags from the trunk of the cab, passing them along to the waiting bellhop.

“Ah yes, thank you,” the man returns to his cab, driving off to his next patron.

The girls then turn to follow the bellhop as he retreats into the hotel. They approach the counter and Taeyeon begins fishing in her coat for her wallet.

“Welcome ladies, how may I be of assistance?”

“I have a room under the name Kim,” Taeyeon hands the clerk her driver’s license.

He takes the card between his gloved fingers and begins typing away at his computer. “Yes, Miss Kim Taeyeon. You and your friends have a suite on the 14th floor, number 1409,” he hands Taeyeon a set of cards which she disperses between the girls. “Thomas, would you please show these ladies to their room?”

“Yes of course, if you will follow me.”

Thomas takes the luggage cart and approaches the nearest elevator. After securing the luggage he holds the door for the group as they step inside.

The button for the 14th floor lights under his touch and the sliding door closes, bringing the lift into motion.

“So, where are you ladies from?”

“Seoul, it’s a city in South Korea.”
“Yes I know it well,”
he laughs. “I spent some time there as an exchange student. It really is a beautiful city. So how long will you ladies be visiting us here in Los Angeles?”

“We’re not really sure, as long as we can if time will allow.”

“Well, if you need any ideas for things to do, let’s just say I know my way around this town.”

The elevator comes to a stop and the party files out. Turning down several corridors they come to the room in question. As Taeyeon unlocks the room Thomas bring the luggage inside, setting them before the bed.

“Before you go, we’ve had a long flight. Any recommendations for a place to eat?”

He taps his chin for a moment, “There’s a nice coffee place in nearby downtown. It’s a good place to relax after a long flight.”

“Thank you,” Krystal smiles, handing him a small tip before he disappears with the empty luggage cart.

Min and Taeyeon immediately flop back on their respective beds.

“I’m so tired,” Min groans, pulling the blanket over her head.

“Right with you Min,” Taeyeon says as she buries herself amongst the covers.

“Yah!” Krystal jumps on top of Taeyeon, bashing her head repeatedly with one of the decorative pillows.

“Krystal! What the !”

“Did you forget why we came here?!” Krystal rips the blanket from Taeyeon and flicks her on the forehead.

Min peers at the scene through her blanket and laughs at the torment Krystal is dispensing on Taeyeon.

“You think this is funny?” Krystal jumps on Min’s bed and gives her the same treatment. “In case you two have forgotten we came here to rescue your best friend! There is no time for sleep you pabos!”

“Fine…” the two groan.

“Good,” Krystal chuckles. “Cuz we’ve only got three weeks till the concert. If we don’t at least find Hyoyeon before that then we lose most of our incentive for her return.”

“So general Jung, what’s the plan exactly?”


“You don’t have a plan?” Min looks dumfounded at the girl.

“I just want food and I really don’t wanna go alone okay! I mean we can look for Hyoyeon while we’re out but seriously that was a fourteen hour flight and I’m starving!”

Taeyeon and Min exchange glances before returning their gaze to the pouting maknae.

“Seriously?” Taeyeon laughs. “You nearly beat the out of us and made us feel guilty about Hyoyeon all because you’re hungry?”

“I gotta say Krys, you’re really working the whole young and innocent angle well. For a minute there I actually felt bad,” Min chuckles, throwing Krystal off of her as she rises from the bed. “Alright, let’s go get the Jung some food.”

“Right behind you,” Taeyeon flops off the bed, following the other two out the door.


Oubliette Café


“Oubliette?” Krystal asks, gazing up at the modest green letters adorning the building. “What do you suppose that means?”

“Who knows, probably something French. So are we gonna eat or what?” Min crosses her arms in impatience. “All this talk about food has started to make me hungry.”

“Yeah I’m coming,” Krystal stares at the sign once more before following the others inside.

The atmosphere is quiet, the only sound being the light whispers of conversation and the steady hum of the many machines. There aren’t many people, most alone or only in groups of two. It’s an intimate place, Thomas was right in his suggestion. They could use the quiet after the hectic time they’ve had lately.

“Krystal why don’t you and Min order, you two have a much better grasp of English than I do. I’ll go find us a table okay.”

“Yeah sure Tae, no problem.”


Taeyeon’s POV


I hate this, I should have just come alone.

I take the notebook from my jacket pocket and flip through the pages once again.

It’s not that I don’t want them here, they’ve helped keep me sane through this tumultuous time, but these feelings, these horrible feelings, I can’t let them know.

After walking around a bit I find a table by the window and take a seat. I glance around at the surrounding tables, making sure no prying eyes will invade my private time.

These pages, I’ve been writing down the different thoughts passing through my brain. Things I want to tell Hyoyeon, feelings I’ve tried to bury, everything I’ve wondered about since she left, it’s all here.

Poor Krystal, I shouldn’t have torn it from her grip so hastily. But if she had read what lies on these pages, she would never forgive you.


If only I could tell her…

“Kim Taeyeon!”

“Hmm?” I peer over the side of the notebook, meeting Krystal’s gaze.

“You have to come see this.”


No One’s POV


“You’re never going to believe this,” Krystal envelopes Taeyeon’s wrist and pulls her from the table.
“What the Hell Krys?”
“Shh, just come on.”

Krystal pulls her into a secluded corner of the coffee shop. Min appears from behind a broad bookcase and beckons the two with her finger.

“What’s this all about…”
“Shh!” Min clamps a hand over Taeyeon’s mouth. “Over there, three tables to the left. Do you see what I see?”

Taeyeon leans over the side of the bookcase, searching for the designated spot.

“What the…”
“Shh! She’ll hear us,” Krystal whispers.

“Possibly. We’re not quite sure. I admit, this girl does look like Hyoyeon from a distance, but there are slight changes. Look at her hair, do you think Hyoyeon would have had time to dye it that color so quickly?”

“I don’t think so,” Krystal adds. “Hyoyeon was very attached to that hair color. She also doesn’t know we’re trailing her so what reason would she have to disguise herself?”

“She also doesn’t appear to have any injuries, but her clothing could be hiding a cast. The thing is none of us know what her injuries look like. If she had scrapes those could easily be covered by makeup. A leg or arm cast could be covered by baggy clothing. We need to get closer,” Min concludes.

“Well if that is Hyoyeon, we can’t have her recognizing us. Krystal, Hyoyeon doesn’t know that you dyed your hair recently for your comeback. Min and I will be most recognizable to her so we should sit with our backs facing her. Here,” Taeyeon slides her sunglasses over Krystal’s eyes. “You’ll have to be the one facing her, just in case she does notice us, she may not recognize you. You have to notice her movements and we’ll relay what she says.”

“Got it,” Krystal lightly fixes the glasses and heads for the table.

Min and Taeyeon grab two books from the shelf, shielding their faces as they quickly follow her.

“Alright Krys, what is she doing?”

“The waiter just arrived with her food, listen in on the conversation you two.”

“Miss, your order,” the man lowers his tray to the table, placing a mug of coffee and a sandwich in front of her.

She lowers the book she’s been holding and smiles at him, “Tyler, I hadn’t even ordered yet,” she laughs.

“Oh please, you’ve been coming so often it’s not like it’s hard to tell what you want. So what book are you reading this time?”

He leans over her shoulder but she shuts the book closed and knocks him on the head with it.
“You know I hate when you do that,” she frowns, “If you must know it’s 13 Reasons Why. A friend recommended it and you guys happened to have it so I thought why not.”

“You sure do have a lot of free time, I’ve never seen you with the same book twice.”

“I guess you could say that,” she picks up the book and places it in his hands. “I actually just finished this one, could you return it for me?”

“Of course,” he smiles.


“So what did they say?”

“I don’t know,” Taeyeon groans, “They talked so quickly, my mind can’t process English that fast.”
“They spoke in English?” Krystal gasps.

“Yeah, fluently too,” Min adds. “Even I had trouble keeping up.”

“But Hyoyeon is terrible at English, there’s no way she could have spoken at such a rate.”
“I know. From what I could tell they seem to be really good friends as well. At most Hyoyeon would have only been here a little more than a week, could she really learn English enough to make friends in such a short span of time?”
“No,” Krystal sighs. “Not at the level she started at. We’re talking about the girl that can’t even say win.”

“I didn’t understand most of what she was saying but Hyoyeon’s usual accent isn’t there. I think we’ve got the wrong girl.”
“Maybe, but I think we should at least follow her for awhile. If it is really Hyoyeon, maybe she’ll slip up over time.”

“Alright Min, if you think that’s wise. We’ll see where she goes for the rest of the day but after that we need to head straight to the hospital. If we find out Jason isn’t there then we’ll move on to the next city.”

They nod their heads in agreement, their ears and eyes still intently focused on the mystery girl.


“Coming,” Tyler appears from behind the counter, returning to the table.

“Can you help me out? I gotta get going.”

“No problem,” he immediately takes the girl’s arm, helping her rise from her seat.

“Why does she need help getting up?” Krystal whispers.

“I don’t know, but if she’s leaving then we have to follow her.”

“But Tae,” Krystal whines, “we never got to eat.”
“What’s more important Krys, lunch or finding Hyoyeon?”
“Ugh, I hate hard choices.”

“Come on,” Min grabs their hands and pulls them to the exit.

“Did anyone see where she went?”


Vroom… Vroom…


“What’s that noi…”




A black shape speeds past, quickly turning the corner and disappearing from the girl’s line of vision.

“What the Hell? Was that guy trying to kill us!”

“Seriously, what reckless driving!”

Taeyeon pauses, why did that scene seem so familiar. “You guys, didn’t that person seem like they were trying to escape?”
“What do you mean Tae?”

“I’m starting to think that maybe that person really is Hyoyeon.”

“What are you talking about? You mean that that just sped through here, you think that’s Hyoyeon?”

“Maybe. Krystal you might just get your meal after all.”

“Why’s that?” Krystal ticks her head in confusion.

“I’m going to go talk to Tyler.”

Taeyeon turns from the street, entering the café in a quick stride. Krystal and Min awaken from their confused stupor, quickly following behind her.

“Tae how do you expect to talk to Tyler? Of the three of us your English is by far the worst.”

“I know… Krystal, if I tell you what to say, will you relay it to him?”
“Of course. What is it you want me to ask?”
“I need you to find out what he knows about that girl. How long has she been coming here, how did they meet, and most importantly, what is her name?”

“I understand.”

Returning to their table the food they ordered after what seems like ages ago finally arrives.

“Here’s your meals ladies, I apologize for the wait.”

“Well, if you’re really sorry, maybe you could do me a favor.”

“Miss, I must say that sounds like a rather odd request.”
“Not at all, I just want to ask you something.”

“Well, if that’s all then.”

Krystal drums her fingers on the table, eyeing the others to strengthen her resolve.

“That girl, the one who you were speaking with earlier.”
“Yeah, what about her. She’s a good friend of mine.”
“Yes well, could you tell me her name. She looks so familiar to me, I just need to rid myself of my suspicion.”
“I’m sorry ma’am but I don’t think I’m comfortable with that.”
“Please, if you don’t tell me this awful sneaking suspicion is going to keep me up at night.”

Min and Taeyeon glare at the man, begging him to slip up and reveal crucial information.

“If it really is that important to you, her name is Jessica.”

The girls exchange a surprised glance but quickly brush it away.

“She’s come here every day, twice a day for about eight or nine days. A friend of mine introduced us so we’ve become quite good friends. I’ve never seen you before, nor has she mentioned you, so you might be mistaking her for someone else.”

Taeyeon takes note of the man’s nervous movements. She can tell they won’t be getting any more information than they already have so she signals Krystal to let the man be.

“Thank you, you’ve really been a big help.”
“No problem, you ladies let me know if you need anything else.”

They remain silent for a moment, giving him the opportunity to get out of ear shot before continuing the conversation.

“That settles it, after this we have to go to the hospital. I bet my career on the fact that Jason and Hyoyeon are there.”


Los Angeles International Hospital


“Alright, everyone remembers the plan right?”
“Of course Taeyeon, you’ve only gone over it a thousand times.”

“Krystal, your part is first so you go ahead, we’ll be right behind you.”
Krystal nods, fixing the wig with her fingertips before disappearing through the sliding doors.

“I don’t know Tae, is this really going to work?”
“It has to Min, it just has to.”


Krystal’s POV


Alright Krystal, it’s just like acting, you can do this.

I remove the small pouch from my purse, squirting the red past under my nose and into my palm.

“Miss…” I lean over the counter, letting some of the fake blood drop onto the counter.

“Oh my God. Miss are you okay?”

The clerk takes several tissues from a box, helping me to catch the blood as it falls onto the counter. The tissue tickles my nose and I sneeze, covering the counter with the fake blood. The other assistants see and quickly come to help.

Now that I’ve garnered all their attention, Taeyeon and Min make their move.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” I cry, letting the crocodile tears pool their concern and attention.

“Don’t be sorry dear, it’s just a nosebleed. You didn’t hit your head did you?”
“No no, I was waiting for my turn to go see my grandmother but my nose just suddenly started bleeding like this.”
“It’s okay, we’ll get you cleaned up so you can go see her. Why don’t you go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Just go down that hallway and to the left okay?”

All according to plan.

“Yes, thank you.”

I take a few more tissues from the box, thanking them again before heading to the meeting place.

“In here,” Taeyeon whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder and pulling me into the bathroom.

“Did you guys get what you needed?”

“Yeah Krys,” Min takes the tissues, wiping away the last of the fake blood.

“Jason is definitely here,” Taeyeon removes a file from her bag and flips through the documents. “he’s working on the 3rd floor of the west wing.”

I take off the wig and return it to Taeyeon.

“Thanks,” she combs out the wig and puts it on her own head. “Now it’s my turn to disguise myself.”

“So what, you’re just going to confront him?”

“What other choice do I have? I need to let Jason know that I’m here and that I’m onto him. I just need you two to make sure he doesn’t get away. We’re going to corner him like a rat if that’s what it takes.”


Taeyeon’s POV


Jason, my friend, how could you let Hyoyeon run away like this. You took her away from people that care about her, you gave in to her whim of escape, let her escape from her fears. Her friends, her girlfriend, me… She has to face these things.

“There he is.”

I gesture down the hallway and the girl’s follow with their gaze.

“He’s the tall one, black hair and brown eyes. He’s got a chart in his left hand and a pen in his right.”
“Ah, I see him,” Krystal nods.

“Me too.”

“I saw the floor plan in the elevator and devised up the best strategy. When he sees me he might try to run so we have to be prepared. This is the only elevator on this floor, and these are the only two corridors leading to it. It would look suspicious if you two stood by the elevator so you need to look inconspicuous. Min, there’s a snack machine on this side of the elevator. I’m sure no one would take a second glance if you stood in front of it. That’ll take care of the left side of the elevator. Krystal, to cover the right side I need you to stand outside this restroom next to the service desk. Go inside and turn on the light. Then stand in front of it and pretend you’re waiting for someone to come out. This may seem like drastic measures but the last thing we need to do is alert the entire staff to our presence. Understand?”

“Got it,” they answer simultaneously.

As I head towards Jason, a familiar sight catches my eye.

That girl, what’s she doing here?

Change of plans, if that really is Hyoyeon, I need to get to her first.

I follow the girl down the corridor, meeting a confused Krystal on the way.

“Taeyeon, what are you doing? What about the plan?”

“Never mind that, go get Min. I think I found Hyoyeon.”

“Yes, now hurry.”

I rush past Krystal, searching for where the girl went off to.

Room 309.

I place my hand over the doorknob but quickly retract it.

What am I doing? Am I really so absorbed in finding Hyoyeon that I’m willing to burst into this girl’s hospital room? I don’t even know if that’s really her. She’s in the hospital for crying out loud, what if I interrupt her visiting her dying mother or something. No… I can’t do this.




I take a step back as the door opens inward.



It’s her! It has to be her, there’s no mistaking that now.


“I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

“Hyoyeon, as in your name.”

“Miss, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Don’t play dumb with me! Kim Hyoyeon, your name. Don’t make me speak in English as some silly ruse, I know you understand me.”

She clutches at her chest, digging her fingernails into the doorframe for support.

“Miss, please, my doctor, can you find him?” She coughs violently, her voice a mere whisper.

“Hyoyeon!” Min and Krystal come practically stampeding down the narrow hallway.

“What’s going on?” She drops to the ground, her hand tearing at the cloth over her chest.

“What the Hell are you girls doing to that patient?!”


No One’s POV


“Who let you girls on this floor? Don’t you know you’re disturbing a critically traumatized patient?” Jason drops to the ground, cradling the fallen girl. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!”

The other members of the hospital staff have begun to gather around the group, mesmerized by the scene taking place.

“I’ll deal with you three in a moment, right now I have to see to my patient.”

He rises with the girl in his arms, taking her into the room and leaving them with a crowd of angry bystanders.

The doctor Jason was speaking to moments ago steps forward, “Look, I don’t know why you girls are here, but you’ve caused a major upset. That girl is a very special medical case and she can’t handle such an uproar. I’ll allow you to stay but only because I want you to stay and apologize to Dr. Matthews and that girl if she soon regains consciousness.” He checks his watch and continues. “He should have her under control now. I’ll allow you to go in there. If Dr. Matthews asks say that Dr. Thompson told you to go in.”

“Yes sir,” the trio lower their heads in shame and file into the room.

Jason is seated on the bed next to the girl, his hands clenching at her labored breathing. He raises his head at the sound of the door closing, meeting the three girls’ eyes with a harsh glare.

“Kim Taeyeon, I should’ve known. You come in here with that ridiculous disguise, knowing full well that you could upset Hyoyeon’s condition with your presence.

“So that’s really her…” Taeyeon sighs.

She steps forward to get a closer look but Jason’s cold glare forces her to take a step back.

“Don’t you come near her, not after the trouble you’ve caused.”


“No! I need you three to fully understand what you’ve done. Do you know why seeing you hurt her so much? Why it caused her to relapse into this horrible condition?”
“Because she thinks we want to take her back?”
“No, she doesn’t know you want to take her back to Korea. As far as this girl knows she was born and raised in America.”
“What do you mean?”
“Read my lips Taeyeon, Hyoyeon is gone. She lost her memories, she doesn’t even know who you are.”

“You’re lying! When Hyoyeon left she didn’t have amnesia. If this is some kind of elaborate scheme to make us leave then it wasn’t very well planned on your part.”
“You think this is a game Taeyeon? Fine, I’ll explain everything. But first,” he rises from the bed, gesturing for the girls to follow him. “We need to go somewhere else. If she awakens and sees you here then it will only hurt her more.”


Jason’s Office


“Alright, I’m going to tell you everything about Hyoyeon and my disappearance from South Korea. First off, yes, when Hyoyeon and I left she still had all her memories. Before we left for Los Angeles Hyoyeon was a complete disaster. She was battered and broken, attempting suicide only moments before I came to take care of her. We knew that Taeyeon would eventually come looking for her so we both decided it was best for us to leave. Hyoyeon has so much pain, her family, her friends, her girlfriend, all of you resided in Korea, she needed an escape. So, in preparation for our departure, we underwent intense physical therapy,” Jason pulls a folder from his desk, passing along an x-ray from the file. “Hyoyeon’s body is an amazing specimen, from a medical standpoint I mean. Being a dancer she has extraordinary healing abilities. Her bones are strong and formidable, easily healing from the breakage. She only had to wear her cast for a little over a week, as you can tell she’s wearing a splint now. Although her external injuries have healed, there’s still so many internal things that were overlooked. At the beginning of our stay here in LA, Hyoyeon was having some… Mental problems. She began talking to herself, or rather, an unknown being. She called this creature, Black. The hallucinations caused by this being almost killed her multiple times. Cutting herself with glass, electrocuting herself on faulty wiring and, most recently, jumping into a busy street. That day she fainted and was almost ran over a second time. Luckily I caught her and brought her to the hospital immediately. That’s how I discovered Black. Once she regained consciousness I witnessed her talking to the mysterious presence. Do you know what that thing told her to do? It wanted her to stab herself with a scalpel. I had to have her strapped down and put under so we could analyze the abnormality. I discovered this,” he takes another x-ray from the folder and places it on the light up screen. “These images she was conjuring were created by a clotting in her brain. This is when the memory loss occurred. My theory is that because of the massive amount of damage to her heart and exterior, no one was focused on the head trauma she received. But, operating on her brain came with a cost. When she awoke, she had no recollection of her life. After a day or so she confessed to me that a name kept coming to her, Jessica. Yes, I know why that name was in her memory, but I seized the opportunity that presented itself. As cruel as it sounds, I told her that was her name. Jessica Matthews, my sister. That’s why she doesn’t speak Korean to you and that’s why she doesn’t recognize you. Do you girls understand now?”

“My god,” Taeyeon breathes. “You really let her believe that was her name. Jason, that’s so... so sick.”
“I know Taeyeon, but think about it. Hyoyeon wanted to start a new life, who am I to deny her that wish. If I hadn’t done that, she’d have only thought about the name more, putting a great amount of pressure on her system. No matter what, any option would have been cruel. I still believe I made the right decision.”
“So… Hyoyeon doesn’t remember me, or my sister, or SNSD at all?”
“No, I’m sorry.”

“Well what about the English?” Min interjects. “The Hyoyeon I know didn’t know the language that well. How did she acquire such a firm grasp of it so quickly?”

“That astounded me as well. She was like that when we got here. Well, I think we’ve talked enough for one day. I need to go see how Jessica is doing. Please, I beg of you, don’t come back to this hospital. Go back to Korea and back to your lives. I’m sure the old Hyoyeon would appreciate your cooperation.”
Without another word Jason leaves the girls alone in the room.

“Well Taeyeon… What now?”


Its been awhile... Enjoy ~AfterSNSD

P.S. I know losing their memory is cliche but please trust in the fact that this is crucial to the plot.

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Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 3: Okay, now this is sad. Hyo having to say(what she thinks) is her last goodbye is heartbreaking. I hope she makes it.
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 2: I like how you kept everyone true to themselves. It was hilarious to read their interactions. I see Tiffany is jealous.. even though it’s only a little bit, I want to see what happens. They also heard the crash, the next couple of chapters is going to be sad, isn’t it?
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 1: Damn, it went from romantic to tragic in like 5 seconds. I like their dynamic and idk is Hyo going to survive this? She has to, right?
Fire_trek 351 streak 0 points #4
I already love the forward of this fic!
Oh wow suddenly remembered this fic so imma reread it again
Hyodara #6
God this will be the third time I'll read this fic. So heartbreakingly good T.T Hope you can update soon.
Update plssssssss
Chapter 11: I cri for this chapter there are also so many HAMILTON references that I couldn't handle it!!!
spartace5ever #9
Chapter 19: please update !! i need to find out what happens !! don't give up on this story pleaseeee
Chapter 22: Update. T_T