Am I Falling In Love?

Memories and Promises


“What did you do now, Yuri?” Tiffany was across Yuri with hands crossed and a terrifying eye glare.

“I didn’t do anything! TRUST me!” she was panicking for her dear life and couldn’t find the right words to say. She was so nervous and her cheeks were red as a tomato.

“Then why are your cheeks so red?” She continued with her questions and wouldn’t stop until Yuri tells her everything.

“I SWEAR. I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING.” Her voice was louder than before and was thinking of making an end of their conversation.

“Whatever. If you won’t tell me everything I’m going to leave this house.”

“Alright, I’ll tell you everything… LATER.”

Tiffany had a wide grin plastered on her face after getting what she wanted. She knew that Yuri would give in to her and as far as she knew, Yuri was afraid of her when she’s mad.

It was already past nine and the cool breeze of the night swept across the house. The curtains were pushed to and fro by the breeze. Tiffany called her mom and told her that she would be staying in at Yuri’s for the night and in response, she was allowed. Another smile was shown on her face after hearing the consent. She jumped up and down on Yuri’s bed as if she had won the lottery. Then Yuri came from the kitchen to her room bringing a pitcher of milk and two glasses for them to share the drink. Yuri does this everynight and it was a surprise for Tiffany. She didn’t imagine Yuri doing those kinds but didn’t ask why.

“Tell me now.” Tiffany demanded.

“Later, okay? I promised you already and I won’t break that promise.”

“Good. Then what are we doing after drinking that milk?”

“Sleep.” She said in a husky voice.

“But you will tell me before we sleep, right?”

“Yeahh?! Just stop it already. I will tell you, okay?!” she was getting impatient from all of Tiffany’s questions.

“Alright so this is what happened, I went to her room to ask if she still want to eat because I was concerned that she only ate a little of the food on her plate and that’s why I went to her room but when I came no one was there and I didn’t notice that she was in the bathroom and minutes after she went out of the bathroom she saw me she whacked me on the head and thought that I was a ert following her. That’s why I ran as fast as I could out of her room and why my face was so red. Did you get everything?” she was explaining everything in one go.

“I guess so, but you didn’t do anything harmful, right?” she was taken aback by her straight explanation.

“I DID NOT AND I NEVER WILL!” her voice was so loud that it could be heard outside of her room.

“Well, I guess that’s all of it. I know you wouldn’t do anything, Yul. I was just testing you.”

“Whatever, Mushroom! Let’s sleep now.”

There were two futon lying on the floor and they would be sleeping there for the night. They switched off the lights and only the faint lights of street was visible from the inside. The outline of the window was shown. They weren’t sleeping yet until Yuri started a conversation about Jessica. They were talking about her and what made her stay inside her home.

“Hey Miyoung, still awake?” she nudged her and hoping to get a response.


“Good, you’re still awake.” She said. “I was thinking about that Jessica. What made her stay in my home? I mean, there are a lot of houses or apartments in the city. Why here?”

“Who do you think am I? Jessica?” She said bluntly.

“What do you think then?” she asked regarding Tiffany’s blunt comment.

“Ask her. I don’t know anything.”

“You’re not helping at all.”

“Well, thank you. I want to sleep now. So good night!” she turned to the other side with her back facing Yuri. “And by the way, don’t call me Miyoung.”

“Then what should I call you? Mushroom?”

“For the nth time, it’s Tiffany. Good night already. I want to sleep.”

There were times when Yuri just couldn’t sleep and those nights were either having a heavy problem or a full homework to be submitted on the next day. But this time, it was different. There was no homework or a problem that she has to face. Her wild thoughts were sending her everywhere and nothing was easing it. Everything wasn’t just on the right place, there was something missing and she was sure of it. Nothing was going great on her day and there was only one solution, face it. She slowly crept outside the room, careful of her movements that can wake Tiffany up. Once she got out of the room she went straight to the kitchen and switched on the lights, she filled a glass of water to herself. She was thinking deeply and focused on what to do so her guilty self would just stay out. Even though she wasn’t guilty of anything, she felt like she was.

The night was going deeper and the curtain continued to dance to the slow rhythm of the wind. It was already 12:30 am and Yuri was still on the kitchen with a heavy face. Her eyes didn’t look like sleepy at all. All she could about was the incident earlier. Her thoughts were always reminding her of Jessica. She tried to deny it but it just felt right, she knew that was the reason behind her sleepless night and just thinking of it again and again made her blush and just couldn’t stop. She her sound system to calm herself. She selected a Kenny G album and played. The sound of the saxophone was soothing and it calmed her senses.

“What’s with her anyway?”

“I didn’t do it on purpose and it’s not my fault.”

“I was just checking up on her in the first place.”

“I didn’t touch her or anything.”

Random thoughts were circling her mind and still she couldn’t sleep. It was almost 1:30 am, she was there for almost an hour and sleeping wasn’t an option. She lied down on her sofa and grabbed some books to make use of the time when in fact she could just sleep and try to forget everything that happened earlier but her mind wouldn’t just let her. Hitting the books wasn’t a good choice but she just continued reading it. She stopped when she heard a turn of a doorknob and was about to call Tiffany but to her surprise it wasn’t her, but Jessica. She was wearing shorts and a loose shirt. Their eyes met for a matter of seconds but Yuri broke the contact. The place turned cold and awkward in a snap. Jessica just continued on her way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, while Yuri was staring at her and fed her eyes on her. She knew what she did was insane and wrong but she did it anyway.

“Milky white skin.”


“She’s really pretty.”

“The blonde hair.”

“Her features, just amazing.”

“Snap out of it, Yuri!!”

It was the last track of the CD and it was ending until the track went to a total stop and the place just went to an awkward state. Yuri just remained on her seat and locked her eyes immediately on the book before she gets caught staring at her. Before Jessica could go inside her room she went to Yuri’s direction and stopped before her.

“Yuri, I’m really sorry to what happened earlier. I know I shouldn’t act like that and I want to apologize for my rude behavior.” She said her apology straight and bowed.

“It’s okay, really. It’s my fault anyway; I shouldn’t enter your room in the first place so it’s my fault. I should be the one to say sorry.” She said quickly before Jessica could leave.

“I’m sorry.” She stood up and bowed before Jessica. “Let’s be friends?”

Jessica was shocked from her frank actions but decided keep up with Yuri.

“Sure. I would love to.”

“Is this love at first sight?” she thought to herself.

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kpopswiss #1
Chapter 16: hey are you not updating anymore??
Chapter 16: hey! i'm a new reader of yours..i already love this story :D
you're awesomE!
Locksmith_27 #3
Chapter 16: WAH! I've been always waiting for this to update! Author! Please update! :(
ilovedjians #4
Well this is exciting! Can't wait for you to update! When will the next update be?
meltss #5
Chapter 15: Well, obviously, Eric is Jessica's childhood best friend and boyfriend.
Zulmrih #6
Chapter 14: Ooooyy what's that supose to mean, who's this Eric or whatever?
Chapter 15: what??is jessica playing with yuri's heart?
meltss #8
Hey guys :) I'm going to update soon :)
LuvSica #9
Aww too bad this fic seems abandoned, now I'll never know what the conversation between Yulsic would turn out to be :(
please update soon^^