Here Comes the Boarder— Jessica Jung

Memories and Promises



The sun was up to its peak, rays dispersing out to the vivid sky. Birds soar into broad daylight extending to the far horizons of the coast. The street was active, vendors from all sides were on the pitch, and the road was hectic. People hasten their pace to avoid tardiness. The metropolis was on the go. Traffic was heavy and the atmosphere was rather humid. People from everywhere were cooling off. Umbrellas were raised from over the head. The humid atmosphere was causing a light headache. Not even one tolerated the heat. It was a pain.

A blonde girl with a composed physique, hair tied into a tight bun, eyes concealed in aviator shades and carrying with her were a full-sized luggage and a handbag. The blonde probably around her early twenties was wearing an elbow-length checkered polo with matching slim jeans and a pair of Jimmy Choo flats was standing before the door of one’s residence. Before she could barge in, she made sure that it was the house where an available renting space for her to reside for the time being. She wind the doorknob and realized it was locked. No key was available in her plain sight. Bit by bit her patience was nearing to blow up. “How can an available room in this house be not available when someone needs it?! Even the main door is locked.” the blonde shook her head and clenched her teeth. Out from her irascibility, she lightly kicked the door and to her surprise, it nudged and the latched door was unlocked. She turned cold and nervous. It was never her intention to break the door from the outside. Since the door was ajar, she slowly peeped in and thoroughly sifted the room for anyone who might suspect her of trespassing. None was home but belongings were left.

“Hello?” the blonde’s voice reverberated across the room.

None answered back. She continued with her yelling.

“Hello? Anybody home?” her voice bounced back. Obviously, none was home but her.

She set foot into the house and scanned for the available room. The house was filled with a kiwi aroma, it wasn’t her preference but it was refreshing. Its interior was jaw dropping. It was simple yet meticulous. The moldings were precisely carved to the owners liking, the ceiling was compared to as of a freshly painted masterpiece. The ebony sofa was properly situated at the center of the room opposite of it was an LED TV fastened to the wall. Beneath the sofa was a hand-sewn carpet, it was delicately sewn and from the looks of it, it’s the only carpet in the vast planet where it could be found. Not even once, the blonde saw the most intricate design in carpet making. It was beyond spectacular. The coffee table looked like as if it was from the olden times, the wood was highly flourished and waxed. Under it was a stack full of magazines, from English to Korean and all other sorts. She thought, “Who would bother reading a magazine that people rarely understands.” Her eyes were firm at the English magazine. After scanning it she moved to the kitchen, it was spick-and-span; silverwares were arranged in an orderly manner, from pans, woks to shining kitchenwares. The island counter was filled like of a fresh garden, fresh fruits and vegetables were presented and it was, too, arranged according to its size. She halted her thorough scanning of the house. It was absolutely stunning. Still on her feet, she carried herself to the room where she’s supposed to stay. Something came up to her thinking; fear.

“How am I suppose to explain my barging of this house to the owner? The broken knob?” she was slowly consumed by fear.

Anyhow, she tried to be calm as soon as possible. Staring at a full-body length mirror, she trailed her smooth delicate hands along her evenly blonde hair, straightening out the distorted parts. She gave herself a twirl to check herself out and to that extent she was perfect. Her charms were captivating, a perfect S-line wherein every woman desires. Standing 5’3 from the floor she was a living Barbie doll, from the blonde hair to the perfect body proportions. She danced her way to the room and was yet again to be amazed by another perfect masterpiece on interior designing. The royal purple covered walls was stupendous and thus, with a hint of specks of gold. The pink drapes along the windows completed the color composition of the room. The wall was shining itself and the blonde was again loss for words that was forming an O shape. A chandelier hanging from above evenly lit the room; it had again a marvelous design. She drifted her gaze from the wall and drew all her attention to the carved wardrobe with a complex design. The wardrobe was produced from a rich mahogany. The wood was cooked and cooled with caution and was covered in thick polyurethane and lasting agent for it to remain its gloss for a lifetime. The gloss was compared to as the same as of a mirror. The designer has indeed acquired a dexterous hand.

She glided her hands along its ridges. The smooth texture was felt all the way, no flaws nor undusted parts. She moved her luggage in and took out all her belongings properly placing it inside the wardrobe.

“I didn’t expect it to be like this, it’s more than I could ask for.” she sighed.

She continued with her mumbling. Her mind was still unsettled with the happenings earlier.

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kpopswiss #1
Chapter 16: hey are you not updating anymore??
Chapter 16: hey! i'm a new reader of yours..i already love this story :D
you're awesomE!
Locksmith_27 #3
Chapter 16: WAH! I've been always waiting for this to update! Author! Please update! :(
ilovedjians #4
Well this is exciting! Can't wait for you to update! When will the next update be?
meltss #5
Chapter 15: Well, obviously, Eric is Jessica's childhood best friend and boyfriend.
Zulmrih #6
Chapter 14: Ooooyy what's that supose to mean, who's this Eric or whatever?
Chapter 15: what??is jessica playing with yuri's heart?
meltss #8
Hey guys :) I'm going to update soon :)
LuvSica #9
Aww too bad this fic seems abandoned, now I'll never know what the conversation between Yulsic would turn out to be :(
please update soon^^