Toe Beans

Candi's Drabble, Oneshots, and Other Things
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Genre ;; Fluff, Mpreg
Pairing ;; Chanyeol & Baekhyun  
Length ;;    about 1000 words
Rating ;; E
Blurb ;; Theres nothing like coming home to your husband gushing over your child's "toe beans".

Baekhyun sighs nice and deep, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck as he did. The winter months were starting to get too cold for his liking. Baek loved the heat of summer, where he could laze around half- instead of being bundled up like a damn snowman. He stomped his dirt-caked boots on the pale gray welcome mat in front of his large red front door. It wasn't cold enough for snow yet the ground was cold and dirt always stuck to his boots. He set the recycle shopping bags on the floor beside the door so he could fish out his keys from one of the many pockets his jacket had. Letting out a huff when he finally found them and unlocked the door. He pushed the door opened grabbed the bags and waddled inside. 

"Honey, I'm home," He called as he slipped his feet out of his boots. It was easy since he was barely able to reach over to tie them on his own. 

"In here!" A booming voice called back to him from somewhere deep in the two-story home. 

Baekhyun padded through the halls, setting his bags in the kitchen then went off to search for his lover. "Where are you?" 

"Where do you think?" The voice was closer as he made his way down the picture lined halls. Frames upon frames, snapshots of the last ten years of their lives. Smiling faces, little fat feet and baby bumps. At the end of the hall was his favorite picture of all time, a recent addition. It was an 18 by 24 inch shot of Baekhyun sitting primly in pressed white shorts and a baby blue button-up. Chanyeol was sitting just behind him wearing matchings clothes, long arms wrapped around Baekhyun's expanded middle. Two little figures were standing in matching baby blue dresses, their little hands holding seashells. He absolutely adored this photo of his family. 

Baekhyun passed the image as he entered the twins' bedroom, a bright smile forming on his lips as he took in the sight of Chanyeol parked in the middle of the room with a twin on each leg. All three were dressed for a lazy day at home in sweats and shirts, little socks on his twins' feet. He leaned against the doorjamb to ta

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Chapter 6: Oh my
donghae's in trouble
Spend some with hyuk and fall in love with him, hae. He's your lovely assassin. that will be one hell of an interesting ride for the nerd
Thank you for writing this short and enjoyable drabble
Chapter 4: Hahahaha .·´¯`(⌒ヮ⌒)´¯`·. So funny!!! It totally sounds like something Baekhyun would do!
Chapter 3: Adfjlfssgh \(❤ヮ❤)/ This is great!!! I love that it's kinda action-y, but also super cute!