Excerpts from 'Dreams That Follow the >> Heart'

Candi's Drabble, Oneshots, and Other Things
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Title ;; Excerpts from 'Dreams that Follow The 》Heart`
Genre ;; Fluff, Angst 
Pairing ;; Yoongi & Jimin
Length ;;  
Rating ;; PG-13
Blurb ;; click here to read the one shot. 
Note ;;  Two small pieces that I ended up cutting from the one shot. 

“Minseung is a silly girl. I bet it was her idea to do a shoot with me.” He couldn’t help the fond smile that graced his lips. It was at an award show when he met her for the first time. That the poor girl almost walked on stage with paper stuck to her heel. The male had no idea how, nor why her stylist or managers had not seen it before him. When she walked by him, his foot shot out to step on the paper. One of the girls from her group must have seen him do it because Minseung had found him on Instagram to thank him. It was a funny story, and Minseung has told him that she checks her shoes constantly now. It was fun to see a side of idols that weren’t perfect. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Yoongi stood and walked around randomly to search for Jimin. Finding him was easier this time.

“Hey, you want to know something funny?” He paused but didn’t wait for the other to reply.

“A few months ago, I was MC-ing an award show, and I just walked off the stage and stumbled over something which made me spill some coffee, or was it a smoothie? Aish... It doesn’t matter. Anyways, I dropped it right into Block B’s Zico lap it looked like he had gone all over himself.” Yoongi forced a chuckle, it

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Chapter 6: Oh my
donghae's in trouble
Spend some with hyuk and fall in love with him, hae. He's your lovely assassin. that will be one hell of an interesting ride for the nerd
Thank you for writing this short and enjoyable drabble
Chapter 4: Hahahaha .·´¯`(⌒ヮ⌒)´¯`·. So funny!!! It totally sounds like something Baekhyun would do!
Chapter 3: Adfjlfssgh \(❤ヮ❤)/ This is great!!! I love that it's kinda action-y, but also super cute!