Nerds in Leather Jackets (Tao / Kris)

Candi's Drabble, Oneshots, and Other Things
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Title ;; Nerds in Leather Jackets 
Genre ;; Fluff, Crack, Silly 
Pairing ;; Tao & Kris, Kyungsos & Kai if you look hard.  
Length ;;  Goal: 4,000 words ,, Actual:  4828 words
Rating ;; R - for cussing and a few references to ual acts. 
Blurb ;; In which Kris is a nerd and Tao loves nerds. Also, Tao is kind of an idiot. 


Zitao loudly groaned as he dropped his head onto the tabletop. He couldn't handle it anymore. He needed to talk to him! How can one human be so damn cute! Tao felt a hand on the back of his had, patting softly. He slightly turned so he could see who the hell was touching him. Kyungsoo.

"Now, now, Taozi, you are a bit dramatic, don't you think?" The elder questioned him. 

"No!" He pouted. "He's so damn cute, how can he sit there and be so damn adorable? It isn't fair!" Tao whined to his best friend. 

They both looked up at the object of Tao obsession. Lanky, black hair, sharp features, cute little bow mouth, and thick as eyebrows. All wrapped up in slacks, dressed button-up, and thick black frames. He was even wearing suspenders! Little blue police boxes were all over the suspenders. Wu ing Yifan. Kris. He was so damn y in his nerdiness that he didn't even know it. He watched as Kris pushed his glasses up higher on his nose and nodded at whatever his friend Chanyeol was saying. Chanyeol dressed in jeans and an oversized hoody, his orange hair loose and messy.  The two of them were such contradictions that people often wondered how they were best friends. Then you spot the police box pin on Chanyeols hoodie, of the three triangles tattoo on his ankle, and then realize why. They were both huge ing nerds.  

"You know, Tao, I bet if you complimented his suspenders, he'd probably kiss you," Kyungsoo said off handly, then laughed like it was a joke.

" you, Kyungsoo. This isn't funny!" Tao whined as he tucked his face into his arms. Blocking out the sight of Kris and Chanyeol laughing over something on one of their phones. "Just because you have a boy toy, doesn't mean you can make fun of me in my time of need." 

Kyungsoo scoffed at him. "He's not my boy toy; he's my fiance. He's also an idiot right now. So shut up and get ready for class." 

Tao wasn't sure why he even bothers to show up early to lecture anymore; it only served to frustrate him. He barely also understood the class and was on the verge of failing it miserable. Oh, that's right, Kris was so damn adorable and the end of last semester he heard the older male telling Kai, a teaching assistant, he was going to be taking the class. ing advanced mathematics. 

He huffed and puffed and whined to Kyungsoo some more before the professor walked in and started class. They were going over something that was supposed to be on the next test, which was next week! ! He was going to fail so bad. At the end of class, Tao heard his name being called by the professor. , , . That wasn't good. Kyungsoo gave him a sympathetic look before he left. He took a while to place his notebook inside of his bag then going over to the teacher's desk. 

"Zitao, thank you for staying. I wanted to talk to you about your grades. The next test is a huge part of the final grade, and if you get anything lower then a B-, you will fail the class entirely," The older male paused as he adjusted some papers on the desk and then handed one to Tao. "This is the number and email to a student who is up to tutoring you for the test; I got their number for you. Please call them and set up some time to meet them. Thank you for your time, Tao, now I must go to my next class." The older male left in a flurry of papers, and swinging doors. 

What just happened? He questioned himself as he looked down at the paper, only a number and email, no name. The email was a jumble of letters and numbers; it didn't make any sense to Tao. He sighed loudly as he left the classroom. The professor was right; he didn't need to fail this class. He was a junior and only took it to be able to see Kris more. He didn't need his GPA dropping because of his infatuation. 

Tao made his way back to his dorm room and had to squint into the darkness; his roommate was always having the dorm dark in the day time. If he didn't know better, he would have thought his roommate was a damn vampire. 

"Close the door, Tao! I have a migraine." A muffled voice called out from his roommate's bed. 

"Yeah, Baekkie, I'm closing it," Tao muttered as he softly shut the door behind him. 

The male dropped his bag on his bed and pulled out his phone, adding the number into his contacts as 'Tutor Person' so he wouldn't forget. He sent a quick text saying who he was and how he got the number before asking the other to meet up. Tao should get some help sooner rather than later. 

Tao flopped in his bed and looked over at Baekhyun. The poor man suffered from debilitating migraines that could keep him out of commission for days at a time. He knew the other hated taking the pain medicine because it made his stomach upset and his fingers and lips to be tingly. All he could do was try and sleep most of the pain away. Just then, he got a text back that said the person was free to meet them and was currently at the library. 

"Do you need anything, Baekkie? I'm going to head back out," He got a muffled reply in return, saying something along the lines of sleep and food when he comes back. Tao grabbed his things and quietly left the dorm room. 

The trip to the school library was quick, and Tao was a bit sweaty, his leather jacket now too much for the weather. He pulled off the offending piece of clothing and threw it over his shoulder, hook on a finger. Squinting into the darkness of the library as he looked around. He wasn't sure who the person that was supposed to be. Who was in his class that was here now? The failing student started to wander around the library, going through all floors and not finding a single person that was in his math class. Did he miss someone? Other then you know, Kris ing Wu, who was sitting at a table off to the side with his cute damn glasses pushed upon his head and a Nintendo Switch in his hands. In front of the male was like four stacks of books and tons of papers and pencils. Not that Tao was continually looking over at him or anything. 

Tao gave up and flopped down on the floor against a bookshelf and pulled his phone out. He shot a text to the person and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a phone go off near him. Was the person close? He looked around and didn't see anyone checking their phones. Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his hand with the message of the location of the other in the library. 

Oh, he was close. Tao stood and looked up to follow the signs and nearly tripped over the desk when he realized that the message as taking him closer to where he knew Kris Wu was sitting. Oh . He couldn't sit near Kris and concentrate on math. It was already hard for him to focus when he wasn't around Kris, to sit near him would be just downright stupid. As he walked closer to the section that the Tutor told him to go, he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. 'Table 4, black glasses.' Tao turned slightly since table four was off to one side. He looked up for the sign and stopped two tables away. 

Kris ing Wu was sitting at table 4. 

Kris ing Wu was supposed to be his tutor. 

ing Kris Wu with his angry bird eyebrows that were furrowed in concentration on his phone before he set it down on the table. Just then, Tao's phone vibrated in his hand. He looked down, 'one new message from 'Tutor Person': are you here yet?'  Kris looks so annoyed with his angry bird eyes drawn and his little bow mouth squish up; he then bit his bottom lip. So damn cute! 

Holy . 

Tao was ed. 

What did he do to the universe to deserve this? 

Was Kyungsoo behind it all? 

Tao was jostled out of the fear that was wrapping around his lungs by a giant hand waving in his face. "Zitao? Are you okay?" A hand that had long fingers with two rings, one styled to look like a mushroom and the other like two wings. Rings on fingers that Tao would love to see intertwined with his. Kris ing Wu. Kris, ing Wu's hand was waving in his face. Kris ing Wu was talking to him! Oh , what did he say? 


"Are you okay? You've been standing here staring at me for like three minutes. I've been waiting for you." Kris ing Wu had been waiting for him. Why was he waiting for him? Oh yeah, to tutor him. Oh , he knew how ty he was at math!

"I'm okay; just a little turned around. Korean signs and all that ," Tao waved a hand and looked down, trying hard to still his beating heart. He heard Kris hum in understanding. "You're Chinese, right?" Tao jerked his head up at the elder's question. He had asked it in Chinese. Could Kris speak Chinese? Could he be any more perfect? Tao nodded stiffly and gulped. Having Kris' eyes focused on his from behind those dark lenses was nerve-wracking. 

Kris jammed a thumb over his shoulder. "Do you want to get started? We have a lot to cover for the test, and Professor Kim show me your last test, I hope that does bother you. Even though that's totally illegal for him to do, but he was worried about you. It's pretty bad. Not that it's that bad, but you're failing, and if your failing, then maybe you should drop the class before it affects your GPA? I'm not sure, though; maybe we can figure out a way to help you, so you don't have to drop it. If you want..." 

"What?" Tao couldn't comprehend whatever it is that Kris just said, not only was it all about school work but that Kris was rambling on about what a failure he was. Freaking A.

"I'm not stupid," He defended without needing to.

Kris sputtered and waved his beautiful hands in front of him. "I didn't mean that! I'm sorry! That's not at all what I meant! Gosh, I'm sorry if that what how it came out. I just meant that you could do better, and I want to help you do better." 

Tao sighed, waved a hand as he moved around Kris, and plopped down in the chair he knew that Kris hadn't been sitting in. "It's fine, let's just get this over with," He heard Kris mumble something in English. God damn, how many languages did this dude know? Not only was he smart when it came to math, he knew three languages and had an affinity for all things nerdy. 

Tao watched as Kris folded his limbs into the chair across from him, and adjust his suspenders over his shoulders. After that, it was all kind of a blur for Tao; it was like a different person had come over Kris. Gone was the goofy person that he watches play around with his friends. This Kris was serious and went through each problem with precision. He didn't want to admit it, but he was actually kind of dumb when it came to this math, and Kris was making a whole lot more sense then their professor did. 

It was when Kr

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Chapter 6: Oh my
donghae's in trouble
Spend some with hyuk and fall in love with him, hae. He's your lovely assassin. that will be one hell of an interesting ride for the nerd
Thank you for writing this short and enjoyable drabble
Chapter 4: Hahahaha .·´¯`(⌒ヮ⌒)´¯`·. So funny!!! It totally sounds like something Baekhyun would do!
Chapter 3: Adfjlfssgh \(❤ヮ❤)/ This is great!!! I love that it's kinda action-y, but also super cute!