Bulletproof Idiots

Candi's Drabble, Oneshots, and Other Things
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Title ;; Bulletproof Idiots 

Genre ;; What is even happening in this drabble? I have no idea. 
Pairing ;; Donghae & Eunhyuk, Sungmin & Kyuhyun   
Length ;;    too many words
Rating ;;  I don't know. 
Blurb ;; Donghae does something he's not supposed to, without even realizing it, and gets a kill contract put on him.  

"Drop your head, you goddamn idiot!" A voice shouted from above his tucked head, which apparently wasn't low enough. The sounds of something pinging off the car door behind him caused Donghae to flinch. A hand grabbed the back of his neck and pushed his head even lower, nearly crashing his head into the cement ground. Donghae huffed a breath and let his body fold so that he was even smaller. The sounds of a gun firing sounded from beside him. The loud sound causing Donghae to flinch. 

How the hell had he gotten himself into this situation? One minute he had been getting out of a cab to have lunch with a bookworm of a friend, the next he was getting shot at.  What kind of people shoot at innocent bystanders! This was just ridiculous. He would have been dead if a slender orange-haired male hadn't shoved him to the ground a second before a bullet was lodged into the building behind where Donghae had been standing. Donghae wasn't even sure why the hell he was getting shot at, or who this person who was now hovering over him with a ing gun.

"God ing dammit, we need to move," The male said as he grabbed Donghae by the collar and started to drag him up onto his feet. Donghae grunted as he lost his footing and crashed against the side of the car they had been hiding behind. Pain blossomed across his shoulder, the car in worse shape. It had been a nice car, now it was a bullet-ridden, dented, heap of trash. "Come on, you head. Move!" He was hauled up by the other male and forced to start running down the street. Donghae had no idea where they were even running to, or who they were running from. The street was deserted, glass and bodies littered the floor.

Holy .

Were they dead?

Donghae ducked his head and just kept running. He didn't want to end up dead. 

A screeching sound drew his attention from the floor up a large black van that came to a halt on the street beside them. The side door flew open and, a large male with fluffy brown hair was crouched in the doorway. "Hyuk!"

The male that had been pulling Donghae along whipped around and pushed Donghae into the van. He crashed into the arms of the other male. What the ! Donghae crawled off the much larger male and into the empty space of the old van. He heard the van door slam shut and someone yelled for them to go. The van lurched to the side and the sounds of bullets ricocheting off the side of the van echoed loudly over his panting. , he hasn't run that much since high school. His body tumbled to the side, body thudding against the seats when the van went around a corner, then again and again. Soon, Donghae was completely lost, bruised and really wanted to throw up.

Who the was driving? They were terrible drivers! 

When the van started to slow, Donghae was a mess, his clothes were dirty, he couldn't catch his breath, and he thought he was going to pass out. 


He did.. 

Donghae woke with a start, bolting up straight and crashing into something that had been above him. Donghae let out a yelp and covered his face, damn it all to hell! His ing head hurt now too. Where the hell was he? 

"ing A! Your damn head is so ing hard!" Someone yelled from beside him. 

Donghae's eyes snapped open and to the side, the voice vaguely familiar. It was the orange-haired dude who had saved him from a bullet to the head. Where the hell was he?

"Told you not to hover over him, Hyuk. He always wakes up like that. He's like a fish outta water." A very familiar voice said from his other side. 

"Sungmin?" Donghae's voice was small. 


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Chapter 6: Oh my
donghae's in trouble
Spend some with hyuk and fall in love with him, hae. He's your lovely assassin. that will be one hell of an interesting ride for the nerd
Thank you for writing this short and enjoyable drabble
Chapter 4: Hahahaha .·´¯`(⌒ヮ⌒)´¯`·. So funny!!! It totally sounds like something Baekhyun would do!
Chapter 3: Adfjlfssgh \(❤ヮ❤)/ This is great!!! I love that it's kinda action-y, but also super cute!