
Breaking the Norms

Minzy slowly pulls her self off embaressed at the accidental kiss. On the other hand the guy wasn't only surprised to be kissed, but is slightly hurting from hitting his head pretty hard on the floor. After a few seconds Minzy finally realized that the guy may have been hurt.

"OMO I'm so sorry oppa are you okay?" She helped the guy up and saw him rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay Minzy, I'm fine." The guy gave her his genuine smile that melts everyone's heart that sees it. 

"Are you sure?"

"Stop worrying about it. I said I'm fine okay. Anyways we have something else to worry about don't we?" The guy looked at Minzy waiting for her reaction and got a pretty hilarious reaction.

"AHHHH OH MY GOSH." Minzy freaked out after remembering that she had just kissed one of her oppas. She shook her head and buried her face into her hands. The guy could only laugh because he didn't really think much about it. Minzy just glares at him dumbfounded that he could laugh in such a situation.

"OPPA! Why are you laughing?" Minzy was now utterly annoyed by the guys laugh. It seemed as if she made a big deal out of nothing, which she did.

"I'm laughing because you are freaking out so much, but I'm totally fine." Reaching her boiling point Minzy finally lashed out on the guy.

"Yah yah yah! Minzy calm down! I'm sorry. Stop!" She only stopped since the guy grabbed both of her wrists.

"For a girl you hit harder than most guys I know." Those were the wrong words to say because it made Minzy more mad and since her hands weren't free she used her legs instead. The guy was getting hit left and right and couldn't do anything to protect himself. He finally was spared from more hits when his angel and savior came running in.

"Minzy!" Minzy turns her head to see Dara running to her and forgot all about the hitting the guy.

"UNNIE!" Dara smiles at Minzy and then looks at the guy behind her.

"Youngbae what happened to you? You look like a tornado hit you." 

"Not a tornado, just Minzy." Dara looks at Minzy waiting for an explanation. Minzy can only blush in embaressment and hid her face.

"Yah what did you do to her!" This time it was Dara who was hitting Youngbae worried to why Minzy was acting in such a way. Minzy didn't even try to stop Dara from hurting Youngbae and smiled to see Dara standing up for her. 

Youngbae finally was able to stop Dara by turning her around and giving her a back hug.

"You better let me go Youngbae or I swear I'll rip off your precious jewels!" Youngbae flinched, but didn't loosen his hold on Dara more afraid of what she will do when he does let her go. After seeing how serious it is getting Minzy finally steps in before Youngbae gets castrated. 

"Unnie calm down. I'm partially at fault. I was being too careless and tripped down the stairs, but was caught by oppa. However we both fell down and accidentally kissed."

Youngbae let go of Dara as he felt her calming down, but was surprised to see her just simply walking away. Minzy was also shocked to see Dara just walking away so she ran after her.

"Unnie what's wrong?" Dara blankly looks at Minzy holding her emotions in and just simply smiles, yet Minzy saw through it, but knew not to ask about it until Dara is ready to talk about it.

"I just remembered I have something to do. Also Minzy you must have forgotten about you class, but seeing as how much time has passed you probably have already missed it. You should go find one of your classmates and ask them what you missed so you'll be read for next time. I'll see you later okay. Bye Youngbae."

Minzy couldn't help, but wonder what happened to Dara. Yet at the same time she was afraid to find out what made Dara like that. Minzy looked back at Youngbae and saw his face, it was empty as he saw Dara's retreating figure. She reached over to Youngbae only patting his shoulder.

Youngbae looks at Minzy's face and sees the worry clearly shown on her face. He gives a faint smile and just like Dara walks away from Minzy. It broke her heart to see the two people she looks up to so down, but more sad to not know the reason why. Somehow deep inside Minzy she slightly feels like it's her fault, but knew not to dwell on it for it will only make it worse.

After being reminded by Dara about her classes Minzy takes out her phone and dials one person who she knows that would have been there. It only took two rings before the other line picked up their phone.

"Minzy!" Minzy smiles hearing the cheerful voice of the guy that always has a good outlook in life no matter what has happened.

"Jay oppa can you tell me what I missed in dance today?"

"Of course! Let's meet up at the cafe, my treat."

After finalizing where they would meet up she hung up the phone and made her way over to Idol Cafe. It was a five minute walk from the university so she was there pretty fast. As she sat down she sees Jay walking through the door scanning the place until he finally spots her. He waves his hand and instead of going up to her he went to the counter to order the drinks and some muffins.

He brought over the muffins and handed her a blueberry muffin while he ate the banana nut muffin. Stuffing his face he gave Minzy a boyish smile before swallowing what was in his mouth. After eating the muffin in 30 seconds he finally properly greeted Minzy.

"Hey Minnie!"

"Hey Mickey."

The first time they had met Minzy was wearing a polka dot shirt with a red bow on her head and Jay had worn red suspenders over a black shirt with red skinnes. They looked at each other and was both reminded of Micky and Minnie after that encounter they would call each other that even though they weren't a couple.

"So Mickey care to tell me what I missed in class?"

By this time they had already gotten their drinks and both have finished their muffins. Well actually Minzy finished her muffin while Jay finished his third muffin. Jay had ordered both of them hot chocolate with the whip creme on top.

"Well honestly you didn't miss much since we went over popping and everyone knows you are the queen of popping."

Jay gave her a wink as he took a sip from his hot chocolate burning his tongue at the same time. Minzy laughed at his misfortune while wiping the whip creme on the side of his face. Jay's face turned a hint of red and he looked into Minzy's eyes.

"Thanks for saying that I was the queen of popping. And I'm glad that I didn't miss much. I would have gone crazy if I did."

Minzy made it as if it was nothing special with what she just did to Jay, but to Jay it made his heart beat like crazy however he pulled it off and acted normally.

"Well if you did miss anything important I guess I would just have to help you out." Minzy only laughed and nodded her head while thanking him again. 

At the same time Chaerin had walked in the cafe wanting to get an ice coffee when she sees Minzy and a guy sitting together. After getting her drink she walked over to them and said hello curious to who the guy Minzy was with.

"Unnie!" Minzy looks up at Chaerin happy to see her. Jay looks at Chaerin and simply smiles and nods. Chaerin in the other hand was shocked to see that the guy Minzy was with was Jay Park. 

"Sorry if I disturbed the two of your guys date." Chaerin was slightly hoping that she was wrong and held her breath.

"Oh we aren't on a date unnie. Jay is just my friend."

Jay was hurt to hear that Minzy only thought of him as a friend, but kept on smiling. Chaerin was smiling happy to hear that there was nothing going on between them, but quickly stopped smiling when she remembered that Jay was one of the guys that wanted to court Minzy. Luckily for her Jay wasn't one of the guys that made it to the final four.

"Don't forget you are also my Minnie."

"Minnie?" Chaerin was already sitting down and raised her eyebrow at the cute pet name Jay had called Minzy.

"Oh yeah. Jay calls me Minnie while I call him Mickey. We just started calling that to each other after our first meeting. It's pretty funny since Minnie and Mickey are together, but Jay and I are just really good friends."

Jay was hurt again after hearing the words friends coming out of Minzy twice. Chaerin looked over at Jay and saw the pain flash across his face, but quickly disappear knowing that he is only smiling so Minzy wouldn't worry or find out about his feelings towards her. Seeing that pained expression for a slight moment made Chaerin's heart also ache.

"Well what are you two doing here?" Chaerin wanted to change the subject seeing that Jay was about to break his facade.

"Oh my gosh unnie you wouldn't guess, but I actually missed my class so I had to call oppa to fill me in on what I missed." Jay had stay silent only nodding his head at whatever Minzy was saying.

"Why did..." Chaerin was cut off when she saw Minzy's phone rang.

"Oh sorry let me just get this." 

Minzy walked off leaving Chaerin and Jay to themselves. She had looked down at her phone and saw that it was Amber calling her. She quickly picked it up when she finally was alone.

"Am what's wrong?"

"Min I need to see you. I have to talk to you." 

Minzy could hear the soft sobs on the other line and her heart broke. She was worried about Amber and was mad at whoever made Amber cry.

"Where are you I'll go to you?"

"Our place." Amber was stuttering, but Minzy knew Amber well enough to know what she had said. Minzy quickly ended the call as she left the cafe in a rush getting into a cab. 

While in the cab Minzy sent a text to Chaerin telling her how sorry she was, but something had came up and to also tell Jay that she was sorry.

"Uhm Jay.."

"You can call me oppa." Jay gave her his smile that made Chaerin's heart beat erratically.

"So what were you going to tell me?" Chaerin was pulled out of her thoughts and cleared .

"Oh well Minzy just texted me that something had came up and that she was sorry to have left without saying goodbyes." Jay nodded his head slightly sad that Minzy had to go. Chaerin saw the disappointment, but hoped that Jay would still accompany her.

"Well I guess it'll just be you and me. We haven't really talked to each other have we?" 

Chaerin smiled widely as Jay kept on talking and replying back to whatever he had asked. From a third person's point of view it looked like a date and that is exactly what one person thought it was. It broke his heart into many pieces seeing Chaerin smiling and laughing with another guy that wasn't him. He held two drinks and one of them was her favorite, but only put it into the trash as he walked out of the cafe as he couldn't handle the sight anymore.

Minzy told the taxi driver to go as fast as he could and when she finally reached her apartment she threw the money while running out of the cab not caring for the change. She rushed up the stairs and pretty much burst the door open only to run into Amber's room to see her in a fetal position.

Minzy went up to her and pulled Amber into her embrace. She let Amber cry into her chest while Amber's back trying to soothe and calm her down. Minzy whispered into Amber's ear caring words. Minzy kept on going and even sang to Amber. When she finally felt Amber calming down and didn't hear the sobs anymore she looked down to see Amber peacefully sleeping in her arms. Minzy touched Amber's face swiping the remaining tears that were on her face.

"What happened to you Am?" Minzy had layed Amber down while she kept her into her arms. Minzy knew that Amber wouldn't want Minzy to leave plus Amber really likes the warmth of Minzy whenever she feels down. After making sure Amber would be comfortable Minzy had also fallen asleep.



Teehee here you go. I actually wanted to put this out sooner, but had stuff to do. Weird how I'm finally in summer break, but I still have things to do -_-. So I hope you guys like this update. And thanks to everyone who has subscribed and have been commenting down what you think ^_^

So who do you think was the guy that saw Chaerin and Jay together?

What happened to Amber?

What made Dara feel bad?

Please put your comments on what could have happened. Love you <3333

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*