Right Next To You

Breaking the Norms

"Taemin oppa."

It was hard for Taemin to look at Minzy, but at the same time it was impossible for him to look away. Minzy's lips were still a bit wet from the kiss she recieved from Yongguk which made Taemin more heated. He tightened up his jaw and narrowed his eyes towards Yongguk trying to hold in his anger.


Taemin holds out the tissues and ice cream towards Minzy, without breaking his eye contact with Yongguk. Not knowing what to do, Minzy grabs the things and looks back and forth from Taemin to Yongguk afraid of what will happen. Minzy has never seen Taemin act like this before, not even when he broke up with Naeun.



"It's over." 

Taemin didn't try to fight it nor did he try to convince her. He just stared back at Naeun waiting for her to say more. Naeun just shakes her head and smiles sadly towards Taemin.

"Goodbye, Taemin."

Naeun walks away hoping for Taemin to chase after her just like what he used to do after every fight, but now it was different, way different. She knew that if she didn't break it off they would only be hurting more. Taemin wouldn't break up with her because he had no problems or to be more percise, he didn't care. Naeun on the other hand was deeply in love, but saw the emptiness that were in Taemin's eyes. 

The love and care they had for each other slowly went away for Taemin. He didn't even notice it until they got into constant fights about it. For a year they have gone out and now a week before Taemin's birthday Naeun finally decided to end it. Walking away from Taemin was the hardest Naeun could do with each step a piece of her heart broke, tears fell from her eyes seeing all the good memories they once shared disappearing.

Taemin felt his face to see if he was crying, but felt nothing. He didn't know if he was sad or relieved. He stares Naeun's retreating figure and can tell she was crying since she always had her back hunched a little bit and her head low. He takes out his phone and dials the one person he knows that could help him.


As soon as she heard his voice she knew that something was wrong with him.

"Meet me at our spot." 

Before Minzy could say anything or ask him what was wrong, Taemin had already hung up. Minzy looked up at the time and saw that it was really late. She fought within herself wondering if she should go meet up with him or not. In the end she ran to meet him. 

Taemin sat down in front of the tree waiting patiently for Minzy. It was a spot for both of them to just think about things or meet up whenever one has a problem. It's a big tree on the edge of the river where it was pretty secluded. As soon as he heard footsteps he turned his head to see Minzy running towards him. A smile crept up on his face without even knowing. 

"Oppa! What's wrong?"

Minzy's face was red from running, her hair in a mess, and you could see the sweat dripping down her forehead. Taemin laughed to himself and pulled out his handkerchief, wiping the sweat of Minzy's face.

"You didn't have to run, I would have waited for you patiently since I knew I called you so suddenly." 

"Yeah well if you hadn't hung up on me like that then I would have been more relaxed, but you never hang up on me so I got really worried."

Minzy plopped herself down next to Taemin catching her breath. After finally getting back her breath she finally realized how close Taemin was to her face. Her breath hitched seeing Taemin's clear brown eyes, but she knew she had to hold back from touching it since Taemin had a girlfriend, well ex.

"Next time I won't hang up on you then. Sorry." Minzy simply nodded her head looking away embaressed on how close they were. 

"So anyways, what's wrong?"

"Naeun and I broke up."

If a heart can burst out of a person's body, that would be what's happening to Minzy's heart. She felt sad, but somewhat happy that they broke up. Minzy liked Naeun, but at the same time disliked her. Her emotions were going haywire, confused on what she was really feeling about the situation. After calming down her emotions she looks back to Taemin expecting to see a heartbroken face, but instead only saw content. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." But was Minzy really sorry?

"Don't be, because I'm not." Minzy only looked at him questioningly wondering why he would say that.

"But why not? You guys went out for more than a year and you guys break up a week before your birthday. Aren't heartbroken?"

Taemin looked at Minzy trying to figure out if he really was okay. The more he looked at Minzy the more he knew that his breakup with Naeun didn't affect him at all. It seemed as if their relationship never happened. With that sudden though he felt bad for Naeun since he knew how much she cherished their relationship. Maybe all this time his relationship with Naeun was one-sided. 

"Taemin? Are you okay? Tell me what you are thinking of?"

"I feel bad." That was all that he said. He didn't finish his whole thought afraid that Minzy will question further.

"Of course you would. Why don't we get some ice-cream then?" Seeing Minzy's smile made Taemin smile with joy.

It took them awhile to get the ice-cream since the only store that was open was a few blocks away. Once they got to the store Minzy couldn't decide which ice-cream she wanted.

"What's wrong?"

"Well my favorite is cookies nd creme(don't know if that really is her favorite sorry if I'm wrong), but I'm feeling like having mint."

Taemin simply chuckled and looked at the other choices and finally took one out hoping she would like it.

"Well what about this?"

Minzy beamed at the choice Taemin picked. In his hands was a carton of cookies nd creme mint version. 

"Wah I never knew they had this kind of ice-cream! Thanks oppa!"

It was cute seeing Minzy acting like a little child. Taemin felt warm inside seeing Minzy so happy. 

"Well I'll get us both this ice-cream then."


Minzy followed Taemin to the counter while eating her ice-cream since she really wanted to try it. She liked it so much that she made it her new favorite. As Taemin handed over the money he just looked down at Minzy with a happy face. They were both looking at each other until the cashier said something that made them both flush.

"Here's your change sir and you two are a cute couple."

Minzy chocked on her ice-cream while Taemin just covered his face.

"We aren't a couple. She's just my bestfriend."

"Oh sorry."

Hearing what Taemin said broke Minzy's heart. She always had a liking to Taemin, but kept to herself because he was in a relationship and was afraid to ruin their friendship. Now she knows that he only sees her as a bestfriend and nothing more. At that exact moment was the moment Minzy forced herself to get over her feelings for her "bestfriend". 



"Thanks oppa. You got my favorite ice-cream."

Minzy tried to make the atmoshpere much lighter. She couldn't really understand why Taemin and Yongguk were glaring each other down.

"Why are you here Yongguk?" Taemin's teeth were gritted and his eyebrows were knitted together.

"I'm here for Minzy, so you can go now." Yongguk answered him with a smirk, daring him to say something else.

"I think the person that should leave is you, since I'm her bestfriend and this is OUR spot."

Taemin and Yongguk were getting closer and closer which made Minzy scared. She wanted them to stop whatever was going on between, but didn't know how since she didn't know what the problem was.

"Exactly, you are just her BESTFRIEND. So why not be a pal and leave us two alone." 

Yongguk put his arms around Minzy bringing her close to him while Taemin tightened his fist. 

"Get your filthy hands off of Minzy."

Taemin pushed him off which made Yongguk fall and Minzy utterly surprised that the calm and sweet Taemin could do that to someone, especially to a guy like Yongguk. Taemin took Minzy's arm and pulled her up next to him.

"Come on Minzy let's go."

Before he could drag Minzy away he was pulled back by Yongguk.

"First you ruin our moment together and now you are going to take her away from me. Hell no! This is Minzy's and my time to hang out and talk about , so you can back the off."

This time it was Yongguk who pushed Taemin. Seeing the two of the guys Minzy felt really annoyed, for some reason she felt as if she was a possesion rather than a human being. She was getting pulled left and right making her sick. She felt Yongguk's arms around her waist and felt uncomfortable with the way he was so close to her. Taemin didn't notice how Minzy was feeling because he was getting distracted with Yongguk's arm around Minzy's waist.

"What did I ing tell you about your filthy hands?!?" 

Yongguk was pushed once more by Taemin and actually fell to the floor.

"I thought you were strong, but you fell down after my small little push."

"Oh I'll show you how strong I am!"

Minzy sees Yongguk jumping off the ground and flew straight to Taemin with his arm swung back ready to punch Taemin. It was all happening so fast that, the next thing Minzy sees is Taemin and Yongguk both on the floor fighting.  She was horrified to see two important guys to her fighting. Minzy tried pulling Yongguk off of Taemin, but only got pushed back. She fell pretty hard to the floor and screamed at the guys.

"Can you guys ING STOP!" The boys immediately stopped fighting and saw that Minzy was on the floor about to cry. They both ran over to her and helped her up disappointed that they made her cry.

"I don't need you two to fight. I have my own problems. Yongguk thank you for being here for me, but right now I need to talk to my stupid bestfriend."

Yongguk didn't try to fight it since Minzy was the one that told him to go and for the fact that as Minzy was saying it she was wiping her eyes.

"Sorry Minzy." Before Yongguk left he kissed Minzy on the cheek and wiped the remaining tears she had left on her face. 

As soon as Yongguk left Minzy stared or glared at Taemin for acting the way he did. Taemin could only look down embaressed, he looked back up only to see Minzy gone. He hit himself for acting the way he did.

"Now she hates me."

Taemin slumped down to the ground pissed off at how the situation played out. He knew he could have handled that much better than how he did. 

", , , !" He constantly hit himself on the head for not thinking smart.

"If you hit your head anymore you'll get more stupid."

He looks up to see Minzy with bandages and medicine. 

"Why did you pick a fight you knew you wouldn't able to handle. 'I thought you were strong, but you fell down after my small little push.'" 

Minzy mocked Taemin while she was cleaning up his wounds which added to it emotionally.

"Seriously Tae you aren't even that strong. And the small little push you said you did was actually a push with all your strength in it. You shouldn't talk if you can't back it up. Yongguk is really strong and really nice. So I don't know what made you guys even get into that predicament, but I better not hear or see it happen again."

Taemin nodded his head in agreement while Minzy put the last bandage on the corner of his lips. Now they were only staring at each other since the ice-cream that Taemin got for her has already melted and was ruined since she dropped it when Taemin pulled her.

"Why did you even do it Tae?"

Minzy looked at Taemin trying to figure out why her bestfriend did such a thing. Taemin looked back afraid to answer her. 

"You can tell me. Was it because you saw us kissing?"

Taemin couldn't look at her in the eyes anymore and nodded his head.

"Do you not like Yongguk?" Nod.

"Would you have been okay with him if you hadn't seen us kiss?" Nod.

"Is it cause I'm like your little sister and you don't want to see just any guy kissing your sister?"

This time Taemin looked up at Minzy and made eye contact with her while shaking his head no.

"I have never thought of you as my little sister." Minzy was caught off guard by Taemin suddenly speaking, but quickly composed herself.

"So it's because I'm your bestfriend and you are being over protective?" Shake.

"Yeah your my bestfriend, but that isn't why I was so mad about you two kissing. I was mad because some other guy was kissing you. I want to be the only one kissing you. Can't you see Minzy?"

Minzy shook her head trying to put it all together.

"What are you saying?"

Taemin lowered his head down only to raise it up again looking straight into her eyes, which made Minzy slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm in love with you."

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*