I'm Hurt Also!

Breaking the Norms

It was quiet for Amber. Instead of going back with the rest of f(x) she went back to her apartment. Everything was going so wrong for her that day. She looks around the apartment and sees flashes of Dara laughing, smiling, and Dara holding her. Then the image of Dara laying on the hospital bed lifeless replaced all the happy ones. 

"Why can't I be there for her? Why am I so ing useless!" 

Amber was lost in deep thought a self loathing that she didn't even notice someone entering her apartment. The girl looked helplessly at Amber so hurt by what has happened. She went over to Amber surprising the girl with a sudden embrace.

"You don't have to be by yourself. You know I'm here."

The girl kept Amber in her arms, despite being cussed at by Amber for not leaving her alone. She only took the blows and kept her hold on Amber's trembling body. The girl knew that Amber wasn't only crying about Dara's situation, something more had happened, but was afraid to break Amber anymore. After an hour of crying into the girls arms, amber finally calmed down and looked up at the person she least expected to be there for her.

"What are you doing here Sulli?"

"I got worried when you told us that you weren't coming back with us. Once I got here the door was unlocked."

"Obviously there was a reason why I didn't come back with you guys."

Amber turned away from Sulli frustrated that someone actually checked up on her. Even though she was happy that someone cared, Amber still wanted to be left alone.

"You don't have to go through this by yourself Amber. I'm here for you"

Sulli tried to bring Amber back into her arms, but only got pushed back, almost falling off the couch. 

"I didn't ask for you help Sul!"

Amber once again was taking her anger out on Sulli. She saw the fear and sadness that washed over Sulli's eyes. Amber mentally hit herself for scaring and hurting Sulli once more. 

It just didn't help Amber that whenever she saw Sulli she would see the image of her and Krystal kissing. It's embeded deeply into Amber's mind not finding a way out. To make matters worse was that it happened just recently so everything that Amber felt at that  moment kept on coming back.

To add to being confused with being in love with Krystal and the whole situation she also had to deal with her parents coming back. Not only her parent's, but Suzy wanted to talk to her in private also. It seemed as if today was over Amber day. 

No matter what she did it seems that Amber could not get a break. One moment she would be fine and smiling again, but the next moment something tragic happens. It's as if one smile equals a bunch load of hurt. Amber was lost deep in her thoughts to not even notice that Sulli had already started crying.

After getting her thoughts together Amber looked up at Sulli to be greeted by a crying face. Worry was instantly seen on Amber's face as she quickly grabbed Sulli into her arms.

"Sul I'm so sorry. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry. Shhh."

Amber held Sulli close into her arms trying to calm the girl. 

"I know you didn't mean it, but damn it Amber. Why am I always the person that get's the short end of your fuse. Why?"

Sulli pushed Amber away from her and got up. She hated the fact that everytime Amber got mad she would be the one to get the heat the most. She only wanted to cheer Amber up, but instead gets talked down to and feels like after. Yet even after all of that Sulli still cheers up Amber. 

I'd rather be the one to hurt than you hurt yourself. Sulli used to say that to herself everytime Amber took her anger out on her, but now she was also hurt by what has happened.

"You know you're not the only one whose hurt right now. I love Dara also and am pissed off at the fact that this happened to her. Sorry for being worried for my friend. Sorry that I wanted to be with you and also forget what has happened. Sorry to think that coming here would make both of us feel better. But more importantly sorry for careing at all!"

Amber was shocked to hear Sulli speak out like that. She was speechless and didn't know what to say. Seeing the slient Amber only made Sulli more mad. All the pent up frustration she had from getting knocked down by Amber has come to this. 

"I'm always there for you ready to catch you, but everytime I'm there you trample over me. Instead of catching you, you use me as a step to make you feel better. Before I never really minded that you took your anger out on me since at least you aren't hurting, but this is different. Not only am I devestated, you are also making me feel like . As if what I'm doing is pointless and I should just stop. But I'll never stop and that's what makes me so irritated with myself. That I hope that you could see that I'm there to help you back up. Not for you to bring me down while you go up."

Amber felt horrible for putting Sulli through that. Now she thinks back to all those times Sulli has been there for her and how many times she had made her feel like . Not only Sulli, but the rest of her friends who may have been at the end of her frustration. 

The only thing she could think of doing was go up to Sulli and just pulled her back into her arms. Trapping her. Sulli tried to wiggle her way out or push Amber, but was not match for Amber's strength.

"I don't know how many times I'll have to say it, but I'm sorry Sul. I really am."

"You always say that Amber everytime. When are you actually going to mean it."

Sulli buried her face into Amber's chest with fresh new tears in her eyes. This time Amber was also crying since she never meant to hurt Sulli this much. 

"I promise I'll never take my anger out on you again. I swear."

"How is this promise any different? I don't want any promises Am."

"Then what is it? I'll do anything."

Amber tightened her hold on Sulli afraid that she will lose her. She didn't know why she was so afraid of losing Sulli. They weren't together and she sees Sulli as a little sister, but is that really all?

"Tell me the reason why I'm always getting the short end of your anger."

Their eyes met with each other looking for answers, Amber afraid to say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing. 

"Because I know you're strong enough to take it and still care for me to check up on me again the next time."

"What if next time I'm not so strong and never come back?"

"Then I'll just have to come to you. And if you still leave then I'll just keep coming back to you until you come back to me."

It came out of Amber so smoothly. It's as if she was talking to the one person she loved ready to fight for the girl not afraid to see them leave since she'll just go after them, like in those cheesy sappy dramas that they would watch together. Amber knew that Sulli's favorite drama would especially be Secret Garden. 

"It's so hard Amber."

Sulli was close to telling her real feelings for Amber, but knew to keep it to herself. What Amber said just now made it much more hard for Sulli to keep her feelings in check.

She has seen the way Amber has looked at Krystal and has tried getting closer to her. Everytime she saw that it would break her heart, but still knew to keep a smile on her face. But the smile on her face became more and more fake. One day she knew that Amber will notice it and will ask questions and when that day comes their friendship will never be the same.

"What is so hard? Is it that hard being friends with me Sul?"

Sulli shook her head no, not just to say no to Amber's questions, but to also get all of her thoughts away from her emotions.

"You are one of my bestfriends Am. You will always be. Why don't we just stop talking about this and eat something?"

Amber could see that Sulli was trying to avoid the conversation and tried to figure out why Sulli didn't want to really talk about it. There was also something else that Amber felt when Sulli said bestfriends, it's as if her heart got stabbed with something little, not so noticable, but it still pricked. Sull on the other hand had a hard time saying the word and actually admitting to herself that it may only be friendship that will ever happen between them.

"Sure what do you want to eat?"

"Do you have any ice-cream?"

"Yeah I'll go get it."

As Amber went to the kitchen she could still hear Sulli's soft whimpers as she sat down on the couch. Hearing that made Amber's heart constrict. 

"I'm not the only one whose hurt right now." 

Before Amber went back to Sulli she had said that to herself while remebering not to make Sulli cry again.

"Here's some ice-cream this is the only flavor we had."

"It's all good. Why don't we just sit down while enjoying our delicious ice-cream."

It made Amber happy to see Sulli smiling and being her happy self again. Seeing the smile made Amber smile also. 

Even though Sulli had suggested to talk she still remained quiet. Even thought there was nothing being said to one another the atmosphere wasn't awkward at all. The silence wasn't bad at all, but actually pretty calming. 

"So Sul is there anyone that has caught your eye?"

Sulli almost choked on her ice-cream when she heard what Amber said. She didn't know what to say. Should she say the truth or not? An inner battle had happened inside her trying to figure out the best way to answer. After seeing that Amber was still waiting for her answer Sulli just looked straight into Amber's eyes and said.

"The person I love can't see me for their eyes are on someone else."



So this chapter was suppose to be with the other chapter, but I thought that the Taemin and Minzy chapter was already long by itself. I'm not sure if this is long also or short so I'm sorry for everyone who has waited for Amber's chapter and are disappointed by it. *bow


So What do you guys think. Taemin has confessed his love for Minzy, but now has to fight for her love with Yongguk. Plus there is also Daesung and one mystery guy. Who could that last guy be? dun dundun. 

While on the other side Amber is slowly realizing her feelings for Sulli? Or is she still only in love with Krystal? Will Sulli eveer tell Amber how she feels and did Amber get the hint?"

Anyways thank you for waiting and reading my story. I love you guys! If you haven't subscribed you please do ^_^ and if you already have subscribed please comment on what you think and also answer the questions if you want =D 


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*