
Breaking the Norms


"Hey Minzy what was the first thing you thought of me when you first saw me?"
Minzy was caught of guard by Amber's question and had to take time to think of the first time she met Amber.
Minzy was walking towards her apartment filled with anxiety and excitement. She didn't know how her roommate was going to look like since all she knows is by the person's voice and that the person is a girl. Minzy was turning the corner when she spots a guy standing in front of her apartment. She quickens her pace to make sure if it was really her apartment he was standing in front of. As she came closer she was now sure that it was her apartment. 
"May I help you?" Minzy clears so the boy can acknowledge her.
The guy turns around and Minzy had a shock of her life. It wasn't a boy, but actually a girl. You can't really tell, but Minzy saw the features that would indicate that the person isn't a boy, but a girl since boys don't have S.
"You must be my roommate. I'm Amber." Minzy sees Amber extending her hand out to her, but Minzy is still shocked that this girl looks so much like a guy. 
Sensing that something was wrong Amber puts her hands down and scratches the back of her head. Amber saw the confused and shocked expression on Minzy the minute she turned around.
In all honesty she was slightly hurt, but she was already used to that kind of reaction. In all her life there was never one person who didn't think she was a girl in their first meeting. 
Amber gives an awkward cough to get Minzy back on Earth.
Minzy looks up and felt bad when she saw Amber's embarrassed and sad look. She felt bad to act like that in front of Amber. What Amber doesn't know is that Minzy wasn't thinking anything bad actually Minzy was checking out Amber. But Minzy would never tell Amber that the first time they met so instead she smiles at Amber and takes out her hand.
"Sorry about my behavior. My name is Minzy and it's great to meet you Amber."
Amber looks up and smiles back at Minzy while shaking her hand.
"Do you really want to know llama?" Amber laughs at Minzy's nickname for her and played along.
"Yes stitch I do." Minzy laughs back at Amber hearing her nickname.
Minzy turns red realizing that she will finally confess to Amber about how she felt the first time she saw Amber. Her red cheecks did not go unnoticed by Amber which made her turn red also. 
"It's okay stitch I already know what you thought of me."
"You do?" Minzy was surprised and slightly not convinced that Amber would really know.
"Yeah it's the same with everyone." Amber says waving her hands like she doesn't really mind, but she really does.
"If you know then tell me?" Minzy asked making sure that they were on the same page.
"You thought I was a boy and was surprised to find out I was a girl. Then you thought how can a girl look so much like a boy that's weird." 
Minzy felt bad that Amber thought that that was what everyone thought of her the first time they met. She thinks that everyone else probably had the same thought of her rather than the one Amber thinks.
"Amber you are so wrong. I mean you were right when I thought you were a boy, but the rest is absolutely wrong. And I have to add that everyone you met probably had the same thought as me more than what you think."
Amber scrunches her eye brows together and looks at Minzy.
"Really now? Then tell me what you thought of me."
Minzy coughs out the water she was drinking surprised that Amber still wanted to know.
"Well uhmmm...." Amber couldn't help, but smile at Minzy who was clearly flustered by the question.
"Come on stitch don't be scared."
Minzy lets out a sigh and stares at Amber. She knew this day was going to come, but she still hoped that there would be a chance that she wouldn't have to confess.
"Fine. Well the first time I saw you I thought you were a boy so I came over to you, but when you turned around I was really surprised to see that you were a girl. The reason why I was so out of it when you tried introducing me was because I couldn't believe how handsome you were yet beautiful at the same time. When I thought you were a boy I rushed over to you because you were my type, but when I realized you were a girl I still felt attracted to you. The whole time in my mind I was checking you out."
Minzy said it all out and took a sip of her water since her face became really red and she was flustered to the point that she started to sweat a little. Amber had to take in everything that Minzy said and instantly turned bright red when realization hit her.
Amber hid her face in her hands embarrassed by what Minzy had said about her. Minzy finally finished taking a sip from her water when she looked at Amber's flushed face. She let out a low chuckle.
"Wow..." Amber finally was able to let out a word.
"Come one llama stop hiding your face."
"Why so you can check me more out?" Amber says in a playful tone.
Minzy laughs at Amber and hits her on the arm.
"Please llama. You may have been my type, but that's if you were a boy. I love you, but that love is
only sisterly bestfriend type of love."
"Ouch friend zoned." Amber says pretending to be hurt while clutching her chest.
"Oh you shush! You feel the same way about me."
Amber looks at Minzy and gives her a full smile with a big hug.
"That's true. Thanks for thinking like that." Amber said breaking off the hug while looking at Minzy intently.
If you were to look at this from a third person's pov you will think that Minzy and Amber were a couple about to kiss. Amber's arms were still slightly holding Minzy while Minzy had her arms around Amber's waist. Their faces were so close to each other that if wind had blown they would have kissed each other. But that was just how close the two were. Nothing romantic between them, but just pure friendship. They would take a bullet for one another without even thinking about it.
Don't be mistaken though. Even though Minzy was straight she wouldn't be able to deny that her attraction to Amber had her questioning her uality sometimes, but that was before they became as close as they were now. The same goes for Amber. The first time Amber saw Minzy she automatically became attracted to Minzy. Amber wasn't just physcially attracted to Minzy, but also emotionally. 
At the start of them being roommates it was very awkward between them since Minzy wasn't used to being liked by the same . She had found out that Amber liked her when she accidenlty caught Amber ing while shouting out her name. Minzy had a long talk with Amber about that night.
"Hey llama remember when I caught you ing while thinking about me."
Amber lets out a hearty laugh and nods her head.
"How can I forget? That was the night where I realized that I shouldn't hide my true self anymore. I really have to thank you about that."
"That was the night I found out that you were lesbian. That night was a new point in our friendship. From friendship to bestfriends."
"Mhmm yeah."
Amber and Minzy both had a smile on their faces as they both went back to time at that life changing moment for both of them.
Minzy slowly walked into the apartment she shared with Amber not wanting to wake her up. She had told Amber that she was going to sleep over at Dara's, but something came up so she had to come home. She walked in front of Amber's room thinking if she should check if Amber was awake or not. Minzy walked away, but suddenly heard Amber's voice calling her name. Thinking that Amber was calling her name to talk Minzy walked into her room only to get shocked.
Minzy stood frozen at the door as she saw Amber pleasuring herself while calling out her name. Amber looks up and became flushed and quickly covered herself up.
"Minzy I can explain." Amber starts to get dressed and walked over to Minzy, but Minzy backed away from her.
"I'm really sorry Min. I didn't want you to see me like this. I wanted to tell you, but I never wanted you to find out like this. I love you Min." Amber had tears rolling down her face. She really liked Minzy not just romantically, but also as a really good friend. The reason why she never courted Minzy was because she didn't want their friendship to be ruined.
Minzy felt her heart hurt as she saw Amber crying in front of her. Even though Amber showed her emotions very easily it was also hard for her to cry since not a lot of things makes her cry. Her tears are what made Minzy realize that Amber really didn't mean for this to happen. She also knows that you can't have control over your feelings. 
She went over to Amber and pulled her into a hug. Minzy patted Amber's back telling her that everything is okay.
"'s fine. I understand. You can't control who you like and it just happened to be like this. I don't hate you and I'm flattered that you see me like this, but I'm straight. I won't lie to you there are times when I sometimes question my uality because of you. Sometimes I think of you like that also, but everytime I do I see a boy version of you, never the girl version. I love you Am, but only as a friend. Please understand."
Amber cried harder because she knew that, but still kept on going with the feelings. She was happy that Minzy understood and accepted it, but she still couldn't help feel her heart break being turned down. She just pulls Minzy off of her and looks at Minzy's eyes only to see the love in it. But her eyes can't lie. It shows all the love Minzy has for a friend.
"Am can I tell you something?"
Amber just nodds her head without looking at Minzy.
"I don't think you really love me like that. I feel you are mistaking this love as romantically. I know you love me, but I feel that you love me the same way I love you, as bestfriends. I think you had the same problem as me. You found me physically attractive, but that's it. It's not emotional and I can prove that to you."
Amber looks at Minzy confused. She knows her feelings for Minzy are more than friends, but what Minzy said doesn't seem too off from what she feels. It's true that she finds Minzy extremely attractive, but was it also emotional? Amber was thinking of that question when Minzy suddenly kissed Amber on the lips. It wasn't just a peck, but a full on smooch.
Once Minzy finsihed she looked at Amber waiting for her reaction. Amber on the other hand was more confused. She had fantasized countless times Minzy kissing her, but when it actually happens she felt nothing. There was no spark, no fireworks, and more importantly her heart didn't skip a beat.
"There was nothing. I felt nothing."
"Ouch much. And here I thought I was a good kisser." Minzy says while smiling at Amber.
Amber only laughs at Minzy catching on to her joke. At that moment she knew that her love for Minzy was only as friends. Her broken heart wasn't because of Minzy denying her, but the uncertantity of their friendship that might be broken because of her feelings. And since now she knows that they will still have their friendship her heart didn't hurt at all. Amber felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
Amber didn't hide anything from Minzy that night and told her straight up about her uality. Minzy listened well and accepted Amber for all that she is. Even if Amber was lesbian she was still Amber. Minzy saw no change whatsoever after hearing about Amber's uality. Amber was happy that Minzy accepted her. The only other person that knew about her uality was Key, but after telling Minzy she felt that she shouldn't hid her true self anymore.
That night a heart was broken and mended all at the same time. Bonds were made stronger. Amber found that it's okay to be herself while Minzy found out that although someone may be different from you that doesn't make them anything less.

Well thank you for suscribing to my story. Here is the first chapter that I'm very late on putting up. I deeply apologize for that. I just want to remind that this is NOT  a Minber story. This is the only chapter where it will even be close to a Minber romantic moment. All the other times will just be friendship. If you haven't noticed the tags, but this will be a Sulber (Sulli & Amber) while I'm not sure who to pair Minzy up with yet. 

So thank you once again and please don't be scared to comment. I love silent readers, but I love commenting readers a lot more ^_^ I really want to know what I can approve on and I love to hear your feedback. 


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*