Scenario 6 (You and Tao)

Magical moments in Disneyland

You are a childhood friend of Tao

Your POV

I missed him, I missed Zitao. Ever since he left to go to Korea to pursue his dream as an idol, I have not stopped missing him. I followed lots of fansites to learn any news about him. He stopped talking to me, since he left. I heard that he was going to be in Disneyland, so I bought plane tickets, just to go and see him.

I see him walking with the members of his group. I want to approach him, but I'm worried that he won't remember me. While I'm lost in my thoughts, I bumped into a very tall person. It was the same person that filled my thoughts everyday. 

"_______? What a pleasant surprise!" He smiled at me, that smile that makes me want to melt.

"You still remember me, Zitao?"

"Of course I remember you! How can I forget you, we've known each other for 15 years" I grin and he grins at me and pulls me into a tight hug. He takes me to a ride, so fans won't hassle us.

"You never called me or even tried to contact me, so I thought you forgot about me........" I look down, waiting for his response.

"I have missed you the moment I got onto the aeroplane, I could never forget you, you will always be in my heart." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. I rested my head on his shoulder. For that one moment, everything was perfect. As soon as the ride ended, I slowly walked away from him, but he grabbed my hand and managed to convince his manager to let me tag along with EXO. The manager even gave me a tag to wear, so people would think I am a staff member.


i'm in such a romantic mood, that i am able to come up with ideas XD

let us know who you want next ^_^

kissmekris <3

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LoveLoveLove01 #1
Chapter 6: please make the next one about Lay~
mortalecstasy #2
Chapter 3: short and sweet...this is great!!! It's such a good idea, basing short stories around Disneyland! This made my day :)
oh! and please make the next chapter either sehun, luhan, or tao! pplleeeaaassseee~~ <3
aaaaaaahhh~~ the first one was so cute!!!!! <3 *giggles* lucky girl. ^-~ keke