Scenario 2 (You and Kris)

Magical moments in Disneyland

You are EXO's Photographer

Your POV

I am back again in Disneyland. It's the second time that I'm in USA, except this time I'm here for work. EXO was running late on schedule and being a girl, I was forced to help the make-up Unnis. I don't see why these flawless boys even need make up. I touched up mine, before helping Kris decide which BB cream to apply.

"Which one to use, the pink one or the purple one?" 

"Um, use the pink one, coz the SPF is higher and it won't smudge that easily" You then realise that a higher SPF is going to cause uneven skin tone, when you take the photo.

"WAIT! Use the purple one, don't want you to look like a ghost when I take photos." He smirked at me.

"Can you help me put it on, since all the mirrors are unavailable?" I sighed and pouted cutely. I dabbed the BB cream on the back of my hand and grabbed a brush and gently dabbed it on his face. God, he looks so flawless, why does he need the BB cream? After applying the BB cream, I patted his face with translucent powder and shooed him out, with the rest of EXO.

I followed the boys, making sure that I wasn't too close, otherwise fans might attack me. I made sure I had my tag on, so that people know I'm a photographer, even though I'm really just an intern photographer. I snapped lots of photos, while fans seemed to watch me enviously.

"Who is she? Why does she get to follow EXO? No fair, I want to follow them!" The fans voices swirled around me, but I didn't care. A fan pushed me to the ground and yelled at me for following EXO. Kris came to my rescue and pulled me to my feet and scolded the fans for pushing me. I showed her and her friends my tag and they started to apologise. Those fans are so shameless, they then tried to hug Kris and get his autograph. I dragged Kris away, while he was just as shameless and winked at the girls, saying his infamous line 'Maybe next time'. I think one of the girls fainted, they are so crazy. He smirked at me again.

"Jealous? I know you want me."

"Yeah right, you crazy maniac! Hurry, don't want Manager Oppa to spank you~" He smirked again. Gaah, his smirk really irritates me.

"_____________ you don't like rollercoasters, don't you?" An evil smile crept on his face.

"No, I don't, so what? I'm just taking photos, not here to go on the rides." He was surprised with my answer.

"I think everyone should be having fun today, including you~" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the Peter Pan ride. I've been on this one before, you sit down and you pretty much fly in the air, but in the dark. The queue was empty and the two of us surprisingly fitted on the one seat, despite Kris's height. The ride began and soon we were "soaring". 

"___________, I like you a lot." With that said he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Eh? You're not trying to toy with me again?"

"No, I'm serious. I dragged you here because it's safer for us to be alone, without anyone interrupting us. The "stars" appeared and I could see his face. We leaned in and kissed on the lips successfully. The ride ended and we skipped happily back to where EXO was.

"Where were you guys? You had us so worried!" grumbled Chanyeol.

"We went on a magical journey~" both of us replied.


Hi, um, suhokissme and I (kissmekris) are sharing this fanfic together, so yeah~ Who do you want the next chapter to be about? Leave your comments down below~

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LoveLoveLove01 #1
Chapter 6: please make the next one about Lay~
mortalecstasy #2
Chapter 3: short and sweet...this is great!!! It's such a good idea, basing short stories around Disneyland! This made my day :)
oh! and please make the next chapter either sehun, luhan, or tao! pplleeeaaassseee~~ <3
aaaaaaahhh~~ the first one was so cute!!!!! <3 *giggles* lucky girl. ^-~ keke