Scenario 5 (You and Chen)

Magical moments in Disneyland

You are a makeup noona

Your POV

My boss made me in charge of putting on makeup on Lay and Chen. Lay is really easy to put makeup on, he sits still and keeps quiet. Although the atmosphere is a bit awkward when you put his makeup on, it's very quick and easy. A bit of concealer to hide his dark circles and he's ready to go and have fun in Disneyland. However Chen is a different situation. He always acts arrogant around me and doesn't seem to respect me. After all, I'm the one who is making him drop dead gorgeous, he should be thankful for me.

"Yah, _______! Hurry up and do my makeup!" 

"I'm still fixing up Lay, go bother Kris or some other person!" He always finds a way to irritate me. I finally apply translucent powder to set the makeup and Lay bows respectfully before leaving. 

"Why can't you be like Lay?!? He's so polite and patient unlike you!" I rush over to Chen, who is playing with his ring.

"About time noona!" I quickly put his bb cream on his already flawless face. Chen has such a nice bone structure, so not much makeup is needed for him. Lucky guy. 

"I look fabulous!"

"Yeah I know, I was the one who did your makeup" You stuck out a tongue at him and he stuck his back at me.

"I may look fabulous now, but you always look beautiful all the time"

"Don't lie, you're not very good at it!" I look away from him, otherwise he'll tease me for blushing. But surprisingly he grabs my hands and looks into my eyes deeply.

"I know I tease you a lot, but that's only because I'm fond of you" And Chen leans in and kisses me on the lips. 

"Why can't you be this nice to me all the time?"

"I can only be nice to you when I'm Kim Jongdae, not when I'm Chen" 

He kissed my hand and left me, just like that. I hate you Chen, but I love you Jongdae!


i love Chen, he's such a troll XD

suhokissme <3

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LoveLoveLove01 #1
Chapter 6: please make the next one about Lay~
mortalecstasy #2
Chapter 3: short and sweet...this is great!!! It's such a good idea, basing short stories around Disneyland! This made my day :)
oh! and please make the next chapter either sehun, luhan, or tao! pplleeeaaassseee~~ <3
aaaaaaahhh~~ the first one was so cute!!!!! <3 *giggles* lucky girl. ^-~ keke